Michael Lawrence Morton's

Matrix Message 191

Catalyzation Toward a Higher Level ..

                                       in England During 2001

                   Evidence Toward an "Ideal Fine Structure Constant"
                          -- Michael Lawrence Morton
                                  (c) 2001

 This article (in the form of email, at present) will touch upon some
 crucial findings involved in my work, having to do with what I've called,
 the "Archaeo-Sky Matrix", or ASM. 
 I'd call myself a "generalist", for those who want a short, tidy description
 of my "area of expertise", if you will. I realize that many people still 
 to have such a 'description' at hand, for 'whatever' reasons.
 And I'm essentially an empiricist, although I do seem to have 
 'contributions' coming from a "right brain", as well. 
 I hope such contributions can, and will, continue .. in spite of
 the "political climate" these days.
                                 AVEBURY Crop Formation
                         Found on 20th June, 2001 in Wiltshire, UK
 For a brief description .. go to ..

 For a good photo .. go to ..

 For the latitude/longitude datapage for this crop formation .. go to ..

 This crop formation was found about a day prior to the finding of
 what I have called, the "Solar (Pyramid) Apex" crop formation ..
 which, in turn, was found on the June solstice (21st). This particular
 June solstice involved a solar eclipse, as well, along_with_a longitudinal
 opposition to SOLAR APEX. I wrote an article about this special June,
 2001, solstice/eclipse crop formation .. which you may have received via 

 Here are my "ASM" figures for the AVEBURY, 20th June, 2001 formation ...
 which is what I have assessed to be, the "obviously-intended" ASM 'placement'
 of this crop formation.

 Grid LAT ..
 51 (deg)  X  25 (min)  X  59.96049174 (sec)  North ..
 =  76449.62697  North.
 Grid LONG ..
 32 (deg)  X  57 (min)  X  55.03713177 (sec)  W.Giza ..
 =  100387.7283  W.Giza.
 [ W.Greenwich  01 deg  49 min  54.23713177 sec ].
 Grid POINT Value ..
 100387.7283 / 76449.62697  =  1.31312254

 Note .. this Grid POINT Value is a decimal harmonic of the 'generic'
 Area on a Square .. if you assume a numerical value of 57.29577951
 for a "given" radius. The figure 57.29577951 is the fractional, irrational
 figure .. to 8 decimal places .. of the_number_of degrees-of-arc on a
 circumference of 360 arc-degrees. Of course, 360 is the "conventional"
 number of arc-degrees on one circumference, in "our" geometric system.
 The side-length of such a 'generic' Square would be of 2 radii.
 (2  X  57.29577951)  =  114.591559 (arc-deg).
 Area of a Square  =  side-length Squared ...
 =  (114.591559 X 114.591559)  =  13131.2254  Square arc-degrees.

                CORRELATION TO "The Face" @ Cydonia on Mars

 There is an immediately recognizable correlation, to me as a student
 of the "ASM", involving the Grid POINT Value of "The Face" @ Cydonia
 on Mars. Carl P.Munck, Sr. found it, and self-published it in "The Code",
 1992, as .. 656.56127   It is, numerically, exactly 1/5th of the 'Square' of 
 57.29577951 arc-degrees *Radian-arc* ..
 (57.29577951 X 57.29577951)  =  3282.80635  Square arc-degrees.
 Then ... (3282.80635 / 5)  =  656.56127

 Also .. 656.56127  =  [36 Radians (deg)  /  Pi].

 At this time, I also refer to what I have called, "Miami Square".
 This is an actual square plot of ground, located in Miami, Florida, USA,
 where The Miami Circle is the northeastern 'corner-point' of this square
 plot of land. This square is aligned perfectly to the 4 cardinal points.
 (Morton, 1999, Internet).

