In a message dated 04/07/2001 10:33:24 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:
Good article. I had pretty much dismissed this image because the dark
triangles could be wind-blown dust from patches where the polar ice had
thawed out exposing the surface. But now that I look at the ancillary
data, I see that the sun azimuth is 310 degrees, and are in alignment with the
sun's direction. These are shadows of raised objects. From the length of
their shadows, the objects' heights appears to be about equal to their
lengths, but considerably greater than their widths.
My philosophy in interpreting stuff like this is: WWMS (what would Malin
say?). Since the wind-blown dust theory doesn't work very well, my guess is
that he'd say that this image shows a field of boulders. But they would
to be long, narrow, and very tall boulders all having their long axes
in the same direction.
This one looks like a keeper to me.
Thanks for your remarks. This is an article developed especially
for Mars Online Gazette. Much of this was covered by Mac, a while
I have been looking at the second image.
There are some very strange patterns at the top and bottom of
the image, which _appear_ to be related to these features.
However, I can't understand how we get these twisting patterns
without the action of wind? Any ideas?
I went to the above "second image" .. and I'll show here what I
found .. (found rather quickly) .. simply using the "center-of-the-image"
'quoted' latitude and longitude given on the MSSS webpage.
I realize the MSSS webpages only give lats and longs to 2 decimal places ..
and its always "center-of-the-frame/image" .. but .. hey .. I said, "what the
H". Take a ride for free .. something like that.
Regarding M07-01290
The quoted "center-of-the-image" lat in deg .. 78.66 deg N.
And the quoted "center-of-the-image" long in deg .. 260.21 deg W.
First; I convert the longitude from NASA prime meridian reference ..
to .. CYDONIA prime meridian reference. I found (Morton, 2000, Internet)
that the longitude variance between these prime meridians is ..
09 deg 32 min 0.8 sec.
So; (260.21 - 360) = 99.79 deg E.NASA
(0.79 X 60) = 47.4 min
(0.4 X 60) = 24 sec
(24 + 0.8) = 24.8 sec
(47 + 32) = 79 min = 19 min + 01 deg
(99 + 09 + 01) = 109 deg
So ... 109 (deg) X 19 (min) X 24.8 (sec) E.CYDONIA ..
= 51360.8 E.CYDONIA.
Here; I happen to notice that this 'Grid LONG' figure .. "51360.8" ..
is .. especially at a_latitude on Mars_of between 78 deg and 79 deg N. ..
very close to .. the Stonehenge (on Earth) Grid LONG of ..
52562.89164 W.Giza. (Munck, 1992).
To show you "about how close" .. I will 'project' the precise longitude ..
52562.89164 E.CYDONIA ..
= 109 (deg) X 19 (min) X 25.38044019 (sec) E.CYDONIA.
At that high latitude, on Mars, one arc-sec of longitude is only ..
well .. less than 20 feet (yes .. regular 'Earth' feet .. ha-ha) or so,
(25.38 - 24.8) = 0.58 arc-sec of difference. Say .. 0.6
So .. (0.6 X 20) = 12 .. only 12 feet, at the most .. of difference.
Another reason I'm thinking "Stonehenge" is .. the apparent upright
objects .. maybe megalithic stone structures .. in this series of images.
Also .. the "circular/elliptic" patterns that are apparent.
For latitude .. 78.66 N. ...
(0.66 X 60) = 39.6 min
(0.6 X 60) = 36 sec
So ... 78 (deg) X 39 (min) X 36 (sec) = 109512 N.
Next .. I happen to notice .. from working with this "archaeo-sky matrix" ..
that this "109512" figure is very close to the rather well-known
(to the few archaeocryptographers in this world, so far) ...
figure of .. 110087.4628 North ..
= 78 (deg) X 39 (min) X 36.18917252 (sec) North.
Considering that one arc-sec of latitude on Mars is about ..
oh .. 54 feet ..
(0.189173 X 54) = 10.22 feet.
So .. the "difference" here .. is only 10 feet or so.
What would be the Grid POINT Value .. of this particular latitude/longitude
intersection on Mars ? Simply take the ratio ...
(110087.4628 / 52562.89164) = 2.094395102
That figure "just happens" to be .. "exactly" .. 2/3rds of Pi.
By "exactly" .. I mean .. a relatively-precise rendering. (-;
If you are looking for .. "tetrahedral" connections, maybe .. ?? ...
You might try .. comparing this "2/3rds Pi" figure to .. the Radian-arc,
using a_numerical_value for the Radian-arc of ..
(360 / 2Pi) = 57.29577951 arc-deg.
(2.094395102 X 57.29577951) = 120 arc-deg .. a nice "tetrahedral" number.
What about the good-old (R.C.Hoagland) "tetrahedral latitude" ..
19.5 deg north and south .. the planetary model of "hyperdimensional
physics" ?
Here; simply apply the "Tetrahedral Grid LAT" form of 19.47122061 deg ..
(Morton, 1999, Internet) .. 19 (deg) X 28 (min) X 16.46707132 (sec) ..
