Hi All/Michael...
Did some Cathie Calcs and came up with the following based on the only long/lats i could find on these Japanese underwater megaliths/structures..
Lat = 24.5 deg North
Long = 122.56 East
Minutes of Arc Between the above and the Giza Pyramid (long/lats as per Michael's previous email)...I get 4751.214 min of arc distance...
if I square-root this figure subsequently three times we get 2.88 (double light harmonic)...
If i divide 4751.214 by 144 (light harmonic) we get 32.9 (close to 33) 33 is the anti-matter harmonic...
anyway i don't know if the above are accurate.... in any case we can always convert 122.56 to D-M-S 122deg 33min 36sec East g/which as for 24.5 simply becomes 24deg 30min North...
Michael, a couple of questions if you don't mind...as still coming up to speed on Munck's methods/rules etc..
since we have the D-M-S of the Long, but only the D-M of the latitude (24deg 30min)...can we not for interest sake pretend it is 24deg 29min 59.9sec as this is 1/10th of a sec away from 24.5 degrees.???? would this do??
also lets say i had a location that was spot on 30deg longitude, i mean right on the dot..30degress (no minutes , no seconds)...how would we then incorporate it into Munck's system??
Michael L Morton (milamo@aol.comresponds:
It's still a situation, unfortunately, of having too little data to make reliable projections ... in this case. If you only have a "degrees" figure ... such as 24.5 or even 122.56 ... to two decimal places on that one ... there's still way too much room for *significant* error.
We need a 'degrees-only' figure to be given out to ...at least 5 decimal places, minimum. Example : let's take the 122.56 figure ...this could 'actually' be ... say ... anything from 122.5601 or so ... out to... say ...maybe 122.5646 or something ... right ? (Just looking at possible examples).
[ They are both, in effect, "rounded-off" to 122.56 ]
Projecting the "122.5601" .... we get 122 deg 33 min 36.36 sec.
Projecting the "122.5646" .... we get 122 deg 33 min 52.56 sec.
That's a difference of over 16 seconds. Way too much. That's well-over 1000 feet of "error margin" at almost any latitude on Earth. At 24.5 degrees (approx.) latitude, this is an error margin of over 1450 feet. We need to be in a ballpark of something like 10 feet of error margin.
Let's look at "122.56011" versus ... "122.56019" ... to 5 decimal places:
122.56011 projects to ... 122 deg 33 min 36.396.
122.56019 projects to ... 122 deg 33 deg 36.684.
Now ... we have a margin here of less than 0.5 seconds ... so we can assume that we are somewhere between 36.0 seconds and 37.0 seconds.
At least that narrows-it-down to a margin of a whole arc-second, or less. To be "safe" ... we need a "degrees-only" figure to be given out to 6 decimal places. But ... you can work with 5 decimal places if you have to, in this type of case.
As for the "right on the dot" 30 degrees question .... you better have a *really* accurate map to back up this particular case. (-:
Usually .... "right-on-the-dot" figures are in terms of seconds ... and that is rather rare. Right-on-the-dot "minutes" cases (?) ... *extremely* rare. In fact I don't know, yet, of a case of a right-on-the-dot "degrees" figure ....
Other than the very notable exceptions of "360" prime meridians !!! But it could happen. The number would then be "30".
Michael L. Morton