Messages from Michael L. Morton

Hudson and Anomalous Weight Reduction..

In the transcripts at the following website ...

David Hudson says that he had a talk with Hal Puthoff

about an apparently_anomalous_'weight reduction'

observed in experiments with gold .. involving its

mono-atomic form.

{ }

The 'anomalous' weight reduction was of the ratio of 4/9ths.

In other words .. the substance apparently had an_anomalous_weight

reduction to 5/9ths .. 0.555555556 .. actually repeating 5s .. of its


The amount anomalously "lost" was .. 0.444444444 .. repeating 4s.


Encoding .. Involving the "Archaeo-sky Matrix" ?


In working with the re-discovered "archaeo-sky matrix", as I call it,

I've found the "repeating 5s" figure popping-up quite a bit.


For example .. the height, in regular ("British") feet ..

of The Washington Monument .. 555.5555556


Please notice this equation, followed by my explanation ..

555.5555556 X 2.368705056 = 1315.947253


The "2.368705056" .. is my Grid POINT Value .. what I found ..

for the January 1, 2000 sky-position of SIRIUS .. according to the following

database ...


That database uses ecliptic latitudes .. and it uses ecliptic-longitudes

based on the astronomically-correct zodiac .. updated for Earth precession.

Longitudes are given "counterclockwise into" 12 equal 30 arc-deg segments.

The database is for January 1, 2000 sky-positions.


My Grid LONGs for sky-positions are using an ecliptic prime meridian

"marked" by the Orion belt-star ALNITAK. This was the theory of a research

colleague .. Mary Anne Weaver. I have proven her theory of the ALNITAK

prime meridian (marker) as apparently correct .. through my work on this

subject since March of 1999 (Morton, Internet).


I have calculated the January 1, 2000 sky-positions of Galactic Center and

Solar Apex, in addition to the locations of several prominent stars in our


{ }


Back to the Equation


The equation, again ...

555.5555556 X 2.368705056 = 1315.947252


The "1315.947252" .. is a decimal harmonic (base 10 harmonic .. simply

move the decimal point 'left' or 'right') .. of .. 1/3rd of .. (2Pi) Squared.

(2Pi) Squared = 39.4784176 ...

3947.84176 / 3 = 1315.947252


[ The ancient "archaeo-sky matrix" has been found to adhere to strict

correlations with a relatively-precise Pi constant, and a 360 arc-degrees

based geometry ].


Next .. I am going to introduce the Grid POINT Value I found for Jan.1, 2000

POLARIS .. (Morton, 1999, Internet) .. the current north pole star .. again;

using the 'above' database and using ALNITAK as the ecliptic prime meridian

"marker". { I am using an ecliptic longitude for ALNITAK of ..

29 deg TAURUS 56' 50" ... from-which I count the deg, min, and sec of

longitude for sky-positions .. to adjust the given (database) longitudes to


"archaeo-sky matrix" }.


My Grid POINT Value for POLARIS, Jan.1, 2000 .. is .. 21.6

{ }.


Now .. I'll multiply .. (21.6 X 1315.947253) = 28424.46068


The figure "28424.46068" .. is a_decimal harmonic_of .. the Grid POINT

Value I found (Morton, 2001, Internet) for .. SOLAR APEX of Jan.1, 2000 !!

{ 2.842446068 }.

Galactic Center and Solar Apex .. Jan.1, 2000 .. are at the end of the

listings in that database .. "CENTRE" and "APEX".


For calculating the "archaeo-sky matrix" longitude of Jan.1, 2000

Solar Apex .. I found ..

173 (deg) X 13 (min) X 47.02552383 (sec) W.ALNITAK ..

= 105760.4031 W.ALNITAK.


For latitude of SOLAR APEX of Jan.1, 2000 .. I found ..

53 (deg) X 26 (min) X 27.00111177 (sec) North ..

= 37207.53202 North.


Grid POINT Value .. 105760.4031 / 37207.53202 = 2.842446068


Note .. "37207.53202" .. is a numerical_match_of the "archaeo-sky matrix"

form of the base slope angle of The Great Pyramid and The Mycerinus Pyramid

of Giza (Munck, 1992).


TAN 51.853974 (deg) = (4 / Pi) = 1.273239545


51 (deg) X 51 (min) X 14.30508728 (sec) = 37207.53202



Next ... note Munck's (1992) derived original "apex"-height (including


for The Great Pyramid ... 480.3471728 regular ("British") feet.


Recall the figure from 'above' ... 28424.46068 ..


(28424.46068 / 480.3471728) = 5764.166073 / (Pi to the 4th power).


"5764.166073" is the original apex-height, converted to regular ("British")

inches ... (480.3471728 X 12) = 5764.166073 .. of The Great Pyramid.


ALSO ... "5764.166073" is .. the Grid POINT Value of ..

The Chephren Pyramid of Giza (Munck, 1992, "The Code").


ALSO .. "5764.166073" .. is the indicated "archaeo-sky matrix" figure,

in the_number-of-days_from the appearance of the PHOENIX UFO of

the evening of March 13, 1997 .. to .. December solstice of 2012 ..

the 21st of December. { End of the Mayan Calendar }.

Count the number of days between those two time-nodes !!

The PHOENIX UFO of the evening of March 13, 1997 .. hovered over

the_intersection_of Indian School Road and 7th Avenue .. in Phoenix,

Az .. for 4 minutes .. or exactly 1/360th of an Earth axial rotation.

