In a message dated 11/01/2000 5:00:59 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes: << Is there a connection between the Martian and terrestrial pyramids? The name Cairo, the location of the Giza pyramids, means 'the City of Mars'. That's just too spooky! >> 656.56127 X 27.58106915 X 5760 X 31.00627668 ... = 248.0502134 X 5764.166073 X 2261.946711 In Other "Language" ... 'The Face' X 'The D&M Pyramid' X (year-2000 A.D.) X (MINTAKA) ... = Great Pyramid X Chephren Pyramid X Mycerinus Pyramid. Year 2000 A.D. is the year "5760" of the Hebrew Calendar .. a calendar begun in the Sumerian civilization, in 3760 B.C. MINTAKA is the Orion belt-star corresponding to The Mycerinus Pyramid of Giza. ALNITAK corresponds to The Great Pyramid of Giza, and ALNILAM corresponds to The Chephren Pyramid of Giza. Daniel Perez has written that "OSIRIS" is represented by the 3 belt-stars of Orion. This is very interesting to me, because of the numbers I've found : here I will 'interact' the 3 belt-stars of Orion (their Grid POINT Values in what I call the "archaeo-sky matrix") ... (43.63323131 X 31.00627668) / 170.010936 = 7.957747156 .. the logic being that Alnitak and Mintaka are "divided-by" .. 'sandwiching' .. Alnilam, as viewed in our sky. To see my derivations of these values for the 3 belt-stars of Orion, please go to ... { }. So ... I have 7.957747156 as a 'composite-value' for "OSIRIS". Please bear with me. For "ISIS", I have the Grid POINT Value of SIRIUS as .. 2.368705056, and a Grid LONG for SIRIUS of .. 24805.02134 E.ALNITAK. D.Perez mentions that "HORUS" is REGULUS .. and I have a Grid POINT Value for REGULUS of .. 19.7392088 And D.Perez says that "SET" is ALDEBARAN ... and I have not posted a Grid POINT Value for ALDEBARAN until now .. 8.929807684 .. decimal harmonic of Grid LAT (Munck, 1992) of the Great Pyramid of Giza. ALDEBARAN'S Circa Year-2000 'Matrix' Figures (Using Ecliptical References, and Sidereal Zodiac) Grid LAT 05 (deg) X 28 (min) X 24.87975513 (sec) South of Ecliptic .. = 3483.165719 South (of Ecliptic). Grid LONG 14 (deg) X 53 (min) X 41.91913747 (sec) W.ALNITAK .. = 31104 W.ALNITAK. Grid POINT Value .. ALDEBARAN .. 31104 / 3483.165719 = 8.929807684 (HORUS / OSIRIS) = Grid LONG of ISIS ... = Great Pyramid of Giza's Grid POINT. In other terms ... using *decimal harmonics* .. powers-of-ten .. [(19.7392088 X 10000) / 7.957747156] = 24805.02134 = (248.0502134 X 100). Reciprocal value of 7.957747156 = 0.04 If I divide that figure into the average number of arc-seconds of movement of Earth's main obliquity cycle per-year ... 0.6 / 0.04 = 15. The number "15" symbolizes "OSIRIS Re-membered" (see the book, "Genisis", by David Wood). Recall that I posted an email discussing the interaction (mathematically) of the main Earth obliquity cycle and the Earth precession cycle, in terms of angular movement per year. The annual average Earth precession movement is 50 arc-seconds, and the annual average movement of the main Earth obliquity cycle is 0.6 arc-seconds. Recall, here, that I posted an email discussing the ratio of these 2 parameters, as MATCHING the ratio of the Grid POINT Values I found for 'The Face' at Cydonia on Mars and for The White House in Washington, D.C., USA. { 656.56127 / 7.878735239 = 83.33333333 = 50 / 0.6 }. Also notice the strong correlation, here, to Daniel Perez's information regarding the *positional* correspondence of The White House to 'The Face', when a scaled-down 'Cydonia' (from an ortho-rectified NASA photo mosaic) is "over-layed" visually (graphically) onto an aerial photo of Washington, D.C. of identical cardinal directional orientation !!! { }. 'The Face' and OSIRIS Notice ... 656.56127 / 7.957747156 = 259.2 / 3.141592654 This (above) equation shows that the Grid POINT Value for 'The Face' at Cydonia on Mars, divided-by the 'composite' Grid POINT Value of OSIRIS, is precisely equal to ... a decimal harmonic of Earth's precession cycle in years, divided-by the Pi constant ... which, in turn, is precisely equal to ... the Grid POINT Value of "The Tholus" at Cydonia on Mars, divided-by the Pi constant !!! HORUS and SET If I divide the Grid POINT Value of ALDEBARAN ("SET") by the Grid POINT Value of REGULUS ("HORUS") .. 8.929807684 / 19.7392088 = 0.452389342 = (0.144 X 3.141592654). In "other language", SET divided-by HORUS is precisely equal to .. a decimal harmonic of the Grid LAT of 'The Face' at Cydonia on Mars. Grid LAT of 'The Face' = 41 (deg) X 11 (min) X 10.03080581 (sec) North .. = (1440 X Pi) North .. = 4523.893421 North. ISIS and OSIRIS If I multiply SIRIUS ("ISIS") by the Orion-belt Composite (OSIRIS) .. 