 The azimuth from The Miami Circle to the southwestern corner-point
 of this square .. is .. 225 arc-degrees. This southwestern corner-point
 is the exact location of an ancient water well. The ancient well was
 actually pointed-out to me by a personal contact of mine who lives
 in the Miami area. In October of 1999, I physically saw the well-opening,
 and I paced-off the number of feet to the curbsides of the intersecting 
 streets nearest to this ancient water well. I then carefully located the
 spot of the well, on the official USGS topo map .. scale 1 : 24000 ..
 7.5-minute Quad .. and I measured its azimuth from the exact location
 of The Miami Circle, whose "ASM" figures I had already found by then.
 (Morton, 1999, Internet).

 Visiting the actual site of this ancient water well thus confirmed,
 for me, the verbal description of the well's location given to me
 over the telephone by my Miami contact (mentioned earlier).
 My visit to the site in October of 1999 also confirmed for me ..
 the_apparently_planned side-length for this square 'plot' of ground ..
 My visit to the site in October of 1999 also confirmed for me ..
 the_apparently_planned side-length for this square 'plot' of ground ..
 as .. ("Pi  X  The Face") in terms of regular ("British") feet.
 That is .. (3.141592654  X  656.56127)  =  2062.648063 regular feet.
 I thought of that as "Pi Face" .. or .. Pi*Face.

 In 1998, on The Internet, I had put forward my proposed 
 "precisely-intended" length for The Royal Cubit .. 20.62648063
 regular ("British") inches. Again .. it was the 57.29577951 numerical
 value of The Radian (arc), assuming 360 arc-degrees on one circumference,
 that "showed me" the very_likely_"intended" (by the designers/builders)
 value of The Royal Cubit. So .. in a side-length for "Miami Square" ..
 of 2062.648063 regular feet .. I observed a decimal harmonic of the
 value in_inches_for my proposed Royal Cubit length. 
 And, of course, I had the "Pi*Face" going for me, too.
 Surface Area on a Hemisphere  =  2Pi  X  (radius Squared).
 So .. (2 X 3.141592654)  X  (57.29577951 X 57.29577951) ..
 =  20626.48063  Square arc-degrees.  That, of course, is
 the origin of "Pi*Face", and, of The Royal Cubit in regular inches.
 The key is the use of 360 arc-degrees on one circumference.
 Of course, this implies the use of the "360" system in_very_deep
 antiquity. (And on 2 planets).

 I have also proposed that the "intended-length" of the floor of
 "The King's Chamber" within The Great Pyramid of Giza is ..
 20 Royal Cubits of 20.62648063 regular inches per Royal Cubit,
 as opposed to "pyramid inches". This would give a "precisely-intended"
 length of 412.5296125 regular inches, for "The King's Chamber".
 The width of that floor would be .. 206.2648063 regular inches ..
 10 Royal Cubits. (Morton, 1998, Internet). 
 In terms of regular feet, the length of "The King's Chamber" would
 be .. (412.5296125 / 12)  =  34.37746771 regular feet .. 
 a decimal harmonic of the POLAR RADIUS of Earth in
 nautical miles !!  (21,600 / 2Pi)  =  3437.746771 nmi.
 (Morton, 1998, Internet).
 The projected Area of "Miami Square" is .. 
 (2062.648063 X 2062.648063)  =  4254517.032 Sq. Feet ..
 a decimal harmonic of the Grid LAT of the site at Bethlehem,
 (Morton, 1998, Internet) located just several_feet_away from the 
 spot identified by Bruce Cathie, on page 109 of "The Harmonic Conquest
 of Space", as a profoundly-important intersection of latitude and longitude
 in terms of his (B.Cathie's) 'geomagnetic' Earth grid. 
 B.Cathie's assessment of that particular location in Bethlehem,
 ties it precisely to the location of the Church at Rennes-le-Chateau.
 I have (Morton, 1998, Internet) found what I consider to be an 
 "obviously-intended" Grid POINT Value of 2Pi_for_the Church at
 its centered location @ Rennes-le-Chateau in the South of France.
 (2Pi  X  20626.48063)  =  129600 .. the 'generic' Surface Area
 on a TORUS (Morton, 2001, Internet) .. 
 (2Pi) Squared  X  (radius Squared)  =  129600 Sq. arc-degrees.
 { 39.4784176  X  (57.29577951 X 57.29577951)  =  129600 }.

