Messages from Michael L. Morton

Another Smoking Gun

Raphiem ... Here's a nice little morsel to shove in the faces of these morons who keep saying I'm "just making-up numbers to fit my theory" ..


"Tetrahedral Grid LAT" .. (Morton, 1999, Internet) ...


8760.48194 North/South ..

= 19 (deg) X 28 (min) X 16.46707132 (sec) North/South.


{ that's the archaeo-sky matrix_form_of "Hoagland's" 19.47122061 deg }.


OK .. take that Tetrahedral Grid LAT ... and simply divide it by the Grid POINT Value of .. Stonehenge .. (Munck, 1992) ...


8760.48194 / 2.433467206 = 3600.


3600 = Grid LAT of_Galactic Center_Jan.1, 2000 .... South of our ecliptic !!! (Morton, 2001, Internet). { 05 (deg) X 40 (min) X 18 (sec) = 3600 South }.


THEN ... follow it up with this ....


8760.48194 = 52562.89164 / 6.


52562.89164 = Grid LONG of Stonehenge, W.Giza. (Munck, 1992).


So ... Grid LONG of Stonehenge .. is .. 6 times the Tetrahedral Grid LAT.


So .. what is .. 6 times 3600 ? (6 X 3600) = 21600 .. Grid LAT_of_ Stonehenge !!! Also ... 21600 is the polar circumference of Earth in nautical miles, and in latitude minutes !!


AND .. 21.6 .. decimal harmonic of 21600 ... is the Grid POINT Value of .. the Jan.1, 2000 location of .. POLARIS .. our current north pole star !!! (Morton, 1999, Internet).


I was showing the "Tetrahedral Grid LAT" (Morton, 1999, Internet)

and its relationship .. a very precisely_timed_relationship .. as well

as its amazing "spacial-congruence" ... to ... the Stonehenge

Grid POINT Value_and_(simultaneously) to the Jan.1, 2000

Grid LAT of .. Galactic Center location as observed from Earth.


This was/is expressed by the following equation ...


8760.48194 / 2.433467206 = 3600.


The "3600" is the Jan.1, 2000 Grid LAT of Galactic Center location as

observed from Earth ... 05 (deg) X 40 (min) X 18 (sec) South (of

ecliptic) ..

= 3600 South (of ecliptic). The database I use for sky-locations is ...

"The Astrolog Fixed Star List" .. at ..


ANOTHER Major ('Cross') Reference

To Jan.1, 2000 Galactic Center ..

Via Tetrahedral Grid LAT and Stonehenge


In Sitchin's book, "The Cosmic Code", page 171, he states that the

number "600", in combination with "60" and with "6" .. is specifically

referenced (666) on a certain Mesopotamian tablet. I will now quote

Sitchin, from page 171 of "The Cosmic Code" ..


<< One of the rare (discovered) instances where the number "6" was revealed

as a divine rank was in a tablet that was put together by Alasdair


in "Mystical and Mythological Explanatory Works of Assyrian and Babylonian

Scholars". The reconstructed tablet .. which bears the admonition regarding

the undisclosable secrets it contains .. begins with 60 as the rank of "the

preeminent god, father of the gods", and then, in a separate column, reveals

his identity: Anu. Followed by Enlil (50), Ea/Enki (40), Sin (30),

and Shamash (20), it lists_Adad_the "god of rain and thunders" ..

as .. "6". As the listing continues on the obverse as well as the reverse


it lists "600" as 'the secret number of the Anunnaki'. >>


What is Sitchin's interpretation/translation of the_sum_of 600 + 60 + 6 ..

"666" ? He says, on page 171 .. that "666" .. in (at least) the context of

the above tablet .. means .. "Here is Wisdom" .. "Counted by him who

has Understanding".


Using, now, the number "600" .. notice the following equation ..


(600 / 2.433467206) X 35.53057584 = 8760.48194


Here, you can see the direct reference to the Grid POINT Value

of the Jan.1, 2000_Galactic Center_location as observed from Earth.

