Matrix Message 206
"ASM" & WTC/Pentagon Attacks ..
I have found what appear to be (to me, at least) significant correlations, involving the recent attacks on the WTC and on The Pentagon. These particular correlations appear to apply_directly_to the specific, relatively precise *locations* .. in terms of latitude and longitude, according to the "ASM" (Archaeo-sky Matrix) .. of .. 1) the ribbon-cutting at the dedication ceremony (precise location) for The WTC on 4th April, 1973, @ 8:30 A.M. EST. 2) the_center_of The Pentagon in Washington, D.C. Now, following, here, I will present specific numerical information. -------------------------------------------- The 'above' latitude/longitude data for the exact location of the ribbon-cutting at the dedication ceremony for The World Trade Center .. was provided in an email I received on the 12th Sept. 2001 .. from Jack Sirildo Contreras .. The Locations for The Pentagon and for The WTC I found the indicated "ASM" figures for the_center_of The Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia .. as follows .. Grid LAT .. 38 (deg) * 52 (min) * 15.5356364 (sec) North .. = 30698.41753 North .. = 3110.4 * (Pi^2). Grid LONG .. 108 (deg) * 11 (min) * 22.5500194 (sec) W.Giza .. = 26789.42305 W.Giza .. = 864 * (Pi^3). Grid POINT Value .. The Pentagon .. (30698.41753 / 26789.42305) = 1.14591559 .. = 57.29577951 / 50 .. = Radian (deg) / 50. (Morton, 1998, Internet). My "ASM" figures for The WTC .. Grid LAT .. 40 (deg) * 42 (min) * 41.94270963 (sec) North .. = 70463.75218 North. Grid LONG .. 105 (deg) * 08 (min) * 46.74989068 (sec) W.Giza .. = 39269.90817 W.Giza .. = 12.5 * (10^3) * Pi. [ W.Greenwich .. 74 deg 00 min 45.94989068 sec ]. Grid POINT Value WTC (ribbon-cutting; dedication ceremony) .. (70463.75218 / 39269.90817) = 1.794344715 (Morton, 2001, Internet). -------------------------------- Note: 12.5 is the ratio of the Jan.1, 2000 Grid POINT Values of the "ASM" sky-locations of Galactic Center and Solar Apex .. (35.53057584 / 2.842446068) .. (Morton, 2000, Internet) .. based substantially on the following database .. For my methodology concerning calculations of sky-locations, regarding the "ASM" .. please see .. 'Click' on the "SKY MATRIX" articles at the top of that webpage, starting with Part One. For an example, plus an explanation .. of some of the basics about the "ASM" (Archaeo-sky Matrix) .. please see .. .. the Stonehenge example, in particular. Also .. see .. ---------------------------------------- Also pertaining to "12.5" .. this is a decimal harmonic of 12,500 .. as in the number of years from 10,500 B.C. to year-2000 A.D. Keep in mind, please, that the "ASM" sky-locations are as-of January 1, 2000. The 10,500 B.C. time-node is that of "Zep Tepi" at Giza, Egypt. Certain alignments are now apparent (with help from computer software programs, such as "SkyGlobe"), as if observed from Cairo, between the Giza/Sky of 10,500 B.C and the Giza/Sky of the 2012 A.D. December solstice ending of the Mayan calendar. ------------------------------------------- Remarkable Correlations Involving "Arecibo-Reply", "Milk Hill", and "Chilbolton 2000 August" Crop Formations This will involve the "ASM" figures for three important UK crop formations .. 2 of which appeared in August of 2001 .. the other having appeared in August of 2000 in the same_field_(next to Chilbolton Radio Telescope) as the "Arecibo-Reply" formation. (Morton, 2000, 2001, Internet). I will now multiply the "ASM" Grid POINT Value of the 'above-referenced' WTC location .. by the Grid POINT Value of the "Arecibo-Reply" crop formation .. (1.794344715 * 1.253939659) = 2.25 Some of you, at least, will hopefully recognize that 2.25 .. is the *exact* Grid POINT Value I found for the magnificent "Milk Hill" crop formation of August 2001 .. the one with 409 circles. And, please carefully notice this next equation .. (1.794344715 * 1.253939659 * 1.745329252) = 3.926990817 Now; please refer-back to the W.Giza Grid LONG of the WTC site. You will see this figure .. 39269.90817 W.Giza .. a_precise_decimal harmonic of .. 3.926990817 .. the multiplied-product shown just-above. The figure .. 1.745329252 .. is the Grid POINT Value of the "Chilbolton August, 2000" crop formation .. which appeared in the same field as the "Arecibo-Reply" crop formation of August 2001 .. and which was "graphically"_depicted_in the lower section_of_the "Arecibo-Reply" formation itself. IMO, this constitutes an_extremely_remarkable correlation .. a correlation with very profound implications. One of these implications is that the "terrorists" who carried-out the suicide attacks on 11th of Sept., 2001 .. were plausibly connected with people who were/are familiar with at least 'some' aspects of the "ASM" itself, possibly including the precise figures of the UK crop formations' locations referenced earlier in this article. As I state this, I also refer you to the apparent "ASM" longitude variance in prime meridian locations on Mars, which I discovered, between the NASA prime meridian and the ancient "ASM" prime meridian that passes through the center of 'The D&M Pyramid' @ Cydonia on Mars. (Morton, 2000, Internet). This variance in prime meridians, on Mars, is .. 09 deg 32 min 0.8 sec ... of longitude. This multiplies to .. 09 (deg) * 32 (min) * 0.8 (sec) = 230.4 .. which would be the "ASM" Grid LONG E.Cydonia .. of the current NASA prime meridian on Mars. Here is the longitude prime meridian variance on Earth .. 