Here (below) are some figures I have found, concerning the "Crowned
image on Mars. Thanks to Greg Orme, Tom Van Flandern (for including
the image in his recent 'press package'), and to Robert Carl for giving me
some coordinates for this image .. via the ""
email list.
Thanks also to Jerry Iuliano .. ( for sharing the work
of Professor Leahy .. involving certain numerical/mathematical findings
regarding 'Fine Structure' (the 'Fine Structure Constant' in modern physics).
The "Crowned Face" on Mars ..
A Locational Reference to "Fine Structure" ?
One of the things I noticed among Jerry Iuliano's email postings
(during correspondence with him) about the work of Professor Leahy,
was the number "2808" .. that Leahy has found to be so special ..
involving modern studies and theories in physics. Iuliano has sent
me several emails about the "Fine Structure Constant", and what Jerry
sees as its "fundamental involvement", for lack of a better description ..
in the "archaeo-sky matrix".
For 'whatever' reason(s), I had not encountered "2808" in "the
matrix" .. that is .. not_until_I took a look at possible "archaeo-sky
indications in the_location_of the "Crowned-Face" image.
Concurrently, I found that "2808" is factorable into some very significant
multiplied-products .. 2808 = (19.5 X 144) = (13 X 216).
Thanks to Robert Carl, I had coordinates that he emailed to me,
based on the NASA/JPL website 'MOC image and data' at ...
The coordinates he sent, are ..
275.52 deg W.NASA .. by 2.66 deg N.
I have found (Morton, 2000, Internet) the self-evident longitude variance,
between the NASA prime meridian and the ancient "archaeo-sky matrix"
prime meridian. Munck (1992, "The Code", self-published) had found the
self-evident ancient prime meridian .. passing through the center of
'The D&M Pyramid' at Cydonia on Mars.
I found the longitude prime meridian variance to be indicated as ..
09 deg 32 min 0.8 sec.
09 (deg) X 32 (min) X 0.8 (sec) = 230.4
That decimal harmonic (2304) proves itself to be quite significant in
the context of the ASM ("Archaeo-Sky Matrix").
Also .. I found (Morton, 2000, Internet) the Mars prime meridian variance
to display itself as intentionally "resonant" .. in terms of the ASM context
with the Earth prime meridian variance found by Munck ("The Code", 1992).
Munck found the Earth prime meridian variance .. between The Great Pyramid
(center) of Giza and Greenwich .. to be .. 31 deg 08 min 0.8 sec.
31 deg 08 min 0.8 sec
- 09 deg 32 min 0.8 sec
21 deg 36 min 0.0 sec ... difference in prime meridian variances.
Notice .. this longitude difference is equal to_exactly_21.6 arc-degrees.
The decimal harmonic "216" is very, very significant .. in the ASM context.
Meanwhile, Jerry Iuliano had been sending me emails involving a figure
he calls "Abraham's Number" .. referencing the Hebrew patriarch, of course.
This figure is .. "82944". Again, Jerry has been saying that this figure,
is fundamentally involved in "fine structure" (the "Fine Structure Constant"
of modern physics theory) .. and, by 'direct extension' .. in the ASM itself.
Also, meanwhile, I had noticed that "Abraham's Number" resonates with
a figure known as "The Nineveh Number" .. which was actually discovered
on clay tablets from the ruins of the library of Assyrian King Ashurbanipal,
in Mesopotamia.
The Nineveh Number apparently involves_celestial_distances and angular
relationships, having to do with planetary bodies in our Solar System !!
The Nineveh Number is HUGE .. and its decimal harmonic is .. 1959552.
{ 195,955,200,000,000 }
Notice .. (1959552 / 82944) = 23.625 .. decimal harmonic "23625".
If I compare the "23040" decimal harmonic [see above .. the figure
"230.4", which is the multiplied-product of the Mars prime meridian
variance .. 09 (deg) X 32 (min) X 0.8 (sec) = 230.4 ] ..
with "23625" .. via subtraction ..
