Michael Lawrence Morton's

Matrix Message 212

Jan.1, 2000 ARCTURUS Relates to "Crop-Face" !!

 Hello, Everyone ..

      I've found the "ASM" values for Jan.1, 2000 ARCTURUS ..
 and its GPV relates_precisely-and-directly_ to the GPV I found
 for "Crop-Face" .. a very remarkable crop formation of  August, 2001, 
 in Hampshire, UK .. situated next to the Chilbolton Radio Telescope.

 And how is this ARCTURUS/"Crop-Face" correlation specified ?

 Via the Pi constant .. and precisely-so !!  (Details below).

 Another very remarkable fact is that the "Crop-Face" formation was
 created and 'placed' so that its_center_ is at the *exact-same* latitude
 as the center of the August, 2000 "Chilbolton" formation !
 I'll now give the "ASM" values (Morton, 2001, Internet) for both 
 ARCTURUS of Jan.1, 2000 .. and for "Crop-Face". Then I'll compare the
 two nodes.

 I also remind everyone that I don't yet have a "permanent" website back yet,
 but I will send you urls for "temporary sites" if you are interested in any
 particular works. The "mission-ignition" site was "wiped-out" about 3 days
 after the WTC tragedy, which was the second website "wipe-out" I've had
 to deal with in the last 6 months. 

 With that in mind, I refer you to the database-source that I've consistently
 used for all of my "sky-location" calculations .. for prominent 'fixed' stars
 in our sky, and for Galactic Center and Solar Apex; all of these are for
 Jan.1, 2000 .. and all are using the_sidereal_zodiac and the_ecliptic_for
 references. In addition, I use ALNITAK .. the Orion belt-star .. as ecliptic
 prime meridian "marker". I assume a sidereal location for ALNITAK of ..
 29 deg TAURUS 56' 50" ... and an ecliptic South latitude of 25 deg 17' 37".
 (Those are to the nearest arc-sec). So; I adjust the given sidereal longitude
 from the database .. to .. "W. or E" ALNITAK sidereal longitude. 
 Here is the database URL ..
 The database gives .. for ARCTURUS of Jan.1, 2000 ..
 a sidereal longitude of .. 29 deg VIRGO 29' 36"  ...
 which translates to .. 119 deg 32' 46" to the East (counterclockwise)
 of ALNITAK's sidereal longitude position. (Each zodiac house is assumed
 as 30 deg, here). You count *from* 29 deg TAURUS 56' 50" .. counterclockwise,
 (Eastward) .. *to* .. 29 deg VIRGO 29' 36". 
 Why counterclockwise, in this case ? Because .. you want 180 deg, or less ..
 whichever direction that is.

 The database gives, for ARCTURUS of Jan.1, 2000 ..
 a latitude of .. + 30 deg 44' 20" ... the plus-sign means "north of
 the ecliptic". 
 Based on those "nearest-arc-sec" figures .. here are my "ASM" values
 for ARCTURUS of Jan.1, 2000 ..

 30(deg) * 44(min) * 20(sec) North of ecliptic ..
 =  26400 North of ecliptic.
 119(deg) * 32(min) * 46.11927829 (sec) E.ALNITAK ..
 =  175622.2117 E.ALNITAK.
 Grid POINT Value  .. ARCTURUS ..
 (175622.2117 / 26400)  =  6.652356504
 [ Morton, 2001, Internet ].

 Note;  26400 is .. HALF of 5280 * (10^2) .. where 5280 is the
 number of regular feet in a statute mile.

 Also note;  6.652356504 .. is the multiplied-product of .. 
 [656.56127 * (10-^2)] * 1.013211837, where 1.013211837 is the GPV
 of "Miami Square" .. (Morton, 1999, Internet) ..
 [ http://hometown.aol.com/marscode/homepage1.html ] ..
 and; where 656.56127 .. is the GPV of THE FACE (or, "Face One") 
 at Cydonia on Mars. (C.Munck, 1992, "The Code", self-published). 

 Further note;  1.013211837 .. is the ratio of the GPV of "City Square Center"
 (Morton, 2000, Internet) at Cydonia, on Mars .. and .. the_numerical 
 the Radian Arc .. where 360 arc-degrees is assumed on one circumference ..

