How Orion's 3 Belt-stars Are Spacially In-Synch At the January 1, 2000 Time-node With Galactic Center and Solar Apex
--- One of the Revelations From An Ancient Matrix ---
Some of those who have read my posts, or who have read my material
on certain websites .. will already know that the Orion belt-star ALNITAK
is serving as an ecliptic-longitude prime meridian "marker".. in what I have
called, the "archaeo-sky matrix".
One of the best-known geometric parameters is the "right angle" ..
which is commonly known as "90 degrees".
Actually, as some of you know .. the designation of "90 degrees"
comes about only because of our "conventional" use of 360 arc-degrees
on a given circumference. A more "universal" description of the "right angle"
is based on the Radian-arc. Because there are 2Pi Radians-of-arc on one
circumference, the "right angle" is 1/4 of that full arc-circle ... or ...
half-Pi Radians-of-arc. This means .. "half-Pi" .. is an important figure in
In astronomy, there are some important parameters involving our Sun's
orbital path around the center of The Milky Way. Two of these important
parameters are .. Galactic Center and Solar Apex.
Solar Apex is always half-Pi Radians of arc-distance_from_our Sun's location
in-the-direction our Sun is orbiting (moving) .. in terms of our Sun's
orbital path
around Galactic Center.
The locations of Galactic Center and Solar Apex .. relative, of course,
to where "we" are .. 'observing' from Earth, at a given time .. can be
in_coordinates_of latitude and longitude .. such as latitude measured from
ecliptic, and longitude measured from the (now self-evident) ecliptic prime
meridian that appears (from Earth) to "pass through" the Orion belt-star
ALNITAK. Also now self-evident .. based on consistent results from evidence
observed at many, many sacred sites and structures on Earth .. and from
several structures at Cydonia, and elsewhere, on Mars .. are prime meridians
through the centers of 'The D&M Pyramid', at Cydonia on Mars, and The Great
Pyramid of Giza on Earth.
The "time-node" of convergence or synchronicity .. in this "archaeo-sky
is now_also_self-evident .. as .. January 1, 2000 A.D.
This is evident from the sky-positions of many of the prominent stars in our
sky as observed from Earth, using the Orion belt-star ALNITAK as the
ecliptic-longitude prime meridian "marker". I have been using, since March
of 1999 .. when I began calculating these star-positions .. a database that
gives the_January 1, 2000_ecliptic latitudes and longitudes of prominent
"fixed" stars .. the longitudes being given according to the stars' locations
in the sidereal zodiac .. (the true, astronomically-correct,
precession .. zodiac). This database has been very crucial .. in providing a
consistent, accurate set of data regarding this work I've been doing.
Here is the URL for this database ...
This database includes the January 1, 2000 locations of .. Galactic Center
and Solar Apex. These are listed at the end of the list .. as "APEX" and ..
If this "archaeo-sky matrix" is truly valid .. it should logically display
results for Galactic Center and for Solar Apex .. as of the January 1, 2000
"time-node" that it_has_been showing for the prominent "fixed' stars.
This would, of course, be indicated in the latitude and longitude positions
for those two major astronomical parameters involving our Sun's galactic
as of Jan.1, 2000 .. in relation to the ecliptic, and in relation to the
ecliptic-longitude prime meridian "marker" in the belt of Orion.
Next, I will show that not only is this true .. in a dramatic and obvious
and geometric way .. but that_all 3_belt-stars in Orion are involved in this
"display". Keep in mind the (by now) fact that the 3 Orion belt-stars are
positionally represented at Giza by the 3 main pyramids .. as viewed from
above .. from an aerial view .. and from slightly to the_north_of the Giza
{ Bauval's work on this subject is confirmed as true }.
ALNITAK is represented, positionally, by The Great Pyramid.
You can read my article on the methodology of my calculations for these
various sky-locations (Jan.1, 2000) at ...