2.368705056 X 7.957747156 = 18.84955592 = 6Pi. Correlating With an Earth-Measure Parameter It can be generally agreed-upon that Earth's polar circumference is .. 21,600 nautical miles. Our conventional figure for the number of arc-minutes on one complete circumference is .. 21,600 .. and that is based on our convention of 360 arc-degrees on one complete circumference. 21600 / 6Pi = 1145.91559 = 20 Radians (deg) .. = (656.56127 X 1.745329252) = 40Pi X (656.56127 / 72). Regarding that (above) equation .. notice the figures "1.745329252" and "40Pi". Those are the Grid POINT Values, respectively, that I found for the "Chilbolton Radio Telescope Crop Formation" and for .. the (so-called) "Comic Alien Crop Formation" .. both reported in Wiltshire, UK, late in the year-2000 season. And notice the number "72" .. which is the number of years it takes for one arc-degree of Earth precessional angular 'movement'. ALSO ... the number "72" is the Grid POINT Value I found for the center (amidships, centerline, near Bulkhead # 5) of 'The Ark of Ziusudra', based directly on the reported GPS reading emailed to me by Michael Bonilla, upon his return, in October of 2000, from the site of the remains of that vessel. He took the GPS reading on-site, at the very large limestone boulder that 'intrudes' into the western side of the remains, in Eastern Turkey near the Iranian border. He took the GPS reading on October 11, 2000. The site is officially designated as a National Historical Treasure, by The Republic of Turkey. Obviously, this "story" has been incredibly suppressed by the Establishment involved with the major "Western powers". I have posted a very recent email regarding this .. the precise location, in terms of latitude and longitude, of the remains of The Ark of Ziusudra. That email serves as an update of my earlier article I wrote on this subject. Michael Bonilla's GPS reading was the key, in this case, of course. Here, I repeat the "archaeo-sky matrix" figures I have found for The Ark of Ziusudra ("Noah's Ark") : Grid LAT 39 (deg) X 26 (min) X 25.56213018 (sec) North .. = 25920 North. Grid LONG 13 (deg) X 06 (min) X 4.615384615 (sec) E.Giza .. = 360 E.Giza. [ E.Greenwich 44 deg 14 min 5.415384615 sec ]. Grid POINT Value ... 25920 / 360 = 72. Evidence of Contact With 'Extraterrestrial Intelligence' Is Now Found The "Chilbolton Radio Telescope Crop Formation" was placed very near to Chilbolton Radio Telescope, of course. This is "referencing" our civilization's on-going "SETI-style" attempt at "detecting ETI". The so-called "Comic Alien Crop Formation" was apparently a "humorous" depiction, I think, of what has been our civilization's *stereotypical notion* of an "ET", the so-called "little grey" of our recent 'pop-culture' mindset. And, as I pointed-out in an email post about the so-called "Comic Alien" glyph, its Grid POINT Value is "40Pi". The number "40" is Enki's Rank Number in the Sumerian pantheon. And, of course, when people think of "Noah's Ark", one of the common meme's is .. "40 Days and 40 Nights". Who was Enki's "faithful servant", according to the ancient texts that Zecharia Sitchin has interpreted ? Ziusudra, of course !!! Enki is the one who saved Ziusudra, and other members of his family, from 'The Flood'. And it must have been Enki, the great scientist, who arranged for Ziusudra's vessel to end-up snagged .. at its 6th bulkhead, on its side facing west, by the limestone boulder from which Michael Bonilla took his GPS reading on October 11, 2000. Recall that I've shown, again .. in email posts .. how the Grid LONG of The U.S. Naval Observatory in Washington, D.C., is a decimal harmonic (2368.705056) of the Grid POINT Value of the brightest star in our sky .. SIRIUS. And its (The U.S. Naval Observatory's) Grid POINT Value is .. "15" ... the number symbolizing "OSIRIS Re-membered". This is *referencing* the "self-referential" nature of this ancient "archaeo-sky matix", itself !!! Observe .. (15 X 40Pi) / 2.368705056 = 795.7747156 In "other language' .. the number symbolizing "OSIRIS Re-membered" .. multiplied-by the "Comic Alien" .. and then divided-by "ISIS" .. precisely equals a decimal harmonic of the Orion-belt Composite !!! I could say that 'The Face' at Cydonia on Mars is now "speaking" to us. 'The Face' is indeed saying "hello" to us !!! There can be no reasonable doubt, from this time forward. -- Michael Lawrence Morton (c) 2000
-- Michael Lawrence Morton