                         BACK TO "MIAMI SQUARE"

 As I posted on The Internet in 1999, I figured-out the "ASM" 
 numbers for the ancient water well's location, in addition to
 the ASM numbers for The Miami Circle. And, I again thank 
 Richard C.Hoagland, for giving me his own GPS-unit measurement
 via telephone, early in February of 1999, for the location of The Miami 
 Of course, I later confirmed the relatively-high accuracy of Richard's 
 reading, by way of the official USGS topographical map .. 7.5-minute
 Series Quad, scale 1 : 24000, along with my on-site observations.
 I was there in mid-February of 1999, and again in October of 1999.     

 Because of the (apparently) precise azimuth of 225 arc-degrees,
 from The Miami Circle to the ancient water well .. I was inspired
 to think in terms of a "Square".  I wondered if maybe the 
 designers/builders had layed-out some sort of "implied", or even
 an 'actual' or 'functional' .. square plot.

 Using the official USGS topo map, I carefully measured-out a
 square plot, converting the arc-seconds on the map to fractional
 inches (a scale ratio) on my ruler .. which is my standard procedure.

 I had the "ASM" figures, to the best of my ability, for The Miami
 Circle and for the ancient water well. I then used my Grid LAT for
 The Miami Circle, as the Grid LAT for the northwestern corner-point
 of the square plot. Also, of course, I used my Grid LONG for the
 ancient water well, as the Grid LONG for the northwestern corner-point.     
 I then did the same procedure to get the "ASM" values for the southeastern

 I wanted a "center-point", too, for this square plot.
 Again, using the official USGS topo map, I measured as best
 I could, and I was able to find a Grid LONG for the center-point,
 of .. believe-it-or-not .. 65656.127 W.Giza ..
 =  111 (deg)  X  19 (min)  X  31.13140209 (sec)  W.Giza.
 [ W.Greenwich  80 deg  11 min  30.33140209 sec ].
 It was the "apparently-obvious intention", as I call it .. of the
 designers/builders, to 'center' this square at a W.Giza Grid LONG
 that_would_be a decimal harmonic of "The Face" @ Cydonia on Mars.
 That's the way I've learned to "think", when it comes to assessing
 sites/structures for possible "ASM" significance.

 Then, it was back to the USGS topo map, to carefully measure,
 in an attempt to find an "ASM-logical" Grid LAT for the center-point.
 I found it to be .. 66523.56505  North ..
 =  25 (deg)  X  45 (min)  X  59.13205782 (sec)  North. 

 The center-point's Grid POINT Value ..
 66523.56505 / 65656.127  =  1.013211837 .. a decimal harmonic of
 the *reciprocal* of (Pi Squared) !! ..

 (1 / 9.869604401)  =  0.101321184 .. to 9 decimal places.

                     AND FOR THE ANCIENT WATER WELL          
 I call this ancient water well, "The Well of Osiris", by the way.

 As I posted around 2 years ago, as of this writing ..
 my "ASM" figures for The Miami Circle ..

 Grid LAT Miami Circle ..
 =  25 (deg)  X  46 (min)  X  9.391304348 (sec)  North ..
 =  10800  North.
 Grid LONG Miami Circle ..
 111 (deg)  X  19 (min)  X  19.83320064 (sec)  W.Giza ..
 =  41828.22014  W.Giza.
 [ W.Greenwich  80 deg  11 min  19.03320064 sec ].
 Grid POINT Value Miami Circle ..
 41828.22014 / 10800  =  3.872983346  .. Square Root of 15.
 (Morton, 1999, Internet).

