Michael Lawrence Morton's

Matrix Message 198

Possible Major Discovery

 I think I may have found a "breakthrough", of sorts ... ??!! ..
 I'm not sure of it .. but .. it looks good to me right now, as I
 write this.
 I've been reading the following section on David Leahy's website ..

 Scroll down on that webpage to .. "Addenda".
 There, D.Leahy describes his formulae upon being
 informed by certain equations sent to him by J.Iuliano.

 D.Leahy ends that section of his website, with an equation
 describing .. the "Fine Structure Constant" ...   
 [Unable to display image]

 I noticed, in Leahy's equations, in that section ...
 that he notes the expressions .. 32 X (Pi Cubed), (Pi Squared) / 8,
 etc. ... certain "exact-whole-number" multiples and divisions of 
 exponents of the Pi constant.

 I have noticed, in the "ASM" (Archaeo-sky Matrix) .. the primary
 importance of a relatively-precise Pi constant, along with the value
 of 360 ... the "conventional" number of arc-degrees on one circumference.
 I also noticed, today, as of this writing (July 2nd, 2001) ..
 that the figure in the above equation .. 7.297352541 ...
 is really quite_close_to what I might refer to as .. "a whole-number
 exponential fractal" of the Pi constant.

 That is .. [72 / (Pi Squared)] .. or .. 7.295125222 

 I have now found, that this figure .. [72 / (Pi Squared)] ..
 resonates "precisely" .. with many_key_figures involved in
 the "ASM". This includes my finding of the following remarkable
 correlation, involving the relatively-precise_centered_location
 of a recent crop formation in The UK that appeared on the morning
 of 21st June, 2001 .. the very day of a solar eclipse combined with the
 June solstice_and_also ecliptic-longitudinally-opposite SOLAR APEX.  

 Also involved, in a most remarkable_set_of correlations that I
 have observed .. is another crop formation .. the first UK crop formation
 of this 2001 season, which I have already written-about on The Internet.
 I called this first UK crop formation of this 2001 season, the "Bull's-eye"
 formation .. because its design is obviously that of a standard 
 "archery target" .. and also because its "ASM" figures involve the
 Jan.1, 2000 "ASM" numbers of ALDEBARAN .. the "eye" of Taurus
 the Bull, in our sky. 

 For an intro to my work with the "Sky" portion of the "ASM",
 please go to .. 

 Once there, 'click' on the "Sky Matrix" articles ..
 and please start with Part 1, so you can (hopefully)
 see where I'm coming from. 

 For a look at the "Cydonia/Giza" relationship ..
 please go to ..

 Regarding the 21st of June, 2001 "Solar (Pyramid) Apex
 Crop Formation" (as I call it) ..
 I found it to be centered at a Grid POINT Value of ..
 1.16105524 .. which I have "written-up" already on The Internet,
 and which I have posted to several email lists, and to some individuals.

 Notice what happens when you mathematically compare this recent UK
 crop formation's Grid POINT Value with the figure of [72 / (Pi Squared)] ..

 7.295125222 / 1.16105524  =  6.283185307  .. a relatively-precise
 rendering of the "2Pi" constant !!!

 Of course .. "2Pi" is the number of Radians (arc) on one circumference.

 In D.Leahy's website section, referenced above ..
 he uses the figure .. [32 X (Pi Cubed)] / 10 ... in some
 of his formulae (with direct contributions from J.Iuliano)
 involving "zero-point" energy density. This means he is
 working in the mathematical "realm" of zero-point energy ..
 "free-energy" physics !!!

 [32 X (Pi Cubed)] / 10  =  99.22008538

 Now .. notice how I will bring-in, here, the Grid LAT of
 The D&M Pyramid at Cydonia on Mars (Munck, 1992, "The Code") .. 
 9929.184894  North ..
 =  40 (deg)  X  52 (min)  X  4.773646584 (sec)  North.

 I will use (1/100th ) of 9929.184894 ...

 (99.29184894 / 99.22008538)  =  1.000723277

 The "ASM" diameter of the Sarsen Circle of Stonehenge,
 in regular ("British") feet .. is .. 97.33868822 .. (Munck, 1992, "The 

 (97.33868822 X 1.000723277)  =  97.40909105 ... a relatively-precise
 rendering of .. (Pi to the 4th power). 

 Notice .. as I multiply by the additional power of Pi ...
 [32 X (Pi to the 4th power)] / 10  =  (31170.90913 / 100). 

 And .. 31170.90913 .. is the_precise_Jan.1, 2000 "ASM"
 Grid LONG of .. ALDEBARAN .. the "eye", in the sky, of ..
 Taurus the Bull. 
 (Morton, 2000, Internet).
 Grid LONG Jan.1, 2000 ALDEBARAN ..
 14 (deg)  X  53 (min)  X  42.0093115 (sec)  W.ALNITAK ..
 =  31170.90913  W.ALNITAK.
 The following database I have used, consistently, for all
 of my calculations regarding 'sky-locations' for various prominent
 "fixed stars" in our sky as of Jan.1, 2000 .. and also for the
 Jan.1, 2000 sky-locations of Galactic Center and Solar Apex.

                OF ALDEBARAN .. Via .. THE GRID POINT VALUE
                         OF 21st JUNE, 2001
 Yes, this is one of the most remarkable findings, involving this
 amazing set of correlations, that I'm discussing in this article.
 I'll begin with the 31170.90913 Jan.1, 2000 "ASM" Grid LONG
 of ALDEBARAN. I will then divide by Pi .. 7 times ..
 31170.90913 / (Pi to the 7th power)  =  10.32049102

 Then .. I'll divide by the Grid POINT Value of the June 21st, 2001
 "Solar (Pyramid) Apex Crop Formation" ...
 10.32049102 / 1.16105524  =  8.888888889 .. "ASM" Grid POINT Value
 of Jan.1, 2000 ALDEBARAN.

