Michael Lawrence Morton's

Matrix Message #47

Preliminary Figures for SEAHENGE England

I've come up with some preliminary figures for near Norfolk, England. Tony recently sent me latitude/longitude numbers to the nearest arc-second(s). I don't know how or where he got them (!) ... but they (fine-tuned by me) seem to really "work" in conjunction with other "Henges".


Grid LONG 30 (deg) X 34 (min) X 41.00805896 (sec) W.Giza ... = 41828.22014 W.Giza. E.Greenwich 00 deg 33 min 19.79194104 sec .

Grid LAT 52 (deg) X 58 (min) X 46.2292442 (sec) North ... = 139427.4005 North.

Grid POINT Value 139427.4005 / 41828.22014 ... = 3.333333333


As a very strong sign of its correctness and validity, notice that Seahenge's Grid LONG *matches* the Grid LONG of Cahokia's Woodhenge # 2 ... (Morton, 1999) AND the Grid LONG of The Miami Circle (Morton, 1999).

Also, recall that England's Woodhenge (Munck, 1998) has a Grid LAT (10800 North) that *matches* the Grid LAT of The Miami Circle. Please see my article at mat_41.htm Matrix Message #41

Recall that England's Woodhenge has a Grid POINT Value of ... 2.5. If we divide that number into Seahenge's Grid POINT Value ... 3.333333333 / 2.5 = 1.333333333 .... which is the TANGENT of the slope angle (Munck, 1993) of The Chephren Pyramid of Giza ... 53.13010235 arc-degrees from its base.


Suppose we multiply Seahenge's Grid POINT Value times Stonehenge's Grid POINT Value (Munck, 1991) of 2.433467206 ? ... 2.433467206 X 3.333333333 = 8.111557353 ..... which is the multiplied product of The Miami Circle's Grid POINT Value (Morton, 1999) times The Bimini Shark's Grid POINT Value (Munck, 1993) ... 3.872983346 X 2.094395102 = 8.111557353.

As I stated above, these preliminary figures for Seahenge ... in the ancient 'archaeomatrix' ... definitely correlate with the 'matrix' numbers of these other "Henges". You'll note, also, that Ted Riggs has presented his theory that The Miami Circle was probably originally a "henge of stones", quite similar in design to Stonehenge, in some significant ways. http://savethecircle.org/riggs1.html http://savethecircle.org/riggs1.htmlhttp://savethecircle.org/riggs1.html

-- Michael L. Morton

NOTE: Copying and circulation of this paper is encouraged, but please include the author's copyright. Thanks ~ MLM

(c) 1999 by mailto:Milamo@aol.com Michael Lawrence Morton ~ArchaeocryptographerTo contact the author please e-mail above or telephone: 412-819-0202 Pittsburgh, PA, USA.==

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