Messages from Michael L. Morton

'Rough First Draft' of a Grand Revelation

I want to at least get this "rough first draft", or

maybe what you could call a "rough partial summary" ..

of what has compellingly 'come-together' recently ..

I want to at least get this "out there" as soon as possible,

which is what I'm trying to 'begin' just now, as I write this.


I intend to revise, update, fill-in, etc. ... later-on, as time permits.



Galactic Center .. @ Jan.1, 2000 ..

127910.073 / 3600 = 35.53057584


Solar Apex @ Jan.1, 2000 ..

105760.4031 / 37207.53202 = 2.842446068


(GC / SA) Ratio @ Jan.1, 2000 ..

35.53057584 / 2.842446068 = 12.5 = (25 / 2)


Orion Belt Stars Composite Ratio @ Jan. 1, 2000 ..


= (31.00627668 X 43.63323131) / 170.010936 ..

= 7.957747155


NOTE ... 12.5 / (Pi / 2) = 7.957747155 = (25 / Pi).


Significance of (Pi / 2) .. "half-Pi" Radians (arc) is the "right angle".

In the "conventional" system, the "right angle" is 90 arc-deg ..

{ 360 / 2Pi = 57.29577951 arc-deg }

[ (Pi / 2) X 57.29577951 = 90 arc-deg ]


Note: a "straight line" .. is .. "Pi" Radians (arc).

In the "conventional" system, the "straight line" is 180 arc-deg.


Notice that the "D" symbol .. or "letter" .. as in the_4th_letter of

the English alphabet, upper case .. *graphically/visually* describes ..

"Pi Radians" of arc. It "shows" both the "straight-line"_and_the

actual "arc", or curved-line. It "shows" how it is "unified".


We say that the "shortest distance between 2 points" is a straight-line.

In "reality", (relativity, etc.) .. all lines are "curved" .. or ..


Could the "D" .. be a symbol of an "implied unity" involved in ..

"Pi Radians" of arc .. half a circumference ?


The "D" is the upper-case_4th_letter in the English alphabet,

and if you divide 4 into 2Pi .. you get .. half-Pi .. the "right angle".


What is the "conventional"_abreviation_for the word "diameter" ?

"D" ... yes. "Pi X D" = Circumference; or .. Pi*D = C.


Notice the little symbol ... * ... used in math, "conventionally" ..

to denote multiplication .. in lieu of using the "X" sign.


How many points or "arms" are on that little symbol ?

Five .. "5". It's a kind of little "5-pointed-star" .. stylized.

This is also the basic "5-fold-symmetry" of the human form.


Sometimes, the * or the X .. are omitted, in math notation.

The multiplication is "implied" in such cases.

What if you substitute .. "5" .. in-place-of the * ... according to

what that * symbol is "showing" in its graphic/visual form ?


Pi*D = Pi X 5 X .... ??


I'm going to use the diameter of the Sarsen Circle of Stonehenge ..

a major figure in the ASM ("Archaeo-sky matrix").

Munck (1992, "The Code"), figured-out the precise diameter

of the Sarsen Circle as .. 97.33868822 .. regular ("British") feet.

So ... 3.141592654 X 5 X 97.33868822 ...

= 1528.992539

We'll come back to this decimal harmonic, a bit later.



Notice .. (5 / 4) = 1.25 .. decimal harmonic of .. 12.5 ..

the ratio of (Jan.1, 2000) Galactic Center / Solar Apex.



Giza Pyramids Composite Ratio ..


= (2261.946711 X 248.0502134) / 5764.166073 ..

= 97.33868822


No .. that's not a "typo", there.

That's an exact match of the Sarsen Circle diameter of Stonehenge,

in terms of regular ("British") feet.



Now .. I'm going to compare the 3 ratios, here .. (shown above) ..

the 2 composite ratios, and the (GC / SA) ratio.

I'm going to_compare_those 3 ratios .. by forming_another_composite

ratio. I'm going to multiply the Galactic Center/Solar Apex ratio

by the Giza Pyramids Composite ratio .. and then, divide-by ..

the Orion Belt Stars Composite ratio.


(12.5 X 97.33868822) / 7.957747155 ..

= 1216.733603 / 7.957747155 ..

= 152.8992539



Notice .. "152.8992539" is a decimal harmonic of that earlier figure

(see above) .. 1528.992539 .. just move the decimal point one place.


In fact .. 152.8992539 .. is_exactly_HALF the circumference of ..

the Sarsen Circle of Stonehenge .. in regular ("British") feet.

(Pi / 2) X 97.33868822 = 152.8992539



Notice that figure, above, of .. "1216.733603".


That's_precisely_HALF of the Stonehenge Grid POINT Value ..

times (10 to the 3rd power). (Munck, 1992, "The Code").

[ 2.433467206 / 2 = 1.216733603 ].

Keep in mind .. that the Grid POINT Value of a given structure

or site .. is dependent upon its exact location in terms of latitude

and longitude .. down to the fraction of an arc-second, in the ASM.


Also .. 152.8992539 .. regular ("British") feet .. is my proposed

exact length for the Grand Gallery inside The Great Pyramid of Giza.

