Messages from Michael L. Morton

Tonnes More Crop Circle Grid Matrix


Thanks to Paul Vigay's "International Crop Circle Database" ... go to

This formation is reported to have been created on either 30 May or 31 May of 2000, and it was reported on 31 May, 2000.

After going to the above URL, please click on the "OS Grid Ref:" number you can see there, on the page ... of "SU 131666". I use the more-accurate 'long decimal fractional numbers', given in arc-degrees, for latitude and longitude.

Here are my figures (after analysis) for this particular formation :

Grid LAT 51 (deg) X 23 (min) X 50.37554501 (sec) North ... = 59090.5143 North.

Grid LONG 32 (deg) X 56 (min) X 42.82703337 (sec) W.Giza ... = 76746.0438 W.Giza.

Grid POINT Value 76746.0438 / 59090.5143 = 1.29878788.

Comparing This Grid POINT Value ... With That of "W.Kennet Longbarrow" of 1 June, 2000

If we multiply this Grid POINT Value times the Grid POINT Value I found for the W.Kennet Longbarrow formation of 1 June, 2000 ... 1.29878788 X 2.465617776 = 3.202314484 .... this figure is exactly DOUBLE the value of a decimal harmonic of 1/3rd the original apex height (Munck, 1992) of The Great Pyramid of Giza, in regular British Feet, including the capstone.

{ 480.3471728 / 3 = 160.1157242 }.

(3.202314484 / 2) = 1.601157242

For a square-based, 4-sided pyramid, the value of 1/3rd the apex-height is used to calculate the Volume of such a pyramid.

Such a pyramid will ALSO have a base-perimeter to apex-height RATIO of ... "2Pi" .... YES ... the multiplied product of the W.Kennet Longbarrow's Grid POINT Value times the Grid POINT Value (Munck, 1992) of the nearby SILBURY HILL !! { 2.465617776 X 2.548320899 = 6.283185307 }.


The self-evident reference point for this metrology turns out to be the Planetary Polar Circumference ... as defined, on Earth, by the Nautical Mile as equivalent to one arc-minute of Latitude at Earth's equator. On Mars, this Planetary Polar Circumference turns out to be ... according to my findings ... a decimal harmonic of exactly 1/3rd of ... [(2Pi) Squared], in Statute Miles ... 13159.47253 ... or ... [(39.4784176) / 3] X 1000.

On Earth, the Polar circumference is exactly 21,600 nautical miles ... *by definition*. This is "a given" ... and NOT open to debate. (Thankfully).

What I'm leading-up-to, here, is this; the "480.3471728" regular British Feet original apex-height (Munck, 1992) ... including the capstone ... of The Great Pyramid of Giza ... was/is based on the *NUMBER* (21,600) of Nautical Miles of Earth's Polar circumference.

The calculations proving this ... involve Stonehenge !! We know, from Munck's work (1992), that the Grid LONG of Stonehenge is ... 52562.89164 W.Giza ... = 32 (deg) X 57 (min) X 28.8173748 (sec) W.Giza. [ W.Greenwich 01 deg 49 min 28.0173748 sec ].

Now ... simply divide "480.3471728" into Stonehenge's Grid LONG ... 52562.89164 / 480.3471728 = 109.4268783 .... then multiply by .. the Pi constant ... (3.141592654 X 109.4268783) = 343.7746771 ... which is ... a PRECISE DECIMAL HARMONIC of Earth's Polar Radius in Nautical Miles ... (3437.746771).

How do we get the radius of a sphere when we know its circumference ? We divide by .... "2Pi". 21,600 / 2Pi = 3437.746771 ... nautical miles.

As Munck has said, The Great Pyramid is a "3-D model" of ... "2Pi" .. its base-perimeter to its original apex-height RATIO.

And, again; what are the Grid POINT Values of the W.Kennet Longbarrow crop formation and the nearby SILBURY HILL showing us ? (2.465617776 X 2.548320899) = 6.283185307 = 2Pi.

AGAIN ... what is being shown (confirmed ?) by the multiplication of the Grid POINT Values of the W.Kennet Longbarrow and the Lockeridge crop formations, of 1 June 2000 and 31 May 2000, respectively? 2.465617776 X 1.29878788 = 3.202314484 ... exactly DOUBLE the decimal harmonic ... 1.601157242 ... of precisely 1/3rd the original apex-height, including the capstone, of The Great Pyramid of Giza !! { 480.3471728 / 3 = 160.1157242 }.

We know the original base-length of The Great Pyramid (Munck, 1992) ... 754.5275746 regular British Feet. After all ... 2Pi X 480.3471728 = 3018.110298 ... original base-perimeter.

3018.110298 / 4 = 754.5275746 .. confirmed. To figure the Volume, in regular Cubic Feet ... we Square the base-length, and then multiply by 1/3rd the apex-height. (754.5275746 X 754.5275746) X 160.1157242 = 91155780.9 Cubic Feet.

We are being "shown" ... by these particular crop formations ... in combination with the precise locations of certain ancient structures *nearby* these formations, whose OWN Grid LONGs are measured from the center of The Great Pyramid as a prime meridian marker ... CONFIRMATION of certain metrology units used in our current planetary culture ... as being THE SAME metrology units used by THE DESIGNERS of The Great Pyramid of Giza, Stonehenge, and Silbury Hill.


By Michael Lawrence Morton (c) copyright 2000

As always .... thanks to Paul Vigay's "International Crop Circle Database" .. go to

This formation was reported on 8 June, 2000.

When you go to the above URL ... click on the "OS Grid Ref:" number of SU 266581 ... and you'll go to the page with latitude and longitude of the site.

I use the 'long decimal fractional figures, in arc-degrees.

This formation is displaying, in its precise latitude and longitude placement ...

1) My predicted (precise) figure for the "ideal/original/intended" Polar circumference of Mars .. in Statute Miles.

2) The precise mathematical constant of the "Square of Pi".

3) The exact TANGENT of the base slope angle of The Chephren Pyramid of Giza (Munck, 1992).

Here are my figures for this formation ...

Grid LAT 51 (deg) X 19 (min) X 13.58046701 (sec) North ... = 13159.47253 North.

{ Note : this is a decimal harmonic of (precisely) 1/3rd the value of the Square of (2Pi) ... AND this is also my predicted Polar circumference of Mars in Statute Miles. [(2Pi) Squared X 1000] / 3 = 13159.47253 }. Grid LONG 32 (deg) X 45 (min) X 6.853891945 (sec) W.Giza ... = 9869.604401 W.Giza. [ W.Greenwich 01 deg 37 min 6.053891945 sec ].

{ Note : "9869.604401" is precisely a decimal harmonic of (Pi Squared). 3.141592654 X 3.141592654 = 9.869604401 }. Grid POINT Value (13159.47253 / 9869.604401) = 1.333333333

Note : the figure 1.333333333 is the TANGENT of the exact base slope angle of The Chephren Pyramid of Giza .. the "middle" one of the 3 main pyramids at Giza in Egypt (Munck, 1992). TAN 53.13010235 (deg) = 1.333333333 .. This is a "repeating decimal" fraction, of course.

If we multiply this figure .. 1.333333333 .. by the Pi constant ... we get a decimal harmonic of the Polar diameter of Mars in statute miles ... 1.333333333 X 3.141592654 = 4.188790203 ... { 4188.790203 }.


As I have discussed in past writings on The Internet ... the figure "13159.47253" is the Grid LONG of *both* The White House and The Jefferson Memorial, in Washington, D.C., USA. (Morton, 1998). 108 (deg) X 10 (min) X 12.18469679 (sec) W.Giza ... = 13159.47253 W.Giza. [ W.Greenwich 77 deg 02 min 11.38469679 sec ].


The original apex-height of The Chephren Pyramid of Giza is ... (150 X Pi) = 471.238898 regular British Feet (Munck, 1992). If we multiply that exact apex-height times "1.333333333" .... 471.238898 X 1.333333333 = 628.3185306 .... a PRECISE decimal harmonic of "2Pi". And ... it is The Great Pyramid of Giza, and also The Mycerinus Pyramid of Giza ... that display the "2Pi" RATIO between their original base perimeters and their respective original apex-heights.

