Assessments of Latitude/Longitude As Integrated Within Ancient 'Matrix' Reference: "The Monuments of Mars", by Richard C.Hoagland .. 4th Edition; Plate No. 10 .. an orthographically-rectified photo-mosaic, showing 'Cydonia' on Mars. Orthographic rectification is courtesy of Mark J. Carlotto. "The Cliff" Grid LAT 41 (deg) X 21 (min) X 6.502578397 (sec) North .. = 5598.72 North. Grid LONG 51.84 (min) E.Cydonia. Grid POINT Value 5598.72 / 51.84 = 108. { Prime meridian is through center of 'The D&M Pyramid' }. "The Crater-rim Pyramid" Grid LAT 41 (deg) X 23 (min) X 53.54917582 (sec) North .. = 50496.8728 North. Grid LONG 01 (deg) X 06 (min) X 6.201255337 (sec) E.Cydonia .. = 37.20753202 E.Cydonia Grid POINT Value 50496.8728 / 37.20753202 = 1357.168026 --------------------------------- Ratio of Grid POINT Values Of "Cliff" and "Crater-rim Pyramid" 1357.168026 / 108 = 12.56637061 = 4Pi. ---------------------------------- Are there any "intelligent references" to a tetrahedron, involved in the 'matrix' figures for "Crater-rim Pyramid" ? Yes. Using the figure "720" .. the number of total surface corner-angle arc-degrees (conventional) on a tetrahedron .. 1357.168026 / 720 = 1.884955592 = (0.6 X 3.141592654). The number 0.6 refers to the annual angular rate of movement of the main Earth obliquity cycle ... 0.6 arc-seconds per-year. The other term 'with' 0.6 .. is a relatively-precise Pi constant. Note: "37.20753202" is a decimal harmonic of the "matrix format" notation .. for the base slope-angle of both The Great Pyramid of Giza and The Mycerinus Pyramid of Giza. 37207.53202 = 51 (deg) X 51 (min) X 14.30508728 (sec) .. this is the precise base slope-angle for any 4-sided square-based pyramid with a perimeter-to-height ratio of exactly "2Pi". --------------------------------------- 'The Face' at Cydonia .. With "Cliff" and "Crater-rim Pyramid" Using the Grid POINT Values of these 3 structures ... 656.56127 X (1357.168026 / 108) = (25920 / 3.141592654). Here, I find the Earth precession cycle in years, along with the relatively-precise Pi constant. I simply multiplied the ratio of "Cliff" to "Crater-rim Pyramid" (shown above) times 'The Face'. { Grid POINT Value of 'The Face' .. 656.56127 .. Carl Munck, 1992 }. "The Tholus" Figures-in .. I found a Grid LONG for "The Tholus" of 5 E.Cydonia .. 01 (deg) X 05 (min). Here, I multiply that number by the Grid LONG of "Crater-rim Pyramid" .. 5 X 37.20753202 = 186.0376601 ... which "happens to be" .. a decimal harmonic of the Grid LONG I found for 'Rosslyn Chapel' in Scotland .. 18603.76601 W.Giza .. = 34 (deg) X 17 (min) X 32.18644638 (sec) W.Giza. [ W.Greenwich 03 deg 09 min 31.38644638 sec ]. Rosslyn Chapel is an extremely important structure, built by one of the Sinclair family of Scotland, who was a very knowledgeable Freemason. He evidently possessed a great deal of knowledge passed-down from the Knights Templar, who had been to the ruins of Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem .. in "The Crusades". This is another case of advanced_ancient_ knowledge, having been acquired by certain people, who 'guarded' that knowledge very closely .. and who then passed it on, but only to certain 'select' other people. Today, there is an urgent need for this advanced ancient knowledge to be "made much more public", if you will, including its connections to ancient ruins on Mars. A "re-democratization" of our civilization is sorely needed, now. Much advanced knowledge and technology, the vast majority of it based directly on *ancient* knowledge that has been lost, forgotten, distorted, corrupted, or suppressed .. needs to come-forward into the "public" arena .. into the realm of the "common people". And it also needs to be un-hinged from "economics". If it is NOT un-hinged from this tyrannical, predatory, parasitic, cancerous, and thoroughly-corrupt "economic system" .. it will not make it into the realm of 'The People' at all. Certain advanced_ancient_knowledge was somehow "transmitted" to Washington, D.C. ... either through particular Freemasons, directly, such as George Washington .. or, with "outside help" .. or a combination of these. Is it not possible that someone in the "Enki faction" .. either an Anunnaki or an Earth-human 'go-between' .. could have brought a "blueprint" to bear on the situation .. indicating exactly 'where' to locate the major buildings in the Washington, D.C. area ? The fact is, that at least 8 such buildings *are* precisely positioned, in the D.C. area. I know this, because I've found the 'matrix' numbers for those 8 buildings. The Washington Monument Connection I found a Grid POINT Value for The Washington Monument of .. 5.411616169, and this is echoed at Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland, as a decimal harmonic, in its Grid LAT of .. 54116.16169 North .. = 55 (deg) X 51 (min) X 19.29274927 (sec) North. The Grid LONG of The Washington Monument I found to be .. 8036.826916 W.Giza .. = 108 (deg) X 10 (min) X 7.441506403 (sec) W.Giza. [ W.Greenwich 77 deg 02 min 6.641506403 sec ]. Notice: 8036.826916 = 259.2 X (Pi Cubed). That "259.2" figure is a numerical match of what I found to be the Grid POINT Value of "The Tholus" at Cydonia on Mars !!! That's the Earth precession cycle in years, again, as a decimal harmonic .. simply lowered by 2 powers-of-ten. Now that I've shown the Grid POINT Value and the Grid LONG of "The Tholus", I might as well give its Grid LAT ... 