Messages from Michael L. Morton

Galactic Center, Solar Apex, MINTAKA, ALNILAM, and ALNITAK ..

Just found ...

I'm using Grid POINT Values of ...

Galactic Center, Solar Apex, MINTAKA, ALNILAM, and ALNITAK ..

all as of January 1, 2000. { Morton, Internet }.


Plus ... I'm using Grid POINT Value of .. The White House (Morton, 1999).


Plus .. I'm using Grid LAT of 'The D&M Pyramid' at Cydonia on Mars

(Munck, 1992).

Here you are ...


G-Center X S-Apex X Orion Belt Composite X Giza Pyramids Composite ..

= 'D&M Pyramid' Grid LAT X The White House.


... "in other language" ....


35.53057584 X 2.842446068 X 7.957747155 X 97.33868822 ..

= 9929.184894 X 7.87873524

Also note ... "97.33868822" is a precise match of the diameter of

the Sarsen Circle of Stonehenge (Munck, 1992) in_regular_feet.


9929.184894 North ..

= 40 (deg) X 52 (min) X 4.773646584 (sec) North .. on Mars.



(9929.184894 X 7.87873524) / 85788.1575 ..

= 9.118906529 / 10.


"85788.1575" North ..

= 29 (deg) X 58 (min) X 51.00366082 )sec) North ...

which is the latitude at the exact_center_of the apex

of The Great Pyramid of Giza (Morton, 2001, Internet).


"9.118906529" .. Grid POINT Value of The Quetzalcoatl Complex

at Teotihuacan, Mexico (Munck, 1993).



I suggest .. that, rather than demanding a "UFO landing on the lawn

of The White House" .. maybe people need to simply understand how

dramatic the Grid POINT Value_of_The White House is ..

in the archaeo-sky matrix.



-- Michael Lawrence Morton

(c) Copyright 2001 -- Michael Lawrence Morton