Yes ...
I'm sending this, as of March 17th, 2001 .. to just a 'relatively few' people, for now .. with my hope, and intention .. that this info be made "public" in the widest possible sense, in the not-too-distant future ... maybe in early May, 2001 .. when-and-if there is a bonafide "disclosure" press conference, as seems to be planned. Not that I'm "insisting" that this particular info be "announced"_at_that press conference. I'm just thinking in terms of relative appropriateness-of-timing .. in releasing this info, in-general. I do think this 'piece of info' is dramatic enough .. important enough .. to be given some special "promo" effort of some sort, though. Otherwise, I wouldn't be making such a 'fuss' over what I'm about to give you, here.
I've just now discovered a very explicit, precise 'proof' .. of a truly galactic-scale relationship .. I mean a_very_specific, precisely-"timed" connection .. between our Sun, and its ecliptic .. and, our Sun's orbital path around our Galactic Center. This also involves the currently-observed (from 'observatories') heading .. or directional movement, of our Sun_on_its orbital path. ALSO .. this 'proof' involves an ancient animal-effigy made of white quartz stones . located in Putnam County, Georgia, USA. Additionally .. not only is this precisely-timed 'proof' marked by that ancient animal-effigy .. it is_also_ marked by the_centered_location of a very prominent 'observatory' in the USA.
I think the implications of this 'discovery' .. are_profoundly_important ..
and are_intended_to be made-known .. to at least a "critical-mass"
of "The People" of this planet. Right now .. I just don't think I know what
"percentage" of this world's population would constitute this
But .. it has to start somewhere, with 'someone' .. and go from there.
So .. I'm not just "throwing this out on the Internet, willy-nilly", at this
I don't want people treating this as "just the latest from Michael L.Morton".
This is something I think should be handled a little differently, for a
I think this is .. "extra-extra-special".
-- Michael L.M.
OK. Yes, I know .. I've already put out a bunch of stuff regarding this
connection. But I just_now_found a very 'explicit piece' to this ..
that I think really 'cements' this set of 'proofs' together.
{ The 'proof' .. as I've discussed already, has mainly to-do with 'proving'
that "we" (humans on Earth) have a common_very_advanced heritage
in deep antiquity .. an_extremely_advanced, and extremely-ancient ..
common heritage. And .. as part of this 'proof' .. there was an explicitly-
planned "timing" involved .. along with specific "places/sites/structures/
entities" involved. Another 'aspect' to this 'proof' .. seems to be .. that
as "we"_discover_this 'proof' .. we are, in essence, passing through a
"rite of initiation" .. into .. Galactic Citizenship.
This key, explicit 'piece' .. ?? .. this 'glue' .. ?? ..
is .. a certain "fractal" of the Pi constant.
Yes .. half-Pi.
I 'started' with the Grid LONG that I found for the Solar Apex (Jan.1, 2000)
105760.4031 W.ALNITAK ..
= 173 (deg) X 13 (min) X 47.02552383 (sec) W.ALNITAK.
Longitudinally, along the ecliptic .. from_ALNITAK's_longitude on
the ecliptic (which is our ecliptic prime meridian) .. moving clockwise,
as if you are "looking-down at the ecliptic plane, as if you were looking
down at a dinner-plate" .. if you move 173 deg , 13 min, 47 sec ...
you will come to .. the longitude-place on the ecliptic that_now_marks
the location of our December solstice mid-point !! By December solstice
mid-point, longitudinally, I mean 'halfway-into' the time-period of
December solstice-time .. which means late December 22nd or early
December 23rd .. the mid-way point of the_3.5 days_when our Sun appears
(to the 'naked-eye') to rise-and-set at the_same_time-of-day in December.
Yes .. here, in this case, I'm talking "circa 2000 A.D." .. in terms
of this particular detail .. not "Jan.1, 2000 precisely".
I then divided that Grid LONG of Jan.1, 2000 Solar Apex ..
by .. half-Pi ..
105760.4031 / 1.570796327 = 67329.16375
That figure .. "67329.16375" .. is the Grid LONG that I found (recently)
for .. The Rock Eagle Monument in Putnam County, Georgia, USA.
This is a very well-known ancient animal-effigy, made of white quartz stones
depicting an eagle .. oriented at an azimuth of .. 37.5 arc-degrees.
67329.16375 W.Giza ..
= 114 (deg) X 31 (min) X 19.05182902 (sec) W.Giza.
[ W.Greenwich 83 deg 23 min 18.25182902 sec ].
