In a message dated 12/10/2000 10:45:15 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes: << i've also invited Bruce Cathie but as usual no response or hint of any signs of life ... wonder how the new book is going ?? anyway to begin .... perhaps some differing feedback/views would be interesting WHAT EXACTLY IS THE EARTH GRID ? WAS IT MAN MADE or A NATURAL PART OF PLANETS ? (perhaps both) DOES THE EARTHGRID MOVE/SHIFT ? (thus the never ending need to re-calculate) WHAT ABOUT A COSMIC GRID ?? input would be nice.. Raphiem >> Hi, All ... Bruce Cathie has a new book out ?! Great ... listed on ? I'll try there .. I'd like to order it. That's a segue into .. my figures for sites at Bethlehem and at Rennes-le-Chateau that are very, very near to specific spots calculated by Bruce Cathie (and his "computer person", Rod Maupin) .. and described in B.Cathie's book, "The Harmonic Conquest of Space". I had been wondering for quite some time, as to whether or not Carl Munck's "grid" might inter-act-with or converge-with B.Cathie's "grid". I can now say that in the case of the Church at Rennes-le-Chateau, and in the case of this particular site (noted above) within the present 'town-limits' of Bethlehem .. I have found very_significant_"Munck-matrix" figures that identify particular Grid LATs, Grid LONGs, and Grid POINT Values .. that are all within 15 feet or so of B.Cathie's 'corresponding' latitudes and longitudes. B.Cathie's "grid" is based on Earth's magnetic field, Earth's gravity field .. and, on the speed-of-light according to Earth latitude (and altitude). Munck's "grid" is based on the geographic pole positions on Earth, on the equator (of course), and on a prime meridian currently passing through the center of The Great Pyramid of Giza .. that particular pyramid apparently having been precisely placed to "mark" this prime meridian. In addition, Munck's "grid" is encoded numerically (arithmetically, mathematically) by a simple system of multiplication of the_numbers_of degrees times minutes times seconds .. to produce *precisely-intended* Grid LAT and Grid LONG numbers, with the ratio of those indicating an intended Grid POINT Value. On page 109 of "The Harmonic Conquest of Space", B.Cathie gives his coordinates for the Church at Rennes-le-Chateau and for the site at Bethlehem. These are: "Church @ Rennes" .. Lat N. 42 deg 55 min 44.8 sec. Long E.Greenwich 02 deg 15 min 49.2 sec. "Bethlehem spot" .. Lat N. 31 deg 41 min 33.6 sec. Long E.Greenwich 35 deg 11 min 54.44 sec. I've had my figures for these 2 sites, based on Munck's methodology .. posted on The Internet for about 2 and a half years, now. { }. Very significantly, the Grid POINT Value (Morton, 1998) for this Bethlehem site was found to be .. 65.656127 .. a decimal harmonic (power-of-ten multiple, or fraction, as the case may be) .. of the Grid POINT Value (Munck, 1992) of 'The Face' at Cydonia (656.56127) on Mars !!! { }. Also very significantly, the Grid POINT Value of the Church at Rennes-le-Chateau was found (Morton, 1998) to be .. 6.283185307 .. exactly "2Pi" .. a very important constant, integral to circle/sphere geometry. There are "2Pi" radians on the circumference of a circle or sphere. { }. Further .. multiplying those 2 Grid POINT Values .. (65.656127 X 6.283185307) = 412.5296125 ... a numerical match of my proposed precise length for the floor of "The King's Chamber" within The Great Pyramid of Giza. I have proposed (on The Internet, since 1998) that The Royal Cubit is actually 20.62648063 regular ("British") inches in length, so that the exact length of the floor in "The King's Chamber" is_precisely_ 20 Royal Cubits. { 412.5296125 / 20.62648063 = 20 }. The width of that floor is then_precisely_10 Royal Cubits. I am aware of the assessments involving so-called "pyramid inches", by some researchers in the past. I am saying, essentially, that those assessments will now be rendered irrelevant, based on confirmation (hopefully, before too long) of my proposed figures. I have proposed that we are being "shown" .. among other things .. the 360 degrees