Michael Lawrence Morton's

Matrix Message 193

TYonaguni, Marsface, Fine Structure, and e ..

I will have more to say about all of this as time goes on,
 but this is intended as a kind of "follow-up bulletin" to
 my previous 'bulletin' regarding the pyramid-complex at Yonaguni.

 In an email of at least a week or more, ago, I suggested
 that maybe an "ideal" Fine Structure Constant (discussed
 in atomic particle physics, etc.) exists .. which would be
 an elegant interaction of the number 72 with the Pi constant
 and powers of 10. I showed this formula in a simple equation ..
 (Morton, 2001, Internet) as ..

 [(72 / Pi Squared)  /  (10 to the minus 3rd)]  =  Ideal Fine Structure 
Constant ..
 =  (72 / 9.869604401)  /  1000 ..
 =  7.295125222 / 1000 ..
 =  0.007295125222

 Its reciprocal is .. (1 / 0.007295125222)  =  137.0778389

 Comparing this with the current experimental laboratory results in
 trying to "determine" this value .. the current experimental results show
 the value to be approximately .. 137.036 ..  

 So ... (137.0778389 / 137.036)  =  1.000305313 .. quite close.
                            "IDEAL" Fine Structure Constant
                              With ALNITAK of Jan.1, 2000  

 I found the January1, 2000 "ASM" Grid POINT Value of ALNITAK,
 in the belt of Orion .. to be .. 43.63323131
 [ http://mission-ignition.tripod.com/matrix/ ].

 At that webpage .. see my articles on "Sky Matrix" ..
 at the top of the page. Part One explains how I calculated
 ALNITAK's Jan.1, 2000 Grid LAT, Grid LONG, and Grid POINT
 Value .. and how it confirms Mary Anne Weaver's theory that
 ALNITAK is the ecliptic prime meridian "marker" in our sky. 

 Using this "Ideal" Fine Structure figure of 137.0778389 ..

 (137.0778389 / 43.63323131)  =  3.141592653 

 That's a relatively very precise figure for the Pi constant.
 I think this is very, very significant, to say the least.

 In my previous 'bulletin' email regarding the Yonaguni pyramidal
 structure, thanks to coordinates emailed to me by Raphiem,
 I found its centered Grid POINT Value to be .. 111.1111111 ..
 repeating 1s. I also found its Grid LAT to be .. 720 ..
 =  24 (deg)  X  30 (min)  North.
 I found its Grid LONG to be 80000 ..
 =  91 (deg)  X  25 (min)  X  35.16483516 (sec)  E.Giza.
 [ E.Greenwich  122 deg  33 min  36 sec ].
 Grid POINT Value "Yonaguni Pyramid" ..
 80000 / 720  =  111.1111111

 Notice the following ...

 137.0778389 / 111.1111111 ..
 =  1.23370055

 I will now multiply by Pi .. 7 times ..

 1.23370055 X (Pi to the 7th)  =  3726.137417
 I'll return to a decimal harmonic of this figure, soon.

 The 90 arc-deg right angle .. our numerical value for 
 a rotation, or arc, of "half-Pi Radians" in our 360 system ..
 is seen, now, as the ratio between "Yonaguni Pyramid" and
 what I call "EARTHFACE" ..

 111.1111111 / 1.234567901  =  90.

 "EARTHFACE", as I have mentioned many times on The Internet,
 is the Square of "Tholus II" ..
 (1.111111111 X 1.111111111)  =  1.234567901 

 There's a decimal harmonic, in-evidence, yet again ..
 "Tholus II" and "Yonaguni Pyramid".

                                      AN "IDEAL" e Value ?

 If there is an "ideal" Fine Structure .. can an "ideal" e Value
 be far behind ?

 Recall the figure from earlier .. 3726.137417 ..

 Recall, also, the "Ideal Fine Structure" constant of ..

 (372.6137417  X  0.007295125222)  =  2.718263905

 I think 2.718263905 can be called the "Ideal e" Value.

 Using the Jan.1, 2000 Grid POINT Value (Morton, 2000, Internet)
 of GALACTIC CENTER .. 35.53057584 ..

 (35.53057584 / 372.6137417)  X  (Pi to the 7th)  =  288.

 That's an important gematrian number .. double 144 ..
 and with the classical gematrian 'meaning' of .. "double light".
 (Also .. see Bruce Cathie's work).

 Notice I'm using the number 7, but as an exponential power ..
 the 7th power of Pi.

 I also have found a direct correlation between THE FACE @ Cydonia
 on Mars, and the 7th power of Pi ..

 (372.6137417 X  656.56127)  /  (Pi to the 7th)  =  81.

 Yes .. 81 .. the Square of 9.

 81  X  1.111111111  =  90, the right angle .. the angle at which
 electricity and magnetic force merge.
 81  X  1.234567901  =  100 .. decimal harmonic of "unity".

 I can even write this simple equation, showing the equivalent of
 the Grid POINT Value of THE FACE @ Cydonia on Mars ...

 THE FACE  =  [(Ideal Fine Structure) X 81 X (Pi to the 7th)]  /  (Ideal e).

