Michael Lawrence Morton's

Matrix Message 283

A Hyperdimensional ASM ..

Michael Lawrence Morton
A Hyperdimensional ASM ..
Tue Apr 23 16:11:12 2002

In the previous post, I wrote ..
<< (656.56127 / 7.87873524) = 83.33333333 = (50 / 0.6) ..
where; (50 / 0.6) is the_ratio_of the mean ("ideal") angular rates-of-movements ..
*annually* .. of the Earth precession cycle to the_main_Earth obliquity cycle,
in terms of *arc-seconds*. Obliquity refers to Earth's "tilt-angle" with respect
to the ecliptic. (Earth's (di-urnal) rotational axis is at an angle of about 23.5
arc-degrees to the ecliptic).

What if .. "what if" .. the Grid LONG of The Chephren
Pyramid and of The Great Sphinx .. each of these 'centered'
at 11.77245771 arc-sec of longitude on_either_side of
the Giza prime meridian .. {Munck, 1993, "The Code") ..
what if the_sum_of these 2 figures .. actually, exactly a 
*doubling* of 11.77245771 .. was "intended" to convey the
"ideal-mean" Earth obliquity_angle_to the solar ecliptic ?

I think it might be worth pursuing that angle .. 
pun intended. (2 * 11.77245771) = 23.54491542 ..
and that_figure_resonates with the "ASM", of course, 
at least.

Does it "lead" anywhere, though ? (Glad I asked).

Here; I will pull-out my "hyperdimensional ASM 
Tetrahedral Grid LAT" figure .. which I was discussing
frequently on The Internet back in 1999 and 2000.
And I always mentioned Hoagland's name in connection with
this .. because this_"ASM-format"_figure of 8760.48194
has to do_directly-and-precisely_with RCH's "19.5"
latitude, north-and-south, on rotating celestial bodies,
and the "hyperdimensional" properties apparently
accompanying such planetary rotational dynamics at the
"19.5" degrees (north & south of the planetary equator)

The "ideal" geometry of the model itself .. involves
2 tetrahedrons ("inter-locking") inside a sphere ..
with each tetrahedron having one of its vertices
touching the_surface_of the circumscribing sphere at
a_pole_(geometric-rotational) of the sphere. The
other 6 vertices would then be touching the surface
of the circumscribing sphere at .. precisely .. in terms
of the "ideal" geometric model ..
19.47122061 arc-degrees .. which has the Sine of ..
0.333333333 .. "repeating 3s", unless I am somehow
mistaken as to the "repeating 3s" .. because my calculator
screen is limited to 10 digits. 

So; ArcSIN 19.47122061 deg is 0.333333333 .. repeating 3s,
apparently. That can effectively "identify" (hopefully)
this "ideal" geometric angle in precise terms.

Proceeding from this assumption, then ..
in 1999 I found this "ASM" figure .. which I think
"identifies" this "ideal" hyperdimensional "model-angle"
of 19.47122061 degrees. Here it is .. as I've had it
posted on The Internet for almost 3 years ..
19(deg) * 28(min) * 16.46707132(sec) ..
= 8760.48194 .. "Tetrahedral Grid LAT" north-south ..
{Morton, 1999, Internet}.

Technically, in the most "rigorous-possible" terms ..
the "perfect-geometrical" arc-seconds figure would be ..
16.39421112196" .. BUT .. 
19(deg) * 28(min) * 16.39421112(sec) = 8721.720316 ..
and I haven't been able to reconcile that figure with
the "ASM". So .. I think the difference of ..
(16.46707132 - 16.39421112) = 0.0728602" .. is certainly
more-than-small-enough to warrant the assertion that
8760.48194 is apparently the intended "ASM" figure for
"Hyper-D-Tet Grid LAT". In fact, I suggest, here,
that this particular figure now be called ..
"Hyper-D-Tet Grid LAT" .. or .. "HD-Tet Grid LAT". 

