It could be that an "ideal" Obliquity/Precession ratio for Earth .. is a major factor in the re-discovered "archaeo-sky matrix". If the main Earth obliquity cycle is assumed at 40,000 years and the Earth precession cycle is assumed at 25,920 years .. their respective rates of 'angular-movement' per year would be close to 0.6 arc-sec and 50 arc-sec. Earth's obliquity cycle (the major one, at least) is 6.7 arc-degrees, full-cycle. So ... (6.7 X 60 X 60) = 24,120 arc-sec in 40,000 years. Therefore ... (24120 / 40000) = 0.603 arc-sec per year. I think it's very likely that the "ideal" is 0.6 arc-sec per year. Earth's precession cycle rate is 1 arc-degree every 72 years. One arc-degree = 3600 arc-sec. So .. (3600 / 72) = 50 arc-sec per year. The 'angular-movement' ratio would be .. (50 / 0.6) = 83.33333333 ... The 'time-period' ratio would be .. (40000 / 25920) = 1.543209877 If I take the ratio of those ratios .. (83.33333333 / 1.543209877) = 54. And "54" is an important "gematria-like" number. It's Sine is exactly HALF of the Golden Section, or the Phi constant. SIN 54 = 0.809016994 = (1.618033989 / 2). The Earth arc-distance from pole-to-equator is "5400" nautical miles, which numerically matches the "5400" Grid POINT Value (Munck, 1992) of The Great Sphinx of Giza. Correlation to Prime Meridians .. and more .. How would these Earth precession/obliquity ratios relate to the prime meridians I have written about on The Internet ? I proved Mary Anne Weaver's theory that the Orion belt-star ALNITAK serves as the ecliptical prime meridian 'marker' in our sky ... and that ALNITAK has a Grid POINT Value in the "archaeo-sky matrix" of 43.63323131 { }. Carl P. Munck, Sr. has re-discovered the true "matrix" prime meridians on Earth and on Mars (1992). Earth P. Mer. = 248.0502134 Grid POINT Value. Mars P. Mer. = 27.58106915 Grid POINT Value. In this next section, I will show how the "angular-movement" ratio (per-year) of Earth's precession/obliquity is very directly-and-precisely related to not only all 3 of the above prime meridian Grid POINT Values .. but also (simultaneously) to the Grid LAT of 'The D&M Pyramid' at Cydonia on Mars, to the Grid POINT Value of Stonehenge, to the Grid POINT Value of Avebury Circle, to a power-of-ten, and to a relatively-precise Pi constant. Step one ... (248.0502134 / 83.33333333) = (129.8787881 / 43.63323131). In that equation, note that when I divide the Grid POINT Value of The Great Pyramid by the "angular-movement" ratio (per-year) of Earth's precession/obliquity ... I get a "particular figure" divided-by the Grid POINT Value of the Orion belt-star ALNITAK. Now step two ... (9929.184894 / 129.8787881) = (24.33467206 X 3.141592654) = (2.771815209 X 27.58106915). The figure "9929.184894" is the (Munck, 1992) Grid LAT of 'The D&M Pyramid' at Cydonia on Mars .. 9929.184894 North .. = 40 (deg) X 52 (min) X 4.773646584 (sec) North. { }. The figure "24.33467206" is exactly 10 times 2.433467206, which in turn is the Grid POINT Value for Stonehenge (Munck, 1992). The figure "2.771815209" is the Grid POINT Value for Avebury Circle (Munck, 1999). And "129.8787881" ? That's the exact ratio of Avebury Circle to the conventional number of arc-degrees on one circumference .. (360 / 2.771815209) = 129.8787881 As I like to say at moments like this .. it speaks for itself. I intend to look at the "time-period" ratio in another article, coming soon. -- Michael Lawrence Morton (c) 2000
-- Michael Lawrence Morton