Michael Lawrence Morton's

Matrix Message #57

Take The Three Prime Meridians ...

Take the three prime meridians, and put them in a pie ...Earth, Mars, and Ecliptic in the Sky .

Cook at 2000 A.D. once upon this time ... Geo-measure and bring together, Feel the harmony of the cosmic rhyme.

The Great Pyramid marks the Earth, And The D&M does it on Mars. Alnitak's the marker of Mary Anne ... And now we have the stars.

2000 / 248.0502134 = 250 / Cube of Pi.

2000 / 27.58106915 = 22190.55999 / Pi to the 5th Power.

2000 / 43.63323131 = 144 / Pi.

Two-thousand is a nice round number ... Duality, polarity, and the double of One. As good a time as any, to have such fun.

"22190.55999" is recognized as a decimal harmonic of Munck's

"Master Giza Longitude" ... TIMES 3 ... TIMES the Cube of 10.

7.396853329 X 3 X 1000 = 22190.55999 ].

That's 7.396853329 arc-seconds East of the present Earth prime meridian. That would be a straight line drawn due north/south ... through the apexes of those 3 little 4-sided pyramids situated just a bit to the east of The Great Pyramid.

Take the 3 numerators of those Pi-based denominators (as shown above). Multiply the 2 smallest numerators ...

250 X 144 = 36000.

Now divide that product by the other numerator ... 36000 / 22190.55999 = 1.62231147

That figure is the Grid POINT Value of "The Water Well" in Miami (Morton, 1999).

It's in someone's backyard ... and I've seen it myself. It's the southwestern corner-point of something I call "The Miami Square".

It's two-pi over the Grid POINT Value (Morton, 1999) of The Miami Circle. [ 6.283185307 / 3.872983346 = 1.62231147 ].

The side-length of this "Miami Square" is 2062.648063 Feet. I call that figure "Pi Face" ... because ... PiFace = 3.141592654 X 656.56127 = 2062.648063 ... and the Grid POINT Value (right on the nose) of The Face at Cydonia on Mars, is ... 656.56127 (Munck, 1991).

-- Michael Lawrence Morton (c) copyright 1999

Forwarding and copying of this little article is encouraged, provided you include the copyright. (Thanks ... MLM). P.S. Winter Solstice and '2000 Pi ... 'mmmmmm ... good' !

-- Michael L. Morton