The resonance of "HD-TET Grid LAT" with the Stonehenge
(Munck, 1993) Grid LONG is impressive ..
(52562.89164 / 8760.48194) = 6.

I feel this also probably resonates with hexagonal
geometry involved in "hyperdimensional" dynamics
on the planetary-rotational scale, at least.
Then, I would also think that_pentagonal_geometry
(symmetry)would naturally be conversant_with_this model.
Is this not the implication of the Erol O.Torun model
involving 5-fold_and_6-fold symmetry *displayed*82 in the
structure of "The D&M Pyramid" @ Cydonia ?

I also point-out a possible connection to the TEM
tetrahedral "7-spin" idea, here. Recall, please,
my Internet writings on the "7-Pointed Star" crop-
formation in England late in the year-2000 season.
My_GPV_for it is/was .. 10.75051148 ..
and Grid LONG of 8036.826916 with Grid LAT of 86400 ..
(86400 / 8036.826916) = 10.75051148

The_figure_10.75051148 is directly resonant,
mathematically, with the number 7. How so ?
10.75051148 * 7 * (Pi^3) = 2333.333333 .. "repeating 3s".
That means .. that this 'configuration' is_amenable_to ..
*light-speed* .. the Bruce Cathie light-speed *harmonics*
of 162 and 144 .. (2333.333333 * 162) = 378000 ..
and .. (2333.333333 * 144) = 336000.

336 (deg) .. is the_azimuth-of-orientation_of "FACE ONE"
@ Cydonia on Mars .. {D.Elkins, Morton, 2001}.

(378 / 18) = 21 = (3 * 7).

(378 / 15) = 25.2 .. which is a decimal-harmonic of 252,
which is a very "geometric" number in the 360 'system'.
Recall, if you will .. that 18 and 15 are very much
associated with Isis and Osiris.
And the main_thrust_of this "gods and goddesses" thing
is the connection to "advanced knowledge" .. NOT knee-jerk
"connections" to "bad people". I really wish people
would_get-over_the knee-jerk "evil" connotations that
have been so carelessly and stupidly slapped-on anything
and everything "Masonic" or "Osirian" or "Isian".
We really need to get over this. We are talking about 
"re-membering" **advanced knowledge** from_people_in our
deeply ancient past .. "leaders" .. ancestors of ours ..
very "human-like", if not flat-out "HUMAN".
We need to get over this fear-based, knee-jerk "evil ETs"
crap whenever "Osiris" or "Isis" or "Masonic" is seen
in print. We_need_"advanced-knowledge" .. such as in ..
"free-energy availability" .. that 'sort' of thing.
Something that can_actually_MAKE a DIFFERENCE in our 
"civilization". Of course there will_always_be people
who have the "potential" to "use such knowledge" for
antisocial or destructive or violent actions. 
Tough shit. It comes with "free choice". It's no good
reason to just go and "hide" from **advanced knowledge**

Please recall the "ASM" base slope-angle .. displayed
by The Great Pyramid and by The Mycerinus Pyramid at Giza.
This is .. 37207.53202 ..
= 51(deg) * 51(min) * 14.30508728(sec)
This precisely-encoded angle has the TANGENT of ..
"exactly" .. (4 / Pi) .. 1.273239545

Now .. recall the "HD-TET Grid LAT" of 8760.48194

(8760.48194 / 37207.53202) = 0.235449154

This is adecimal-harmonic of .. 23.54491542 ..
which is the_sum_of the Grid LONGs of The Great Sphinx
and The Chephren Pyramid. (In arc-seconds).
{ 11.77245771 + 11.77245771 = 23.54491542 }.

Wouldn't it be "revealing" .. and inherently "significant",
if .. if .. this proposed "ideal-mean" Earth obliquity
angle .. (in arc-degrees, 23.54491542) .. was now
indicating itself to be at least_mathematically_resonant
directly with the "ideal" Earth_precession_cycle of 25920
years ?

Recall, please .. the "Kingship" number .. 50.
{Sumerian; Z.Sitchin; "The 12th Planet", etc.}.