Jan.1, 2000 Location of ALNITAK
Grid LAT .. 25 (deg) X 17 (min) X 36.95991357 (sec) South (of ecliptic)
= 15707.96327 South (of ecliptic). Notice .. "15707.96327" is a decimal
harmonic (power-of-10) of .. half-Pi. { 3.141592654 / 2 = 1.570796327 }.
Grid LONG .. 360 .. designated number (Munck, 1992) for any prime
meridians in this "archaeo-sky matrix" .. becomes self-evident.
Grid POINT Value .. 15707.96327 / 360 = 43.63323131
ALNILAM is represented, positionally, by The Chephren Pyramid.
Jan.1, 2000 Location of ALNILAM
Grid LAT 24 (deg) X 30 (min) X 46.0016965 (sec) South (of ecliptic) ..
= 33121.22148 South (of ecliptic).
Grid LONG 01 (deg) X 13 (min) X 14.986014 (sec) W.ALNITAK ..
= 194.818182 W.ALNITAK.
Grid POINT Value .. 33121.22148 / 194.818182 = 170.010936
MINTAKA is represented, positionally, by The Mycerinus Pyramid.
Jan.1, 2000 Location of MINTAKA
Grid LAT 23 (deg) X 33 (min) X 31.02096893 (sec) South (of ecliptic) ..
= 23544.91542 South (of ecliptic).
Grid LONG 02 (deg) X 19 (min) X 19.98314869 (sec) W.ALNITAK ..
= 759.3596504 W.ALNITAK.
Grid POINT Value .. 23544.91542 / 759.3596504 = 31.00627668
Orion Belt-star Composite Ratio
This was found when I multiplied the 2 stars on the ends,
and then divided by the star in the middle ...
(43.63323131 X 31.00627668) / 170.010936 = 7.957747155
I'll get back to that resulting figure, soon.
Jan.1, 2000 Location of Galactic Center
Grid LAT 05 (deg) X 40 (min) X 18 (sec) South (of ecliptic) ..
= 3600 South (of ecliptic).
Grid LONG 179 (deg) X 17 (min) X 42.03420079 (sec) W.ALNITAK ..
= 127910.073 W.ALNITAK.
Grid POINT Value .. 127910.073 / 3600 = 35.53057584
Jan.1, 2000 Location of Solar Apex
Grid LAT 53 (deg) X 26 (min) X 27.00111177 (sec) North (of ecliptic) ..
= 37207.53202 North (of ecliptic).
Grid LONG 173 (deg) X 13 (min) X 47.02552383 (sec) W.ALNITAK ..
= 105760.4031 W.ALNITAK.
Grid POINT Value .. 105760.4031 / 37207.53202 = 2.842446068
Ratio of Solar Apex to Galactic Center ..
As of Jan.1, 2000 ...
35.53057584 / 2.842446068 = 12.5
Notice ... 12.5 = 7.957747155 X 1.570796327
You see there that .. half-Pi .. to a high accuracy ..
is a major factor_literally_involved in this January 1, 2000 A.D.
time-node synchronicity among all 3 Orion belt-stars, Galactic
Center as observed from Earth, and Solar Apex.
An isosceles right-triangle is formed, among Earth as observation point,
Galactic Center at the corner of the right-angle, and Solar Apex at
half-Pi Radians (arc) from "us" .. in the direction our Sun is orbiting
around Galactic center. AND .. exactly at January 1, 2000 .. ALL of
these precise, key locations in space, relative to Earth's location
and relative to ALNITAK in Orion's belt .. and relative to the ecliptic ..
are forming_this_equation !!
Even ALNITAK, itself .. the celestial "marker" for all of the "sky"
longitudes in this "archaeo-sky matrix .. has a Grid LAT of half-Pi
Radians (arc) .. times 10,000.
Further .. ALNITAK is within one degree of being precisely opposite
Galactic Center, in terms of ecliptic longtitude. That is probably one
reason why it is was_chosen_to function as the ecliptic prime meridian
marker for this (our) solar system.
If you recall, I showed how the Grid POINT Values of the 3
Orion belt-stars are calculated .. specifically for the "time-node"
of January 1, 2000 A.D. I showed the database url for the source
of the January 1, 2000 sky-positions of prominent "fixed" stars ..
plus Galactic Center and Solar Apex.
