Michael Lawrence Morton's

Matrix Message 390

Following-up on MARS ..

Michael Lawrence Morton
Following-up on MARS ..
Fri Mar 21 13:02:12 2003

I've been inspired by the realization that an
PLUTO's orbit .. is also a_very_prominent number in
the "Pyramid-Matrix-ASM" .. 248.0502134 .. (2Pi)^3.

This has now spurred-me-on to check-out the realm
of the "orbit-time-periods" of the Planets in the
Sol System .. relative to EARTH's orbit-time-period
of the encoded_365.020081_DAYS.
This is also, of course, the number of *axial-rotations*
of EARTH .. again; this is clearly *encoded* in 
the "Pyramid-Matrix-ASM".

It could be that either Robert Carl or me have already
touched on this .. but; I can't recall at this moment ..
so; I'll just proceed, here, with what I think is the
logical 'encoded' ratio between EARTH's orbit-period
(time) and the MARS 'encoded' orbit-period (time).

My figure {Morton} for the 'encoded' EARTH Equatorial
Circumference is 24,901.19745 Statute Miles .. as compared
to Munck's 24,901.54558 .. which one might think is not
a significant difference. However; one must keep in mind
the_PRECISION_inherent in the very essence and intent of
the "Pyramid-Matrix-ASM" itself. I found the "864"
decimal-harmonic to be clearly-indicated between the
"D&M Pyramid Grid LAT" {Munck} on MARS, and my_APEX_Grid
LAT {Morton} for the top-center-point of The Great Pyramid
of Giza .. (8.64 * 9929.184894) = 85788.157151 ..
= 29(deg) * 58(min) * 51.00366061(sec) North.
The_8.64_is a decimal-harmonic of the apparently
"ideal-and-intended" 86,400 time-seconds in one EARTH
axial-rotation. And this "86400" is 'marked' quite *close*
to the 85788.157151 .. on the "360" prime meridian that
passes through the center of The Great Pyramid of Giza.
86400 North ..
= 29(deg) * 58(min) * 51.36741974(sec) North.
This is only about 36.7 regular_feet_due-north of
my precise_Apex_latitude.
The Grid Point here would be "240" .. 
or simply (86400 / 360).

In fact .. (238.3004375 / 240) = 0.9929184894

I'm now going to use Munck's "Pyramid-Matrix" figure
for the MARS Equatorial Circumference .. along with my
"ASM" figure for EARTH's Equatorial Circumference ..
(both in Statute Miles) .. 
(24901.19745 / 13248.48859) = 1.879550054

Maybe Robert Carl has already found this ?
Or maybe I have ? I can't honestly recall.
I'll proceed ..

I think this_1.879550054_is apparently *encoded* as the
ratio of EARTH's orbit-time-period and the MARS
(686.073513 / 365.020081) = 1.87950054

Why do I like 686.073513 ?
There are at least 3 or 4 reasons.
(686.073513 * 1.523087099) = 10.44949716 * (10^2) ..
where 10.44949716 is the "NIBIRU Perihelion-point"
in the sky as-observed-from-Earth. (See my articles on 
this, on the Internet}.
And_1.523087099_is the (R.Carl) apparently-encoded
"Ideal-Mean" ASM AU-distance_for_MARS .. as a decimal-
harmonic of the_reciprocal_of the (Munck) Grid Point
of the "FACE ONE" on MARS at Cydonia ..
(1 / 0.65656127) = 1.523087099

(1134537.875 / 686.073513) = 16.53668089 * (10^2) ..
= [51.95151519 * (10^2)] / 3.141592654

This is where 16.53668089 figures-in with the
"HyperCube" (and Tetrahedral) calculations (R.Carl),
and is also prominent in the "Washington, D.C. Landscape
Zodiac" findings (R.Carl).
And_51.95151519_is none-other-than his {R.Carl} recent
finding for the "OUTER" RADIUS of the Sarcen Circle
of STONEHENGE in Regular Feet.
And_1134537.875_is my multiplied-product for what I've
found to be the "Ideal-Mean" AU-distances of the Planets
in the Sol System_including_a "former-TIAMAT" position
of 2.354491542 AU .. but not including NIBIRU.

AND .. 686.073513 ..
= (1.0368 * 3.141592654 * 210.6326984) ..
where_210.6326984_is the {R.Carl}_Y2K_Ecliptic Grid
Point for MARS !! 


I've heard rumblings for a while, concerning
possible "septa" .. (7-oriented) .. encodings involving
"The D&M Pyramid" at Cydonia. (-;

(1.879550054 * 27.58106915) = 51.84 .. which is a 
number that resonates really well with "POLARIS" .. 21.6,
at the Y2K moment.
[ 27.58106915 is the {Munck,1993} Grid Point for ..
"The D&M Pyramid", itself. ]
Recall the "Nineveh Number" .. 
1.959552 * (10^14).
Hmmmm .. ten to the "fourteenth" .. 14 .. double 7.

(51.84 * 21.6) = 2 * 1.959552 * (2000 / 7).

2000 is the "Y2K" moment .. at midnight, New Year's Eve
of 1999-2000, at GMT, at "neutral" lat/long .. 
in the_Sidereal_Zodiac, with ALNITAK as the ecliptic
prime meridian "marker" .. at 29*TAU 56' 50".

-- Michael Lawrence Morton 
(c) 2003 by mailto:Milamo@aol.com Michael Lawrence Morton ~ Archeocryptographer.