0.2354491542 = (11.77245771 / 50).

Recall, please, the 83.33333333 RATIO of ..
(50 / 0.6) .. in terms of_arc-seconds_of "mean-ideal"
ANNUAL angular movements .. of Earth precession to
Main Obliquity (Earth).
AND .. please recall .. that .. 
83.33333333 = (656.56127 / 7.87873524) ..
where; 656.56127 is the GPV of "FACE ONE" @ Cydonia
on Mars, and where 7.87873524 is the GPV of ..
The White House in Washington, D.C. .. home to a
modern_form_of "Kingship". Yes .. without any doubt.

We NEED .. to *RECOGNIZE* .. that We_DO_in-fact, HAVE
a totally-corrupt, inept, stupid, evil_modern-form_of
"Kingship" .. "in-power" now .. for WAY-TOO-LONG.
It is UP to US .. "The People" .. to **RECOGNIZE** this
fact .. IN-ORDER that We might be, then, "empowered"
with such KNOWLEDGE-and-AWARENESS .. so that We might
then be able to actively (not passively) CHANGE the
situation around to_TRULY_reflect the best interests
and welfare of We the People.

(23.54491542 / 83.33333333) ..
= [(Square-Root of VS) * (10^-3)] / Pi.

This is pure spherical geometry, here.
The Volume of a Sphere .. **ASSUMING the_360_system** ..
yes .. the_360_system .. get it ???????!!!!!!?????!!! ..
The VOLUME of a Sphere .. which is currently FULL of
HOT, horribly-stinking air at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue ..
is .. 787873.524 .. a DECIMAL-HARMONIC of the_GPV_of
the _centered-location_of .. The White House, itself.

The Square-Root of the Volume of a Sphere .. is ..
assuming the_360_system .. 887.6223994

Yes .. Earth is not a "perfect sphere" .. due to
its ROTATION. Yes .. rotation .. associated with the 
"hyperdimensionality" of this whole "equation", eh ?!!

Volume of a Sphere .. VS ..
= (Square-Root of VS * 8760.48194) / (Pi^2).

So .. 8760.48194 = [VS / (Sq.Rt.VS)] * (Pi^2).

AND .. please notice ..

8760.48194 = [(37207.53202 / 100) * 23.54491542]

The main Earth obliquity cycle is .. 40,000 years ..
(K.Totzek).. "ideally".

(40000 / 23.54491542) = 1698.880598

Then; (37207.53202 / 1698.880598) = (8760.48194 / 400).

400 = (864000 / 2160) .. the ratio of the "mean" diameters
of The Sun (Sol) and The Moon.

What do you see, as an observer on Earth .. when there
is a "total solar eclipse" ?
You see (shading your eyes appropriately) ..
The Moon "appear" to_exactly-cover_The Sun.
This is very significant.

400 = (656.56127 / 1.641403175) ..
where; 1.641403175 is a decimal-harmonic of the GPV
of .. "FACE TWO" @ Cydonia on Mars .. 
{164.1403175; Morton, 2001, Internet, 
with assist from Elkins}.
AND, where; 1.641403175 = (21600 / 13159.47253}

This is a deliberately-displayed correlation between
the 21600 *nautical* miles polar circumference of Earth,
and the apparently-designed 13159.47253 *statute* miles
polar circumference of Mars. 

(8760.48194 / 1698.880598) = 1.641403175

This is a massive matrix.

I think the designers literally created mountains
exactly_where_they wanted to. These creators and
designers must have been involved with "human
consciousness" from the very "Beginning" .. or, back at
least as_far_as We can imagine, in time. 
There's nothing that says that these designers/creators
were anything "more or less" than essentially HUMAN.
This ought to be food for very exciting thought.
Know what I mean ? 

-- Michael Lawrence Morton
(c) 2002 by mailto:Milamo@aol.com Michael Lawrence Morton ~ Archeocryptographer.