system .. that it was known_and_that it was precisely used .. "right here on Earth", by 'someone' .. in very_deep_antiquity. This, of course, implies the very, very ancient use of 60 seconds in a minute, and 60 minutes in a degree .. and also 60 minutes in an hour !! And, please notice .. this is the basis of the self-evident encoding involved within the "as above, so below" re-discovered "Archaeo-sky matrix" (Munck, Morton) itself !!! {{ The *numbers* .. of degrees, times minutes, times seconds !! }}. Notice that the numerical value of The Radian (deg) .. assuming 360 arc-degrees on one complete circumference .. is .. 57.29577951 (deg) .. (360 / 6.283185307) = 57.29577951 arc-degrees. If I use the standard math formula for "Surface Area on a Sphere" .. (4Pi) X (radius Squared) .. (4Pi) X (57.29577951 X 57.29577951) = 41252.96125 "Square arc-degrees". There you are !! A decimal harmonic of the multiplied-product of the Grid POINT Values of the Church at Rennes-le-Chateau and the Bethlehem site !! We are being "shown" .. spherical geometry, using the 360 degrees system. And this is being "displayed" in an encoded matrix, in terms of high precision. Not only that ... we are also being shown that this "matrix" extends to the planet Mars! None-other than 'The Face' at Cydonia .. is being PRECISELY referenced by the Grid POINT Value of the Bethlehem site !!! We are being shown .. assuming we can recognize it .. (which we are, in fact, doing, I say) .. information_about_our lost heritage in this solar system. And we are taking an active part in this process !! It's not like "they" are just "showing-up, here" and handing us videos of our 'complete history' .. or playing "God" and saying, "Behold; We have now come to give you your complete history". No ... this is a much better, 'preferable' way for this to happen .. because if "they" just showed-up and "handed-it to us" .. we wouldn't believe it, anyway .. or, we'd fall right back under the old "Godspell" and start worshipping "them".. again. This way .. we are .. as I just said .. taking an active part in the "revelations" (discovery) of our true history and species-identity. It is absolutely crucial, IMHO, that "we" Earth humans gain knowledge of our_true_history and heritage .. in order for us to truly "progress" to higher levels of being, functioning, socializing, etc. Our consensus "self-image" .. our consensus "understanding of human nature itself" .. has been heavily warped and distorted by a gross, cumulative loss of the truth of our actual history ... a major loss of the truth about our species-identity and the early cultural influences upon us. This process of re-discovering this "archaeo-sky matrix" is_integral_to the over-all process of learning the truth about our 'collective identity' and the truth about our common heritage and history in this solar system (for starters). Please go to that webpage I referenced earlier ... Try to see how close B.Cathie's latitude and longitude are .. to the ones I came up with. Notice the "288" Radians (deg) in the Grid LONG of the Church at Rennes-le-Chateau .. and its "103680" Grid LAT as exactly 4 Earth precession cycles (of 25920 years each). And the ratio of those 2 figures .. 'exactly' 2Pi !! And the "648" Grid LONG of the Bethlehem site ... a very important number to B.Cathie. And notice things like the 'difference' between "288" and "648" .. 648 - 288 = 360. The encoding is on "many levels". Notice the "42545.17031" North Grid LAT at the Bethlehem site : Square Root of 42545.17031 = 206.2648063 .. a numerical match of the precise width, in regular ("British") inches .. of the floor of "The King's Chamber" within The Great Pyramid of Giza !! { Exactly 10 Royal Cubits !! }. The chances of this set of correlations, that I have described here in this piece, being "random coincidence" ... must be many, many trillions-to-one. And this is only one "limited" set .. out of the hundreds of such precise correlations that I have_already_ found within this "archaeo-sky matrix". -- Michael Lawrence Morton (c) 2000
-- Michael Lawrence Morton