Again, that database url ...
Now .. I'll show here, although this is_not_the first time
I've shown this .. the calculations from Carl P.Munck,Sr. (1992)
for the_precise_locations of the 3 main Giza pyramids .. so that
you can_then_see their specific relationship indicated to the 3 Orion
belt-stars of Jan.1, 2000. This "display" is, IMHO, more than "worth"
the 'focus-energy' and/or 'the time' it might take you .. to understand it.
The Great Pyramid Location
Grid LAT 29 (deg) X 58 (min) X 53.09041429 (sec) North ..
= 89298.07684 North.
Grid LONG .. 360 .. designated numerical value for any prime meridians
in this archaeo-sky matrix (Munck, 1992).
Grid POINT Value .. 89298.07684 / 360 = 248.0502134
The Chephren Pyramid Location
Grid LAT 29 (deg) X 58 (min) X 40.34387713 (sec) North ..
= 67858.40133 North.
Grid LONG 11.77245771 (sec) W.Giza.
Grid POINT Value .. 67858.40133 / 11.77245771 = 5764.166073
The Mycerinus Pyramid Location
Grid LAT 29 (deg) X 58 (min) X 27.79807592 (sec) North ..
= 46756.3637 North.
Grid LONG 20.67085112 (sec) W.Giza.
Grid POINT Value .. 46756.3637 / 20.67085112 = 2261.946711
3 Giza Pyramids' Composite Ratio
As I did with the Grid POINT Values of the 3 Orion belt-stars ..
as of January 1, 2000 .. I will here multiply the pyramids on the
top and bottom, and then divide by the one in the middle ..
(248.0502134 X 2261.946711) / 5764.166073 = 97.33868822
Some of you might even_already_recognize that figure.
That figure is a precise numerical match of .. the Sarsen Circle diameter,
of Stonehenge .. in regular ("British") feet. (Munck, 1992).
This a prime example of how the designers/builders related Giza to
Stonehenge .. in ways that would be self-evident to .. any intelligent
beings with high-enough technology to 'see' this evidence.
This would probably involve the ability to "fly" .. or to get "airborne
enough" to see the aerial views .. the layouts .. from 'above'.
And this would probably involve "satellite-accurate" mapping ..
of these aerial view layouts .. because_that's_how precise this
archaeo-sky matrix is.
Combining The Composite Ratios
I will now multiply the Orion belt-star composite ratio .. times the
3 Giza pyramids' composite ratio .. to 'see' how they combine.
First, for the benefit of those who do not have access to the calculations
I did, in my previous email, showing the figures for the 3 Orion belt-stars
and for Galactic Center and Solar Apex .. I'll show here a summary ..
of those Grid POINT Values only .. and their ratio(s) ...
(43.63323131 X 31.00627668) / 170.010936 = 7.957747155
Alnitak Mintaka Alnilam Composite Ratio
Again .. keep in mind that the figures for all 3 Orion belt-stars are_as of_a
specific "time-node" .. January 1, 2000. That is very significant.
Now ... multiplying The Orion belt-stars' composite by ..
the Giza pyramids' composite ...
7.957747155 X 97.33868822 = 774.5966693
That figure is the exact_Square Root_of .. 600,000.
Of course .. 600000 is a decimal harmonic of .. "6" ..
and of .. "60" .. the basis of our "conventional" time and
arc-distance metrology.
Relating this to Earth Precession
To test the Square Root of .. 600000 .. for its possible resonance
with Earth precession .. I will use the number "72" .. the number of
Earth years ideally needed for one arc-degree of Earth precession ..
(774.5966692 X 72) = 55770.96019
That figure is a decimal harmonic of .. "The Giza Grid Point" (Munck, 1992).
"5577.096019" .. is "The Giza Grid POINT Value".
That is literally the intersection-point of the_precise_latitude and
marked by two sets of 3 small, heavily-eroded pyramids .. one set-of-3
due north-south, and the other set-of-3 aligned exactly east-west.