 57.29577951 / (18 * Pi)  =  1.013211837

 Grid LAT "Crop-Face" ..
 51(deg) * 08(min) * 36.39967169(sec) North ..
 =  14851.06605 North .. (Morton, 2001, Internet) ..
 =  (46656 / Pi) .. where 46656  =  [656.56127 * (Pi^2) * (72 / 10)].
 This is showing redundant, "fractal"-like mathematical relationships
 involving the Pi constant, the GPV of "Face One" at Cydonia on Mars,
 and Earth-precession-related numbers. Notice .. 46656 / 25920  =  1.8 ..
 decimal harmonic of 18.  And I've already shown that the GPV of "City
 Square Center" @ Cydonia on Mars is (18 * Pi). So .. this is intensely-
 redundant, already .. and we haven't even finished, here, by a long-shot !! 

 Grid LONG "Crop-Face" ..
 32(deg) * 34(min) * 28.90376228(sec) W.Giza ..
 =  31447.29336 W.Giza.
 [ W.Greenwich .. 01 deg  26 min  28.10376228 sec ].

 Grid POINT Value .. "Crop-Face" ..
 (31447.29336 / 14851.06605)  =  2.117510841
 [ Morton, 2001, Internet ].

 To check-out my input data for this crop formation .. please go to ..
 Paul Vigay's "International Cropcircle Database" ..
 and use the map code number .. SU391385

                             THE CORRELATION EQUATION ..
                      Jan.1, 2000 ARCTURUS with "CROP-FACE" ...

 (2.117510841 * 3.141592654)  =  6.652356504

 There you are !!!

 A precise, and_very_direct .. correlation .. between the_GPVs_of
 "Crop-Face" and Jan.1, 2000 ARCTURUS .. via the Pi constant.
 But .. there's much more !

 The literal_center_of The White House, in Washington, D.C. .. is involved.

 Looking at the layout of The White House, The Capitol Rotunda,
 and The Washington Monument .. from aerial view_and_looking north,
 one observes an approximate *right-triangle* connecting those 3 structures,
 with the sides of this right-triangle *almost* exactly oriented to the 

 Looking at the Jan.1, 2000 sky-locations of ARCTURUS, REGULUS,
 and SPICA .. as observed from Earth, of course .. one observes a very
 similar (in proportions) right-triangle !! REGULUS is almost right-on the 
 about half-a-degree north of it. SPICA is just a_bit_south of the ecliptic,
 by a little more than 2 degrees. ARCTURUS is a little less than 31 degrees
 north of the ecliptic .. or about_33_degrees north of SPICA.
 The "33 degrees" is very important in terms of Freemasonry tradition,
 as many of you know.

 As for the *longitude* locations of those 3 stars ..
 SPICA is almost 120 degrees from ALNITAK .. 'and' .. SPICA is
 about_54_degrees from REGULUS.
 120 deg .. is a "tetrahedral" value.
 And 54 deg .. has the Sine of exactly HALF of Phi (Golden Section).   
 Also .. 120 - 54  =  66 .. double 33.  
 According to the work of David Ovason, this star-triangle is a proportional,
 and a cardinal-directional .. 'template' .. intentionally-so .. for the very 
 right-triangle that I just mentioned in terms of a ground-plan in Washington,
 D.C. among The White House, The Capitol Rotunda, and The Washington
 Monument.  Also .. I thank Dr. David Hudgins, for his correspondence, in
 the form of his First Draft of a certain manuscript .. for providing that 
 information on D.Ovason's work.

 The Grid POINT Value for the_center_of The White House is ..
 7.87873524 .. (Morton, 1998, Internet).
 That figure is the generic Volume of a Sphere * (10-^5) ..
 using 57.29577951 as the numerical value for the radius.

           HOW "FACE ONE" @ CYDONIA on MARS .. "FIGURES-IN" ..

 7.87873524  =  (2.117510841 * 2.368705056 * 1.570796327)

 2.368705056 .. is the GPV of Jan.1, 2000 SIRIUS .. (Morton, 1999, Internet).

 And .. 1.570796327 .. is "exactly" half-Pi .. (3.141592654 / 2). 
 Recall, from earlier in this email .. that .. 2.117510841 .. is the GPV
 of "Crop-Face" !!!

