Brief Speculative Outline-Report on Data & Calculations .. Regarding 'Circular Structure' West of Chephren Pyramid -- by Michael Lawrence Morton (c) 2001
This circular structure appears, to me, from Internet 'overhead photos' ..
to be centered at the_identical_latitude as The Great Sphinx of Giza.
Based on my findings (speculative) .. at this time, it appears that this
structure could involve future (near future, possibly ? .. I know, that's a
relative term) .. activities, using sound .. i.e. "sacred sound" .. possibly
involving "healing-with-sound" .. but not restricted to such use.
The sound might involve vocal toning, singing, chanting .. or musical
instruments, or both, for example. Of course .. theater arts could be
involved, too. It seems like this structure could be used as a type
of "resonator", for special purposes.
The actual centered location .. its_precise_location, in terms of latitude
longitude .. seems to be very significant .. and, would logically have been
very carefully chosen. This will hopefully become apparent as I show the
data here, first in a predictive/speculatve way. Later .. it should be
to accurately measure the latitude and longitude, of course .. to see if this
predicted/speculative data is very accurate .. or not accurate. Also ..
the actual measurements .. when (assuming) taken at some time in the
not-too-distant future .. can, and should be .. studied, as well.
Regarding the "healing-with-sound" subject .. the most likely Grid LONG
value for this centered location .. I think will include a_factor_of exactly
HALF the value I found (Grid POINT Value) for a certain crop formation
in the UK in the summer of 2000 .. that had a "crown-chakra Bija-mantra"
design, involving 22-fold geometry. Again, I here thank Sharon Pacione ..
for alerting me to the fact .. as I was working on the numbers of the exact
location of that crop formation .. that the design_was_in fact a particular
ancient "healing-with-sound" motif.
I have spent considerable time, already, working with figures regarding what
I think is this structure's most-probable precise location. I realize this is
speculation/prediction on my part. So .. obviously, I could be wrong.
I am going solely, now, on the overhead photos I've seen on the websites
of Kent Steadman, and Elaine Lucas.
Latitude Appears to Match Great Sphinx's Latitude
Grid LAT 29 (deg) X 58 (min) X 37.79504852 (sec) North ..
= 63571.27161 North = [Radian (deg) Squared] X (Sqr.Rt. 375).
{ Great Sphinx latitude 'decoded' by Munck, 1992 }.
Grid LONG 29.0473751 (sec) W.Giza .. west of the "archaeo-sky matrix"
prime meridian that passes through the center of The Great Pyramid of Giza.
Here is where I made the correlation with that crop formation.
That crop formation had a Grid POINT Value of .. 4.9348022 ..
(Morton, 2000, Internet). It was called, "Woodborough Hill" formation.
In the case of this circular structure at Giza, I have found a figure of
exactly HALF that .. 2.4674011 .. to be indicated as a key factor in
my predicted Grid LONG. Notice .. 2.4674011 = Square of (half-Pi).
(3.141592654 / 2) X (3.141592654 / 2) = 2.4674011
As a_factor_in the likely Grid LONG .. that figure is multiplied-by
the exact longitude (Munck, 1992) of The Chephren Pyramid ..
11.77245771 (sec) W. .. which is_also_the exact longitude of ..
The Great Sphinx .. 11.77245771 (sec) E.
(2.4674011 X 11.77245771) = 29.0473751 .. (sec) W.Giza.
Grid POINT Value .. 63571.27161 / 29.0473751 = 2188.537566
That resulting figure is very much related to the polar dimensions
of Earth itself. The polar circumference of Earth is 21,600 nautical
miles .. which is also 21,600 latitude minutes on Earth.
The polar diameter of Earth is .. (21,600 / Pi) = 6875.493542 ..
nautical miles. If I divide_that_figure by Pi .. I get the above
Grid POINT Value for the 'circular structure' at Giza ..
(6875.493542 / Pi) = 2188.537566
Now .. I will try to_briefly_show 'some' of the major correlations I
have found .. regarding certain other "archaeo-sky matrix" figures ..
as apparently 'relating directly' to this circular structure at Giza.
(I can explain 'details' of these correlations, and their calculations ..
at a later time .. at least that's what I'm intending, now. This would
also include answering specific questions. But I want to at least get
the "bare bones" of this out on The Internet at this time).
Re: the "Tetrahedral Grid LAT" .. (Morton, 1999, Internet) ..
directly related to the R.C.Hoagland "tetrahedral latitude"
of (precisely) 19.47122061 (deg) north and south latitude ..
transposed into "archaeo-sky matrix" form ...
8760.481942 = 19 (deg) X 28 (min) X 16.46707132 (sec).
(8760.481942 / 4) = 2190.120485 = (887.6223995 / 2.4674011).
Note: 887.6223995 = Sqr.Rt. of Volume of Generic Sphere ..