23625 - 23040 = 585.
It "just so happens" .. that "585" is a_very_ASM-resonant figure !!
Notice ... 585 - 360 = 225 ... Square of 15.
Yes .. as some of you recall, "15" is a BIGGIE in the ASM.
It is the number of "OSIRIS RE-membered", for one thing.
666 - 585 = 81 .. Square of 9, our highest integer.
And .. "81" is the "mirror" of .. 18 .. the sacred number of .. "ISIS".
{ See the books by David Wood, "Genisis" and "Geneset"}.
Then, of course .. 15 + 18 = 33.
Now; back to "82944" and "230.4".
I will now divide .. 82944 / 230.4 = 360 .. number of arc-degrees
on one circumference, in "our" conventional geometric system !!
And, remember .. 360 = (585 - 225) .. and where did I get "585", again ?
I got it from decimal harmonics of "The Nineveh Number" and
"Abraham's Number" .. 1959552 / 82944 = 23.625 ...
and then; using the "2304" decimal harmonic ...
23625 - 23040 = 585.
I find it_really_fascinating that "Abraham's Number" is ..
"encoded" .. as the multiplied-product of ..
the Mars prime meridian variance and "360" ..
with "360" as_the_number of arc-degrees on a circle,
in "our" conventional geometry.
And here's something_else_I noticed about "Abraham's Number"..
if you multiply its individual digits .. 8 X 2 X 9 X 4 X 4 = 2304.
The Correlation to POLARIS of January 1, 2000
Instead of multiplying the decimal harmonics of 2304 and 36 ...
divide them .. finding their ratio ..
2304 / 36 = 64 .. Square of "8".
I found (Morton, 1999, Internet) significant numbers, in the ASM context,
for the January 1, 2000 sky-location of POLARIS, our current north-pole
{ }
[ At that website .. click on my "Sky Matrix" articles at the top
of the page].
My Grid LONG for Jan.1, 2000 POLARIS .. "640" E.ALNITAK ..
= 03 (deg) X 53 (min) X 4.025157233 (sec) E.ALNITAK.
So .. there's the significance of the "64" decimal harmonic
that I just showed you .. the ratio of 2304 and 36.
The "640 E.ALNITAK" is_another_decimal harmonic of 64.
Here's my Grid LAT for January 1, 2000 POLARIS ...
66 (deg) X 05 (min) X 41.89090909 (sec) North ..
= "13824" North.
So .. here's the Grid POINT Value for Jan.1, 2000 POLARIS ..
13824 / 640 = 21.6
And "21.6" is the_difference_in the 'prime meridian variances' ..
in terms of longitude arc-degrees .. between Mars and Earth !!!
[ Database used for all "sky-locations" of Jan.1, 2000 .. ]
Back to Professor Leahy's "2808"
Yes .. we're "getting there". Please bear with me.
I do suggest that those of you who want more details on the
"2808" connection to "Fine Structure" (the physics "Fine Structure
Constant") .. that you contact Jerry Iuliano .. and his email address is ..
He has the details on Professor Leahy's work with the "2808", etc.
Notice ... 2808 - 2304 = "504".
Yes .. that's a "gematrian" number.
It has the tangent of .. -0.726542528 .. and "144" has that
same tangent. (144 has a classic gematrian 'meaning' of "light").
I think this is referencing the_speed_of light in terms of Bruce Cathie's
research and writings .. 144,000 nautical miles per 'grid second' ..
which is equivalent to 162,000 nautical miles per second.
Recall, earlier in this email .. I noted that ..
2808 = 19.5 X 144. (Yes ... that "19.5", of course,
is the R.C.Hoagland "tetrahedral latitude" on rotating planetary
bodies .. locations of "hyperdimensional up-welling" energy.
(See "The Monuments of Mars", 4th Edition, R.C.Hoagland).