{ 35.53057584, Morton, 2001, Internet }.

How is this direct reference expressed ? It is expressed via a precise

equation .. involving ...

1) the number "600".

2) the Grid POINT Value of Stonehenge .. 2.433467206 (Munck, 1992).

3) the "Tetrahedral Grid LAT" .. (8760.48194) .. (Morton, 1999, Internet).

In my previous email on this subject, I showed how the Grid LAT

of the Jan.1, 2000 Galactic Center is precisely indicated in this equation:


8760.48194 / 2.433467206 = 3600.


And .. of course .. 3600 / 600 = 6.


THEN .. 6 X 3600 = 21600 .. Grid LAT of Stonehenge !!


ALSO .. 6 X 8760.48194 = 52562.89164 .. Grid LONG of Stonehenge !!


So; can you see the cross-referencing going-on, here ?

This is 'displaying' a logical characteristic of .. "self-evident proof".

You are seeing a prime example, here, of an intentional, highly-intelligent

system .. "revealing itself" through very specific, precise



There's maybe one chance in a .. "godzillion" .. how's that .. ??!! ..

of this being "random chance". And this is just_one_example out of ..

many, many, many other cases I've documented.


As I've said before ... "The Bingo Game is OVER !!!"


Shout it from the damn rooftops !!!

This has gotten "even better" .. so I'm not going to keep

this to myself, of course. No way.


In my previous email on this subject ..

I showed how you get the Grid LONG (W.Giza) of Stonehenge,

when you multiply the "Tetrahedral Grid LAT" by .. "6" ..

6 X 8760.48194 = 52562.89164 W.Giza ..

= 32 (deg) X 57 (min) X 28.8173748 (sec) W.Giza.

[ W.Greenwich 01 deg 49 min 28.0173748 sec ].


And I had also shown how multiplying "6" times the 3600

Grid LAT of Jan.1, 2000_Galactic Center_gives .. 21600 ..

the Grid LAT of Stonehenge.


Of course .. the Grid POINT Value of Stonehenge ..

is .. 52562.89164 / 21600 = 2.433467206 .. (Munck, 1992).


I was talking about the cross-correlations .. involving Galactic Center's

Jan.1, 2000 location, as observed from Earth, and involving the Stonehenge

(England) location .. and involving the "Tetrahedral Grid LAT".


Some of you might recall an email from a few weeks ago, in which I

mentioned a structure/site in Australia .. called .. "Aboriginal Stonehenge".

Yes .. a very sacred site/structure to the Australian Aboriginies.

A researcher named Bruce Raphael, of Australia, emailed me the coordinates

of "Aboriginal Stonehenge", and I was able to figure out its correct

"archaeo-sky matrix" figures, IMHO.


Its Grid LONG turns out to be .. 127910.073 E.Giza ..

= 100 (deg) X 53 (min) X 24.13397604 E.Giza.

[ E.Greenwich 132 deg 01 min 24.93397604 sec ].


Notice ... this Grid LONG for "Aboriginal Stonehenge" in Australia ..

is_identical_to the Jan.1, 2000 Grid LONG of .. Galactic Center !!!


Galactic Center's Jan.1, 2000 Grid LONG .. West of ALNITAK .. is ..

179 (deg) X 17 (min) X 42.03420079 (sec) W.ALNITAK ..

= 127910.073 W.ALNITAK.

Also .. notice that the Orion belt-star ALNITAK, and Galactic Center,

circa 2000 A.D. .. are_longitudinally_in opposition !!

In other words .. you can almost draw a perfectly straight line .. in terms

of ecliptic-longitude .. almost 180 degrees .. from ALNITAK, in Orion's belt


through our Sun .. and on to the exact Galactic Center.


