At this time, I'm going to give a brief summary of some things I seem to have just figured-out. I hope other researchers will comment on this, after due consideration.
A website of Simon Miles ( discusses his research on the diameter of The Circle of Churches as ... "18000 Royal Cubits". I decided to apply my proposed Royal Cubit of "20.62648063" regular inches (NOT "pyramid inches") to his figure of "18000".
18000 X 20.62648063 = 371276.6513 regular inches ; diameter of The Circle of Churches. So ; to get the circumference, simply multiply by Pi .... 371276.6513 X Pi = 1166400 regular inches = 97200 regular Feet.
Look what happens when we divide 97200 Feet by my 6480 Feet circumference of the Circle inscribed in "The Miami Square" (Morton, 1999) ... 97200 / 6480 = 15.
Yet *another* reference to "15" ... the number of "Osiris Re-membered" !!! And, comparing the Square Feet of Area of these two large Circles ... we only need to SQUARE 15 ... to get "225" ... the Square Footage ratio of the Areas of these two Circles. This, of course, references the exact azimuth-of- orientation of "The Water Well" from The Miami Circle.
Area of The Circle of Churches
We will use the formula ... Pi X (radius Squared) = Area of Circle. My radius, in Feet, for The Circle of Churches, is ... (97200 / 2Pi) ... = 15469.86047 Feet.
Pi X (15469.86047 X 15469.86047) ...
= 751,835,218.8 Square Feet ...
= (72900 X 10313.24031) Square Feet ...
= [(270) Squared X 10313.24031] Square Feet.
Notice that "10313.24031" is the precise figure for "Area of a Circle", assuming the given radius is numerically equal to The Radian (deg) ... Pi X (57.29577951 X 57.29577951) = 10313.24031 Square Arc-degrees.
Also ... notice that "270" is the product of "15 X 18" .... the two numbers symbolizing "Osiris Re-membered" (15) and "Isis" (18).
Further ... dividing my circumference of 97200 Feet, for The Circle of Churches, by the conventional number of arc-degrees on a circumference ... 97200 / 360 = 270.
Then, we only need to divide "360" by my Grid POINT Value for Rennes le Chateau, itself ... "2Pi" .... to get ... The Radian (deg) ... 360 / 2Pi = 57.29577951 (deg). rennes.htm
-- Michael Lawrence Morton (c) copyright 1999