Michael Lawrence Morton's

Matrix Message 282

Referent of 1st_2001_UK crop-formation

Michael Lawrence Morton
Referent of 1st_2001_UK crop-formation
Sat Apr 20 12:23:19 2002

Chronos wrote ..
<< 45594.53264 actually resonates with both 1.676727943 and 1.08154098 while resonating
 with the largest collection of D. C. - Oriented figures I can think to throw at it.

It also does things like this 45594.53264 x 25920 = 1181810286 >>

45594.53264 .. is a decimal-harmonic of the First
UK crop-formation (GPV) of the_2001_season ...

4.559453264 ... which was the "Archery Target"
crop-formation .. which I also called, "The Bull's Eye"
crop-formation .. of the 11th of May, 2001.

This season's (2002) First UK crop-formation has a 
GPV of .. 1.531764208 .. and was 'found' on 12th of April,
2002. Notice .. 
0.096 * (Pi^3) = (4.559453264 / 1.531764208)

9.6 is the GPV of the "D&M Pyramid II" site .. 
in Warwick, NY State, USA .. (Morton, 1998, Internet).
Just very recently .. right around the time this First
UK crop-formation of 2002 was found, NASA released
an image of a significant portion of the Cydonia area
on Mars .. including a good shot of "The D&M Pyramid".

What if .. what if .. there is a "secondary" .. or ..
a "dual" .. GPV intended_along-with_the 1.531764208
for this First UK crop-formation of 2002 ?
What if the *companion-GPV* is .. 1.532281619 .. ??

Dividing_this_figure into the GPV of "The D&M Pyramid"
@ Cydonia on Mars ..
(27.58106915 / 1.532281619) = 18 .. the number of "Isis".

All of this precision, and specificity, and *timing* !!
How can this be ignored ?!! I mean .. how can this be
ignored by any_true_scientist ? 
Sure .. the disingenuous, stuck-in-a-box, phony scientists
will ignore it, in all probability .. just as they've
ignored countless other evidence that effectively
*proves* the artificiality at Cydonia. I'm hoping some
real scientists .. some_true_scientists .. will begin
to step forward to be counted and acknowledged regarding
this entire issue. Enough is enough .. is enough !! 
Is this time-period in the history of Earth-humans to
be known, ages hence, as the time when Science ran away
and hid from Truth .. because of "political and financial
intimidation and manipulation" ? I hope not.

(6480 * 1.532281619) = 9929.184894 .. D&M Pyramid
Grid LAT .. 40(deg) * 52(min) * 4.773646584(sec) North ..
= 9929.184894 North.

Notice how 6480 resonates with "FACE ONE" @ Cydonia ..
(6480 / 656.56127) = Pi^2.

How would 1.532281619 relate with the GPV of the APEX
(original) atop The Great Pyramid of Giza ? ..
(238.3004375 / 1.532281619) = 155.52 .. which is a figure
(decimal-harmonic) that references the mean ("ideal")
*annual* angular movement of Earth's main obliquity
cycle_when_Earth's precession ("Ideal") cycle in YEARS 
is compared with it;
(15552 / 25920) = 0.6 .. arc-seconds per year ..
the 'mean' ("ideal") annual angular movement of Earth's
'main' obliquity cycle. 

So .. what would the Grid LONG be, then .. of this First
UK 2002 crop-formation .. for the *companion-GPV*
of 1.532881619 ? 
I suggest .. 17.76528792 * (Pi^6) ..
= 17079.35583 W.Giza ..
= 32(deg) * 14(min) * 38.12356211(sec) W.Giza.
[ W.Greenwich .. 01 deg 06 min 37.32356211 sec ].
{{ 1776.528792 .. the "Americana" figure .. see my 
archives regarding this figure, please. }}

Grid LAT for this *companion-set* would be ..
50(deg) * 57(min) * 9.182590527(sec) North ..
= 26170.383 North.

-- Michael L.M.
(c) 2002 by mailto:Milamo@aol.com Michael Lawrence Morton ~ Archeocryptographer.