= 8760.48194 North/South.
(110087.4628 / 8760.48194) = 12.56637061 .. "exactly" 4Pi.
By "exactly" .. I mean .. a relatively-precise rendering. (-;
Now .. check it against the Grid LONG ... 52562.89164 E.CYDONIA ..
(52562.89164 / 8760.48194) = 6 .. exactly .. 6.
Referencing .. basic hexagonal geometry.
6 is double 3 .. and 3 is the reciprocal of the Sine of .. 19.47122061
SIN 19.47122061 = 0.333333333 .. repeating 3s.
(1 / 0.333333333) = 3
Comparing with North Bimini (Island) Shark Mound (location)
Munck (1992) found the ancient 'matrix' numbers for the North Bimini (Island)
Shark Mound. Its Grid POINT Value is ... 2/3rds of Pi .. 2.094395102
Its Grid LAT = 61879.44187 North ..
= 25 (deg) X 44 (min) X 56.25403806 (sec) North.
Its Grid LONG = 129600 W.Giza ..
= 110 (deg) X 22 (min) X 53.55371901 (sec) W.Giza.
[ W.Greenwich 79 deg 14 min 52.75371901 sec ].
Notice .. (61879.44187 / 52562.89164) = 1.177245771
That figure .. "1.177245771" .. is .. the_exact_ratio between the precise
radius of the Sarsen Circle of_Stonehenge_and the Radian (deg) value ...
(57.29577951 / 48.66934411) = 1.177245771
Munck (1992) derived the precisely-intended (self-evident) length of the
radius of the Sarsen Circle of Stonehenge .. 48.66934411 regular ("British")
Further .. Munck also found that "1.177245771" .. is the TANGENT of ..
the precisely-intended (self-evident) azimuth-of-orientation of "The Avenue"
of Stonehenge .. in arc-degrees ..
TAN 49.654086 deg = 1.17724577
Comparing to "Giza Grid LONG"
Munck (1992) found a key longitude .. indicated at the Giza complex ..
'marked' by one of the 2 sets of 3 small, heavily-eroded pyramids.
The "longitude set" is near The Great Pyramid .. at ..
7.396853329 arc-sec E.Giza .. east of the Giza prime meridian.
The Giza prime meridian passes through the center of The Great Pyramid.
Notice .. (1.177245771 X 2Pi) = 7.396853329 .. yes .. "exactly".
And "2Pi" is the number of_Radians-arc_on any full circumference.
As I have written-about, in recent emails .. the "Giza Grid LONG"
(7.396853329 sec E.Giza) intersects with the "Giza Grid LAT" ..
to form "The Giza Grid POINT" (Munck, 1992).
And what does "The Giza Grid POINT" show ?
It displays not only the perfect east-west intersection of the
longitude and the latitude 'marked' by those 2 sets of 3 small,
heavily-eroded pyramids. It also shows .. where one 'arm' of
the Radian-arc .. displayed from an_overhead_view of the Giza complex ..
intersects_at_the SAME intersection !!
This Radian-arc .. is centered at the_apex_of The Great Pyramid.
This must be seen_from_overhead !!
The other 'arm' of this Radian-arc is exactly aligned with ..
the southwestern_edge_of The Great Pyramid (as viewed overhead).
To see a graphic drawing of this view .. please go to ..
Tetrahedral Grid LAT and "Giza Grid POINT"
I've just shown you .. above .. how the "Tetrahedral Grid LAT"
(Morton, 1999, Internet) is intimately related to the figures I just found
for .. M07-01290 .. on the MSSS website.
Recall the value of "The Giza Grid POINT" .. 5577.096019
That is the ratio of .. the "Giza Grid LAT" and the "Giza Grid LONG" ..
'marked' by those 2 sets of 3 small, heavily-eroded pyramids.
The "Giza Grid LAT" is .. 41252.96125 North ..
= 29 (deg) X 58 (min) X 24.5261363 (sec) North.
(41252.96125 / 7.396853329) = 5577.096019
Now ... using the "Tetrahedral Grid LAT" ..
(8760.48194 / 5577.096019) = 1.570796327
That figure .. "1.570796327" .. is .. a relatively-precise rendering of ..
HALF-Pi ... as in .. HALF-Pi Radians-arc .. commonly-known as ..
the RIGHT ANGLE !! (-;
So ... "apparently" ... I've .. got it right.
AND .. there's more ...
Simply divide "The Giza Grid POINT" by .. the_numerical_value
of the Radian-arc .. using 360 arc-degrees on one circumference ..
(5577.096019 / 57.29577951) = 97.33868822
Well ... "97.33868822" .. is_precisely_double "48.66934411" ..
which, in turn, if you will please recall earlier in this email ...
is the exact radius of the Sarsen Circle of Stonehenge.
In other words .. "97.33868822" .. regular ("British") feet ..
is the exact_diameter_of the Sarsen Circle of Stonehenge.
-- Michael Lawrence Morton
(c) Copyright 2001 -- Michael
Lawrence Morton