 How appropriate .. the square root of 15 .. and 15 is the
 esoteric number of "OSIRIS Re-membered" .. all 15 'parts',
 in effect, after ISIS is helped by the great ancient *wisdom*
 of Thoth. It was Thoth's great_knowledge_that helped ISIS
 to become "impregnated" from the "remains" of OSIRIS ..
 thus enabling the birth of HORUS.

 I do think The Miami Circle, itself, is the actual remains of ..
 the so-called "Fountain of Youth". 
 There is something very special about the number 89.
 It is the "alphanumeric sum" of .. OSIRIS .. and, of .. YOUTH.
 "FOUNTAIN" .. alphanumeric sum of .. 100 .. the Square of 10.

 "YOUTH FOUNTAIN" .. (89 + 100)  =  189.
 (189 - 144)  =  45 .. alphanumeric sum of .. "MIAMI". 

 The 45 arc-deg angle . is the angle of a diagonal in a Square.

 I think it is likely that certain "sweet waters" used to come
 "springing-forth" out of the many holes in the porous limestone 
 bedrock at the site of The Miami Circle.
 This phenomenon .. whether "natural" or "artificially-induced" ..
 probably stopped when the Earth shifted circa 10,500 B.C.
 or thereabouts .. when a new axial pole was formed. 
 Could that "sweet water" have had beneficial health properties
 for humans or for "humanoids" ?  Maybe that water had certain
 properties that could actually enhance or "maintain" humanoid
 longevity. I do wonder.
 Grid LAT Ancient Water Well ..
 25 (deg)  X  45 (min)  X  48.92776124 (sec)  North ..
 =  55043.73139  North.
 Grid LONG Ancient Water Well ..
 111 (deg)  X  19 (min)  X  42.34143046 (sec)  W.Giza ..
 =  89298.07684  W.Giza.
 [ W.Greenwich  80 deg  11 min  41.54143046 sec ].
 Grid POINT Value Ancient Water Well ..
 89298.07684 / 55043.73139  =  1.622311471

 Notice .. 89298.07684 is a numerical match of the Grid LAT
 of The Great Pyramid of Giza. (Munck, 1992, "The Code").

 Also .. 55043.73139 is a numerical match of the Grid LAT
 of Monks Mound at Cahokia, Illinois. (Munck, 1992, "The Code").

 Notice the multiplied-product of the Grid POINT Values of
 The Miami Circle and the ancient water well ..
 (3.872983346  X  1.622311471)  =  6.283185309 .. 2Pi.

 Notice, now, how the "ASM" numbers for the northwestern
 and the southeastern corner-points of the "square plot" ..
 interact ..

 First .. I'll give you the ASM Grid LAT and Grid LONG figures ..
 1) NW corner .. (89298.07684 / 10800)  =  8.268340448
 2) SE corner .. (55043.73139 / 41828.22014)  =  1.315947253

 (8.268340448 / 1.315947253)  =  6.283185307 .. 2Pi.
 So .. you have (2Pi) in a "squared layout" .. especially evident from
 an aerial view !!

 You have (2Pi) "duplicated" in this interaction among the 4 corner-points
 of "Miami Square". In one case .. it's a multiplied-product, and in the other
 case, it's a quotient.  In effect, you can "view" this layout from above,
 and "mentally" visualize a perfect "X" .. as 2 diagonals in the square.
 Then, as you "visualize" looking down from above The Great Pyramid
 of Giza, you can "see" the 4 edges of that pyramid .. forming the same
 kind of perfect "X" pattern. 

 Looking "down" on "Miami Square" .. you see the 2 "diagonals",
 of (2Pi) .. "squared" to one-another at right-angles. 