That's an encoding, in my opinion, of the "360" arc-degrees system

adhered-to in this ancient "archaeo-sky matrix".

I ordered the official 7.5-minute Series Quadrangle USGS topo map

for Phoenix, AZ .. scale of 1 : 24000 .. and I measured on that map ..

exactly that intersection. I found a longitude for the center of that

intersection .. as close as I could reasonably tell, using a magnifying

glass .. of .. 112 deg 04 min 59.9 sec W.Greenwich.

(Just a hair east of 112 05' 00"), in other words.


The longitude variance (Munck, 1992, "The Code") from Giza

to Greenwich is .. 31 deg 08 min 0.8 sec.


Here's what I finally came-up with for the W.Giza longitude,

after considering all the most logical 'archaeo-sky matrix'

combinations I could think of .. including the most-likely

latitude and Grid POINT Value ...


143 (deg) X 13 (min) X 0.707879103 (sec) W.Giza ..

= 13159.47253 W.Giza.

[ W.Greenwich 112 deg 04 min 59.907879103 sec ].


And as for the Grid LAT ..

33 (deg) X 29 (min) X 41.25226499 (sec) North ..

= 39478.4176 North.


Grid POINT Value .. "hover-spot" of PHOENIX UFO ..

39478.4176 / 1315.947253 = 30



Notice ... "1315.947253" .. is one of the terms in that equation

I showed earlier in this presentation !! Here it is again ..


555.5555556 X 2.368705056 = 1315.947253


Recall .. "555.5555556" ... regular feet ... height of

The Washington Monument in D.C.

AND .. 0.555555556 .. is the resulting "anomalous weight"

of the gold in the mono-atomic experiments .. found by

Hal Puthoff.


And "2.368705056" .. Grid POINT Value I found for SIRIUS ..

of Jan.1, 2000 .. in the ancient "archaeo-sky matrix".


And do you know that SIRIUS 'appears' to cross the sky-meridian

at midnight on New Year's Eve ? Yes .. and at midnight of 1999/2000,

the start of the new millennium, national TV in the USA showed the

Clintons gazing at The Washington Monument as it "burst" into a

blazing white light .. just as SIRIUS was 'crossing' the sky-meridian

at 33 degrees above the horizon as viewed_from_Washington, D.C.


Meanwhile, in 1998, I had found .. on the official USGS topo map ..

that both The White House and The Jefferson Memorial are_centered_

at an archaeo-sky matrix Grid LONG of .. 13159.47253 W.Giza ..

= 108 (deg) X 10 (min) X 12.18469679 (sec) W.Giza.

[ W.Greenwich 77 deg 02 min 11.38469679 sec ].


"13159.47253" .. decimal harmonic of .. "1315.947253".



Count the Number of DAYS ..

From March 13, 1997 .. to .. January 1, 2000


If you count that number of days .. you should get .. 1024.


That is referencing the archaeo-sky matrix figure .. 1024.020699


How do I know that ?


Because ... using the number "2000" .. for the start of the new millennium ..


(1024.02699 X 2000 X 2.368705056) / 5764.166073 = 150

*** AND ***

(83.33333333 / 0.555555556) = 150 ... { 150 X 150 = 22500 }


Here's what's going on, there, in that trio of equations:


1) You have 2 time-periods represented .. 2 time-periods as-indicated

by the_timing_of the appearance of the PHOENIX UFO on the evening

of March 13, 1997 .. one period from the mass-sighting to the end of

the Mayan calendar at December solstice of 2012, and the other period

from the mass-sighting to New Year's Eve of 1999/2000 !!


2) You have the "2000" as a term in the equation .. representing the

New Year at the_moment_of midnight on New Year's Eve of 1999/2000.


3) You have the Grid POINT Value_of_SIRIUS .. AS-OF January 1, 2000 ..

as a term in the equation !!


4) In the second equation of that trio, you have "83.33333333" ..

the_ratio_of the average angular rates-of-movement of ..

a.) Earth precession .. (50 arc-sec per year).

b.) the_main_Earth obliquity cycle .. (0.6 arc-sec per year).

Thus ... 50 / 0.6 = 83.33333333


5) You also have, in that second equation, the figure "0.555555556" ..

the resulting anomalous weight in the mono-atomic gold experiments.

( Hal Puthoff and David Hudson).


6) You have the matching "150" of equations 1 and 2.


7) You have the Square of 150 .. "22500" .. a decimal harmonic of ..

the_reciprocal_of .. the anomalous weight-loss of .. 0.444444444

in the mono-atomic gold experiments (Puthoff, Hudson).

[ 1 / 0.444444444 = 2.25 ]



I now direct your attention to .. the following website, please ..


The main thing I want you to see, here, at this website .. is ..

the directly-correlative "scaled overlay" of Cydonia on Mars ..

to .. the Washington, D.C. layout .. and IN-PARTICULAR ...

the obvious_direct_correspondence .. in this 'scaled overlay' ..

of 'The Face' to The White House_AND_'The D&M Pyramid'

to The Pentagon !!!


The cardinal directional orientations are the same !!


NOW .. I will use the "83.33333333" ratio .. from 'above' ..


656.56127 / 7.87873524 = 83.33333333


"656.56127" .. is the Grid POINT Value of 'The Face' at Cydonia on Mars

(Munck, 1992, "The Code").


"7.87873524" .. is the Grid POINT Value of The White House in

Washington, D.C. (Morton, 1998, Internet).


-- Michael Lawrence Morton

(c) Copyright 2001 -- Michael Lawrence Morton