FURTHER ... as I showed in a previous post on these very recent crop formations, the exact multiplied product of Silbury Hill's Grid POINT Value (Munck, 1993) and my Grid POINT Value for the "W.Kennet Longbarrow" formation *nearby* Silbury Hill ... is .... 2.548320899 X 2.465617776 = 6.283185306 = precisely 2Pi. Silbury Hill W.Kennet L.


In the British media, at least, it has been reported that on Monday, 05 June, 2000 ... some tourists discovered a large open shaft .. that had revealed itself at the center of the top of Silbury Hill ... the largest prehistoric mound in Europe. It is thought that recent heavy rains had contributed to a "slide" within this square shaft ... exposing its opening.

I just recently had figured a Grid POINT Value of "1.29878788" ... for the reported "Lockeridge" crop formation ... reported on 31 May, 2000. Now ... I think the "crop formation makers" are likely telling us that this "1.29878788" figure is a decimal harmonic of the "original/intended" HEIGHT in regular Feet ... of SILBURY HILL, itself ... 129.878788 Feet. Notice what happens when we divide THAT figure by .. "1.333333333" .... 129.878788 / 1.333333333 = 97.40909102 ... *precisely* (Pi to the 4th power) .... 3.141592654 X 3.141592654 X 3.141592654 X 3.141592654.

This is the latest in a recent series of crop formations, in the Wiltshire area of England, that are dramatically and precisely correlating ... in terms of their exact latitude/longitude placements ... to not only major pyramids at Giza .. but to 'The D&M Pyramid' at Cydonia on Mars ... as well as to major structures in England such as Silbury Hill, Stonehenge, and Avebury Circle.

I hope you, the readers, will circulate this post to everyone you know. This is a very MAJOR, HISTORIC event ... a very MAJOR, and HISTORIC series-of-events ... un-folding before our very eyes.


-- By Michael Lawrence Morton (c) copyright 2000

In this article, I will carefully lay-out the precise spacial and metrological references that I have now found to be indicated, among several major pyramids ... 2 on Earth and 1 on Mars ... via the exact placement of the very remarkable "1991 (17 July) Barbury Castle" crop formation. In fact, I think one of the primary "purposes" for the creation-of, and for the exact-positioning-of .. the "Barbury Castle (17 July) 1991" crop formation ... was, *and still is* ... to serve as an *act-of-communication*, involved in .. and please choose from several terms that I would suggest, here ... "encouraging/helping/stimulating/interacting-with" .... and I'm sure there are other appropriate terms that could be used ... US (as in "us" Earth humans) ... in a process of a "re-discovery of some of our very ancient common, lost, and suppressed, history and species identity". One way of "re-discovering" one's lost, suppressed history and identity .. would be through work such as that pioneered by Carl P. Munck, Sr. ... the new field of study called "Archaeocryptography". Munck discovered (re-discovered) an ancient "matrix" revealing itself in terms of the precise positioning of pyramids, mounds, effigies, stone circles, etc. .. all over Earth .. using the exact latitude and longitude coordinates ... down to a small fraction of the arc-second ... of the structures themselves ... AND, as related-to-one-another, across continents. One major aspect of this re-discovered 'matrix' ... is the location of its prime meridian ... through the center of The Great Pyramid of Giza ... not Greenwich, England. Another major finding by Munck, was that 'The Face' and 'The D&M Pyramid' at Cydonia on Mars, are precisely involved in the SAME MATRIX as that on Earth, based on a self-revealing ancient latitude/longitude system on Mars, including a prime meridian (self-evident) through the center of 'The D&M Pyramid'.

Yes ... this ancient system .. this ancient matrix ... is not only inter-continental, it is INTER-PLANETARY.

Quite recently, I have found that the longitude variances ... the longitude arc- distances between the (true) 'archaeomatrix' prime meridians and the currently- used (conventional, public) prime meridians ... are actually *set* to display a difference (between the Mars and Earth variances) of .. exactly 21.6 arc-degrees.

This difference in longitude-variances, between Mars and Earth, is numerically IDENTICAL to the Grid POINT Value for the star POLARIS (21.6) ... which I have found (Morton, 1999) in its *year-2000* position, in what I call the "Sky Matrix".

{ }. Notice that "21.6" is a decimal harmonic of not only the number of arc-minutes on one "generic" circumference of 360 arc-degrees ... but ALSO is a decimal harmonic of the exact POLAR circumference of Earth in nautical miles .. 21,600.

The Mars longitude-variance is ... 09 deg 32 min 0.8 sec (Morton, 2000). The conventional (publicly used) Mars prime meridian is to the East of the center of 'The D&M Pyramid' .. which is the marker for the current true 'matrix' prime meridian. Munck (1992) found that the Earth longitude-variance is ... 31 deg 08 min 0.8 sec. Of course, Greenwich (Eng.) is to the West of Earth's current true prime meridian, marked by the center of The Great Pyramid of Giza.

Taking the difference between these 2 longitude-variances :

31 08 0.8
09 32 0.8
21 36 0.0 ..... we see it is 21 deg 36 min 0.0 sec ... or, 21.6 arc-degrees.

It is important to show you some of these details, here, because I have found that the "216" decimal harmonic is very integral to the 'matrix' itself, and it is significant that it is referenced to the *defined* Polar circumference of Earth, as well as to the current sky-position of our North Pole star, POLARIS.


I now direct your attention to Paul Vigay's "International Crop Circle Database", to show you some facts about the "1991 (17 July) Barbury Castle Crop Formation". { Go to ... }. You'll see, there, a drawing and some facts about that remarkable and historic crop formation. Next .. click on the "OS Grid Ref:" number of .. SU 152768. That takes you to the page showing this formation's exact latitude and longitude, or as 'exact' as the person(s) in the field could measure. I use the 'long decimal fractional figures' ... given in arc-degrees. Here are my 'matrix' figures for this formation :

Grid LAT 51 (deg) X 29 (min) X 20.40642528 (sec) North ... = 30181.10298 North.

Note: the figure "30181.10298" is a precise decimal harmonic of the original (Munck, 1992) base perimeter of The Great Pyramid of Giza ... in regular British Feet (3018.1102981).

Notice this also gives the original height of The Great Pyramid (Munck, 1992) when we use the "2Pi" RATIO indicated between height and base perimeter .. 3018.1102981 / 6.283185307 = 480.3471728 regular British Feet ... original height, including the capstone.

Grid LONG 32 (deg) X 54 (min) 52.77144982 (sec) W.Giza ... = 91189.06529 W.Giza. [ W.Greenwich 01 deg 46 min 51.97144982 sec ].

Note: "91189.06529" is a precise decimal harmonic of the Grid POINT Value (Munck, 1993) of The Quetzalcoatl Pyramid at Teotihuacan, Mexico (9.118906529).

Also ... notice that "9.118906529" is exactly ... [Radian (deg) / 2Pi]. This is a major reference, here, to our 360 arc-degrees system .. of time and arc-distance measurement. { (2Pi) X Radian (deg) = 360 (deg) } ... where Radian (deg) is 57.29577951 arc-degrees. Grid POINT Value .. 1991 Barbury Castle Crop Formation ... 91189.06529 / 30181.102981 = 3.021396049


Notice, in the drawing of this crop formation ... how there are 3 'features' attached-to ... a central design. This evokes the number "3". Let's divide "3" by the Grid POINT Value I just found ... 3 / 3.021396049 = 0.9929184894 ... a precise decimal harmonic of the Grid LAT (Munck, 1992) of 'The D&M Pyramid' of Cydonia on Mars. 9929.184894 North ... = 40 (deg) X 52 (min) X 4.773646584 (sec) North.


Something else I want to point out, here, is the fact that in the summer of 1991, Carl Munck, Richard Hoagland, and Erol Torun were working together on figuring out various math and geometry parameters at Cydonia ... by examining NASA photos from Viking and Mariner. In fact, by the summer of 1991, Munck had figured-out the 'matrix numbers' for both 'The D&M Pyramid' and 'The Face'. This, of course, included his discovery (re-discovery) of the self-evident prime meridian through the center of 'The D&M Pyramid'.

We have the "1991 Barbury Castle Crop Formation" .. discovered on 17 July, 1991.