 Now .. do you see the direct correlation among the GPVs of ..
 The White House, "Crop-Face", and Jan.1, 2000 ARCTURUS ?
 Remember .. from earlier in this article .. GPV of Jan.1, 2000 ARCTURUS,
 is 6.652356504 .. which is the equivalent of .. (Pi * 2.117510841). 

 Now .. please observe this ..

 (656.56127 * 6.652356504)  =  (2062.648063 * 2.117510841).

 In "other language" ..

 (FACE ONE * ARCTURUS)  =  (Side-Length Miami Square * CROP-FACE).

 The side-length of Miami Square is in regular feet .. (Morton, 1999, 

 ALSO .. the side-length of Miami Square in regular feet  =  (Pi * FACE ONE).

 I like to call 2062.648063 .. "Pi*Face". 

 So; the "Miami Square" is really being referenced, here.
 You'll see much more evidence of that, coming-up soon, here.

 The GPV of the_center_of Miami Square is .. 1.013211837 ..
 (Morton, 1999, Internet).

 Notice that the generic Area of a Square .. assuming a radius value of
 57.29577951 .. is .. (2 * 57.29577951)^2  =  13131.2254 Sq. arc-degrees.

 I will now divide that figure by "Pi*Face" .. which is the_actual_side-length
 of Miami Square in regular feet ..
 (13131.2254 / 2062.648063)  =  6.366197721  =  (SW * C * NE).

 What ??!!   Yes .. SW = the southwestern corner GPV of Miami Square,
 C = the Center-Point GPV of Miami Square, and NE = the northeastern
 corner GPV of Miami Square. And the_northeastern_corner of Miami Square
 is **ALSO** the_Center_of The Miami Circle !!!
 (Morton, 1999, Internet).

 (SW * C * NE)  =  (1.622311471 * 1.013211837 * 3.872983346).  
 Now .. please notice the Grid LAT and Grid LONG which determine
 the_Center-Point_GPV of Miami Square ..

 66523.56504 North ..
 =  25(deg) * 45(min) * 59.13205781(sec) North. 
 (Morton, 1999, Internet). 
 65656.127 W.Giza ..
 =  111(deg) * 19(min) * 31.13140209(sec) W.Giza.
 [ W.Greenwich .. 80 deg  11 min  30.33140209 sec ].

 GPV Center-Point Miami Square ..
 (66523.56504 / 65656.127)  =  1.013211837

 Notice .. the decimal harmonics of  6.652356504 ...
 GPV of ARCTURUS Jan.1, 2000 ... and; of  656.56127 ..
 the GPV of FACE ONE @ Cydonia on Mars !!  

 This is_unquestionably_an obviously-intentional set of
 very specific, precise correlations .. involving a very remarkable
 crop formation in The UK in August of 2001, "Miami Square" in
 USA, the layout of 3 prominent buildings in Washington, D.C.,
 The Miami Circle, THE FACE (or; "Face One") @ Cydonia on Mars,
 and the Jan.1, 2000 sky-locations of ARCTURUS, REGULUS, and

 There is even_more_going-on, here. The side-length of "Miami Square" ..
 2062.648063 regular feet .. is equivalent to exactly_1200_Royal Cubits,
 according to my proposed true Royal Cubit length of  20.62648063 regular
 inches per Royal Cubit .. (Morton, 1998, Internet).

 Now .. I will multiply the side-length of "Miami Square", in regular feet,
 by its_EQUIVALENT_in Royal Cubits ...

 (2062.648063 * 1200)  =  (Pi * 787873.524) ... where the 787873.524 Cubic
 arc-degrees_generic_Volume of a Sphere, assuming a radius value
 of 57.29577951 .. (360 / 2Pi) ..
 =  GPV of The White House * (10^5).

 AND; recall that the GPV of "City Square Center" @ Cydonia on Mars ..
 is the_ratio_of 57.29577951 and the GPV of "Miami Square" Center-Point !!!
 (57.29577951 / 1.013211837)  =  (18 * Pi)  =  GPV "City Square Center".  
   -- Michael Lawrence Morton
(c) 2001 by mailto:Milamo@aol.com Michael Lawrence Morton ~ Archeocryptographer.