Some researchers have said that it's 153 .. and I think that's a very

good approximation, especially because 153 is a major "gematria-related"

number. But, according to my research, which includes studying a book

by E. Raymond Capt, called "The Great Pyramid Decoded" ..

I think the precise length of the Grand Gallery is .. 152.8992539

regular feet .. another reason being that .. (3.141592654 X 152.8992539) ..

= 480.3471728 .. regular feet, Munck's (1992, "The Code") derived

original apex-height (including capstone) for The Great Pyramid of Giza.


If you multiply 480.3471728 by 12 .. you get the derived original

apex-height of The Great Pyramid in regular inches ..

and you_also_get (simultaneously) the Grid POINT Value of ..

The Chephren Pyramid of Giza .. 5764.166073

(Munck, 1992, "The Code").



A friend and research colleague .. Gary Val Tenuta ..

has done a lot of work involving English alphabet-based

numerics .. including "non-reduced" basic math-operations

valuations on the letter-positions.


He noticed that "alphanumeric Pi" can be shown as ..

the sum of the letter-positions of .. (16 + 9) .. or .. 25.

Letter P = 16, and letter i = 9.

And .. 16 X 9 = 144 .. the classic gematrian number with

a 'meaning' of .. "light"; which I think is a direct reference

to the_speed_of light as described in the work of researcher

and author Bruce Cathie ("The Harmonic Conquest of Space").

This would be .. 144,000 nautical miles per "grid" time-second,

which is equal to 162,000 nautical miles per time-second.


I noticed that the multiplied-product of 25 and 144 .. is .. 3600 ..

which is the Jan.1, 2000 Grid LAT (Morton, 2000, Internet)

of Galactic Center ..

05 (deg) X 40 (min) X 18 (sec) South (of ecliptic) ..

= 3600 South (of ecliptic).


{ My database for all sky-location calculations, consistently,

has been .. }


For my methodology involving sky-location calculations ..

and many details involving same .. please see ..

and click on the "Sky Matrix" articles at the top of the page.



If "25" is the "alphanumeric Pi" .. then_12.5_is HALF of that ..

or .. HALF alphanumeric Pi.

Recall .. that "12.5" .. is the ratio of Jan.1, 2000 Galactic Center

and Solar Apex.

Is there an ASM ("Archaeo-sky matrix") resonance involving

half alphanumeric Pi .. and half Pi ?

Yes .. just refer back to earlier in this article.

Half Pi = (3.141592654 / 2) = 1.570796327

(12.5 / 1.570796327) = 7.957747155 .. the Orion Belt Stars

Composite ratio.



I will now compare "alphanumeric Pi" with the Sarsen Circle

diameter (in regular feet). Also .. keep in mind that the

Sarsen Circle diameter (of Stonehenge) is numerically identical

to the Giza Pyramids Composite ratio.


(25 X 97.33868822) = 2433.467206 .. decimal harmonic

of the "2.433467206" Grid POINT Value of Stonehenge.

Recall, from earlier in this article, the figure "1216.733603".

That's a decimal harmonic of exactly HALF the Stonehenge

Grid POINT Value ..

2.433467206 / 2 = 1.216733603


2433.467206 / 1.216733603 = 2000 .. the_year_marking the

"time-node" of this massive "synchronization" involved in this

ASM .. more specifically .. January 1, 2000.

The sky-locations are in precise synchronization, as observed

from Earth .. relative to the ecliptic, and relative to the ecliptic

prime meridian as "marked" by the Orion belt-star ALNITAK,

as of New Year's Eve at midnight of 1999/2000.

The database, referenced earlier in this article ..

is "as of Jan.1, 2000" sky-locations.


Even a decimal harmonic of 'The Miami Circle' ..

of its Grid POINT Value (Morton, 1999, Internet) ..

is encoded within the "2433.467206" Circumference

implied by the multiplied-product of alphanumeric Pi

times the Sarsen Circle diameter.

If you divide that implied circumference by 2Pi ..

(2433.467206 / 2Pi) = 387.2983346 ...

decimal harmonic of the 3.872983346 Grid POINT Value

of The Miami Circle.

And "3.872983346" .. is the Square Root of .. 15 ..

and 15 is the number of "OSIRIS Re-membered"

(David Wood; "Genisis").


Of course ... 15 = 360 / 24 .. and "24" is the position

of letter "X" in the English alphabet .. the multiplication sign,

as in .. 15 X 24 = 360.


The "plus sign" .. or "addition sign" .. is "X" rotated by ..

HALF of a half-Pi rotation .. in terms of Radians (arc).

This is equal to .. (Pi / 4) Radians (arc) = 45 arc-deg.

This is the diagonal (angle) in a Square.

Aha .. "Miami Square" .. with "The Well of OSIRIS" ..

located exactly 225 arc-deg azimuth_from_The Miami Circle.

225 - 180 = 45.

And .. "225" is the Square of 15.


I'll never forget that Richard Hoagland telephoned his

own GPS reading for The Miami Circle to me ..

on Feb.5th, 1999. It helped me greatly, in figuring-out

the ASM numbers for The Miami Circle.


