Michael Lawrence Morton's


Corroborating Weaver's Theory Of an Alnitak Prime Meridian

I ended skymat_1.htm Part One of this series with an equation that clearly shows the direct and precise relationship among 4 'Grid POINT Values' ... those four are :

1) The Great Pyramid of Giza ... 248.0502134 (Munck, 1991). 2) The D&M Pyramid of Cydonia on Mars ... 27.58106915 (Munck, 1991). 3) The Orion belt-star Alnitak ... 43.63323131 (Morton, 1999). 4) The Quetzalcoatl Pyramid (Complex) at Teotihuacan, Mexico ... 9.118906529 (Munck, 1993).

As I have said, the first 3, above, are prime meridian markers, and I have also pointed-out that the 4th (above) is obviously positionally-correlative to (1) and (3).

I now want to briefly review the equation just-referred-to, and then I will show (for the benefit of those readers who are relatively new to the material) how each of those 4 'Grid POINT Values' (just mentioned) was derived. Again, toward the end of Part One, I mentioned the exact (Munck, 1991) ratio of the original volume of The Great Pyramid of Giza to its original base area ... 160.1157242. I multiplied that figure times my Grid POINT Value for the Orion belt-star Alnilam ... 170.010936 (Morton, 1999) ... based on the Alnitak meridian ... 160.1157242 X 170.010936 = 27221.42416 ... and I then actually "found" the *precise* Grid POINT Value for The D&M Pyramid of Cydonia on Mars ... according to the following equation ...

27221.42416 / 248.0502134 / 43.63323131 / 9.118906529 ... = 27.58106915 / 100.

Now, as I said earlier, I will show the derivations of all 4 of the above-mentioned Grid POINT Values :

The Great Pyramid of Giza

Grid LONG 360 .... self-evident designated value, according to the re-discovered planetary archeomatrix (re-discovered by Carl P. Munck, Sr.).

Grid LAT 29 (deg) X 58 (min) X 53.09041429 (sec) North ... = 89298.07684 North.

Grid POINT Value 89298.07684 / 360 .... = 248.0502134 ... = (2Pi) Cubed.

The D&M Pyramid of Cydonia on Mars

I emphasize, here, that Munck found the Cydonia values (of The D&M Pyramid and of The Face) through his study of the map made by professional cartographer Erol O. Torun. Hoagland sent Torun's map to Munck ... around 1990. Torun made the map from the NASA photos (from the Viking Mission of 1976) discovered by Vince DiPietro and Greg Molenaar.

Grid LONG 360 ....... self-evident, upon study by Munck.

Grid LAT 40 (deg) X 52 (min) X 4.773646584 (sec) North ... = 9929.184894 North.

Grid POINT Value 9929.184894 / 360 .... = 27.58106915.

The Quetzalcoatl Pyramid (Complex) at Teotihuacan

Grid LONG 129 (deg) X 58 (min) X 48.40593901 (sec) W.Giza ... = 362173.2357 W.Giza. W.Greenwich 98 deg 50 min 47.60593901 sec .

Grid LAT 19 (deg) X 40 (min) X 52.25886784 (sec) North ... = 39716.73956 North.

Grid POINT Value 362173.2357 / 39716.73956 .... = 9.118906529 ... = 90 / (Pi Squared) ... = Radian (deg) / (2Pi).

The Orion Belt-Star Alnitak

Grid LONG 360 ... self-evident, upon study by Morton (1999). See Part One of this series ... regarding Alnitak .

Grid LAT 25 (deg) X 17 (min) X 36.95991357 (sec) South ... = 15707.96327 South ... = (Pi / 2) X (10 Cubed).

Grid POINT Value 15707.96327 / 360 .... = 43.63323131. I recommend reading the following articles, for specific details regarding the matrix numbers of 'The Face' at Cydonia on Mars (Munck, 1991) ... which are derived from the precise LOCATION of The D&M Pyramid *as* a prime meridian marker :

Mintaka ... The Third Orion Belt-Star

The Orion belt-star Mintaka corresponds to The Mycerinus Pyramid of Giza. My matrix numbers for Mintaka ... again, using the Astrolog Fixed Star List for January 1, 2000 ... as a data source ...

Grid LONG 27 TAU 37' 30" .... which translates into ... 02 (deg) X 19 (min) X 19.98314869 (sec) W.Alnitak ... = 759.3596504 W.Alnitak.

Grid LAT 23 (deg) X 33 (min) X 31.02096893 (sec) South ... = 23544.91542 South ... = 2 X 11772.45771. The figure 11772.45771 is a precise decimal harmonic of the actual E.Giza longitude of The Great Sphinx in arc-seconds (Munck, 1991) AND the actual W.Giza longitude of The Chephren Pyramid (Munck, 1991) in arc-seconds .... 11.77245771" in each case, on opposite sides of the Giza prime meridian.

Grid POINT Value 23544.91542 / 759.3596504 .... = 31.00627668 ... = Pi Cubed.

Mintaka, Regulus, and the Surface of a Tetrahedron

I've noticed that if we multiply the Grid POINT Value of the Orion belt-star Mintaka, times the total number of corner-angle degrees on the surface of a tetrahedron ... we get the precise Grid LONG of the star Regulus ... assuming we use Alnitak as prime meridian marker ...

31.00627668 X 720 = 22324.51921 ... = 65 (deg) X 08 (min) X 42.93176771 (sec) E.Alnitak (Morton, 1999). See Part One of this series, regarding the star Regulus, and also regarding "720" ... as it applies to tetrahedral geometry and related synchronicities .

The Miami Circle, Again ...

Just before ending Part Two, I decided to see what I might find if I would divide the Grid POINT Value of The Miami Circle (Morton, 1999) into ... the figure 27221.42416 ... from earlier in Part Two, as you will recall.

27221.42416 / 3.872983346 ... = 7028.541496 ... a figure I don't recognize. So ... I decided to then divide that figure by the Pi constant ... and I *did* find something I recognize, after dividing 8 times by the Pi constant. Notice, here, that (Pi to the 8th power) is the SQUARE of Mintaka's Grid POINT Value *times* the SQUARE of Pi !!!

7028.541496 / (Mintaka Squared) / (Pi Squared) .... = 7028.541496 / (31.00627668 X 31.00627668) / 9.869604401 .... = 0.740740740 ..... repeating the "740" decimal sequence.

When I see a repeating sequence of that type, I try multiplying the number by 162, because that is the "light-speed" decimal harmonic (see Bruce Cathie's work) in terms of nautical miles per second :

162 X 0.740740740 ..... = 120, which is a very "tetrahedral" number, in terms of arc-degrees, assuming the 360 arc-degree circumference.

Here ends Part Two of this intended series.

-- Michael L. Morton

NOTE: Copying and circulation of this paper is encouraged, but please include the author's copyright (c). Thanks ~ MLM

(c) 1999 by mailto:Milamo@aol.com Michael Lawrence Morton ~ArchaeocryptographerTo contact the author please e-mail above or telephone: 412-921-9116 Pittsburgh, PA, USA.==