It is as if ... "someone" was confirming/verifying ... by the exact placement and design of that crop formation ... that Hoagland, Torun, Munck, et al ... were "getting it" !!! They were re-discovering bonafide, hard evidence of some of our ancient common lost, suppressed, interplanetary history and identity. We were beginning to "crack" a major "encoding" system ... and we were getting signs of "verification/agreement/acknowledgement/confirmation" ... from ... someone.

We are still getting those 'signs and symbols' ... this spring/summer of 2000.

Who could the "someone" be ? It could be certain 'ancestors/cousins' of ours, "The Anunnaki/Nefilim/Elohim" ... that Zecharia Sitchin has written about. It could be certain ones of "us" ... maybe involved in secret "black-ops" programs. It could be 'some-of-each', of those 2 possibilities. It could be a 'consortium' of various intelligent beings (races) ... some of which might have been "involved" in various ways with "us" Earth humans. I think those are all good possibilities.


I realize there are many of you who are really 'scratching your heads' ... or .. something ... right about now. There are many articles .. some 'nice and short' .. that you can go to, on the following websites ... to get a lot more details and "information/education" on this subject. I encourage you to go to these websites, where you will find MUCH corroborative evidence ... explanations of figures ... etc., etc., etc.


-- Michael Lawrence Morton (c) 2000

As always, thanks to Paul Vigay's "International Crop Circle Database" .. go to ...


If you go to the URL, above, you'll see a drawing of this formation. If you'll click on the "OS Grid Ref:" number .... SU 093689 ... you'll go to the latitude/longitude page. I work with the 'long decimal fractional numbers' .. given in arc-degrees. These readings, as I've said before, are taken by people in the field, to the best accuracy they can measure.

Here are my 'matrix' numbers for this formation ...

Grid LAT 51 (deg) X 25 (min) X 5.108971689 (sec) North ... = 6513.938904 North ... = 660 X (Pi Squared).

Grid LONG 32 (deg) X 59 (min) X 59.431789 (sec) W.Giza ... = 112207.2176 W.Giza ... = 366.6666667 X (Pi to the 5th power). [ W.Greenwich 01 deg 51 min 58.631789 sec ].

Grid POINT Value 112207.2176 / 6513.938904 = 17.22570926


I have found the Grid POINT Value of The Washington Monument, in Washington, D.C., to be ... 5.411616169 ... which can now be seen as a factor in this equation :

5.411616169 X (10 / Pi) = 17.22570926 (10 / Pi) is the Grid POINT Value I found for the star VEGA in the current "Sky-matrix" ..


Now, for the 'other' formation that was discovered that early morning of 11 June, 2000, only about 150 feet away from the above formation ... go to ...

Then .. for latitude and longitude .... click on the "OS Grid Ref" number .. SU 092690 ... and as you know, I use the 'long decimal fractional figures' given in arc-degrees.

Grid LAT 51 (deg) X 25 (min) X 8.36013549 (sec) North ... = 10659.17275 North ... = 343.7746771 X (Pi Cubed) ... = 1080 X (Pi Squared).

Grid LONG 33 (deg) X 4.572894391 (sec) W.Giza ... = 150.9055149 W.Giza ... = (480.3471728 / 10) X Pi.

Grid POINT Value ... 10659.17275 / 150.9055149 = 70.63474628

Decimal Harmonic of the Multiplied Product Of Silbury Hill and Avebury Circle

This is very significant ... we have, here, a precise decimal harmonic of the EXACT multiplied-product of the Grid POINT Values of SILBURY HILL and AVEBURY CIRCLE, themselves !!! (Munck, 1993, 1999) ... 2.548320899 X 2.77181521 = 7.063474628 .. precisely 1/10th of the Grid POINT Value for the 'other' crop formation of 11 June, 2000 .... which we just figured-out ... 70.63474628 ... !!!

The Matrix Figures for Silbury Hill (Munck, 1993)

Grid LAT 51 (deg) X 24 (min) X 55.43987036 (sec) North ... = 67858.40132 North ... = 10 times the circumference of The Moon in statute miles.

Grid LONG 32 (deg) X 59 (min) X 14.10416949 (sec) W.Giza ... = 26628.67199 W.Giza ... = Radian (deg) X (Square Root of 216,000).

Grid POINT Value .. SILBURY HILL .. 67858.40132 / 26628.67199 ... = 2.548320899

The Matrix Figures For Avebury Circle (Munck, 1999)

Grid LAT 51 (deg) X 25 (min) X 39.88785669 (sec) North ... = 50857.01728 North ... = Radian (deg) X (Square Root of Volume of a Sphere) ... = 57.29577951 X 887.6223994 ... = Grid LAT of "The Ram/Goat" in Cameron County, Pennsylvania, USA.

Grid LONG 32 (deg) X 59 (min) X 9.718172912 (sec) W.Giza ... = 18347.910461 W.Giza ... = Radian (deg) X 2/3rds the Original Height (Ft) of The Great Pyramid of Giza ... = 57.29577951 X 320.2314485.

Grid POINT Value .. AVEBURY CIRCLE .. 50857.01728 / 18347.910461 ... = 2.77181521


As I reported in a very recent article on The Internet ...

I found the Grid POINT Value of the 1991 July Barbury Castle Crop Formation to be ... 3.021396049 .. and I also pointed out that this figure is closely related to the Grid LAT (Munck, 1992) of 'The D&M Pyramid' at Cydonia on Mars.

Take the reciprocal of 3.021396049, and then multiply by "3" ... (1 / 3.021396049) X 3 = 0.9929184894 ... which is a precise decimal harmonic of "9929.184894" North ... = 40 (deg) X 52 (min) X 4.773646582 (sec) North.

Now ... let's divide "3.021396049" into "70.63474628" ... 70.63474628 / 3.021396049 = 23.37818185 ... a decimal harmonic of the Grid LAT (Munck, 1993) of "The Pyramid of the Sun" at Teotihuacan, Mexico.

23378.18185 North ... = 19 (deg) X 41 (min) X 30.01050302 (sec) North.

If we divide "23.37818185" by Pi .... 23.37818185 / 3.141592654 = 7.441506403 ... a decimal harmonic of the (Munck, 1992) Area in Square Feet of The Sarsen Circle of Stonehenge. Note: the figure "7.441506403" is also the exact number of arc-seconds, in the W.Giza longitude of both The Washington Monument and The 33rd Degree Temple in Washington, D.C. ...

108 (deg) X 10 (min) X 7.441506403 (sec) W.Giza ... = 8036.826915 W.Giza ... = (Pi Cubed) X 259.2.

Note: the figure "259.2" is a decimal harmonic of the Earth precession cycle in years, of 25920.

Further note: the figure "259.2" is also a numerical match of the Grid POINT Value I recently found for "THE THOLUS" at Cydonia on Mars ... 259.2 = (1296 / 5) .... where "1296" North ... = 41 (deg) X 03 (min) X 10.53658537 (sec) North ... and where .. "5" E.Cydonia = 01 (deg) X 05 (min) E.Cydonia.

If we divide "23.37818185" by (Pi Squared), we get ... "2.368705056" .. which is my Grid POINT Value for the star SIRIUS, in the current "Sky-matrix" ..

If we multiply "23.37818185" by .. "17.22570926" ... = (Pi Squared) X 10 X 4.080262463

Recall : the figure "4.080262463" is the numerical match of the Grid POINT Value I found for the "East Field, Alton Barnes" formation ...

Ref. number uk00af, which was reported on 20th May, 2000 ... !!!

AND ... if we now simply divide THAT figure by Pi ....

4.080262463 / 3.141592654 = 1.29878788 ... the numerical match of the Grid POINT Value I found for the "Lockeridge" formation ... Ref. number uk00aj, which was reported on 31st May, 2000 ... !!!


70.63474628 X 17.22570926 = 1216.733603 ... which is exactly .. 500 times the Grid POINT Value (Munck, 1992) of .. STONEHENGE ... 2.433467206 X 500 = 1216.733603.

The Matrix Figures For Stonehenge (Munck, 1992)

Grid LAT 51 (deg) X 10 (min) X 42.35294118 (sec) North ... = 21,600 North ... = Polar circumference of Earth in nautical miles ... = number of arc-minutes on one circumference of 360 arc-degrees.