259.2 X 5 = 1296 North .. = 41 (deg) X 03 (min) X 10.53658537 (sec) North .. which_is_also the Grid LAT of "The City Square". Notice, on the orthographically-rectified photo mosaic (referenced above), the East-West line runs precisely from the 'center peak' of "The Tholus", through the *center* of "City Square". Back to Washington, D.C. Just as "The City Square" and "The Tholus" have the identical latitude, The Washington Monument shares its longitude with The 33rd Degree Temple. (The White House shares its longitude with The Jefferson Memorial). I found, also, that The 33rd Degree Temple shares its Grid POINT Value with The U.S. Naval Observatory. Their identical Grid POINT Value is .. 15. Recall that in a recent post, I discussed the 'numbers' for Rosslyn Chapel in detail, including its Grid POINT Value of .. 2.908882087. Using that "15" .. the Grid POINT Value for both The U.S. Naval Observatory 'and' The 33rd Degree Temple .. 15 X 2.908882087 = 43.63323131 .. Grid POINT Value (Morton, 1999) of the Orion belt-star ALNITAK .. our ecliptical ("sky-matrix") prime meridian 'marker-star'. { }. If I divide the Grid LONG of "The Crater-rim Pyramid" by the Grid LONG of "The Tholus" .. 37.20753202 / 5 = 7.441506403 .. I get a precise numerical match for the number of decimal-fractional arc-seconds in the W.Giza longitude of The Washington Monument !! Not_only_that ... I have found the Grid POINT Value of the Orion star BETELGEUSE .. circa 2000 A.D., to be .. 7.441506403 .. and this figure is a decimal harmonic of the 7441.506403 (Munck, 1992) regular ("British") Square Feet of precisely-intended (and verified by empirical inspection) Area of the Sarsen Circle of Stonehenge. If .. if .. "7441.506403" is the number of square feet of Area in the Sarsen Circle of Stonehenge, then, what is the radius of the Sarsen Circle ? 7441.506403 / 3.141592654 = 2368.705056 regular ("British") feet. I found the Grid LONG of The U.S. Naval Observatory to be .. 2368.705056 W.Giza .. = 108 (deg) X 12 (min) X 1.827704519 (sec) W.Giza. [ W.Greenwich 77 deg 04 min 1.027704519 sec ]. I found the Grid POINT Value of circa 2000 A.D. SIRIUS to be .. 2.368705056 .. decimal harmonic of 2368.705056 .. just a numerical difference of 3 powers-of-ten. Do you recall New Year's Eve at midnight, 1999-2000, when The Clintons, on national (USA) television, were gazing at The Washington Monument just as it "burst" into a blinding, dazzling glare of light ? I think that was a symbol of our (not just America, but the whole planet) connection to the stars .. and it was especially in honor of SIRIUS .. the brightest star in our sky. There's another reason why SIRIUS was "honored", at that time. On New Year's Eve, at midnight of circa 2000 A.D., SIRIUS was aligned exactly on the Sky Meridian .. relative to Earth's inclination to our ecliptic, to Earth's polar orientation. At Giza in Egypt, earlier that same New Year's Eve, at midnight Giza time, SIRIUS was directly in alignment with the true prime meridian on Earth .. passing through the center of The Great Pyramid. That was an actual "as above, so below" meridian-alignment .. Sky-Dome to Earth-Horizon .. according to Earth's angle of inclination to our solar ecliptic. Is it not wonderfully ironic, that the actual Grid LONG W.Giza of The U.S. Naval Observatory .. is a precise decimal harmonic match of the circa 2000 A.D. Grid POINT Value of SIRIUS !?! Back to Cydonia The number "15" is coming-up very frequently regarding this entire study. If you refer to the orthographically-rectified photo mosaic (referenced above), you can use a protractor (use that E-W line) to verify an angle of exactly 15 arc-degrees from the 'center peak' of "The Tholus" to the Nose on 'The Face'. This angle uses the shared latitude of "The Tholus" and "City Square" as a baseline. So .. this angle would be 195 arc-degrees azimuth from True North. Note the decimal harmonic of "19.5" arc-deg, there (a la RCH). And what is .. 195 divided-by 15 ? 195 / 15 = 13 .. a number associated very much with Freemasonry, of course. The 33rd Degree Temple is 13 blocks north of The White House. And what is the Grid POINT Value of The 33rd Degree Temple ? "15". That's also, as noted above, the Grid POINT Value of The U.S. Naval Observatory. (15 + 15) = 30 ... and that, in arc-degrees, is the precise "offset" angle .. West of True North on Mars, of the horizon-orientation of 'The Face' at Cydonia. 'The Face' is oriented, relative to the horizon, at an azimuth of 150 arc-degrees .. decimal harmonic of "15". 'U.S. Naval Observatory Sees' ... Grid LAT of "The Tholus" and "The City Square" That would make a great news headline. It would be very refreshing, too, because it would actually be true. How could I get the product of the numbers of degrees 'times' minutes, in the actual W.Giza longitude of The U.S. Naval Observatory ? I could divide its Grid LONG by the number of 'arc-seconds' in that Grid LONG. 2368.705056 / 1.827704519 = "1296" = (108 X 12). That's the Grid LAT of both "The Tholus" and "The City Square". Congratulations to the self-referential "extraterrestrial intelligence" .. of The U.S. Naval Observatory. It sees !!! -- Michael Lawrence Morton (c) 2000-- Michael Lawrence Morton