I actually have found "2808" as the apparent Grid LAT of ..
the "Crowned Face" on Mars.
Refer back, earlier in this email .. to the coordinates emailed to
me by Robert Carl ..
2.66 deg N. for latitude, and 275.52 deg W.NASA for longitude.
Converting the latitude ..
0.66 X 60 = 39.6 min.
0.6 X 60 = 36 sec.
So .. I have .. 02 (deg) X 39 (min) X 36 (sec) North ..
= 2808 North.
Converting the longitude .. first working with the "NASA" prime meridian ..
360 - 275.52 = 84.48 E.NASA.
0.48 X 60 = 28.8 min.
0.8 X 60 = 48 sec.
Now .. converting to CYDONIA prime meridian : ..
The Mars prime meridian variance, you will recall, is 09 deg 32 min 0.8
So .. 84 deg 28 min 48 sec E.NASA
+ 09 deg 32 min 0.8 sec prime meridian variance
93 deg 60 min 48.8 sec
Because "60 min" is one degree .. I need to convert that, too ..
= 94 (deg) X 48.8 (sec) E.CYDONIA ..
= 4587.2 E.CYDONIA.
Possible (approximate) Grid POINT Value for the "Crowned Face" ..
4587.2 / 2808 = 1.634
At this stage of my work, in this particular case .. I noticed that
"1.634" was quite close to the_decimal harmonic_of a certain figure
I found rather recently .. involving the so-called "Riddle-of-the-Sphinx".
That figure is .. 162860.1632 .. the multiplied product of ..
the Jan.1, 2000 Grid POINT Values of 3 prominent stars in our sky ..
ALDEBARAN X REGULUS X ANTARES ... *times* .. my interpretation
of "the number of a man" .. 6*6*6 .. Cube of 6 .. where "man" is "mankind"
or "humankind" (in the Aquarius zodiac position).
Here, then, as I've shown it before, in various emails and website postings
is this multiplied-product .. referencing the "bull, lion, eagle, and man"
8.888888889 X 19.7392088 X 4.297183634 X 216 ..
= 162860.1632
Amazingly .. I then found that this figure is_also_the multiplied-product of
(656.56127 X 248.0502134) .. and_precisely_so !!
Those 2 figures are, respectively, the Grid POINT Values (Munck, 1992)
of 'The Face' at Cydonia on Mars and The Great Pyramid of Giza on Earth.
So; I then "tested" the possibility/probability of a Grid POINT Value
for the "Crowned Face" on Mars, of 1.628601632 ..
2808 X 1.628601632 = 4573.113383 E.CYDONIA ..
= 94 (deg) X 48.65014237 (sec) E.CYDONIA.
It will be noted that "48.65014237" arc-seconds of longitude on Mars,
as compared to "48.8" arc-seconds of longitude on Mars_at that same
latitude_(near the equator) .. is a_difference_of less than 10 regular feet.
Therefore .. assuming a Grid LAT of 2808 North ..
I find that it is_highly_probable .. that a Grid POINT Value
matching a decimal harmonic of the "Riddle-of-the-Sphinx"
multiplied-product .. was_intended_by the designers/builders/sculptors
of the "Crowned Face" on Mars !!
Factoring that "4573.113383" E.CYDONIA Grid LONG
I also noticed that ... 4573.113383 ...
= 82944 X 3.141592654 X 0.01755
You have, there .. "Abraham's Number" times a relatively-precise
Pi constant .. times a decimal harmonic of .. "1755".
1755 - 666 = 1089 = Square of "33".
Don't forget .. 2808 = (216 X 13) = (19.5 X 144).
And .. 216 = 6*6*6.
Oh .. and, uh .. that The Supreme Council 33rd Degree Temple ..
is "13" blocks north of The White House.
-- Michael Lawrence Morton
(c) Copyright 2001 -- Michael
Lawrence Morton