Grid LONG 32 (deg) X 57 (min) X 28.8173748 (sec) W.Giza ... = 52562.89164 W.Giza ... = 8760.48194 X 6. [ W.Greenwich 01 deg 49 min 28.0173748 sec ].

Note : the figure "8760.48194" is my "Tetrahedral Grid LAT" (Morton, 1999), which is a translation of R.C.Hoagland's "Tetrahedral Latitude" into a "Grid LAT" format. 19.47122061 arc-degrees can be "matrixed" as : 19 (deg) X 28 (min) X 16.46707132 (sec) North/South ... = 8760.48194 North/South ... of Planetary Equators.

A31 nr Cheesefoot Head Hampshire, UK ... reported on 27 May, 2000

As always, thanks to "The International Crop Circle Database" ... go to ...

This formation has 2 concentric rings, with 4 "pairs" of "scallops" between the 2 rings. The 4 pairs of 'scallops' appear to be 90 arc-degrees apart from one another. The drawing has these pairs slightly "off" the cardinal direction points apparently (counterclockwise), although it is unknown to me as to whether this is actually the case at the site.

Please click on the "OS Grid Ref" number of SU 553300. Now you're on the page showing this formation's latitude and longitude, measured to a relatively high accuracy, on-site. I use the long decimal fractional figures given in arc-degrees.

Here are my 'matrix' figures for this formation ...

Grid LAT 51 (deg) X 03 (min) X 56.47058824 (sec) North ... = 8640 North.

Note : I recognize this number immediately, as gematria-related. It is one-third of the Earth precession cycle in years ... 25920 / 3 = 8640.

Grid LONG 32 (deg) X 20 (min) X 40.5 (sec) W.Giza ... = 25920 W.Giza.

Note : Yes !! This is Earth's precession cycle in years .. 25920. [ W.Greenwich 01 deg 12 min 39.7 sec ]. Grid POINT Value ... 25920 / 8640 = 3. Very "straightforward".

This one was relatively "easy" to read, and its design was also simple.

Stantonbury Hill, nr Bristol Avon, UK ... reported on 20 May, 2000

As always, thanks to "The International Crop Circle Database" ... please go to ...

This formations shows a series of circles, of increasing size, forming a large ring. "Diagram and photo coming soon", says Paul. So .. stay posted.

Meanwhile ... click on the "OS Grid Ref" number ... ST 667633 .. taking you to the page showing this formation's latitude and longitude, measured on-site, to a relatively high accuracy. I work with the long decimal fractional figures given in arc-degrees.

Here are my 'matrix' figures for this formation ...

Grid LAT 51 (deg) X 22 (min) X 0.601604278 (sec) North ... = 675 North.

Note : I recognize this as a figure related to the Grid POINT Value of ... The Great Sphinx of Giza. (Munck, 1992) ... (5400) ...

5400 / 8 = 675. This is also, then, related to Earth's Polar circumference of 21,600 nautical miles. { 21,600 / 32 = 675 }. Notice the BINARY factor, here.

The "8" is the Cube of 2 ... and the "32" is (2 to the 5th power). Grid LONG 33 (deg) X 36 (min) X 42.61363636 (sec) W.Giza ... = 50625 W.Giza.

Note : this is the Square of ... "225". { 225 X 225 = 50625 }. AND ... "225" is the Square of ... "15". AND ... "15" is the Square of ... 3.872983346 ... the Grid POINT Value of ... The Miami Circle (Morton, 1999). { W.Greenwich 02 deg 28 min 41.81363636 sec ].

Grid POINT Value ... 50625 / 675 = 75.

Note: this is a numerical match of the Grid POINT Value (75) I found for "The Great Octagon" at Newark, Ohio, USA. { }.

Notice .. especially if you'll go to the URL, immediately above ... the number "8", and its prominence at "The Great Octagon". The "8" is the factor linking the Grid POINT Value of The Great Sphinx of Giza ... to the Grid LAT of this crop formation.

And I think it's interesting how The Miami Circle makes its presence felt, once again.

AN EXCITING REVISION ... A31 nr Cheesefoot Head Hampshire, UK ... reported on 27 May, 2000

As always, thanks to "The International Crop Circle Database" ... go to ...

This formation has 2 concentric rings, with 4 "pairs" of "scallops" between the 2 rings. The 4 pairs of 'scallops' appear to be 90 arc-degrees apart from one another. The drawing has these pairs slightly "off" the cardinal direction points apparently (counterclockwise), although it is unknown to me as to whether this is actually the case at the site.

Please click on the "OS Grid Ref" number of SU 553300. Now you're on the page showing this formation's latitude and longitude, measured to a relatively high accuracy, on-site. I use the long decimal fractional figures given in arc-degrees.

Here are my 'matrix' figures for this formation ...

Grid LAT 51 (deg) X 03 (min) X 56.47058824 (sec) North ... = 8640 North.

Note : I recognize this number immediately, as gematria-related. It is one-third of the Earth precession cycle in years ... 25920 / 3 = 8640.

Grid LONG 32 (deg) X 20 (min) X 40.5 (sec) W.Giza ... = 25920 W.Giza.

Note : Yes !! This is Earth's precession cycle in years .. 25920. [ W.Greenwich 01 deg 12 min 39.7 sec ]. Grid POINT Value ... 25920 / 8640 = 3. Very "straightforward".

This one was relatively "easy" to read, and its design was also simple.


Yeah ... you know I could say I was wrong .. to settle on 'the simple and the quick'. But, it just might be ... that we can 'take our pick'. I'll be closer now, than I was before .. because I went right back, and opened another door.

I couldn't resist the beckoning of the powerful Earth precession cycle, yesterday, of 25920 years. It's always there; with me, it seems. I guess it was close enough to grab me, there. I did realize that I was settling on something about 30 to 40 feet away, in longitude, from the "25700" round-number approximation I projected. But .. that's "just enough on the border" of plausibility in this realm, to make the "25920" hard to resist. So 'settle' I did. But that was yesterday.

Today I had more time, and it was a new dawn. I had my calculator and my coffee.

I can now show you an alternative to the powerful 25,920 THIS particular case, that is. { You don't just go messin' around with 25920 ... you got to have a good reason for even *considering* an alternative to it }. (-; And this particular alternative more-than-closes that gap of longitude, going a bit .. but JUST a bit .. over the edge to the other side. So here we go.

Grid LONG 32 (deg) X 20 (min) X 40.15220889 (sec) W.Giza ... = 25697.41369 W.Giza. [ W.Greenwich 01 deg 12 min 39.35220889 sec ].

Now .. look at that .. we're only a TINY BIT over the "25700" line of projected approximation ... "going the other way". I like it. Do you ?

Now for the new, alternate Grid POINT Value for this nice, simple-looking formation .. 25697.41369 / 8640 = 2.974237696 ... and when I saw this, I wondered quite a bit ... because I couldn't remember seeing it before .. even as a decimal harmonic.


One of the numbers I've been working with lately is the Buckminster Fuller "un-zip angle" for DNA/RNA ... "7.333333333" arc-degrees. His work opened a window to the geometry of DNA structure. It's nice to see that this figure resonates so well with the 360 arc-degrees *basis* of our system. If we just multiply 360 by 7.333333333 .... we get "2640" .... exactly HALF the 5280 regular British Feet in a Statute Mile. The more you get into this, the more you should realize how these numbers such as "360" and "5280", and how metrology units such as "the British Foot" and the "Statute Mile" are NOT based on "arbitrary whims", nor on "trivial happen-stances", nor on "superstitious folklore".

Notice this ... 7.333333333 / 2.974237696 = 2.465617776 ... So; what have we, here ? Have you read my article on the "W.Kennet Longbarrow" crop formation that was created on 01 June, 2000 ? "2.465617776" is the Grid POINT Value I figured for THAT crop formation !!! And recall that the Grid POINT Value of Silbury Hill *itself* (Munck, 1993) is .. "2.548320899" ... and that when multiplied by "2.465617776" ... we get .. EXACTLY .. (2Pi) ... 6.283185307. And remember that "2Pi" is the precise number of Radians (deg) on one circumference of 360 arc-degrees. { 6.283185307 X 57.29577951 = 360 }.

