Matrix Message (38)
The GPS Readings for the Miami Circle . . . Explained . . .
Hoagland said his GPS instrument longitude showed 80 deg 11.317 minutes, and his GPS instrument latitude showed 25 deg 46.157 minutes.
Munck has discovered (re-discovered) that our current prime meridian ... dating back to the end of the last Ice Age ... actually passes through the center of The Great Pyramid of Giza. This means that we must adjust our longitude readings accordingly ... so in this case, we add 31 deg 08 min 0.8 sec onto the W.Greenwich reading ... and we'll do that a little bit later, here, in our figuring ... as you will see. First, let's convert the GPS latitude in degrees and minutes ... into degrees, minutes, and seconds. Take 0.157 minutes and multiply by 60, to get the number of GPS latitude seconds :
0.157 X 60 = 9.42 (sec)
So ... we have a GPS reading for latitude of 25 deg 46 min 9.42 sec North, for The Miami Circle. Munck's work with the Archaeomatrix indicates that the latitudes and longitudes of the sites are encoded in a multiplication ... the multiplied product ... of the given site's actual latitude and longitude numbers : Number of degrees X Number of minutes X Number of seconds
Yes .. this is from direct observation of many sites around the world, along with the use of the best maps available. Let's multiply the observed (from Richard C. Hoagland) GPS latitude numbers :
25 (deg) X 46 (min) X 9.42 (sec) North = 10833 North
We know, from Munck's work, that 10800 is a major Archaeomatrix number ... it is exactly one-half the 21600 Grid Latitude of Stonehenge.
So ; apparently the precise (and intended) number of latitude seconds would be :
10800 / 25 / 46 = 9.391304348 seconds.
That is only 2.9 Feet south of the 9.42 sec GPS reading.
Now ... let's convert the GPS longitude in W.Greenwich degrees and minutes ... to W.Greenwich degrees, minutes, and seconds. Take the 0.317 minutes and multiply by 60, to get the number of W.Greenwich longitude seconds :
0.317 X 60 = 19.02 W.Greenwich seconds
At this point, we convert the W.Greenwich longitude to W.Giza longitude. We add, in this case, 31 deg 08 min 0.8 sec onto the W.Greenwich longitude, to adjust to W.Giza longitude. Note ... the longitude variance between Greenwich, England and the center of The Great Pyramid of Giza is exactly 31 deg 08 min 0.8 sec .
So ... 80 deg 11 min 19.02 sec becomes ... 111 deg 19 min 19.82 sec W.Giza.
Now ... multiply ... 111 (deg) X 19 (min) X 19.82 (sec) W.Giza = 41800.38 W.Giza.
We now look for the closest Archaeomatrix figure to 41800.38. The closest one I know is 41828.22014, and there are ways to "test" this probability. Let's test it against the 21600 number from Stonehenge (its Grid LAT) :
41828.22014 / 21600 = 1.936491673
This number is the Square Root of 3.75, and 3.75 is the exact Grid Point Value of Seip Mound in Ohio ... a known Archaeomatrix site (Munck).
Now, we can put that information together with the reported diameter (reported to me through reliable sources) of 37.5 Feet for The Miami Circle itself !! Here, we have another "decimal harmonic" in operation.
Now ; let's check this indicated probability for the Grid LONG of The Miami Circle :
41828.22014 / 111 / 19 = 19.83320064 seconds W.Giza.
That is only 1.2 Feet west of the 19.82 sec W.Giza GPS reading.
The Grid POINT Value is the ratio of the Grid LAT to the Grid LONG ... always greater-than-one ....
41828.22014 / 10800 = 3.872983346
Apparently, the Square Root of 15 is the Grid POINT Value of The Miami Circle. This refers directly to the original 15 stones comprising the "horseshoe" arrangement inside The Sarsen Circle at Stonehenge ... 5 pairs of uprights, with a cross-piece over each pair !! A total of 15 stones.
The Grid Point Value of Stonehenge (Munck) is 2.433467206 ... so let's try finding an archaeomatrix connection to a decimal harmonic (maybe ?) of *that* figure to the Square Root of 15, through the Pi constant :
3.872983346 X Pi = 12.16733603
That number is precisely 5 times the Grid Point Value of Stonehenge ...
12.16733603 / 5 = 2.433467206
Recall the 5 pairs of uprights, with a cross-piece over each pair, making up the original "horseshoe". Visualize yourself looking, from ground level, at the "horseshoe" ... from just inside The Sarsen Circle itself. Can you see a SYMBOL of the Pi constant ... in each pair of uprights-with-lintel !?!
If we add the number of stones on the original Sarsen Circle, to the 15 original "horseshoe" stones, we get 75 stones. And, the number 75 is exactly double the apparent diameter, in Feet, of The Miami Circle : 75 = 2 X 37.5
-- Michael L. Morton
NOTE: This material may be copied and distributed freely in its entirety as long as the author's name and copyright notice are included ~ MLM
(c) 1999 by Michael Lawrence Morton ~ArchaeocryptographerTo contact the author please e-mail above or telephone: 412-921-9116 Pittsburgh, PA, USA.==
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