Bulletin #2
Recommended Reading Excerpted from -- The Monkey and The Tetrahedron: Compelling Connections Between Mars, the UFO Dilemma and the Future of the Human Race By David M. Jinks
Munck's Code: an Exercise in Numerology, or Just Too Many Digits?
Some critics of Munck's research discount the entire body of his research based on the charge that numbers can be manipulated to support any hypothesis. Others deny the apparent ancient monument/precession/Cydonia connection based on the assumption that it is, a priori, impossible. The latter explanation for Munck's findings simply does not wash, for no evidence will convince these critics because rationality and honest inquiry is not in their repertoire.
However, the charge that Munck's numbers are simply the result of mathematical "mumbo jumbo"--a combination of Munck's wishful thinking coupled with his innate ability to cleverly manipulate numbers--is well worth investigating.
An objective observer might immediately note that Munck's numbers seem far too precise, often extending out to the seventh- or eighth-place digit. In fact, one second of latitude equals about 100 English feet, putting the accuracy of the thousandth place digit at a little over one inch. Although many sites (Stonehenge and Giza in particular) have been measured at least that accurately, assigning latitudes that range beyond the second or third digit to gigantic, often heavily eroded structures implies that they have been accurately measured to the tiniest fraction of an inch. For example, a structure determined to have a latitude of 53.09041428 N. implies that the location has been measured to within one ten-thousandth of an inch. Such accuracy is clearly not meaningful in a building whose base units are irregular, roughly-hewn stones, the orientation of which is impossible to determine at that scale, regardless of the technology used.
However, this objection by itself does not rule out the possibility that the monuments in question were once laid out by a system or technology of a level not yet obtained by us. Our current inability to detect the "ideal" numbers in the Code in this case actually constitutes support for Munck's claims. Suppose, for example, that the Code was implemented by a highly advanced civilization whose intent it was for humanity to re-discover its past--but only at the precise moment such knowledge would benefit it most. If so, Munck's findings represent a quantum leap for humanity--which has just entered a new era of discovery, thanks largely to the advent of computer imaging technology capable of providing us with incredibly accurate satellite maps with resolutions down to inches.
Moreover, it is a widely accepted practice in science to accept a relatively large error, sometimes up to 5%-10%, for the purposes of establishing "facts," e.g. the effectiveness of drugs in scientific trials, or in determining probabilities used to support assumptions made in a wide variety of scientific fields. Surely, a minuscule error of one one-hundredth of a percent is satisfactory to prove numerically that the relationships in the Code are unlikely to have arisen by chance. That said, it is still only a matter of simple calculation to show that Munck's most important relationships are preserved even when the pertinent numbers are rounded to the second or third decimal place. For instance, even when we leave out the entire fractional portion of the Great Pyramid's dimensions in the previous Great Pyramid/Face example, the solution is nearly identical:
GP height: 480 feet
GP length: 755 feet
GP volume: 91,204,000 cu. feet
"Lost constant": 1.177245771
The modified equation becomes:
91,204,000 / 480 / 755 / pi3 / 1.177245771 = 6.895
The difference between the more precise calculation and the less precise (but more realistic, given the limitations of our technology) is a mere five-thousandths, or less than eight one-hundredths of one percent! But while Munck is correct in noting that the dimensions of the Great Pyramid have been measured out to several decimal places, a review of the literature shows some variation in those figures. For argument's sake let us use the numbers Hancock presents in his investigation instead. In Fingerprints of the Gods, Hancock cites prominent pyramidologist I.E.S. Edwards' numbers as the dimensions of the Great Pyramid:
GP height: 481.3949 feet
Average GP side length: 755.79 feet
GP volume: 91,650,859.46 cu. feet
Substituting these numbers in Munck's equation we find that
91,650,859.46 / 481.3949 / 755.79 / pi3 / 1.177245771 = 6.901
An "error" of less than two-hundredths of one percent from Munck's ideal longitudinal citing of the Mars Face. . . . .
Milamo@aol.com Michael Lawrence Morton ~Archeocryptographer To contact Michael please e-mail above or telephone: 412-921-9116 Pittsburgh, PA, USA.==
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