Obviously, these figures being revealed/displayed by these particular crop formations ... AT LEAST by these 'particular formations' ... are indicating a process of intentional, very intelligent communication, here ... far, far beyond the realm of "random coincidence" ... and this process of communication is obviously DIRECTED TO US .... yes .. directed to "us Earth Humans". Don't "we" use a 360 arc-degrees system ? Don't "we" use the Pi constant, and are "we" not aware of The Radian of 57.29577951 arc-degrees on a circumference of 360 arc-degrees ?! Don't "we" use a Statute Mile of exactly 5280 FEET ?! Haven't "we" figured out, by now, thanks to Bucky Fuller, that there is, indeed, a "DNA/RNA un-zip angle" of 7.333333333 arc-degrees ?

Those of you at all familiar with the history of The Knights Templar .. have probably heard of a "character" known by various names ... "Baphomet", "The Goat of Mendes", etc. I've mentioned on The Internet that I was fortunate to be led to an artifactual depiction of "Baphy", as I call him. The depiction is near the small village of Sterling Run, Pennsylvania, USA .. not far from the town of Emporium .. on the face of a rock, on the banks of Sterling Run Creek.

I visited the site, and made careful note of its location, on an official USGS topo map. This was in late Winter/early Spring of 1995. I sent the map to Carl Munck, who figured out the 'matrix' numbers with the help of some details provided by me over the phone. Here are those figures :

Grid LAT 41 (deg) X 24 (min) X 51.68396065 (sec) North ... = 50857.01728 North.

Grid LONG 109 (deg) X 20 (min) X 4.730844179 (sec) W.Giza ... = 10313.24031 W.Giza. [ W.Greenwich 78 deg 12 min 3.930844179 sec ].

Grid POINT Value ... "The Goat/Ram" ... 50857.01728 / 10313.24031 ... = 4.931235553

Notice the Grid POINT Value of .. "4.931235553" ... and divide it by the 2 "horns" of this "creature" ... 4.931235553 / 2 = 2.465617776 ... the Grid POINT Value of the "W.Kennet Longbarrow" crop formation of 01 June, 2000.

"Baphy" is known for his wisdom ... for his knowledge. He is associated with the historical "Khem/Ham" of the ancient Egyptian alchemical priesthood .. (see the work of Laurence Gardner).

The "horns" in the depiction at Sterling Run, Pennsylvania, USA ... are quite "straight" and "spread-out", and this alludes to the 'fallopian-tube' appearance of that part of the female (human) anatomy. I think this, in turn, merges with the concept of the "geometry of DNA/RNA structure", and the "7.333333333" arc-degrees (Fuller).

Look again, at the drawing of this "A31 nr Cheesefoot Head" formation ... and notice the "4 pairs" of ... "scallops". To me ... these "scallops" look like pairs of HORNS ... a simply-stylized set, of 4 pairs of horns.


by Michael Lawrence Morton (c) 2000

As always, thanks to "The International Crop Circle Database" .. please go to ...

I think this formation is showing a "stylized ouroboros" ... a very ancient emblem of both 'Kingship' .. as in bloodlines ... and of 'Enlightenment' .. as in knowledge and wisdom. In connection with this subject, I recommend chapter 10 of the book, "Genesis of The Grail Kings", by Laurence Gardner.

Once on the webpage (Url, above) .. please 'click' on the "OS Grid Ref" number of SU 329379 ... which takes you to the page giving a relatively accurate latitude and longitude for this formation .. as accurate as can be measured by the person(s) in the field. I use the long decimal fractional figures, given in arc-degrees.

These are my 'matrix' figures for this formation ...

Grid LAT 51 (deg) X 08 (min) X 18.38235294 (sec) North ... = 7500 North. Grid LONG 32 (deg) X 39 (min) X 48.07692308 (sec) W.Giza ... = 60000 W.Giza. [ W.Greenwich 01 deg 31 min 47.27692308 sec ]. Grid POINT Value 60000 / 7500 = 8.

If we turn the figure "8" ... by 90 arc-degrees ... we have a symbol that can represent the basic form of the very ancient stylized "Great Dragon" emblem, with the head, feet, and tail of the "dragon" stretched-out in a way that forms (nearly) a 'sideways' figure-8.

Correlation to 'The Great Octagon' Of Newark, Ohio, USA

Right around the time this formation was reported (10th April, 2000) ... I "happened" to be reviewing some matrix numbers of certain structures/sites, including The Great Octagon and Octagon Circle, at the earthworks in Newark, Ohio, USA. I ended-up 'correcting' the reported matrix numbers for Octagon Circle .. both latitude and longitude. I also, then, figured-out (to my satisfaction, anyway) the matrix numbers for The Great Octagon ... which, until then, had not been done by anyone .. at least not to my knowledge. Bear in mind, here, that I didn't look at the latitude or longitude numbers of this crop formation we're discussing, until just a few days ago, as I write this (Solstice of June, 2000).

The Grid POINT Value of The Great Octagon, I found to be ... "75" ... a decimal harmonic of the "7500" Grid LAT I just (2 days ago, as I write this) figured for this crop glyph.

{ Please go to .. }.

Of course, the number "8" is displayed by The Great Octagon earthwork ... in its structural design. What are 'the odds' that I would just "happen" to be reviewing the matrix numbers of this particular 'set' of earthworks, just about the time the crop glyph we are discussing was actually created ... and that the Grid POINT Value displayed by the crop glyph would be "8" ... AND, that the Grid LAT of the crop glyph would be a decimal harmonic match of the Grid POINT Value ("75") I found for the earthwork that is LITERALLY *connected-to* the earthwork I was reviewing at the time ?


-- by Michael Lawrence Morton (c) 2000

As always, thanks to "The International Crop Circle Database" .. please go to ...

I've found this formation to be directly related to the Grid POINT Value of 'The D&M Pyramid' at Cydonia on Mars, and *also* directly related to the Grid LONG of 'The Face' at Cydonia.

Once you're at the above website (see URL), please 'click' on the "OS Grid Ref" number of SU 121620 .. which takes you to the page showing this formation's latitude and longitude ... to a relatively high accuracy. I work with the long decimal fractional figures, shown in arc-degrees.

Here are my 'matrix' figures for this crop formation ...

Grid LAT 51 (deg) X 21 (min) X 21.54373543 (sec) North ... = 23073.34065 North.

Grid LONG 32 (deg) X 57 (min) X 35.35061679 (sec) W.Giza ... = 64479.52503 W.Giza. [ W.Greenwich 01 deg 49 min 34.55061679 sec ].

Grid POINT Value 64479.52503 / 23073.34065 = 2.794546572

Direct References to 'Pyramid of The Sun' @ Teotihuacan, To the Height of "The King's Chamber" within The Great Pyramid, AND to the Grid POINT Value of 'The D&M Pyramid' at Cydonia

Let's begin with this formation's Grid LONG (W.Giza) of .. "64479.52503" .. and divide that figure by the Grid POINT Value (Munck, 1992) of 'The D&M Pyramid' of Cydonia on Mars ...

64479.52503 / 27.58106915 = 2337.818185 ... which is a decimal harmonic match of the Grid LAT of The Pyramid of The Sun, at Teotihuacan, Mexico (Munck, 1993) ... 23378.18185 North ...

= 19 (deg) X 41 (min) X 30.01050302 (sec) North.

Now ... as for the Grid POINT Value of this crop formation .. "2.794546572" .. suppose we divide it into the Grid POINT Value of 'The D&M Pyramid' ? 27.58106915 / 2.794546572 = 9.869604403 = PRECISELY (Pi Squared).

The Grid LAT of this crop formation .. "23073.34065" ... is a decimal harmonic match of the *precise* height ... my prediction, if we can get a truly reliable re-measurement ... of "The King's Chamber" within The Great Pyramid of Giza, in terms of regular British inches ... 230.7334065 ... NOT "pyramid inches".

Notice ... if we Square the original height (Munck, 1992) of The Great Pyramid, including the original capstone ... in regular British Feet ... "480.3471728" .. (480.3471728 X 480.3471728) = 230733.4065 .. same decimal harmonic !!

Finding the Grid POINT Value of "Miami Square"

As part of my work regarding The Miami Circle (USA), I found what I refer to as "Miami Square". { }. The Grid POINT Value for "Miami Square" .. I found to be .. "1.013211836". Now ... watch what happens when we take the ratio of the above 2 decimal harmonics of "23073.34065" and "23378.18185" .... 23378.18185 / 23073.34065 = 1.013211836 ... the precise Grid POINT Value that I found for "Miami Square" !!