(887.6223995 X 887.6223995) = 787873.5234 Cubic arc-degrees ..
where Radian (deg) is used as the_numerical value_for "given radius" ..
in the standard formula ..
(4Pi / 3) X (radius Cubed) = Volume of a Sphere.
(4Pi / 3) X (57.29577951 X 57.29577951 X 57.29577951) ..
= 787873.5234 Cubic arc-degrees.
The Sine of .. 19.47122061 (deg) = 0.333333333
This is the value of the_reciprocal_of .. "3" .. (1 / 3) = 0.333333333
The 3s are repeating.
Using the number 10 ...
(2188.537567 / 10 / 0.333333333) = 656.56127 ..
Grid POINT Value (Munck, 1992) of .. 'The Face' at Cydonia on Mars.
Again using the Radian (deg) value of 57.29577951 .. based on the
conventional 360 arc-degrees system, where; (360 / 2Pi) = 57.29577951 ..
2188.537567 / 57.29577951 = 38.19718634 = (2/3) X 57.29577951 (deg).
And .. as I posted not too long ago on The Internet ..
38.19718634 = (8.888888889 X 4.297183464) ...
where "8.888888889" is the Jan.1, 2000 Grid POINT Value
for the star ALDEBARAN (Morton, 2000, Internet) in the "archaeo-sky matrix".
And, where "4.297183464" is the Jan.1, 2000 Grid POINT Value for
the star ANTARES (Morton, 2000, Internet) in the "archaeo-sky matrix".
Some of you may recall that I found a 'layout' in Miami, Florida ..
that I call "Miami Square". I have written about this on The Internet.
I was taken by a personal contact of mine, who was living in the Miami area
at the time .. in 1999 .. to the site of an_ancient_water well .. located, as
I found out via the official USGS topo map (7.5-minute quad, scale 1 : 24000)
of Miami, Florida .. exactly at an azimuth of 225 degrees from The Miami
This ancient water well .. I dubbed, at the time .. the "Well of OSIRIS".
I found its Grid POINT Value to be .. 1.62231147 ..
precisely equal to .. (2Pi / 3.872983346) .. where "3.872983346" is
the Grid POINT Value I found for The Miami Circle, itself.
I had found the correct values for The Miami Circle, as a result of
the GPS readings taken by Richard C.Hoagland .. who gave them to me
over the telephone on February 5th, 1999.
Notice ... (8760.481942 / 1.62231147) = 5400 ..
Grid POINT Value (Munck, 1992) of .. The Great Sphinx of Giza.
And .. "5400" is also exactly one-fourth of the polar circumference
of Earth in nautical miles .. (21,600 / 4) = 5400.
Using Bruce Cathie's speed-of-light value of 162,000 nautical miles per
I will here use a decimal harmonic of that ...
(1620 / 2.4674011) = 656.56127 .. Grid POINT Value (Munck, 1992)
of 'The Face' at Cydonia on Mars.
Using the number "8" .. historically associated with "infinity", "eternity",
"kingship", and "enlightenment" (see works of Laurence Gardner) ..
(8 X 2.4674011) = 19.7392088 .. Grid POINT Value of the Jan.1, 2000
location of the star REGULUS (Morton, Internet, 1999) in the "archaeo-sky
matrix". This star is called "the Heart of The Lion" .. quite "kingly" ..
and also referencing the 'body' of The Great Sphinx of Giza.
Regarding 'Galactic Center', 'Solar Apex',
And "Riddle of the Sphinx"
Some of you will recall some recent emails and Internet postings of mine,
having to do with these 'above-referenced' subjects.
I have since learned that the Solar Apex point is ideally 90 degrees from the
Galactic Center point, relative to our Sun's location. This is a 'galactic'
scale of orientation, here. Using the "Astrolog Fixed Star List" database,
as mentioned in my recent emails, etc. .. I found Jan.1, 2000 Grid POINT
Values for GC and for SA .. in the "archaeo-sky matrix" ..
(Morton, 2001, Internet).
GC .. 35.53057584
SA .. 2.842446068
Because the 90 degrees angle is based on "our convention" of ...
360 arc-degrees on one circumference .. I have (below) calculated
for both "90" (deg) and for "half-Pi" Radians-of-arc.
(90 X 35.53057584 X 2.842446068) = 9089.437103
(Pi / 2) X 35.53057584 X 2.842446068 = 158.6406046
(GC X SA) / 90 = 1.122152729
(GC X SA) / (Pi / 2) = 64.29461533
Now ... notice carefully .. (9089.437103 / 64.29461533) = 45Pi.
And ... (158.6406046 / 64.29461533) = 2.4674011
The value "45Pi" .. is the Grid POINT Value (Munck, 1994) of ..
The Great Serpent Mound, in southern Ohio, USA.
This is a very well-known, anomalous, and important ancient effigy-mound.