 Munck (1992, "The Code") found the Grid POINT Value for THE FACE
 @ Cydonia on Mars ... 656.56127 .. now notice ..
 656.56127  =  (0.007295125222 X 81 X 3020.293228)  /  2.718263905

 So .. you can now see the direct correlation involving what I think
 are the "ideal" values for Fine Structure and for e, as integrated
 within the "ASM" .. Archaeo-sky Matrix.

 Could this be a reason .. not the 'only' reason .. but a reason ..
 as to why the number 7 is so historically/culturally important ?
 It refers to 7 powers of the Pi constant, which is now seen to be
 an important factor involving Fine Structure and e .. and is displayed
 as such by the "ASM".

                                         Pi to the Ninth Power

 The number 82944 has been written-about by David Leahy,
 as being important regarding atomic particle physics, etc., and 
 regarding the Fine Structure. 

 Notice, here, a direct correlation involving the ratio of
 Ideal Fine Structure and Ideal e ... 372.6137417 ..

 (82944 X 372.6137417)  /  (Pi to the 9th)  =  1036.8  =  (25920 / 25).

 Recall, also, that the Grid LAT of_both_the Church @ Rennes-le-Chateau,
 and The White House .. is .. 103680  North.
 (Morton, 1998, Internet).

 Recall the ratio between Jan.1, 2000 SOLAR APEX and 
 Jan.1, 2000 GALACTIC CENTER .. 
 (35.53057584 / 2.842446068)  =  12.5
 (Morton, 2000, Internet).

 (1036800 / 12.5)  =  82944.
                                Testing "Ideal e" at CYDONIA

 Munck's Grid LAT for The D&M Pyramid at Cydonia on Mars
 is .. 9929.184894  North ..
 =  40 (deg)  X  52 (min)  X  4.773646584 (sec)  North.

 Using the "Ideal e" .. what's the ArcTan of (e / Pi) ?

 ArcTAN (2.718263905 / 3.141592654)  =  40.86800683 (deg).

 How close is that to .. the Grid LAT of The D&M Pyramid ?

 Converting that ArcTAN of (Ideal e / Pi) into deg, min, and sec ..
 =  40 deg  52 min  4.824588 sec.

 That's really_very_close to the Grid LAT of The D&M Pyramid.

 (4.824588 - 4.773646584)  =  0.050941416 arc-sec of latitude on Mars.

 How many feet is that (on Mars, remember) ?

 An arc-sec of latitude on Mars is about 54 feet, or so.
 So .. 54 X 0.050941416  =  Approximately 2.75 feet.

 That's about .. "one walking step for an Earth Human".
 (A slow walking-step, for an average adult Earth Human).
 Maybe Stan Tenen could relate to that .. in terms of
 "human form/activity" .. regarding sacred geometry, etc. 

 In fact .. 2.75 feet is fairly close to .. e feet, you know ?!  
                                  THE YEAR 2000 A.D. ... 
                     YEAR 5760 ON THE HEBREW CALENDAR 

 The number 5760 is a factor in what I called, "The Cydonia/Giza Equation"
 (Morton, 1998, Internet). It relates the 3 main Giza pyramids to THE FACE
 and The D&M Pyramid @ Cydonia on Mars. Here it is again ..

 656.56127  X  27.58106915  X  5760  X  (Pi Cubed) ..
 =  248.0502134  X  5764.166073  X  2261.946711

 The "sky" portion of the "ASM" aligns_at_Jan.1, 2000.
 The year 2000 A.D. is therefore self-evidently important in the 
 entire "ASM", including both the ground-locations and the sky-locations.
 { http://users.cwnet.com/~sidereal/mag/astfixst.htm }

 (72 / 372.6137417)  X  (Pi to the 9th)  =  5760.

 Recall, now, the figure 230.4 ..  which is the multiplied-product of
 the *Mars Variance* in prime meridian longitude.
 (Morton, 2000, Internet).
 I found that the "ASM" prime meridian on Mars .. is west of the
 "NASA" prime meridian on Mars by ..  09 deg  32 min  0.8 sec ..
 and (09 X 32 X 0.8  =  230.4) 

 Notice .. (82944 / 230.4)  =  360 .. the number of arc-degrees on
 one circumference in our "conventional" system of geometry.

 (5760 / 230.4)  =  25 .. which is the multiplied-product of the
 Orion Belt Composite and Pi ...
 (7.957747155 X 3.141592654)  =  25.
 I found the Jan.1, 2000 "Orion Belt Composite" by multiplying
 ALNITAK and MINTAKA, and then dividing that result by ALNILAM ..

 (43.63323131 X  31.00627668)  /  170.010936  =  7.957747155
 (Morton, 2000, Internet). 

 I also found this relationship involving the number 80 ...

 If you take any number .. and divide it by the_ratio_of 
 Ideal Fine Structure and Ideal e .. and then multiply that result
 by (Pi to the 9th) .. you get a figure of 80 times the numerator.

 You saw that we did that with the number 72.
 72 X 80  =  5760.

 Try it with 81 as the numerator, and, of course, 
 with 372.6137417 as the denominator ...

 (81 / 372.6137417)  X  (Pi to the 9th)  =  6480.

 That's the multiplied-product of THE FACE @ Cydonia and (Pi Squared).
 (656.56127 X 9.869604401)  =  6480.

 And .. 81 X 80  =  6480.

 Michael Lawrence Morton

(c) 2001 by mailto:Milamo@aol.com Michael Lawrence Morton ~ Archeocryptographer.

