Messages from Michael L. Morton

Apparent Correlations re Dr. LaViolette's 'Abstract'

Apparent Correlations re Dr. LaViolette's 'Abstract'

Simon ... and Others ..
Much thanks for your (Simon Miles) reference to the (below) work of Dr.LaViolette. I see here, within this "Abstract', what I consider to be some significant correlations to my own work, and to the work of Carl P.Munck, Sr. Here, in this email, I will introduce you, and any others, to these correlations.

You, and all others .. may freely forward and copy this email .. provided this email is copied and/or forwarded in its entirety, with no alterations .. and provided proper credit is given to me, the writer of this email.

Much thanks ...
Michael Lawrence Morton /skymat_1.htm


Paper presented at the 195th meeting of the American Astronomical Society
Wednesday, January 12, 2000, Session 33
Atlanta, Georgia

Speaker: Paul A. LaViolette, Ph.D.
The Starburst Foundation
6369 Beryl Road, #104 Alexandria, VA 22312

Evidence that radio pulsars may be artificial beacons of ETI origin

Abstract: This paper presents evidence indicating that pulsar sky positions are nonrandomly distributed in a pattern that is not easily attributed to natural causes. As one example, between l ~ 32° to l ~ 57°, the number of pulsars progressively rises with increasing longitude until at the northern one-radian longitude point (l = 57.24°) their concentration drops precipitously by almost three fold, as if to mark this location. Compared with lower galactic longitudes, much of the higher pulsar population at these longitudes may be from observational bias due to the greater sensitivity of the Arecibo telescope, which has surveyed l ~ 39° to l ~ 69°. However, the
progressive rise from l ~ 39° to l ~ 57° and abrupt drop off at this one-radian longitude cannot be attributed to such selection effects since it occurs at longitudes that lie well within the region covered by the Arecibo survey. On the other hand, if pulsars are ETI communication beacons, an obvious choice as a topic for communication would be to indicate the termination point of a one radian arc deviation from the Galactic center since such a geometrically unique off-center viewer-dependent location is not preferred by any natural process. Moreover designating this longitude indicates to us that the senders know the sky location of the Galactic center as seen from our vantage point, and hence that they intend their beamed message specifically for our particular Galactic locale.

Other nonrandom pulsar positions, further emphasize the northern one-radian longitude point. For example, this pulsar clump termination point is marked by the Millisecond Pulsar (B1937+21), the most rapid of all known pulsars and also one of only two pulsars known to emit giant pulses as well as optical pulses. This unique pulsar is the closest of all pulsars to this one-radian
benchmark, deviating by just 0.27°. In addition, the tip of this clump is also marked by another equally unique millisecond pulsar (B1957+20), which is the second most rapid pulsar in the sky and is distinguished as being one of just 6 eclipsing binary millisecond pulsars. This second pulsar is unusual in that its period is just 3.18 percent longer than that of the Millisecond
pulsar, approximating the percentage amount that the sky position longitude of B1957+20 (l = 59.2°) surpasses the longitude of the one radian point (l = 57.24°). This and other nonrandom pulsar position relations, suggest that pulsars comprise a vast network of ETI beacons that extends throughout the Galaxy and is beaming signals in our particular direction.1
1) LaViolette, P. A. The Talk of the Galaxy (Alexandria, VA: Starlane Publications, 4/2000).

Some Comments on Dr.LaViolette's 'abstract', referenced above :

Notice, in the above 'abstract', the One Radian point that Dr. LaViolette notes.

If you go to the website noted above ... ... you will see a marking of One Radian (angle, arc) .. in blue .. from the Apex of The Great Pyramid of
Giza, which extends from a line matching the (overhead-view) vector of the southwestern edge of The Great Pyramid, to a line intersecting (overhead-view) with the latitude/longitude "intersection crossing" of the_orientations_of the two groups of 3 small pyramids (in each group). Again ... this is a 'marking' of One Radian (angle, arc) using the Apex of The Great Pyramid as the center of a circle(s).

This particular 'marked' One Radian was noted by Carl Munck (1994, "The Code", self-published).

