To: Len Keane .. at .. Hi, Len ... Sorry it's taken me so long to get to this ... but .. I can_already_tell you that you have, here .. a MAJOR find !!! I've only just figured-out (to the best of my ability) 3 of your 'marked spots' .. nodes .. and I understand these nodes are all dolmen-sites ? .. such as "standing stones" .. correct ? (or 'balanced rocks', etc. ?). I do have exciting news, already, Ken !! I am quite amazed, myself, actually. I will be contacting Barry McEwen, in Phoenix, Az .. who is working with me on a project involving some particular sites in the Grand Canyon. Believe it or not ... I have already found a very_direct_ correlation .. an amazing "hit" .. between one of these 3 dolmen-sites of yours, and the Grid POINT Value I just_recently_found for "Isis Temple" in the Grand Canyon !!! Barry has already written-up and posted the "Isis Temple" discovery, along with several other sites/structures we have just de-coded nearby "Isis Temple" in the Grand Canyon. So this direct 'hit' I just found .. only several hours ago, as I write this .. will be exciting news to Barry McEwen. I will give him your email address, assuming that's OK with you. His email address is ... He's in Phoenix, Az .. and lives there. Of course, I'll be reporting my findings directly to you .. and this is my first report to you on this "Lynn Woods" area .. north of Boston, Mass. -------------------------------------------- I started with your "Indian Hill" site. And I've been careful to mark your 'node' location on the northwestern 'edge' of that hill. Your photo-copied map is_very_helpful. I ordered the 7.5-min series USGS topo map .. 1 : 24000 .. but for some reason, they sent me the 1 : 25000 map (Lynn, Mass) .. not sure why. It's proving to be fine, so far. I then went WSW from "Indian Hill" to your node that's just a bit SE of the very eastern end-point of Walden Pond. It's just north of some country club. This will probably be enough to tell you which one it is. Then, as for spot # 3 ... I went SW of the #2 node ... to what appears on your map to be the "center node" of a major pentagon .. its in the center of 2 "concentric" pentagons, in fact. It's about the same distance from #2 as #1 is from #2. "Indian Hill" node (on NW 'edge' of hill) [ By the way .. if you don't want to call these "nodes", its OK with me. It's just the term I'm using now for your marked spots]. Grid LAT 42 (deg) X 29 (min) X 39.38118012 (sec) North .. = 47966.27739 North. [ this is equal to .. 4860 X (Pi Squared) ]. Grid LONG 102 (deg) X 05 (min) X 52.25084682 (sec) W.Giza .. = 26647.93188 W.Giza. [ this is equal to .. 2700 X (Pi Squared) ]. { Notice ... if you subtract .. 4860 - 2700 = 2160 }. [ W.Greenwich 70 deg 57 min 51.45084682 sec ]. Grid POINT Value .. 47966.27739 / 26647.93188 = 1.8 #2 Node .. just SE of eastern end-point of Walden Pond Grid LAT 42 (deg) X 29 (min) X 31.57271571 (sec) North .. = 38455.56774 North. [ this is equal to .. (2Pi) Squared X 10 X (Pi to the 4th power) ]. Grid LONG 102 (deg) X 06 (min) X 43.63603819 (sec) W.Giza .. = 26705.25537 W.Giza. [ this is equal to .. 27.77777777 X (Pi to the 6th power) ]. {{ Note .. reciprocal of 27.77777777 is .. 0.036 }}. [ W.Greenwich 70 deg 58 min 42.83603819 sec ]. Grid POINT Value .. 38455.56774 / 26705.25537 = 1.44 # 3 Node ... @center of certain pentagon(s) Grid LAT 42 (deg) X 29 (min) X 7.001098689 (sec) North .. = 8527.338203 North. [ this is equal to .. 864 X (Pi Squared) ]. Grid LONG 102 (deg) X 07 (min) X 20.73446303 (sec) W.Giza .. = 14804.4066 W.Giza. [ this is equal to .. 1500 X (Pi Squared) ]. [ W.Greenwich 70 deg 59 min 19.93446303 sec ]. Grid POINT Value .. 14804.4066 / 8527.3382043 = 1.736111111 {{ note; 1.736111111 is the reciprocal of .. 0.576 }}. Multiplying These 3 Grid POINT Values .. 1.8 X 1.44 X 1.736111111 = 4.5 Note; this resonates with the Grid POINT Value of "Great Serpent Mound" in Ohio, USA (Munck, 1992) ... "45Pi". Also, of course, "4.5" resonates with the "45 degree angle" .. the diagonal in a Square. Also of note ... 1.8 X 1.44 = 2.592 .. decimal harmonic of Earth's precession cycle in years. Correlation With Rennes-le-Chateau and more ... My Grid POINT Value (Morton, 1998) for the Church at Rennes-le-Chateau in the South of France, is .. "2Pi". (2Pi) / 4.5 = 1.396263402 .. which is the_exact_ Grid POINT Value I found for the circa 2000 A.D. sky-position (relative to our ecliptic, and relative to a celestial prime meridian to the ecliptic that "passes through" the Orion belt-star ALNITAK) .. of the star DUBHE in the Ursa Major constellation. This is_very_ significant because of my findings regarding the work of author and researcher Greg Rigby (his book; "On Earth As It Is In Heaven"). Rigby found that the location of Chartres Cathedral, in France, corresponds to the circa 2000 A.D. sky-position_of_DUBHE .. according to a "positional layout" of cathedrals, abbeys, and basilicas in France spanning hundreds of miles !!! This positional layout includes the Church at Rennes-le-Chateau, and Rigby has shown (in his book) that the current sky-position of POLARIS corresponds to the Church at Rennes-le-Chateau in Rigby's set of correlations !!! Incidentally, my circa 2000 A.D. Grid POINT Value for POLARIS .. in what I now call the "Sky Matrix" .. is .. "21.6" .. a decimal harmonic of the_polar_ circumference of Earth in nautical miles (21600) !! I highly recommend Greg Rigby's book, by the way. He has done excellent, and very methodical and thorough, work. Here is another very synchronistic correlation I have already noticed ... if I multiply my Grid POINT Value for the Church at Rennes-le-Chateau times the "#3 Node site" ... (2Pi) X 1.736111111 = 10.90830783 .. Grid POINT Value I found for what I now call "Dragon Mound" (popularly-known as "Alligator Mound") in Granville, Ohio, USA. Barry McEwen will "really" love the synchronicity of that !!! The "OLD MAN" Knows His Stuff ... Munck (1992) figured-out the archaeo-matrix numbers of "The Old Man of the Mountain" .. New Hampshire, USA. He found the Grid POINT Value to be ... 1.033542556 ... Grid LAT of 44 (deg) X 09 (min) X 38.84400783 North .. = 15382.2271 North. Grid LONG .. 102 (deg) X 49 (min) X 2.977793679 (sec) W.Giza .. = 14883.01281 W.Giza. [ W.Greenwich 71 deg 41 min 2.177793679 sec ]. You can see that "The Old Man" is only about 43 arc-minutes, or so, west of these first 3 locations I'm examining for Lynn Woods, Mass. A Truly Amazing and Synchronistic Correlation (4.5 / 1.033542556) = 4.353957149 .. and I *know* Barry McEwen is excited about this !!! And .. I'd bet that Len Keane is pretty pleased, himself. You see .. "4.353957149" is the Grid POINT Value I found for "Isis Temple" in the Grand Canyon, based on the coordinates Barry McEwen emailed to me just about a month ago, as I write this. And recall from earlier in this article, that "4.5" is the multiplied_product_ of the Grid POINT Values of the first 3 "Lynn Woods" sites I've just looked at, thanks to the meticulous ground-work done by Len Keane, who has mapped the precise locations of many dolmens in the area of Lynn Woods, Mass. Carl P. Munck, Sr. has had great respect for "The Old Man". I have_also_ come to have great respect for the dude. He really knows the archaeo-sky matrix. Evidently, this "Old Man" knows a lot of details about the locations of these 3 dolmen-sites in Lynn Woods, Mass. (1.44 X 1.033542556) = 1.488301281 .. decimal harmonic of "The Old Man's" Grid LONG .. west of the Giza prime meridian !!! (4.5 X 1.033542556) = (Pi X 1.48044066) ... and "1.48044066" is a decimal harmonic of the Grid LONG .. west of the Giza prime meridian .. of .. the "# 3 Node site" in Lynn Woods !!! And, there's the Pi constant as a factor !! Indian Hill # 1 Node and "The Old Man" ... I now multiply the Grid POINT Value of the "# 1 Node" times the Grid POINT Value of "The Old Man of the Mountain" ... (1.8 X 1.033542556) = (5.411616169 / 2.908882087) = 1.860376601 In that equation, I have .. the_ratio_of the Grid POINT Value of The Washington Monument in Washington, D.C. and the Grid POINT Value of Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland !!! I found the archaeo-sky matrix numbers of Rosslyn Chapel, thanks to a man in the Edinburgh area who used a GPS unit and actually went and took measurements at the corners of Rosslyn Chapel for me .. in Autumn of 2000. I found the numbers for The Washington Monument in 1998, by using the official USGS topo map (7.5-min quadrangle; scale 1 : 24000) for Washington, D.C. Notice the figure ... "1.860376601" .. in that equation. That is a precise decimal harmonic of the Grid LONG .. west of the Giza prime meridian .. of .. Rosslyn Chapel, itself !!! 18603.76601 W.Giza .. = 34 (deg) X 17 (min) X 32.18644638 (sec) W.Giza. [ W.Greenwich 03 deg 09 min 31.38644638 sec ]. I actually averaged, statistically, the GPS readings taken by my contact in the Edinburgh, Scotland area .. because he took readings from 4 corners of the building. So .. what I came up with, then, is a point at-or-near the middle of the structure. For those interested, I'll give my Grid LAT figures here, as well, for the location of Rosslyn Chapel : Grid LAT Rosslyn Chapel .. 55 (deg) X 51 (min) X 19.29274927 (sec) North .. = 54116.16169 North. Notice the decimal harmonic of the Grid POINT Value (Morton, 1998) of ... The Washington Monument. Not to be overlooked .. is the fact that "4.5" .. the multiplied product of the first 3 dolmen-sites in Lynn Woods that I've looked at (on the USGS topo map) .. thanks to Len Keane .. is exactly HALF of .. "9" .. our highest "integer of cycle-completion" in base 10. -- Michael Lawrence Morton (c) 2000
-- Michael Lawrence Morton