Michael Lawrence Morton's

Matrix Message 367

Orion Belt-stars Composite = (Mars * Jupiter) ..

Michael Lawrence Morton
Orion Belt-stars Composite = (Mars * Jupiter) ..
Mon Jan 20 22:50:36 2003

Would you believe it ? 

I'll show you the details.

And .. I'll tell you .. I've_already_used this "arrangement" ..
because I've had some trouble remembering my derived "ASM" AU
for Jupiter. 

If you'll recall .. (ALNITAK * MINTAKA) / ALNILAM ..
= (43.63323131 * 31.00627668) / 170.010936 ..
= 7.957747155 .. which I call the "Orion Belt-stars Composite". {ASM}.

Now .. even_before_I noticed the special congruence with_7.957747155_ ..
I decided that 5.20456899 works better than 5.208333333 as the AU
for Jupiter. (Do I sound like a 'planner' on the Solar System Creation Council,
or what ?) 

It was only_later_that I noticed this ..

(1.528992539 * 5.20456899) = 7.957747155
Mars Jupiter

I mean .. "there it is". Self-evident.
And there's even a "belt" between Mars and Jupiter ..
just as those 3 particular Orion stars_comprise_a "belt". 
And that "belt" between Mars and Jupiter happens to_include_the
*orbit-slot* of the former TIAMAT, IMO .. as I do agree with Zecharia Sitchin's
basic thesis. And EARTH just happens to be, apparently, a "rehabbed remnant"
of the former TIAMAT.

Of course .. that "belt" between Mars and Jupiter_would_be a *very* important
place .. historically, if-in-fact there is a NIBIRU as a companion-star to Sol,
as part of a binary star-system .. and, in-which-case there have been certain
'humans' (in the Galactic sense) who have lived on one or more "planetoids" tightly
orbiting this sub brown-dwarf (NIBIRU) .. and, in-which-case said 'humans' have
also been on Mars_and_on the specially-rehabbed chunk of the former TIAMAT.

I need to explain, again, here .. that I was inspired by being referred (by Robert
Carl) to the websites which show and which attempt to explain the "Stonehenge
Equation" .. also called the "Solar System Creation Equation".
{{ Creation doesn't have to_automatically_connect "directly" to "God",
and_by-pass_everything-and-anything ELSE_*between*_"us" Earth humans 
and the "Ultimate-Creator-of-All-That-Is" .. does it ?? }}
I mean .. what if "humans", on an Intergalactic mode/scale .. have been around for ..
ohh, say, 10 or 15 billion years ? (At least) ? I think they'd have been able to
design and create star-systems .. maybe even whole galaxies .. 4 to 5 billion
years ago. (Think of the Cremo & Thompson evidence .. metallic balls found
in geological strata .. in-situ .. in strata 2.5_billion_years old). 
After all .. "we" seem to be barely scratching the surface in our re-discovery
of advanced knowledge which seems to have been elegantly and redundantly
encoded on EARTH .. and in the_sky_of EARTH as well.

Allegedly .. someone named G.E.S. Curtis was able to come up with a certain
equation (1980 ?) .. after noticing the layout of STONEHENGE.
After studying this equation, recently .. I experimented with using certain "ASM"
figures in-place-of certain_AU_distances indicated in this "Stonehenge Equation"
of G.E.S. Curtis .. for particular planets, etc.
What I found, as a result of this particular experimenting .. is more and more
of the "ASM". Precise, specific, cross-correlating data .. all consistent with
the "ASM".

As for reference materials .. please go to ..

Also to ..

And also to ..

One major point I'd like to make, here, is .. that there_is_this "Curtis Equation"
in existence .. since 1980, supposedly. 
In other words .. there_is_a working equation in "the literature", if you will ..
*in-addition-to* the "ASM" and the "Pyramid Matrix". 
People have said that I'm just "making this stuff up" .. and "manipulating numbers"
to "make it work out".
Well .. is G.E.S. Curtis_also_just "making this up" ?
Is Munck just "making this up" .. for over 20 years, now ?

Please go to the above websites, and notice how closely I've "substituted"
certain ASM figures .. for the "Curtis" figures.
I don't think you'll be able to honestly say that I'm "stretching" it.

Here are some examples of planetary AU interactions ..
using particular ASM figures for AUs ..

Mercury * Mars .. 
(0.3872983346 * 1.528992539) = 0.5921762641 ..
which is a decimal-harmonic of .. the_arc-seconds-tag_on the Ecliptic
longitude of South Galactic Node in the ASM ..
05(deg) * 18(min) * 59.21762641(sec) E.ALNITAK ..
= 5329.586377 E.ALNITAK ..
= 540 * (Pi^2).
And this Ecliptic-longitude is_also_that of June Solstice of circa 2000 A.D. ..
see my work on this.

Venus * Jupiter ..
(0.72 * 5.20456899) = (11.77245771 / 3.141592654) .. 
with 11.77245771 being_exactly_5 times the 2.354491542 AU for the
former TIAMAT. 

And then you might notice that 11.77245771 is a decimal-harmonic of
the_exact_RATIO of the RADIUS (in regular Feet) of the Sarsen Circle of
STONEHENGE and the_360_system's Radian-arc value of 57.29577951(deg) ..
(57.29577951 / 48.66934411) = 1.177245771

Mars * Uranus ..
(1.528992539 * 19.2) ..
= 29.35665675 = [103.68 / (Pi^4)] * 27.58106915 ..
= [D.C.White House Grid LAT / (10^3)] / (Pi^4) ..
* (Grid Point Value of D&M Pyramid of Cydonia on Mars).

For those if you who haven't seen these, yet .. here are my ASM-AU figures
for all of the planets, including the former TIAMAT.
Yes .. I think the_2.354491542_also applies to NIBIRU's perihelion passage.

MERCURY .. 0.3872983346 .. (Sqrt 15) / 10.
VENUS .. 0.72
EARTH .. Unity .. 1
MARS .. 1.528992539
Former TIAMAT .. 2.354491542
JUPITER .. 5.20456899
SATURN .. (30 / 3.141592654) = 9.549296586
URANUS .. 19.2
PLUTO .. (2Pi)^2 = 39.4784176

-- Michael Lawrence Morton 
(c) 2002 by mailto:Milamo@aol.com Michael Lawrence Morton ~ Archeocryptographer.
