Matrix Message (30)
Some Pi-Faced Musings
One of the current topics of interest is the coming Grand Cross of 1999 in August. This will include a magnificent total solar eclipse on August 11, 1999. The peak Grand-Cross planetary alignments will happen in mid-August ... about a week after the eclipse.
I decided to do a "count-the-number-of-days" thing for the period from August 12, 1983 ... to August 11, 1999. The August 12, 1983 date was when the last major nodal activity (event) apparently occurred involving The Montauk Project. (This has been described by Al Bielek ... it is probably archived in the Art Bell radio program files on the Internet ...( The number of days (including leap days) for this period is 5843. I applied James Furia's "musical pi" ratio, of (360 / 84) ... to this number 5843. Furia uses the 84 notes comprising a circle-of-5ths in music, divided into our node number for degrees on a circumference, 360. He calls this ratio, "musical pi". I also applied the number 144 ...
5843 / (360 / 84) X 144 = 5843 / 4.285714286 X 144 = 196324.8
Notice the digital order of 196324.8 ... I see two important numbers embedded (encoded in plain sight) there. I see 1963 and 248. The year 1963 is the year JFK was shot, and 248 is a good approximation of the Grid Point Value of The Great Pyramid 248.0502134, or (2Pi) Cubed.
Let's add 1963 and 248 ... just to see what happens :
1963 + 248 = 2211
Now, there we have 22 and 11 encoded in plain sight. The number 22 is the circumference of the classical approximation of the Pi constant ... 22 / 7. Of course, then, the number 11 is the semi-circle ... exactly half of 22. So; we have 2211 referring to a circle and ( "plus ?") a semi-circle. We're discussing cosmological things here. One of those things is time-cycles ("circles") or periods-of-time .... like numbers of days. I've written, before, about a date when there could very well have been a secret landing of a probe on Mars. This date is noted in the book, "Alternative 3". This was (and still is) May 22, 1962. Exactly .... and I emphasize *exactly* ... one and one-half cycles of Earth-years from that date, is when JFK was shot in Dallas. November 22 of 1963 is precisely one and one-half years from May 22 of 1962. We're talking a "circle and a semi-circle" here, aren't we ?
Now ... let's add together our cosmological numbers for a circle plus a half-circle :
360 (degrees on a circumference) + 180 = 540
This is a base-ten harmonic of 54 and of 5400. The number 5400 is the Grid Point Value (Munck) of The Great Sphinx. The Sine (standard trigonometry function) of 54 is precisely one-half of the Phi constant (The Golden Section) :
SIN 54 = 0.809016994 = 1.618033989 / 2
The exact number of days from May 22 of 1962 to November 22 of 1963 was (and still is) 549 days. Let's add 549 and 540, because both of those numbers are telling us about "one and one-half" cycles (circles of time) :
549 + 540 = 1089
The number 1089 is the Square of 33 ... of course a very significant number, to many people.
If Jesus Christ was crucified (whether or not he survived the crucifiction) in 33 A.D., then he was apparently 40 years old at that time, according to a mounting tide of evidence . The number 40 is very important, of course. There's the "40 days and forty nights" of The Great Deluge. And, being a Sitchin buff, I think of the Rank number of EN.KI. of 40. And, "coincidentally", it was apparently EN.KI. who gave the instructions to Noah on how to build the boat.
Just very recently, I noticed that the alpha-numeric "sums" of the words FACE and PI ... add up to 40 :
F (6) + A (1) + C (3) + E (5) = 15 P (16) + I (9) = 25 25 + 15 = 40
Now ... why am I calling your attention to Pi and Face ? Here's why ...
Pi X 'The Face' = 3.141592654 X 656.56127 = 2062.2648063 .... I call this, "Pi Face" :-) = Surface Area on a Hemisphere (base-ten harmonic), in Square Degrees = (2Pi) X 57.29577951(deg) X 57.29577951(deg)
If you were standing on the surface of Mars, at Cydonia, looking toward 'The Face', you would be (roughly speaking) seeing a 3-D profile of a hemisphere.
I've mentioned the number 5760 before ... in direct connection with my "Cydonia-Giza Equation" ...
656.56127 X 27.58106915 X 5760 X (Pi Cubed) = 248.0502134 X 5764.166073 X 2261.946711
And I've noted that 5760 is the number of years from the beginning of the Hebrew Calendar, in 3760 B.C., to the year 2000 A.D. of the modern calendar. And I've noted the nodal regularity of 5760 relative to 360 .... 16 X 360. (four-squared) X 360 = 5760. A Cross symbol gives 4 square angles of 90 degrees each .... 4 X 90 = 360. What would we see if we subtracted 5760 from the number 5843 ?
5843 - 5760 = 83
The number 83 is the alpha-numeric sum of THE CIRCLE :
T(20) + H(8) + E(5) = 33 C(3) + I(9) + R(18) + C(3) + L(12) + E(5) = 50
For the alpha-numeric purists ... I kiddingly refer to you as "reductionists" ...
8 + 3 = 11 .... the semi-circle.
Some purists don't reduce 33 ... so ; 33 + 11 = 44
The number 44 refers to two circumferences of 22 each ... two circles ... the reciprocal of a half-circle, right ? If we add the two 4s that are encoded in plain sight within 44 ... we get 8. The number 8 is one-half of 16 ... and 16 is (four-squared). Here are some other words that add-up to 83 with THE :
LION ... L(12) + I(9) + O(15) + N(14) = 50 SNAKE ... S(19) + N(14) A(1) + K(11) + E(5) = 50 APPLE ... A(1) + P(16) + P(16) + L(12) + E(5) = 50
The lion can be 'king' or 'kingship'. BTW; does a certain movie come to mind now ? What is the Sumerian (see Sitchin) number for Kingship on Earth ? The number 50, of course. But when we mention The Enlilship, we ought to give equal time to "the other side of the aisle", so The Serpent (Enki) faction is here given the equal number in SNAKE. And it was supposedly Eve who ate the APPLE ... upon the suggestion of a SNAKE ... which greatly upset the acting holder of Kingship-on-Earth at the time of that Garden of Eden incident.
If the word PI sums to 25 ... isn't it at least poetic that 2Pi would "equate" to 50 as CIRCLE ... as in ... 2Pi X Radian (deg) = 360 degrees ? There are 2Pi Radians on a circle.
-- Michael L. Morton
NOTE: This material may be copied and distributed freely in its entirety as long as the author's name and copyright notice are included ~ MLM
(c) 1999 by Michael Lawrence Morton ~ArcheocryptographerTo contact the author please e-mail above or telephone: 412-921-9116 Pittsburgh, PA, USA.==
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