And the "Tetrahedral Grid LAT" is also prominently

indicated .. via the 57.29577951 arc-deg_value_of The Radian-arc,

in the 360-deg-based system, along with the "152.8992539" figure.

{ 152.8992539 X 57.29577951 = 8760.48194 }.

I figured-out the 8760.48194 "Tetrahedral Grid LAT"

directly from the Hoagland "tetrahedral latitude"

planetary rotation model .. the ideally-precise geometric

figure being 19.47122061 arc-deg north & south latitude.

Converting that (19.47122061 deg) to the ASM form ..

19 (deg) X 28 (min) X 16.46707132 (sec) N. & S. ..

= 8760.48194 N. & S.



Chilbolton (UK) Crop Formation Correlation


In the summer of 2000, a complex crop formation appeared right

next to the Chilbolton Radio Telescope installation in The UK.

Paul Vigay, of "", published my analysis

of the ASM correlation I found to be indicated by the precise location

of that formation, in terms of latitude and longitude.

The Grid POINT Value I found for it ... 1.745329252 ..

a decimal harmonic of the_reciprocal_of the 57.29577951 numerical

value (in our 360 deg system) for The Radian Arc.

(1 / 57.29577951) = 0.01745329252


1.745329252 = 15289.92539 / 8760.48194



Some of you will recall my writings on The Internet concerning

The Radian Arc being "displayed" at Giza viewed from overhead.

The intersection-point there, is called "The Giza Grid Point",

by Munck (1992, "The Code"). Its Grid POINT Value is ..


I discovered that "5577.096019" can be factored_directly_into ...

97.33868822 X 57.29577951



The "Riddle-of-the-Sphinx" Correlation


Fairly recently, I found the "Riddle-of-the-Sphinx" ASM Composite.

(Again .. using the above-referenced database for Jan.1, 2000 sky-locations).


= 8.888888889 X 19.7392088 X 4.297183634 X 216 ..

= Bull X Lion X Eagle X Human ..

= 162860.1632 ..

= 248.0502134 X 656.56127 ..

= Great Pyramid of Giza X 'The Face' @ Cydonia.

( Morton, 2001, Internet).


Here's the connection to a previous email (and Internet posting)

of mine .. involving the Grid LAT of 'The D&M Pyramid' at Cydonia

and The White House (centered location; Grid POINT Value)

in Washington, D.C.


(9929.184894 X 7.87873524) / 152.8992539 ..

= 3.141592654 X 162.8601632



In my "Disclosure .. and Toward Understanding" article ..

I give another equation I found that includes the 'D&M Pyramid' Grid LAT

and The White House Grid POINT Value ..

Galactic Center X Solar Apex X Orion Belt Stars Composite Ratio ...

X Giza Pyramids Composite Ratio ..

= D&M Pyramid Grid LAT X The White House Grid POINT Value.

--- "In other Language" ---

35.53057584 X 2.842446068 X 7.957747155 X 97.33868822 ..

= 9929.184894 X 7.87873524



When you "wake-up", you normally arise from a prone position,

and then end-up 'standing-up' on your feet .. "erect".

In doing so, you have gone from_parallel_with Earth's surface ..

normally, more-or-less .. to_perpendicular_to Earth's surface.

You've "rotated", in a sense .. by .. half-Pi Radians (arc) ..

relative-to Earth's surface "plane".


I "wake-up" .. and then I "get myself together" ..

and I finally end-up standing-up .. well .. for a while, anyway.


So .. I "ascend" by 90 arc-deg when I "get up" out of bed.



The arc-distance, in astronomy .. the arc-distance from our Sun to

the Solar Apex is .. half-Pi radians (arc) !!

That arc-distance is 1/4th of our Sun's orbit around Galactic Center.

Of course .. (360 / 4) = 90.


Also .. our Sun is moving_toward_the Solar Apex point.


I think this ASM .. is both indicating and stimulating a massive

"awakening" for Earth humans.

The "waking-up" is a "right-angle" process .. a "turn of 90 degrees".

This is a "big change". A "sharp turn".


Imagine what a real, consensus "Disclosure"_could_bring .. to Earth human

civilization .. in terms of changes .. not only free-energy availability,

but anti-gravity, anti-aging, on and on and on. And we'd also find out a

lot about our true origins .. at least_much_more than we know now.

We might even be able to have "open" communication with ..

"real, live ETs".


We are "finding-out" that we're "not alone" .. by "becoming aware" ..

of the ASM, among other things. We're "figuring it out".

We need to learn to ride the bicycle ourselves, as Richard Boylan says.

Our "parents" can't ride the bicycle for us.

This "rising-up" .. this waking-up .. is the so-called "ascension".

It is a massive, rapid "getting-it" process .. with the ASM synchronization

awareness spreading, more and more. It is "learning" .. it is re-discovery,

it is re-membering, it is a breaking-through to a whole new level.

It is a "re-surrection" .. a rising-up from the sleeping, prone position.

-- Michael Lawrence Morton (c) 2001