 ALDEBARAN's Jan.1, 2000 Grid LAT is ..
 05 (deg)  X  28 (min)  X  25.04805198 (sec)  South of ecliptic ..
 =  3506.727277  South of ecliptic.
 (Morton, 2000, Internet).
 31170.90913 / 3506.727277  =  8.888888889

 Getting-back, now, to [72 / (Pi Squared)].

 8.888888889 / [72 / (Pi Squared)]  =  12.18469679 / 10.

 "12.18469679" .. is the_exact_fractional-decimal number of
 arc-seconds in the W.Giza longitude of both The White House
 and The Jefferson Memorial, in Washington, D.C.    
 (Morton, 1998, Internet).

 That W.Giza longitude .. shared by those two structures ..
 108 (deg)  X  10 (min)  X  12.18469679 (sec)  W.Giza ..
 =  13159.47253  W.Giza.
 [ W.Greenwich  77 deg  02 min  11.38469679 sec ].

 108 X 10 X 1.218469679  =  1315.947253 ...
 and that's the Grid LONG of the "hover-spot" of
 the PHOENIX UFO on the night of March 13, 1997 ..
 over the_center_of the intersection of Indian School Road
 and Seventh Avenue in Phoenix, Arizona. 
 143 (deg)  X  13 (min)  X  0.707879103 (sec)  W.Giza ..
 =  1315.947253  W.Giza.
 [ W.Greenwich  112 deg  04 min  59.907879103  sec ].
 That was a truly "mass-sighting" event, of a_gigantic_UFO,
 that slowly moved over Phoenix, Arizona .. witnessed
 by literally thousands of people in the Phoenix, Az vicinity.  
 I have predicted, on The Internet .. that it will be found that
 the "obviously-intended" azimuth, in arc-degrees, from the
 *apex* of The D&M Pyramid to the 'nose' (or, what's left of it)
 on THE FACE @ Cydonia on Mars .. is .. 13.15947253 deg.

 "13.15947253" .. is 1/3rd of [(2Pi) Squared]. 

 Again using the Grid POINT Value of this particular June 21st, 2001
 crop formation ...

 248.0502134  X  1.16105524  =  288 ... a gematrian number
 with the classical 'meaning' of .. "double light".

 "248.0502134" .. is the Grid POINT Value of The Great Pyramid
 of Giza .. (Munck, 1992, "The Code").

 288  =  259.2  X  1.111111111 ..

 "259.2" .. is the Grid POINT Value of "The Tholus" @ Cydonia
 on Mars. 
 (Morton, 2000, Internet)

 "1.111111111" .. is the Grid POINT Value of "Tholus II" .. the
 actual remains of an EARTHLY ANALOGUE of "The Tholus". 
 I have written about this on The Internet.
 (Morton, 1998, Internet).

 35.53057584  X  [72 / (Pi Squared)]  =  259.2

 "35.53057584" .. is the Jan.1, 2000 "ASM" Grid POINT Value
 (Morton, 2000, Internet).

 Allow me to hypothesize that the "ideal" number for the AU ..
 the 'Astronomical Unit' .. is a decimal harmonic of the gematrian
 number "93312".  (Let's say the "ideal" AU is .. 93,312,000 
 statute miles).

 93,312,000  /  [72 / (Pi Squared)]  =  127910.073  X  100.

 "127910.073" .. is the Jan.1, 2000 Grid LONG  
 (Morton, 2000, Internet).
 179 (deg)  X  17 (min)  X  42.03420079 (sec)  W.ALNITAK ..
 =  127910.073  W.ALNITAK.

 D.Leahy, at a couple of places in that above section on his website,
 talks about "the created 100".

 Well ... the above expression .. (127910.073  X  100) ..
 shows "100 times" the Grid LONG of Jan.1, 2000 GALACTIC CENTER.
 Somehow, I intuitively think there's a real connection there, to
 D.Leahy's "Created 100". 

 How about a "direct" connection to THE FACE @ Cydonia on Mars,
 involving this [72 / (Pi Squared)] entity ?

 The [72 / (Pi Squared)] / 1000 .. is apparently very integral to the
 "Fine Structure Constant", according to the work of J.Iuliano
 and D.Leahy.

 656.56127  /  [72 / (Pi Squared)]  =  90.

 Aha !!    "90" ... the "right angle", in our conventional system
 of 360 arc-degrees on one circumference !!!

 Yes ..  "90" ... the_numerical value_of the half-Pi Radians (arc), 
 in our conventional 360 system !!!

 As Carl Munck says .. "faces know stuff".   Ahhh, yes !!!    

 Yes .. the good old "right angle" .. the arc-distance of SOLAR APEX
 from our Sun, on our Sun's orbital path around GALACTIC CENTER.

 You might even call it .. the "ascension angle" !!

 I hereby dedicate this July 4th of 2001 .. to SIRIUS ..
 whose ecliptic longitude conjunction will happen on this
 225th anniversary of the signing of The Declaration of Independence.
 Note the number .. 225 .. the Square of 15 .. and let it be known that
 "OSIRIS" is being Re-membered for the sake of Everyone.

 35.53057584  /  2.368705056  =  15.

 "2.368705056" .. is the Jan.1, 2000 "ASM" Grid POINT Value of SIRIUS.
 (Morton, 1999, Internet). 

  ---Michael Lawrence Morton

(c) 2001 by mailto:Milamo@aol.com Michael Lawrence Morton ~ Archeocryptographer.