                       BACK TO SURFACE AREA ON A TORUS 
 Recall from earlier in this article .. the formula for Surface Area
 on a TORUS .. using the 57.29577951 numerical value as "given radius" ..
 (2Pi) Squared  X  (radius Squared) ..
 =  39.4784176  X  (57.29577951 X 57.29577951)  =  129600 Sq. arc-deg.

 Yes ... (2Pi) Squared is a major figure in the "ASM". (Pun intended).

 It figures very_directly_as a factor involved in the correlation of
 the precise location of "The Face" @ Cydonia on Mars .. with ..
 Earth's precession cycle in years ..

 (656.56127  X  39.4784176)  =  25920.  
 Recall, again, from earlier in this article .. 
 the Grid POINT Value I found for the center-point of this
 "Miami Square" .. 1.013211837 .. a decimal harmonic of the
 *reciprocal* of (Pi Squared).

 Also earlier in this article, I mentioned how the numerical
 value of the 'generic' Area of a SQUARE is .. 13131.2254 Sq. arc-deg.
 (You use 2 radii in the formula .. which is the side-length of a square).
 See this shown in detail, earlier in this article. 

 (13131.2254 / 0.1013211837)  =  129600 .. again, the generic
 numerical value for Surface Area on a TORUS .. in the conventional
 360 geometric system !! 

 By now, certainly (hopefully), you are 'seeing' how dramatically-obvious
 and how "intentional" all of this is. I strongly suggest that it has been
 "The Anunnaki" (see works of Z.Sitchin, N.Freer, and L.Gardner)
 who have been the "most-recent" stewards, if you will, involved in
 the_maintenance_of this deeply ancient "ASM" .. through various 
 axial "pole shifts" of Earth, etc. This doesn't mean that I "assume"
 the "Anunnaki" necessarily originated this entire "ASM" .. but I do think
 they are the most-recent "overseers/modifiers" of it, if you will, 
 at least on Earth, on Mars, and probably on our Moon as well.
 And I really need to make_this_clear :
 I do_NOT_think of "The Anunnaki" as "aliens".
 So .. please .. do not put 'words in my mouth' .. to the effect that ..
 "He thinks ALIENS 'did all this' and 'CREATED US', besides, blah-blah-blah". 

 Ohhhh, no.  Heh-heh !!   Don't you all worry, now ..  (-;  ..
 It's still "we are them" and "they are us", after all.
 We're all united in this Universe. Oneness, you know.
 It's just that "we", in my *opinion* .. "we" of this latest polar (axial) 
 on Earth .. are a "special case" .. in the sense that we have 'apparently'
 experienced ..
 1) a quite abrupt 'customizing' involved in 'some' genetic engineering ..
     involving "kingship/queenship/leadership" lines ..  the 'personal'
     genes (sperm) of an "Anunnaki" leader (EN.KI./E.A.).
 2) an equally abrupt "abandonment" .. (see works of Neil Freer, here,
     and also the works of Swiss psychologist/psychiatrist Alice Miller) ..
     a historically real, physical abandonment of "us" by the "Anunnaki".
     To me, it is apparent that the so-called "gods and goddesses" were
     not mythological, but very much "flesh-and-blood" real .. and they
     lived here on Earth in "deep antiquity". They were/are humanoids,
     very much_literally_related to "us".       

 There are significant emotional/psychological/cultural effects that
 this caused .. many of which are still "repressed" in terms of our
 individual and "collective" unconscious. I feel that the ground-breaking
 work of Z.Sitchin has been the first_effective_"catalyst" ..
 in helping us .. to "re-member". I think much of the trauma of the
 abandonment is still repressed, however .. which has been causing
 much of the "problems" within society and within individuals.
 Yes .. the key to aleviating these problems is .. **awareness**, as
 Alice Miller says so well in her books. "Remembering" .. although
 painful at first .. is one of the_necessary_steps in bonafide therapy.  
  -- Michael Lawrence Morton

(c) 2001 by mailto:Milamo@aol.com Michael Lawrence Morton ~ Archeocryptographer.

