Michael Lawrence Morton's

Matrix Message 286

Sky-latitude precessional displacement of Orion ..

Michael Lawrence Morton
Sky-latitude precessional displacement of Orion ..
Sat May 4 14:28:58 2002

Orion "appears" .. in the Earth-sky .. to "move up and down",
over Earth's precession cycle .. by "47 sky-latitude degrees" of the
celestial sphere .. 'up', and then 'down' .. in terms of sky-latitude,
as-observed-from-Earth .. on the back-drop of the celestial sphere.
This is discussed by R.Bauval and G.Hancock in the book, 
"The Message of The Sphinx" .. and this also is discussed by researcher/author
Mark Vidler in his book, "The Star Mirror".

I'm proposing that this "apparent movement" is actually "by-design" ..
at .. 15Pi arc-degrees in the conventional 360 system. 
This would be .. (15 * 3.141592654) = 47.1238898 arc-degrees "each way" ..
or "up" and then "down" in terms of sky-latitude against the celestial sphere,
as-observed-from-Earth. The implications of "by-design", as I state it in this
context, are enormous and profound. I think the "design" was created and
manifested .. by advanced intelligent beings. No .. I do not mean "supernatural
beings". I mean .. real, intelligent beings .. in the far distant past.

Using the Grid POINT Values (GPVs) of The Great Sphinx of Giza,
REGULUS of 2000 A.D. in the "ASM", and what I call the "Orion Belt-stars
Composite Ratio" .. the (IMO) true-and-intended length of the floor of ..
"The King's Chamber" within The Great Pyramid of Giza .. is indicated,
in terms of_regular_("British") feet .. which, in-turn, is exactly 20 Royal Cubits.

5400 / 19.7392088 / 7.957747155 = 34.37746771

Where; 34.37746771 is the true-and-intended length of the floor of "The King's
Chamber" within The Great Pyramid of Giza .. as I have proposed, on The
Internet .. {Morton, 1998, Internet}. 

And, where; 7.957747155 .. is the "Orion Belt-stars Composite Ratio" ..
which, in-turn, is the year-2000 "ASM"_GPVs_of the 3 Orion belt-stars ..
arranged in this following configuration ..
= (43.63323131 * 31.00627668) / 170.010936 ..
= 7.957747155
{See my archives for details for calculations of_each_of the 3 Orion belt-stars}.

[ Some of you recall R.Bauval and G.Hancock discussing ("The Message of
The Sphinx") the "apparent" .. (to the "observer on Earth") .. relationships involving
the Leo constellation, the Orion constellation, the location of The Great Sphinx at
Giza, the sky meridian, the solar ecliptic, the celestial equator, and the horizon
on Earth ]. Well .. the above equations_involve_some of the major players in
that very discussion.

The figure 34.37746771 .. is a decimal-harmonic of .. the exact "given" polar
radius of Earth, itself .. 3437.746771 nautical miles ..
3437.746771 / (10^2) = 34.37746771

How would_15Pi_relate to the proposed true-and-intended length of 20 Royal Cubits,
in terms of_regular_("British") feet .. ?? ..

(34.37746771 / 47.1238898) = 0.729512522 

I have proposed {Morton, 2002, Internet} that there exists an "ideal limit"
for the Fine Structure Constant .. or .. what I have proposed as .. 
the "Ideal Fine Structure Constant". 
I've proposed that this "ideal" is .. 72 / (Pi^2) / (10^3).

This is .. 0.00729512522

Notice that this is .. a decimal-harmonic of .. (34.37746771 / 47.1238898) ..
by a factor of 100 .. (10^2).

About all I know regarding the "Fine Structure Constant" is .. that it involves
the "difference" .. (??) .. between .. "pure light and pure energy" .. or ..
"something like that" .. regarding "whether-or-not" a given electron emits
or absorbs a photon. It has to do with atomic physics. I think the "ASM"
might be a "matrix" that describes, mathematically, some sort of unification
and/or integration of "macro and micro" .. involving atomic physics and celestial

Please notice the number 72 as a major factor in the proposed "ideal limit"
for the FineStructure Constant. This number is a major factor regarding the
"ideal" Earth precession cycle .. is it not ? (25920 / 72 = 360).
72 years .. "ideally" .. for one arc-degree of Earth precession. 
Pentagonal "resonance" is implied, as well .. (72 * 5) = 360.
We're talking "ideals".

In the "celestial" realm .. I see an indication involving the year 2000 A.D. "ASM"
Grid POINT Value (GPV) of ALNITAK .. the_ecliptic_prime meridian "marker-star"
for the entire "ASM" .. {theory of Mary Anne Weaver .. proven-correct by me over
the last 3 years .. or, since March of 1999}. 
If we look at the_reciprocal_of the proposed "ideal" Fine Structure Constant ..
(1 / 0.00729512522) = 137.0778389 .. which, by the way .. compares with the
latest reported "laboratory finding" for the "Fine Structure Inverse" (reciprocal)
as follows .. approximately 137.036 .. so .. that's how close this proposed "ideal"
is, compared to the latest reported "clinical laboratory finding" ..
{J.Iuliano; personal email correspondence}.

Getting back to the indication I see, regarding ALNITAK's sky-location ..
as-observed-from-Earth .. relative to the solar ecliptic .. and_also_assuming
the "ASM" designation {Munck, 1993, "The Code"} of the value_360_for any
functional prime meridian .. using the_GPV_ for 2000 A.D. ALNITAK in the
"ASM" .. of 43.63323131 ..

