Ancient Archaeological Grid Matrix Theory Developments
Note: To view Michael Lawrence Morton's earlier correspondence return to
---- Additional pieces of this "Cydonia Analogue" fall into place !!! ----
May 12 In a message dated 98-05-12 06:33:10 EDT, you write:
Thank you for the three emails over the past week. I have been swamped with work, so please excuse the delay in my response. I look forward to you getting the topo maps, and looking for new numbers. Remember, the Freemasons planned WDC. I therefore would not be surprised if you find numeric significance for many of the monuments and important buildings.
Bruce Cornet >>
Again .... great timing, Bruce !!! I just worked out some amazing numbers again .... I figured (no pun intended) that I'd find major congruence with "D&M II" to your other points here.. and I have certainly found it !!!
"The D&M Pyramid II" Based on USGS Topographical Series 7.5 Min 'Warwick' (NY) Quad Grid Longitude 105 deg x 26 min x 39.2519019 sec W.Giza = 107157.6922 W.Giza = (Pi Cubed) x 3456 (W.Greenwich longitude is 74 deg 18 min 38.4519019 sec) Grid Latitude 41 deg x 16 min x 17.01563963 sec North = 11162.2596 North = (Pi Cubed) x 360 Grid Point Value 107157.6922 / 11162.2596 = 9.6
"Mt. Eve 'Doughnut' Circle" Based on USGS Topographical Series 7.5 Min 'Pine Island' (NY) Quad Grid Longitude 105 deg x 33 min x 15.1696657 sec W.Giza = 52562.89164 W.Giza = Grid Longitude of Stonehenge (W.Greenwich longitude is 74 deg 25 min 14.3696657 sec) Grid Latitude 41 deg x 17 min x 37.18794835 sec North = 25920 = One Complete Cycle of Earth's Precession in Years = Grid Longitude of "The Face II" Grid Point Value 52562.89164 / 25920 = 2.027889338
"Spiral/Circle Point" (indicated on Dr. Cornet's Map, SW of 'Mt. Eve Doughnut') Based on USGS Topographical Series 7.5 Min 'Pine Island' (NY) Quad Grid Longitude 105 deg x 34 min x 1.704108687 sec W.Giza = 6083.668014 W.Giza = (1 / 1.44) x (Pi Squared) x (Square Rt of 'Vol of Any Sphere' in Cubic Deg) = (1 / 1.44) x (Pi Squared) x 887.6223994 (W.Greenwich longitude is 74 deg 26 min 0.904108687 sec) Grid Latitude 41 deg x 16 min x 44.54684041 sec North = 29222.72731 North = (Pi Cubed) x Pi x 300 Grid Point Value 29222.72731 / 6083.668014 = 4.803471728 = Great Pyramid Original Height in Feet / 100
Note : (1 / 1.44) is the reciprocal of a speed-of-light harmonic .... the so- called 'theoretical max' light-speed, according to the work of Bruce Cathie books inc.The Energy Grid & The Harmonic Conquest of Space.
(c) 1998 by Michael Lawrence Morton
------ Continuing with more 'Hits' at "Cydonia II Analogue" ------
Wallkill River Valley, New York
May 13 "The 6-Sided Pyramid II @ The City II" Grid Longitude 105 deg x 35 min x 45.80215219 sec W.Giza = 168322.9093 W.Giza = 1728 x (Pi Cubed) x Pi Grid Latitude 41 deg x 17 min x 46.48493544 sec North = 32400 North = 180 Squared Grid Point Value 168322.9093 / 32400 = 5.195151522
Note : On a site corresponding-to the (apparent) HEXAGONAL pyramid-like structure at the area known as "The City" at Cydonia on Mars, we have the major gematrian number 1728 as a factor in the Grid Longitude. Could the number 6, for "hexagonal" .... be a 'major factor' in the number 1728 ?
1728 / 6 = 288 .... double 144 .... "double light" 6 x 1728 = 10368 ..... decimal harmonic of 4 Precession Cycles of Earth in years .... one-tenth 103680 (years).
"The City Square II" Grid Longitude 105 deg x 35 min x 31.73877551 sec W.Giza = 116640 W.Giza = 3.6 x 32400 Grid Latitude 41 deg x 17 min x 6.197991392 sec North = 4320 North Grid Point Value 116640 / 4320 = 27
Note : The number 4320 is a very major gematrian number. The number 432000, another decimal harmonic of 432, refers to the number of Earth years prior to The Great Flood, according to the work of Zecharia Sitchin books include The Earth Chronicles Series, at which time The Anunnaki arrived on Earth ... the so-called "gods and goddesses" written-about on ancient clay tablets found in Mesopotamia.
Are These Two Sites Related Mathematically In An 'Intelligent' Way ? (1.44 Pi) x (Pi Cubed) / 27 = 5.195151522 The answer is YES.
(c) 1998 by Michael Lawrence Morton
May 13 Please refer to my very recent emails on 'Washington, D.C. grid points' and on the Wallkill River Valley "Cydonia II Analogue" project of Dr. Bruce Cornet.
Recall that I was discussing the 6-sided pyramid-like (hexagonal) structure ... that is, the 'analogue' to the apparent structure at Cydonia on Mars.This analogue is located (projected on Dr. Cornet's map graphics on his website) .... very close to the major intersection in the town of Pine Island, New York. His website ......
I was discussing the number 6 .... for "hexagonal" ... in relation to the site there. I have a Grid Point Value for this site of 5.195151522 .... 5.195151522 / 6 = 0.865858587 = e / Pi approx.
This resonates directly with the mathematical findings at Cydonia on Mars, of other researchers such as Richard C. Hoagland, Erol O. Torun, Carl P. Munck, etc. 0.865858587 = TANGENT of 40.88793254 Arc-degrees This would correspond to the north latitude on Mars where "The City" is located at Cydonia.
What if we multiply this number 0.865858587 by the Grid Point Value of "The City Square II" .... the analogue of 'The City Square' at Cydonia on Mars ? 0.865858587 x 27 = 23.37818185 The number 23.37818185 is an exact decimal harmonic of the Grid Latitude of the 'Pyramid Of The Sun' at Teotihuacan in Mexico (see Munck) .... and that is 23378.18185 North = 19 deg x 41 min x 30.01050302 sec
Also, based on Carl P. Munck's work, the Area ... in Square Feet ... of the Sarsen Circle at Stonehenge is indicated by applying the Pi constant here .... 23378.18185 / Pi = 7441.506403 Square Feet, area of Sarsen Circle.
Very recently, I posted on the Internet my figures for the precise W.Giza longitude of 'The Washington Monument' in Washington, D.C. ..... 108 deg x 10 min x 7.441506403 sec W.Giza = 1080 x 7441.506403 / 1000 = 8036.826916 W.Giza = (Pi Cubed) x 259.2
Note : the number 259.2 is exactly one-hundredth 25920, the number of years in one complete Earth Precession Cycle. Also of note is the number 1080 .... the mean radius of The Moon in Statute Miles.
Recall that I have the longitudes of 'The White House' and 'The Jefferson Memorial' as IDENTICAL .... 108 deg x 10 min x 12.18469679 sec W.Giza = 13159.47253 W.Giza = 1080 x (Pi Squared) x 1.234567901
Note : The figure 1.234567901 is my Grid Point Value for "The Face II" near Middletown, New York .... the analogue to 'The Face' at Cydonia on Mars. Also ... recall that 13159.47253 is exactly 1000 times the Grid Point Value of 'The Cholula Pyramid' (see Munck) in Mexico.
(c) 1998 by Michael Lawrence Morton