Morton has been working independently for several years, now, in correlating various aspects of the work of a number of leading-edge researchers ... such as Zecharia Sitchin, Carl P. Munck, Sr. (as mentioned above), Bruce Cathie, Neil Freer, Richard C. Hoagland, to name a few. Additionally, he has been breaking new ground in several areas of research into suppressed and lost human history, including modern alphabetical (English language) and numerical (alpha-numeric) correlations involving geometry and metrology associated with the ancient 'archaeomatrix' re-discovered by Munck. Michael has also very recently discovered an apparent "Sky Matrix" Grid, involving a prime meridian marked, as theorized by Mary Anne Weaver, by the Orion belt-star Alnitak.
This "Sky Matrix" apparently correlates specifically with the 'Planetary' surface 'archaeomatrix' ... evoking the Hermetic phrase, "As Above, So Below".