You have a very sacred Aboriginal structure .. with an obvious 'reference'

to the 'Stonehenge' in England. Now .. watch what happens .. when I

simply divide this Grid LONG figure_shared_by Jan.1, 2000 Galactic Center

and "Aboriginal Stonehenge" in Australia .. by .. the_Grid LONG_of the

Stonehenge in England ... 127910.073 / 52562.89164 ..

= 2.433467206 ... the Grid POINT Value of .. the Stonehenge in England !!!


Now ... "if this don't beat all", as they say .. ?? .. then, what does ?


Solar Apex at December mid-Solstice ..

And Galactic Center Opposite Ecliptic Prime Meridian 'Marker'


Yes .. in terms of ecliptic longitude .. ecliptic-LONGITUDE ...

as of circa 2000 A.D. ... the Solar Apex is actually_transiting_through

the_middle_of the December solstice point .. or .. at about late December


or early December 23rd .. which is why I'm saying "circa 2000 A.D".


AND .. simultaneously .. circa 2000 A.D. ... the ecliptic prime meridian

'marker' .. the Orion belt-star ALNITAK .. is longitudinally_opposite_

the Galactic Center !!!


Now .. surely .. this is not "random coincidence" !!! (-;


Wouldn't you know .. Abner Doubleday was (supposedly)

into "the occult". He was (??) supposedly involved in the early

membership of The Theosophical Society.


Notice .. within his last name .. the word .. "double".


As in ... hitting a "double", in the game of baseball.


Yes .. Abner invented the game of baseball.


A diamond .. as in baseball .. is a square .. rotated-by ..

half-Pi Radians of arc. A baseball diamond.


Second base is .. located .. Pi Radians (arc) from "home" ..

from Home Plate .. which, BTW .. is a pentangle.


The Pitcher's Mound is .. 60 feet plus 6 inches .. from "Home".

There .. you have the "rank" numbers, in the Sumerian pantheon ..

of Anu and Adad. And, of course .. 60 X 6 = 360 .. a "full circle".


If you "hit a double" .. you travel .. Pi Radians (arc) .. from "home" ..

to second base. Hmmmm. "Travel" .. and .. "arc-distance" .. oh, but, of

course ..

you are a "baserunner" .. and you "circle the bases".

A baserunner "circles-the-square" .. the baserunner "circumscribes"

the_square_'diamond' .. the basepaths !!

The base-running metaphor in the game of baseball, is a great analogy for

orbital-periods in the cosmos.

From solstice to equinox, for example .. is half-Pi Radians of arc ..

one "season" to the next .. in Earth's orbit around The Sun.


From our Sun to Solar Apex .. is half-Pi Radians of arc, around Galactic


That's like going from "home" to "first base" .. for our Sun ..

hitting a 'solar single'.

Hitting a double .. is like half an Earth precession cycle, too.

A "journey" of .. 12960 years .. for the "Wobble" of Earth.

All right .. way to go, Wobble !!


From ALNITAK to Galactic Center .. in ecliptic-longitude ..

is .. 179 (deg) X 17 (min) X 42.03420079 (sec) W.ALNITAK ..

= 127910.073 W.ALNITAK.


So; I will now compare the 12960 years of a half-precession of Earth ..

a double for "The Wobble" .. with .. this Grid LONG of Galactic Center,

as of Jan.1, 2000 :


127910.073 / 12960 = 9.869604401 ... exactly Pi Squared.


Now .. think of a baserunner .. hitting a double.

From home to first is half-Pi Radians (arc) .. and from first to second ..

is .. another half-Pi Radians (arc). The baserunner has gone .. how

many Radians of arc ? Pi. (3.141592654 X 57.29577951) = 180 deg.


In terms of the "squared" basepaths .. what has been 'traveled' ?

A .. "square angle" .. a right-angle. From home to first .. a straight line.

From first to second .. a "perpendicular" line .. of the same 'distance'.

Isn't_this_a 'way' of describing ... "Pi Squared" ??!!


-- Michael Lawrence Morton

(c) Copyright 2001 -- Michael Lawrence Morton