{ }.
Here are the (Munck, 1992) calculations for this latitude and longitude,
intersecting at "The Giza Grid Point" ...
Grid LAT 29 (deg) X 58 (min) X 24.5261363 (sec) North ..
= 41252.96125 North.
Grid LONG 7.396853329 (sec) E.Giza.
Giza Grid POINT Value .. 41252.96125 / 7.396853329 = 5577.096019
Also .. (5577.096019 X 5577.096019) = 31104000 .. exactly.
So .. "The Giza Grid Point" (value) .. is an important Square Root, itself.
How so ? It gives the quotient of the "12" decimal harmonic ..
when divided-by the Earth precession cycle ...
31104000 / 25920 = 1200 .. as in "Great Years".
The "12" references the 12 houses of the zodiac.
Relating to the "Radian-Arc Display" from Aerial View
As I wrote on The Internet a few months ago, as of this writing,
the Giza complex displays "the Radian Arc" .. from an over-head view.
Munck (1992) saw this .. and describes it in his self-published work ..
("The Code", 1993).
Did he actually float in a hot-air balloon, or hover in a helicopter,
over the Giza complex .. in order to "see" this ? No .. not, at least,
as far as I know. He used a very accurate map .. which was prepared
from a satellite photo.
The Radian Arc is probably the most "universal" mathematical and
geometric constant known.
If you go to the webpage whose url I gave earlier in this email ..
you can see a "graphic-drawing" of this over-head view of the Giza complex.
{ }.
The Radian Arc is displayed thusly ...
1) The center of the arc is the_apex_of The Great Pyramid.
2) One 'arm' of the arc matches, 'overlays', precisely .. and then
continues-on ..
directly over the_southwestern_edge of The Great Pyramid.
3) The other 'arm' of the arc_intersects_at "The Giza Grid Point" !!
Relating to The Radian as a Numerical 'Degrees' Value
This "archaeo-sky matrix", as I've emphasized so often in my Internet
writings .. uses a system of_360_arc-degrees on one full circumference.
Yes .. "we" use such a system. I think this is actually somewhat of a
"disappointment" to some people. I know there are people who are
supposedly "open" to the probability of intelligent life having come
from 'elsewhere' to this planet. But for some reason(s) .. many of these
same people who are supposedly "open" to this probability .. don't "want"
to "find out" that certain "ETs" .. who may have come here in the past,
were/are .. "human-like people" themselves; or that they used .."the same
metrology" that 'WE' use. I suggest that this disappointment and/or
incredulity, on the part of most of these "anti-anthropomorphics" ..
is due mainly to a simple lack of "current (up-to-date) knowledge" ..
a simple lack of "good, current information". But I don't want to pursue
particular tangent any further here at this time, simply due to the intended
scope and length of this article.
Getting-back to the Radian Arc .. the actual _angle_itself ..
but in terms of the 360 arc-degrees system .. the numerical value
of that angle becomes ..
(360 / 2Pi) = 57.29577951 arc-degrees. { to 8 decimal places }.
Next .. I'll test the "72" value .. the number of years ideally needed for
one arc-degree of Earth precession .. against this_numerical_value of
the Radian (deg) ...
(57.29577951 / 72) = 0.7957747155
That figure ... is a decimal harmonic of ... 7.957747155 ..
the_exact_Orion belt-stars' Composite Ratio !!
Now .. because the "Radian Arc" is expressly 'displayed', from an
overhead view .. by the Giza complex itself .. I will now test the
Radian (deg) numerical value against the value of "The Giza Grid Point" ...
which (again) is the intersection-point where one 'arm' of the displayed
"Radian Arc"_also_intersects ...
(5577.096019 / 57.29577951) = 97.33868822
And_that_figure .. is a precise match of ...
the 3 Giza pyramids' Composite Ratio .. and also, the diameter
of the Sarsen Circle of Stonehenge, in regular ("British") feet !!
-- Michael Lawrence Morton
(c) Copyright 2001 -- Michael
Lawrence Morton