Also in the 'abstract', above .. Dr. LaViolette mentions a 'benchmark' of .. "59.2" .. in addition to the One Radian 'benchmark'. I think this "59.2" is an indication (likely, at least) of .. the expression .. 6 X (Pi Squared) .. or .. (6 X 9.869604401) = 59.21762641 .. to be
precise, if you will .. I'm simply using a 10-digit-display calculator.

If I take the ratio of these two "benchmarks" .. again, using The Radian (deg) of 57.29577951 arc- degrees as per the convention of the "360" system ...

59.21762641 / 57.29577951 = 1.033542556

NOTE : the figure "1.033542556" is also exactly equal to the following ratio ..

248.0502134 / 240 = 1.033542556

The figure "248.0502134" is "exactly" the Cube of 2Pi ... using a 10-digit-display calculator. The Cube of 2Pi is the (Munck, 1992, "The Code", self-published) Grid POINT Value of .. The Great Pyramid of Giza, itself. { }.

I now refer to a point at the Apex of The Great Pyramid .. defined by these following latitude/longitude coordinates in "ancient archaeo-sky matrix" format ..

Grid LAT .. 29 (deg) X 58 (min) X 51.36741974 (sec) North .. = 86400 North.

Grid LONG .. 360 ... the numeric designation (Munck, 1992, "The Code", self-published) for prime meridians in this ancient "matrix".

Apex POINT Value .. 86400 / 360 = 240.

Of course, there are 86400 seconds of time in a 24-hour Earth day. One axial revolution of the Earth is, of course, 360 degrees af arc.

Both the Grid POINT Value (Munck) and the Apex POINT Value (Morton) are aligned on the ancient (self- evident, self-referential) prime meridian that passes through the center of The Great Pyramid of Giza.

ALSO .. "1.033542556" is the Grid POINT Value (Munck, 1994, "The Code", self-published) of .. "The Old Man of The Mountain" in New Hampshire, USA. This is a profile of a human face, deliberately carved on an outcropping of granite.

Aside from the above 'abstract', Dr. LaViolette discusses The Great Sphinx of Giza, as involved in what he refers to as "the Zodiac cipher". Munck (1992) found the Grid POINT Value of The Great Sphinx to be .. 5400, which is also the arc-distance on Earth in terms of nautical miles from
either geographic pole to the equator.

5400 / 57.29577951 = 94.24777961 = "exactly" 30Pi .. the precise orientation, in arc-degrees, of The Great Sphinx itself_rather_than "90 degrees". (Munck, 1992).

The above 'abstract' also mentions the "0.27" degrees deviation, of the Millisecond Pulsar from the One Radian benchmark. 0.27 arc-deg = 16.2 arc-min = 972 arc-sec.

This "972" figure is a decimal harmonic (base 10, powers-of-ten) of the "97200" regular ("British") feet circumference (Morton, 1999) of "The Circle-of- Churches" in South-of-France. { see the work of Simon Miles ... at .. }.

The "16.2" figure is a decimal harmonic of the "normal max.light-speed" (Bruce Cathie, "The Harmonic Conquest of Space") in 'free space' ... 162000 nautical miles per second.

Also mentioned in the above 'abstract', is the period (differential) of pulsar number (B1957 +20) .. "3.18 percent longer" .. as compared to the period of the Millisecond Pulsar (B1937 +21). I think it is likely that "3.18" is referencing what I have found to be the year-2000 A.D. Grid POINT Value of the sky-position of the star VEGA. To see how I calculate these year-2000 A.D. sky-positions of certain prominent stars in our sky .. see ..

{ }. Our ecliptic is used as the latitude reference, and a celestial prime meridian .. perpendicular to our ecliptic, is used (theory of Mary Anne Weaver, 1999; proven by M.L. Morton, 1999-2000; Internet) for the longitude reference.

This star-longitude meridian passes "through" the Orion belt-star ALNITAK. Yes; Alnitak is our ("local") celestial prime meridian 'marker', apparently.

I have calculated (Morton, 2000, Internet) the "archaeo-sky matrix" sky-position Grid POINT Value .. of circa 2000 A.D. VEGA .. as .. "exactly" (10 / Pi) .. or .. 3.183098862 .. another precise 'reference' involving basic geometry and the Pi constant.

If I am not mistaken, isn't our Sun moving "in the direction of" .. VEGA ?

(c) Copyright 2001 -- Michael Lawrence Morton