Recently, Munck (2000, "Whispers From Time III") revised this effigy's
Grid LAT .. to .. 1894.964046 North ..
= 33 (deg) X 25 (min) X 2.296926116 (sec) North.
For 'whatever' reason .. he has not yet (as far as I know) revised
either its Grid LONG or its Grid POINT Value. He also has its azimuth
of orientation as "36" degrees .. which I respectfully disagree with ..
and I have it as .. 37.5 deg.
Here, then, is my Grid POINT Value for "The Rock Eagle Monument" ..
67329.16375 / 1894.964046 = 35.53057584
Notice .. "35.53057584" .. is a perfect match of the Grid POINT Value
that I found for Jan.1, 2000 Galactic Center !!!
Recall, now .. the_ratio_between the Jan.1, 2000 Grid POINT Values
for Galactic Center and Solar Apex ...
35.53057584 / 2.842446068 = 12.5
Here's one reason why I think Rock Eagle's azimuth of orientation is 37.5 ..
37.5 / 12.5 = 3 .. and the reciprocal of 3 is .. 1/3 .. 0.333333333 ..
which is the_Sine_of the Hoagland "tetrahedral latitude" north and south,
on rotating celestial bodies .. Hoagland's primary model of planetary-scale
"hyperdimensional physics".
{ SIN 19.47122061 = 0.333333333 .. repeating 3s. }
But there's more to this. As I found, in 1999, that precise latitude figure,
19.47122061 arc-degrees .. when put into "archaeo-sky matrix" form ..
becomes an important figure_integral-to_this profound and amazing ..
'set of proofs'.
I call it the "Tetrahedral Grid LAT" .. (Morton, 1999, Internet) ..
19 (deg) X 28 (min) X 16.46707132 (sec) North & South ..
= 8760.48194 North & South.
Using that "Pi-fractal" of .. half-Pi ..
8760.48194 / 1.570796327 = 5577.096019
"5577.096019" .. is .. "The Giza Grid POINT".
This intersection-point .. was found by Munck (1992, "The Code, Vol. A").
{ }
One "arm" of the_displayed_(from an overhead view) Radian-arc ..
intersects that point, at Giza. The_center_of that "displayed" Radian-arc,
is the_apex_of The Great Pyramid of Giza.
The other "arm" of that displayed Radian-arc is perfectly-aligned with
the southwestern edge of The Great Pyramid.
{ The Radian (arc) is the closest thing 'known' to a "universal constant",
in mathematics and geometry }.
Half-Pi Radians (arc) .. is .. the right angle.
(Yes .. the "right-angle" .. that famous icon of geometry). (-;
And .. half-Pi Radians (arc)_is_the arc-distance .. along the
orbital_path_of our Sun, as it orbits our Galactic Center ..
So .. little "half-Pi" .. is looking like a hero !!
What a "sleeper" !!
Teaming-up with the big, bad Radian-arc .. what a duo !!
This 'set of proofs' confirms the correctness of Munck's (1992)
derivation of the precise original (including capstone) 'apex-height'
of The Great Pyramid of Giza.
8760.48194 / 480.3471728 = 18.23781306
"18.23781306" is the Grid POINT Value of 'The Akapana Pyramid'
(Munck, 1994) at Tiahuanaco, South America.
And .. "18.23781306" .. is .. [Radian (deg) / Pi] ..
18.23781306 = (57.29577951 / 3.141592654).
[ 360 = (2Pi) X 57.29577951 ].
Amazingly .. the "2Pi"-specified base slope angle of The Great Pyramid
of Giza, is actually encoded_in_the Jan.1, 2000 Grid LAT of ..
the Solar Apex !!
By "2Pi"-specified .. I mean, any 4-sided, square-based pyramid ..
such as The Great Pyramid of Giza and The Mycerinus Pyramid of Giza,
that has a 2-Pi ratio between its base-perimeter and its apex-height ..
will have (if it is constructed with very high precision) .. a base slope
of .. 51 (deg) X 51 (min) X 14.30508728 (sec) ..
= 37207.53202
Jan.1, 2000 Grid LAT of Solar Apex .. 37207.53202 North (of ecliptic) ..
= 53 (deg) X 26 (min) X 27.00111177 (sec) North (of ecliptic).
The TANGENT of that base slope angle .. when multiplied-by
half-Pi .. is precisely equivalent to .. the number .. "2".
And "2" is the reciprocal of .. "one-half" .. 1/2.
[ TAN 51.853974 = 1.273239545 = (4 / Pi) = (2 / 1.570796327) ].