31 deg 08 min 0.8 sec ... between Greenwich, England .. and the center of The Great Pyramid of Giza. (Munck, 1992, "The Code", self-published). I observed the_difference_in the longitude prime meridian variances, between Mars and Earth .. 31 deg 08 min 0.8 sec - 09 deg 32 min 0.8 sec ----------------------------------- 21 deg 36 min 0.0 sec ... which is a difference of_21.6_arc-deg. 21.6 .. is the Jan.1, 2000 Grid POINT Value of_POLARIS_in the "ASM" .. the northern pole star of our current time period. (Morton, 1999, Internet). The ancient Martian "ASM" prime meridian, through the center of 'The D&M Pyramid' (Munck, 1992, "The Code") .. has a designated longitude (Grid LONG) value of .. 360. Recall, please .. the Grid LONG of .. 230.4 E.Cydonia .. for the current NASA prime meridian on Mars. (230.4 * 360) = 82944 .. which is the "Leahy" (David) number .. closely associated with the "Fine Structure Constant" in physics. ------------------------------------------------------ I wanted to show that information .. because it indicates, IMO, that someone who_knew_at least 'some' of the "ASM" .. was apparently involved in choosing the exact place on Mars_for_the "NASA" prime meridian. To produce a_variance_in longitude on Mars .. of exactly 09 deg 32' 0.8" .. which then correlates with the variance on Earth of 31deg 08' 0.8" .. at exactly 21.6 (deg) difference .. is_certainly_not a "random" placement of prime meridians. This implies that "someone" very powerfully-connected .. probably covertly .. with the early days of the space program in America .. *knew* something about the "ASM" itself .. at least as far as the Giza and the Cydonia prime meridians are concerned. I think it is very likely that the suicide attacks on 11th of September, 2001, were_orchestrated_by people who are .. and who *have been* .. covertly manipulating our society .. totally outside of any constitutional or governmental accountability .. for many decades. They are obviously extremely rich, and they are able to manipulate major societal parameters, without the slightest accountability to any government. This is NOT a "band of terrorists" in the stereotypical sense, by any means. Yes .. "thugs" obviously do end-up being hired or mind-controlled (or both) to do the "dirty work" .. but these heinous deeds are orchestrated "from the top" .. by a very powerful "global elite". This "covert cabal" .. is the_source_of the major cover-ups .. the cover-ups involving UFOs/ETs, free-energy availability, artificial structures on Mars, suppressed health/longevity technologies, advanced non-combustion propulsion, etc., etc., etc. This secret cabal has been willing to do_anything_including this most_recent_atrocity .. to "maintain the status quo" at_all_costs !! To them .. the "masses" of humanity are the *enemy*. They don't give a damn who they murder .. as long as they can maintain their power, their egos, and their money. They are involved at the top .. at the *top* .. of Big Oil, Big Banking, Big Insurance, Big Coal, Big Media, Big Weaponry, Big Pharmaceuticals, Wall Street, Madison Avenue, etc., etc., etc. THOSE are the folks to "go after" .. not some "bands of terrorists". Go after the true_source_of the problem(s) .. not the symptoms. I suggest that "We, The People" .. turn our energies_away_ from this hyped-up "rush-to-revenge" .. and instead .. direct our energies toward finding-out the truth .. *un-covering the cover-ups* .. toward open congressional hearings on all of these major cover-ups .. involving NASA, JPL, DOD, Mars, The Moon, free-energy, ETs, UFOs, suppressed archaeological findings, etc. We should no longer allow the covert cabals to manipulate us. This "rush-to-revenge" is exactly what the secret cabals want. This is why they have stooped to committing this most recent atrocity. Do not allow them to manipulate you .. ever again. Any so-called "revenge" will surely be answered .. in a matter of years .. by more attacks against either you, or against your children .. or against your grandchildren. Revenge only perpetuates the old pattern .. the status quo. When will you understand this ? Who will finally stand-up and say ... "Enough is enough !!" .. ?? When will we finally realize that revenge only keeps the old pattern of violence, hatred, misery, and suffering .. in place ? Realize that we have greatness to discover. We have greatness .. connected directly to ourselves .. to un-cover. Here is where our energies are needed. -------------------------------- Regarding The Pentagon Please refer-back to the "ASM" numbers of The Pentagon. (3.926990817 / 1.14591559) = (Pi^2) / 2.88 288 .. is a gematrian number with the classical meaning of .. "double light". Also .. 288 is the Square Root of .. 82944 .. the "Leahy" number associated with the Fine Structure Constant of physics .. and .. 82944 = (360 * 230.4). THE FACE @ Cydonia on Mars Munck (1992, "The Code") found the Grid POINT Value of THE FACE @ Cydonia on Mars .. 656.56127 .. = [360 Radian (deg)] / (10 * Pi). This is where Radian (deg) = (360 / 2Pi) = 57.29577951 deg. [656.56127 / (1.14591559 * 1.794344715)] = 31104 / (Pi^4). (656.56127 * 1.14591559 * 1.794344715) = 1350. (31104 * 1350) = (25920 * 162 * 10). Where 25920 is the "ideal" Earth precession cycle in years, and 162 is a Bruce Cathie light-speed decimal harmonic .. referencing 162000 nautical miles per sec. ---------------------------------------- -- Michael Lawrence Morton(c) 2001 by Michael Lawrence Morton ~ Archeocryptographer.