The Direct Tie to 'The Face' at Cydonia on Mars

Some of you already are familiar with how Munck (1992) found the self-evident prime meridian at Cydonia .. through the center of 'The D&M Pyramid'. He then found the longitude of 'The Face' ... exactly "6.890283706" arc-minutes East of that prime meridian. He called that figure, there, a "Pi Multiplex". I like to refer to it as a "Pi Fractal". 6.890283706 = [Pi X (Pi / 3) X (2Pi / 3)].

Recall, now, the crop formation reported on 01 June, 2000 called ... "West Kennet Longbarrow" ... you'll find it listed and described in "The International Crop Circle Database". In fact, I have an article on that formation, with a link from that database. Check it out. The Grid POINT Value I found for that formation .. "2.465617776". Let's multiply ... 2.465617776 X 2.794546572 = 6.890283706 ... the "E.Cydonia" longitude of 'The Face'.

As I like to say at moments like this .. it all speaks for itself.

Amazing, as usual! LOL! These latest crop circle number correlations are too much to believe. Which is exactly what my friend, Maria, said when I showed her a printout of some of your latest work. She's really into more "conventional" paradigms but she's open to other possibilities. Anyway, she suggested the only way to know if this is what it appears to be is to pick some random lat/long locations and work the numbers to see if similar correlations can be found. I could see her point. Somebody, somewhere along the way, is going to challenge this work because there's no "control" experiments (like Maria suggested) against which to make comparisons. Whatcha think? -Gary- >>

Gary ... Normally ... "normally" ... I would have to agree with Maria.

That is ... by "normally" .. I mean ... "by the conventional current scientific standards". As I've discussed briefly in the past ... we are being shown ... "re-introduced", maybe ... to technology and knowledge which is beyond our current 'conventional' scientific level. So .. in my way of thinking, in order to "believe" what we are seeing displayed, here, in these cases ... we need to break-free of "The Box" of current (conventional) scientific dogma.

As I've said before .. there are many, many "potential grid points" all over the place ... on every acre of ground ... probably HUNDREDS of potential Grid Points on every acre of ground. Does that "invalidate" what is happening now ... including our re-discovery of this comprehensive 'matrix'. I say no. A lot of people will still say, "yes", because they can't (yet, at least) think outside "The Current Conventional Box".

We now have satellite-accurate mapping .. which we use in this work. We only *very recently* ... had "GPS" units available to the public ... and supposedly only a couple of *months ago* ... Clinton (supposedly) ordered the 'un-scrambling' of those GPS signals .. for accurate public (non-military) use. So *now* ... we can begin to get acclimated to this idea of .. "public precision" in terms of latitude/longitude.

Then .. we have developed a documented body of empirical evidence ... involving precise lats/longs of famous ancient monuments, stone circles, mounds, etc. We even have structures at Cydonia documented to be in this matrix. It is a CONSISTENT, SUBSTANTIAL, and SPECIFIC body of evidence.

I have extended it to prominent star-positions .. *current* major star-positions.

Now; I've extended it to CURRENT, and past ... *crop formations*.

The correlations are TOO SPECIFIC, and TOO CONSISTENT ... to be "random". PLUS ...we have *TOO MUCH* evidence that is TOO SPECIFIC and TOO CONSISTENT ... to be random. That is the key !! If we had only a relative "handful" of cases ... then there "could be" a valid objection that this could be 'random'. But we have many, many, many cases now ... which wipes-out any objection based on "randomness".


-- by Michael Lawrence Morton (c) 2000

Within a day of this writing, I have found that at least two of the most recently-created crop formations in the UK, are displaying powerful 'multiple-correlations' .. or what some people might refer to as "cross-correlations" of a very specific and precise nature ... involving elements of the work I've been doing regarding the re-discovered comprehensive "matrix" I've been discussing for some time, on The Internet.

In this article, I'll be dealing with both the "Windmill Hill, nr Avebury" formation reported on 18th June, 2000 ... and the "South Field, Alton Priors" formation reported on 19th June, 2000. The "Windmill Hill, nr Avebury" glyph is similar to a certain "Op Art" form called "Vega-Nor" .. developed by Hungarian artist Victor Vasarely ( see article, sent by Nicola Latham, to the website of .. ). Notice the reference to the star VEGA, in the name Vasarely gave to this particular art form. I think that's very interesting, in conjunction with the work I've done on what I call "The Sky Matrix" (

The Grid POINT Value I found for VEGA in this "sky matrix" is .. 3.183098862, or .. (10 / Pi). The star VEGA apparently 'functions' as a north pole star, at a certain point in Earth's precession cycle. Of course, POLARIS is now our 'north pole star'. I found a Grid POINT Value of .. "21.6".. for it, in this "sky matrix". Let's multiply those 2 values ... 21.6 X 3.183098862 ... = 68.75493542 ... a decimal harmonic match of Earth's Polar diameter in nautical miles (6875.493542). First of all, notice how the Grid POINT Value of POLARIS (in the "sky matrix") is a decimal harmonic match of Earth's Polar circumference (21,600) in nautical miles. I think THAT, alone, is very remarkable .. and is indicative of something "intelligently planned".

Now ... notice what happens when I multiply the "68.75493542" (above) .. by the precise Pi constant ... 3.141592654 X 68.75493542 = 216.

Now .. I'm going to give you (hopefully) a pleasant surprise, regarding the number "216". This involves .. very directly .. the "Windmill Hill, nr Avebury" formation !! Please go to the following website .. of "The International Crop Circle Database" .. and, as always .. thanks to Paul Vigay .. the URL is ..

If you wait there for a bit, you'll see a diagram (thank-you, Freddy Silva) "fill-in" for you, of this formation. Now ... please 'click' on the "OS Grid Ref" number of SU 080713 .. and you'll be transported to the page showing this formation's latitude and longitude, to a relatively high accuracy. (Whoever you are, out there in the field, taking these lat/long readings ... THANKS !!)

I work with the long decimal fractional figures, shown in arc-degrees. { Remember to convert W.Greenwich longitude to W.Giza longitude .. by adding-on 31 deg 08 min 0.8 sec }.

Here are my "matrix" figures for this formation's precise location ...

Grid LONG 33 (deg) X 01 (min) X 6.545454545 (sec) W.Giza ... = 216 W.Giza. There we have a numerical match of the above multiplied product of ... (68.75493542 X 3.141592654) ... !!! [ W.Greenwich 01 deg 53 min 5.745454545 sec ].

Grid LAT 51 (deg) X 26 (min) X 22.84926371 (sec) North ... = 30298.12368 North.

Grid POINT Value 30298.12368 / 216 = 140.2690911

This formation is near a place called 'Avebury Trusloe' ... of course, near Avebury Circle. Carl Munck's latest self-published book ... "Whispers From Time, Volume 2", contains his "matrix" numbers for Avebury Circle. His Grid POINT Value for it ... "2.77181521". Does this resonate with "140.2690911" ? Let's try multiplying ... (2.77181521 X 140.2690911) = 388.8 ... a decimal harmonic match of the major 'gematrian' number .. 3888. One of the characteristics of many 'gematrian' numbers .. is that they resonate with Earth's precession cycle of 25920 (years). { 3888 / 259.2 = 15 }.

The figure "259.2" is the Grid POINT Value I have found for "The Tholus" in the Cydonia area of Mars. I posted my figures for "The Tholus" on The Internet, several months ago. Let me re-cap those figures, here : Grid LAT 41 (deg) X 03 (min) X 10.53658537 (sec) North ... = 1296 North.

Grid LONG 01 (deg) X 05 (min) = 5 E.Cydonia.

[ In terms of the current "publicly-used" prime meridian on Mars ... this is .. 08 deg 27 min 0.8 sec .. to the West of that "publicly-used" prime meridian.

NOTE : Several weeks ago, on The Internet, I posted my discovery of the Mars "longitude variance" ... 09 deg 32 min 0.8 sec. Munck (1992) found Earth's "longitude variance" as .. 31 deg 08 min 0.8 sec.

I then noticed the precise *difference* in these 2 variances ...