Getting back to the original 'apex-height' of The Great Pyramid of Giza ..
480.3471728 regular ("British") feet .. as derived by Munck ...
if that figure is divided-by the Square of Pi ..
(480.3471728 / Pi / Pi) = 48.66934411
"48.66934411" is the_precise_and 'intended' .. radius of ..
the Sarsen Circle of Stonehenge, in regular ("British") feet ..
found by Munck (1992).
If I Square_that_figure .. (48.66934411 X 48.66934411) = 2368.705056
"2368.705056" is the Grid LONG that I found (Morton, 1998, Internet),
for the_centered_location of The U.S. Naval Observatory !!
2368.705056 W.Giza ..
= 108 (deg) X 12 (min) X 1.827704519 (sec) W.Giza.
[ W.Greenwich 77 deg 04 min 1.027704519 sec ].
And my Grid LAT (Morton, 1998, Internet) for The U.S. Naval Observatory ..
35530.57584 North ..
= 38 (deg) X 55 (min) X 17.00027552 (sec) North.
"35530.57584" .. is a decimal harmonic_match_of the Jan.1, 2000
Grid POINT Value of_both_Galactic Center and 'Rock Eagle' !!
{ 35.53057584 }.
And .. "2368.705056" is a decimal harmonic_match_of the Jan.1, 2000
Grid POINT Value of .. SIRIUS (Morton, 1999, Internet).
{ 2.368705056 }.
I will give, now, just for convenience (because I've posted this before) ..
the_complete_"archaeo-sky matrix" figures for Galactic Center and
for Solar Apex .. as of Jan.1, 2000 ..
based-upon the "Astrolog Fixed Star List" database ..
and the URL for that database can be found at ...
Solar Apex
Grid LAT 53 (deg) X 26 (min) X 27.00111177 (sec) North (of ecliptic) ..
= 37207.53202 North (of ecliptic).
Grid LONG 173 (deg) X 13 (min) X 47.02552383 (sec) W.ALNITAK ..
= 105760.4031 W.ALNITAK.
Grid POINT Value .. 105760.4031 / 37207.53202 = 2.842446068
Galactic Center
Grid LAT 05 (deg) X 40 (min) X 18 (sec) South (of ecliptic) ..
= 3600 South (of ecliptic).
Grid LONG 179 (deg) X 17 (min) X 42.0342008 (sec) W.ALNITAK ..
= 127910.073 W.ALNITAK.
Grid POINT Value .. 127910.073 / 3600 = 35.53057584
Thank-you .. all of you .. for bearing with me !!
I'm thinking now, as I write this, of all the times that my friend and
mentor .. Neil Freer .. has asked me .. "What is the one key of it all;
that one, central, unifying 'something', driving this whole thing ?" ...
and he'd say .. "Now, what is it that good old Enki would have used,
as the ultimate 'key' to knowing all of this?" .. (-; ...
Well .. Neil .. I got it ... (-; .. THE RIGHT ANGLE .. !! ...
"E--e-ee-h-h-e-e-e-h-h-e--e-ee--h-h-e-e-ee .. " ..
Now .. here is an addendum for your text of that previous email :
As I showed, the ratio of the_Jan.1, 2000_Grid POINT Values of ..
Solar Apex and Galactic Center .. is ..
35.53057584 / 2.842446068 = 12.5
Using my "little hero" .. half-Pi ..
(12.5 / 1.570796327) = 7.957747155
"7.957747155" .. is none other than what I call the "Orion belt-star
Yes .. it is a combination-ratio .. composed_of_the 3 Grid POINT Values ..
for Jan.1, 2000 .. of the 3 Orion belt-stars. (Morton, 1999, Internet).
ALNITAK .. 43.63323131
ALNILAM .. 170.010936
MINTAKA .. 31.00627668
Here is the "Orion belt-star composite" ratio ..
(43.63323131 X 31.00627668) / 170.010936 = 7.957747155
Notice .. the left-star and right-star are multiplied, and their product is
then "divided-by" the middle-star.
Now .. the numerical value of .. half-Pi Radians (deg) is .. 90 arc-degrees.
90 / 12.5 = 7.2
"7.2" is a decimal harmonic of "72" .. the number of years required for
one arc-degree of Earth precession.
So .. then, it follows, that .. (7.957747155 X 7.2) = 57.29577951
"57.29577951" is, of course, Radian (deg). { 360 / 2Pi = 57.29577951 }.
March 17, 2001
-- Michael Lawrence Morton
(c) Copyright 2001 -- Michael
Lawrence Morton