And, of course .. "2.4674011" is that 'factor' in my (speculative)
longitude in arc-seconds west of the Giza prime meridian,
for that 'circular structure' ... (2.4674011 X 11.77245771) ..
= 29.0473751 (sec) W.Giza.
(45Pi / 2.4674011) = 57.29577951 .. the Radian (deg) value.
Of course .. (9089.437103 / 1.122152729) = 8100 = (90 Squared).
(45Pi X 2.4674011 X 8100) = 2825446.962
At this stage .. I hope some of you will recall and/or will refer-to ..
my multiplied-product for the "4 entities" involved in the "Riddle of the
Those 4 entities would be .. the Bull (ALDEBARAN), the Lion (REGULUS),
the Eagle (ANTARES), and "Man" (here I assume Aquarius, with no
particular "star" as such .. because FOMALHAUT did not 'show me'
anything really significant) .. but also because I'm using the "number of
a Man" reference from The Book of Revelation .. "666" I am 'decoding'
in this instance into .. 6*6*6 .. the Cube of 6 .. or .. the value .. 216.
(8.888888889 X 19.7392088 X 4.297183464 X 216) = 162860.1632
Note .. 162860.1632 = (656.56127 X 248.0502134).
Yes .. again; you have there the Grid POINT Value (Munck, 1992) of
'The Face' at Cydonia on Mars .. this time multiplied-by ..
the Grid POINT Value (Munck, 1992) of .. The Great Pyramid of Giza.
I ask you to bear with me, please .. (as if I shouldn't have asked already)
.. !!
(2825446.962 / 162860.1632) = 1.757812499 X (Pi Squared).
(1 / 1.757812499) = (92.16 / 162).
(92.16 / 25.92) = 3.555555556 = (2368 / 666).
Notice the rich gematrian references, here.
The "2368" is the classical gematrian number meaning "Jesus Christ".
Of course, "666" is well-known.
(3.555555556 / 2.4674011) X (Pi Squared) X 162 = 2304.
That "2304" number .. is a decimal harmonic of .. "230.4" ..
which I found to be (Morton, 2000, Internet) .. the multiplied-product
"archaeo-sky matrix" form of .. the "prime meridian longitude-variance"
on Mars. By that .. I mean .. I figured-out that NASA has been using
a prime meridian for Mars .. the "publicly-acknowledged" Mars prime
meridian .. which is located precisely 09 deg 32 min 0.8 sec to the east
of the ancient prime meridian that Munck (1992) found for Mars ..
that passes through the center of .. 'The D&M Pyramid'.
Notice ... 09 (deg) X 32 (min) X 0.8 (sec) = 230.4
I have been corresponding via email with a mathematician who
has a penchant for 'particle physics' numbers .. named Jerry Iuliano.
One of his 'favorite' numbers is something he calls "Abraham's Number" ..
with the value of .. 82944. This is evidently quite an important number,
in 'particle physics' studies.
I pointed-out to him last year, at some point .. that if you multiply
the individual digits in that number .. (8 X 2 X 9 X 4 X 4) = 2304
And .. I also noticed this ... 82944 / 230.4 = 360.
I then noticed the_difference_in the Mars prime meridian variance ..
as compared to .. the Earth prime meridian variance.
Munck (1992) had found the Earth prime meridian variance ..
between Greenwich and Giza .. to be .. 31 deg 08 min 0.8 sec.
I noticed the following difference ...
31 deg 08 min 0.8 sec
09 deg 32 min 0.8 sec
21 deg 36 min 0.0 sec ... which is_exactly_21.6 arc-degrees.
This_matches_my Grid POINT Value for the Jan.1, 2000 location
(Morton, 1999, Internet), in the "archaeo-sky matrix" ..
of our current north pole star .. POLARIS .. {21.6}.
[ ]
And, as I always mention .. you can now see that the_polar_circumference
of Earth .. 21,600 nautical miles .. is a decimal harmonic of our present
POLAR (north) star's Grid POINT value in our sky !! { As of Jan.1, 2000 }.
Now, I've also noticed the following ...
[82944 / 65.656127 / (Pi Squared)] = 128 ... a "favorite" number of
a research colleague .. one of the founding members of "The Code Gang" ..
a man named Joe Mason. Joe has written some very interesting material
on The Internet .. having to do with that number .. and much more.
(21.6 / 128) = 0.16875 .. decimal harmonic of the "Celtic Unit"
of .. 1.6875 regular ("British") feet .. originally found at Newgrange, in
Ireland ..
and_also_found to be in-evidence in the Lynn Woods, Massachusetts
area north of Boston .. by researcher and writer Leonard Keane.
This, as I stated at the beginning of this article .. is intended
as a speculative/predictive summary paper ... regarding the 'circular
at Giza, to the west of The Chephren Pyramid.
I look forward to future information on this subject.
-- Michael Lawrence Morton
(c) Copyright 2001 -- Michael
Lawrence Morton