31 08 0.8
09 32 0.8
21 36 0.0 .... which is exactly .. "21.6" arc-degrees.

Here, again, we have a numerical match .. of the Grid POINT Value I have found for the star POLARIS (21.6).

Again .. I think this is remarkable evidence of "intelligent planning".

Now ... to complete the "matrix" numbers of "The Tholus" at Cydonia ... Grid POINT Value ... (1296 / 5) = 259.2 ... decimal harmonic match of Earth's precession cycle.

As a way for people to verify these numbers for "The Tholus" ... I suggest using "Plate No.10" in the book, "The Monuments of Mars", by Richard C.Hoagland ... 4th edition. Notice, in that photo-mosaic ... orthographically-rectified ... an accurate East/West line runs straight from "The Tholus" to "The City Square". Use that line as a reference. Then ... use these following sets of coordinates (from Munck, 1992) .. 'D&M Pyramid' (apex) ... lat .. 40 deg 52 min 4.773646584 North ... long .. *prime meridian*, hence; "360" ... but simply use the center of 'The D&M Pyramid' as the true prime meridian (on the photo-mosaic, when you measure).

'The Face' ... long ... 6.890283706 arc-minutes East of the true prime meridian ... lat .. 41 deg 11 min 10.03080581 sec. That gives you a set of references, if you want to measure that photo-mosaic, to check my work.

I've also posted my figures, on The Internet, for the 'matrix' numbers of "The Fortress" and for "The City Square". Those were posted at the same time as my figures for "The Tholus".

Correlations with the ORION belt-stars

ALNILAM and ALNITAK The lower-left belt-star in the Orion constellation is ALNITAK, and I've found a Grid POINT Value for it of .. 43.63323131 .. { }.

Let's multiply that figure by the Grid POINT Value I've found for this "Windmill Hill" formation .. 43.63323131 X 140.2690911 ... = 6120.393698 ... and now let's divide THAT figure by my Grid POINT Value for ALNILAM, the middle belt-star in ORION ... 6120.393698 / 170.010936 = 36.

And the number "36" is a major gematrian number; plus, it is a decimal harmonic of "360" .. the conventional number of arc-degrees on one circumference, in our geometric system. And ALNITAK is the "prime meridian marker-star" for our ecliptic ... a theory of Mary Anne Weaver, which I have verified, in terms of its exact sky-position in relation to other prominent stars in our sky, AND in relation to the positional layout of the 3 main pyramids at Giza. As a "prime meridian marker" .. the star ALNITAK assumes a Grid LONG (in the "sky matrix") of .. "360".

Recall the "South Field, Alton Priors" Formation Reported 19th June, 2000

If you will now recall my Grid POINT Value for the "South Field, Alton Priors" crop formation that was reported on 19th June, 2000 ... "2.794546572". Does this figure resonate with Avebury Circle ? Let's multiply ... 2.794546572 X 2.77181521 = 7.745966692 = Square Root of 60.

YES !! The number "60" is the basis of our time-measure and our arc-distance metrology.

Now let's divide it (2.794546572) into the "Windmill Hill" formation's Grid POINT Value ... 140.2690911 / 2.794546572 ... = (57.29577951 X 0.876048194) ... the multiplied product of :

1) The Radian (deg) .. assuming our generic 360 arc-degrees circumference,

---- AND ----

2) A decimal harmonic match of "The Tetrahedral Grid LAT" (Morton, 1999) of .. "8760.48194 North/South" ... = 19 (deg) X 28 (min) X 16.46707132 (sec) North/South of planetary equators ... the translation of the Hoagland Tetrahedral Latitude, into the "Grid LAT" matrix format !!!

A Thought Regarding the Vega-Nor "Op Art"

We usually tend to "see" LATITUDE and LONGITUDE as a "2-D" matrix, if you will. North-South .... and .... East-West. But, of course, both are describing "arc-distance" .. relative to an equator and a prime meridian. That means latitude and longitude are actually "3-D", of course. We live in a world/universe of 'curves' ... circles and spirals. Everything is ... rotating ... around ... something else. The Vega-Nor "Op Art" shows us "3-D" where we normally see "2-D". The "Windmill Hill" formation does that on a LARGE scale, as seen from an aerial view. If we couldn't fly, or float in the air, we wouldn't see it.

Suppose we had discovered the Sumerian tablets and cylinder seals at least a hundred years LATER than we did. Would the 'scholars' of the 20th century, familiar with airplanes, "electricity", etc., etc. ... have interpreted those tablets and cylinder seals as telling fictional ("mythological") stories ?


by Michael Lawrence Morton (c) 2000

As always, thanks to "The International Crop Circle Database" .. please go to ...

Once there, to get to the latitude/longitude data page, please 'click' on the "OS Grid Ref" number of .. SU 081628. I work with the long decimal fractional figures you see there, given in arc-degrees.

Here are my 'matrix' figures for this formation :

Grid LAT 51 (deg) X 21 (min) X 47.48554368 (sec) North ... = 50857.01728 North.

Grid LONG 33 (deg) X 01 (min) X 1.989579606 (sec) W.Giza ... = 65.656127 W.Giza.

Grid POINT Value 50857.01728 / 65.656127 = 774.5966692

The Grid LAT is a numerical match of the Grid LAT of AVEBURY CIRCLE (Munck, 1999). The actual latitude of AVEBURY CIRCLE :

51 deg 25 min 39.88785669 sec.

Multiplying .... 51 (deg) X 25 (min) X 39.88785669 (sec) North ... = 50857.01728 North.

ALSO ... a numerical match of the Grid LAT of the RAM/GOAT (Baphomet) at Sterling Run, Pennsylvania, USA. (Munck, 1995). Actual latitude of the "Baphomet" artifact ... 41 deg 24 min 51.68396065 sec.

Multiplying .. 41 (deg) X 24 (min) X 51.68396065 (sec) North ... = 50857.01728 North.

NOTE : 50857.01728 = [ Radian (deg) X (Square Root of Volume of Sphere) ] .. = (57.29577951 X 887.6223993).

{ Generic Volume of Sphere is calculated using The Radian (deg) of ... 57.29577951 arc-degrees, based on the 360 arc-degrees system. The Radian (deg) figure is CUBED and then multiplied times (4Pi / 3) ... (57.29577951 X 57.29577951 X 57.29577951) X ( 4Pi / 3) ... = 787873.5239 Cubic Arc-degrees. The Square Root of that is ... 887.6223993 }.

See the book, "Genesis of The Grail Kings", by Laurence Gardner. He provides new evidence and he discusses the ancient history of the suppressed royal bloodlines, involving the genealogical descent to Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene. This does bring into account the history of Egyptian alchemy, and the line of Ham (Khem) .. son of Tubal-Cain. The "Baphomet" is associated with Ham (Khem), as well as with The Knights Templars. Notice that the Grid LONG is a numerical match of the Grid POINT Value (Morton, 1998) of the specific place at Bethlehem (within less than 10 feet) that Bruce Cathie identifies in his book, "The Harmonic Conquest of Space", on page 109. When I deciphered the 'matrix' numbers for this spot in Bethlehem, I first noted Bruce Cathie's figures.

Then, I applied Munck's methodology, to come up with a set of the closest 'matrix' numbers I could find to Bruce Cathie's set of coordinates. I found the Grid LONG of the Bethlehem spot to be ... 648 E.Giza ... = 04 (deg) X 03 (min) X 54 (sec) E.Giza. [ E.Greenwich 35 deg 11 min 54.8 sec ].

I found the Grid LAT of the spot to be ... 42545.1703 North ... = 31 (deg) X 41 (min) X 33.4737768 sec North.

Here, then is the Grid POINT Value ... 42545.1703 / 648 = 65.656127 ... This, I immediately recognized, as a decimal harmonic match of the Grid POINT Value that Munck found for 'The Face' (656.56127) at Cydonia on Mars !!

The Grid POINT Value of this crop formation ... 774.5966692 ... is the precise Square Root of .. 600,000. This alludes to the importance of the number 60 in this 'matrix' .. and of the number "6", as well. Of course, the "6" refers to the hexagon, and I do think Hoagland's pointing out of the hexagonal ("hyperdimensional") signature around the north pole of SATURN is important and pertinent to this re-discovery process involving what I'm now refering to as the "ancient unified field matrix". And "6" is a factor used by Bruce Cathie throughout his calculations involving the particular 'grid' he's been working with for many years. I think the "ancient unified field matrix" includes Cathie's 'grid', and I think Cathie's work resonates with, parallels, and sometimes 'overlaps' ... the work Munck has been doing and the work I'm doing.