(137.0778389 / 43.63323131) = 3.141592653 .. Pi.

In my way of thinking .. this scenario should also "resonate" with light-speed,
as defined by researcher/author Bruce Cathie .. who finds that the "ideal"
limit for regular light-speed is .. 162,000 nautical miles per time-second.
Again .. an "ideal" parameter .. apparently_*natural*_limits.
{His book .. "The Harmonic Conquest of Space"}.

If I_multiply_the proposed "15Pi" arc-degrees of sky-latitude precessional
displacement of Orion (on the celestial sphere, as-observed-from-Earth) ..
by .. the 34.37746771 .. which is the_equivalent_of ..
(5400 / 19.7392088 / 7.957747155) .. as described earlier in this email ..
directly involving the GPV of The Great Sphinx of Giza, the GPV of the Heart
of the Lion, and the Orion_Belt-stars_Composite ..

(34.37746771 * 47.1238898) = 1620 .. a decimal-harmonic of 162,000 ..
which, in-turn, is the_"ideal"_(*natural*) light-speed limit .. in terms of 
nautical miles per time-second. The factor, again, is .. 100 .. (10^2).

The decimal-harmonic "15Pi" is also encoded_in-and-by_the "ASM" .. as the
apparently true-and-intended original Apex Height of The Chephren Pyramid 
(the "middle" one of the 3 main Giza pyramids) .. in terms of_regular_("British")
feet .. (150 * 3.141592654) = 471.238898 .. {Munck, 1993, "The Code", 
self-published, http://www.pyramidmatrix.com}

If I now take the 2000 A.D. "ASM"_GPV_for GALACTIC CENTER ..
35.53057584 .. {Morton, 2001, Internet} ..
and I divide that figure_by_the "15Pi" figure ..
( 35.53057584 / 47.1238898) = 0.753982237 .. which is a decimal-harmonic
of .. the Grid LONG {E.ALNITAK} .. of .. GALACTIC ANTI-CENTER ..
where; 753.982237 E.ALNITAK ..
= 42(min) * 17.95195802(sec) E.ALNITAK.
Also, where; the Grid LATs of Galactic Center and Galactic Anti-Center are
"symmetrical" .. at 3600 North & South of the ecliptic ..
= 05(deg) * 40(min) * 18(sec) North & South of the ecliptic.

Notice the_GPV_of Galactic Anti-Center ..
(3600 / 753.982237) = 4.774648292 = (15 / Pi).

Yes .. "15" and "Pi" again .. only their_ratio_instead of their product.

-- Michael Lawrence Morton

P.S. ... I'll be addressing what Mark Vidler has noticed in connection with
his research and writing regarding the "star Mirror" (referenced earlier in this email) ..
involving the "apparent 30 degrees displacement" of .. *Giza* (Orion Belt Pyramids,
a la R.Bauval) from *celestial equator-location* of Orion's Belt, on line-of-sight
from Earth. It involves a 30 arc-degrees "Earth-shift" .. prior to "Zep Tepi".
I mean, by that .. a rotation of the entire Earth as a whole .. of a_net_30 degrees,
along a meridian described by Munck in his "Whispers From Time Volume II".
This_particular_meridian is now "marking" .. and "marked-by" .. the centered-
location of The Akapana Pyramid @ Tiahuanaco in South America.
Yes .. it DOES involve the sky-location ("today") of SIRIUS !! .. as described
by Mark Vidler in his book, "The Star Mirror" .. and it_also_involves the *precise*
numerical values of the 2000 A.D. "ASM" !!

This also involves the "right-angle* .. in terms of Half-Pi Radians of Arc.
It involves the actual_value_of Half-Pi .. 1.570796327 .. so very important in
geometry. Of course .. many people_are_aware of the importance of the 
"right-angle" in geometry.

The_GPV_of 2000 A.D. MINTAKA .. divided-by the_GPV_of 2000 A.D. REGULUS ..
equals .. (Half-Pi) .. (31.00627668 / 19.7392088) = 1.570796327

Regarding the "apparent" 30 degrees of "variance" or "displacement" involving
the_current_latitude of "Giza" (*approximately* 30 degrees north latitude) ..
as compared to the "Orion Belt" latitude on the_celestial_equator .. (on line-of-
sight from Earth) .. I notice an indication, here ..

(47.1238898 / 30) = 1.570796327 .. Half-Pi !! 

More later .. {soon !!} .. of course. 
-- Michael L.M. 


Michael Lawrence Morton
Correction .. thanks, R.Wilkie ..
Wed May 8 16:54:10 2002

I need to correct something. And I thank Rab Wilkie
for pointing this out. 

The_full-cycle_(Earth precession) "latitude
displacement" of ORION .. is (15*Pi) sky-degrees
against the celestial sphere .. my proposal ..
NOT "each way".

There seems to be a "special something" involving
this Earth-precessional latitude (apparent) displacement
in the case of ORION .. because .. right "now" (as of
circa 2000 A.D.) MINTAKA (one of the 3 belt-stars)
is the "bright rising Star in the East" (see Mark Vidler's
book; "The Star Mirror") such that MINTAKA now rises just-
before June solstice_sunrise_*due East*.
This, then, has particular "ASM" correlations and
implications, in my opinion.
-- Michael L.M.

(c) 2002 by mailto:Milamo@aol.com Michael Lawrence Morton ~ Archeocryptographer.