This particular crop formation has a very interesting, precise connection to the crop formation of 19th June, 2000 ... the one called ... "South Field, Alton Priors". To show you this connection, I'm going to divide the Grid POINT Value 'above' (774.5966692) by the Grid POINT Value of AVEBURY CIRCLE (the ancient stone circle) itself : 774.5966692 / 2.77181521 = 279.4546572 ... a decimal harmonic match of the Grid POINT Value of the "South Field, Alton Priors" crop formation !!! { 2.794546572 }.


-- by Michael Lawrence Morton (c) 2000

As always, thanks to "The International Crop Circle Database" ... please go to ...

There you'll see a diagram (thanks, Freddy Silva) of the formation .. a complex six-fold 'star' pattern. Please 'click' on the OS Grid Ref number ... SU 104635 ... and you'll then be at the latitude/longitude page for this formation. I work with the long decimal fractional numbers, which are given in arc-degrees.

Here are my 'matrix' figures for this formation ...

Grid LAT 51 (deg) X 22 (min) X 10.21315143 (sec) North ... = 11459.1559 North.

Grid LONG 32 (deg) X 59 (min) X 3.034734084 (sec) W.Giza ... = 5729.577951 W.Giza.

[ W.Greenwich 01 deg 51 min 2.234734084 sec ]. Grid POINT Value 11459.1559 / 5729.577951 = 2.

NOTE ... we have here decimal harmonics of The Radian (deg) ... 57.29577951 (deg) ... assuming the conventional 360 arc-degrees on one circumference. { 360 / (2Pi) = 57.29577951 }.

The Grid LAT is a precise "200 Radians" (deg), and the Grid LONG is a precise "100 Radians" (deg). So ... their ratio is a nice pure "2".

There are 2 research associates I've been working with lately, regarding certain alphanumeric cases and phenomena .. Joe T. and Gary Val Tenuta. When I saw the name "Milk Hill" I thought of the Egyptian "goddess" HATHOR, and I thought of the pyramids of Giza, etc. I decided to "check-out" some alphanumerics regarding the name of this crop formation.

MILK HILL = 45 + 41 = 86. { I don't 'reduce' the sum immediately. I first *acknowledge* the sum, and correlate it with other words/phrases ... THEN I reduce it }. I know, for example, that "86" is the sum of .. PYRAMID.

Recently, I've found "Baphy", The Goat .. popping-up a lot in my work. I've referred to "him" in some of my most recent emails. "He" is a depiction, an artifact, at Sterling Run, Pennsylvania, USA ... of the stylized "Goat of Mendes" .. or "The Baphomet" .. associated with ancient Egyptian alchemy. I think Laurence Gardner's treatment of this "ancient stylized character" makes good sense .. in his book, "Genesis of The Grail Kings". This ancient depiction is a symbol of "Khem" ... Ham .. the grandson of Tubal-Cain. Gardner shows, rather convincingly, I think, in his book .. that Ham and Tubal-Cain are actually genealogically directly-descended from EN.KI./PTAH .. yes ... the so-called "mythological god" of Sumer and Egypt. Of course this conflicts with established dogma ... but so does the entire body of work, here.

When I visited the site of "Baphy", as I call him, in northern Pennsylvania, USA, in 1995 (the village of Sterling Run, Cameron County) ... I noted the position of the artifact (it is on a rock-face, on the banks of Sterling Run Creek), and I sent my marked USGS topo map to Munck, who calculated the 'matrix' coordinates. One of the things he pointed out in his newsletter regarding the artifact, was the 2 horns ... the 2 horns are prominent in the stylization. The number "2" was being emphasized.

So; I thought of those 2 horns ... and I then recalled the crop formation of 01 June, 2000 ..."West Kennet Longbarrow". I had calculated a Grid POINT Value for that formation of EXACTLY HALF the Grid POINT Value of "Baphy" The Goat ... at Sterling Run, PA, USA !!! { 2 X 2.465617776 = 4.931235553 }.

I had written an article on the "West Kennet Longbarrow" formation, shortly after that formation was reported .. several weeks ago. That article is *linked* on the "2000, UK" page of "The International Crop Circle Database".

Now ... the alphanumeric sum of GOAT .. is .. "43".

2 X 43 = 86 .... sum of .. PYRAMID. We're seeing some 'self-referencing' to ancient Egypt, here, I think. Gardner, in fact, in "Genesis of The Grail Kings" ... actually identifies Ham/Khem .. as .. none other than Thoth/Hermes .. the probable 'architect' of The Great Pyramid of Giza.

As we've seen already ... the alphanumeric sum of "MILK HILL" is .. 86.

I decided to go a step further ... 2 X 86 = "172". Notice the date of the reporting of this particular crop glyph ... 1 / 7 / 2000 ...

01 July, 2000. There are the digits, in horizontal order ... 1 .. 7 .. 2 .. 000.

The "West Kennet Longbarrow" formation was reported on 01 June, 2000 ... 1 .. 6 .. 2 .. 000 ... referencing the "162,000" nautical miles per second speed of light (Bruce Cathie; "The Harmonic Conquest of Space"). There are 30 Days between these 2 formations.

A step further ... 2 X 172 = 344 ... Day Number 344 of the Mayan Haab (annual) Calendar is .. always the 4th of July. Of course, this is the USA Independence Day.

Let's see ... 30 Days between formations ... 344 - 30 = "314" ... the first 3 digits, in order, of the Pi constant.

When was the Declaration of Independence ? ... 1776.

This number brings thoughts of THIS number to me ... "1776.528792". 1776.528792 = (Pi Squared) X 180.

Not only that ... but we see 3 numbers "within the number" ... in order ... 1776 .. 528 .. 792. The number "528" is a decimal harmonic of the number of regular British Feet in a statute mile (5280). The number "792" is a decimal harmonic of the number of statute miles in the mean diameter of Earth (7920).

Let's bring "Baphy" into the picture again, now :

4.931235553 X 1776.528792 = 8760.48194 ... the "Tetrahedral Grid LAT" (Morton, 1999) of the Hoagland Tetrahedral Latitude of 19.47122061 (deg) North/South of planetary equators.

8760.48194 North/South ... = 19 (deg) X 28 (min) X 16.46707131 (sec) North/South.

The Sine of 19.47122061 (deg) is ... 1/3rd ... 0.333333333 ... and if we divide that figure into the "2" we found as the Grid POINT Value for this crop formation ... 2 / (0.333333333) = 6. 6 X 8760.48194 = 52562.89164 ... which is the W.Giza Grid LONG for both Stonehenge *and* The Kukulkan Pyramid at Chichen Itza in The Yucatan, Mexico (Munck, 1993). I want to point-out the figures, here, for The Kukulkan Pyramid, and you'll see 'why' in a minute.

Grid LONG 52562.89164 W.Giza ... = 119 (deg) X 42 (min) X 10.51678504 (sec) W.Giza. [ W.Greenwich 88 deg 34 min 9.71678504 sec ]. Grid LAT 917.3955235 North ... = 20 (deg) X 41 (min) X 1.118775029 (sec) North. Kukulkan Pyramid Grid POINT Value ... 52562.89164 / 917.3955235 ... = 57.29577951 ... The Radian (deg).

We found decimal harmonics of The Radian (deg) as the Grid LAT and the Grid LONG for this crop formation ... 200 Radians (deg) for its Grid LAT, and 100 Radians (deg) for its Grid LONG. An exact 2:1 ratio ... an "octave" in decimal harmonics of The Radian (deg).

Another name for "Kukulkan" is ... "Quetzalcoatl". Sitchin has identified (see his book, "The Lost Realms") Quetzalcoatl as the same historical person as Thoth. Gardner has made a good case for Thoth being also identified as Ham/Khem. And I have identified the depiction at Sterling Run, PA, USA on a rock-face near the creek there, as that of The Goat of Mendes ... The Baphomet .. associated with this very same great person.

-- Michael Lawrence Morton