Please read the following .. regarding my
of the NASA press release of 24 May, 2001.
<< Given the popularity of this landform, a new high-resolution view was
targeted by pointing the spacecraft off-nadir on April 8, 2001. On that date
at 20:54 UTC (8:54 p.m., Greenwich time zone), the MGS was rolled 24.8° to
the left so that it was looking at the "face" 165 km to the side from a
distance of about 450 km. The resulting image has a resolution of about 2
meters (6.6 feet) per pixel. If present on Mars, objects the size of typical
passenger jet airplanes would be distinguishable in an image of this scale.
An earlier picture obtained in June 2000 was combined with the new, April
2001 image, to produce a stereo ("3-D") view of the western portion of the
hill ("3-D" glasses with red for left eye and blue for right eye are needed
to view the anaglyph). The large "face" picture, above, covers an area about
3.6 kilometers (2.2 miles) on a side; the 3-D picture is about 1 km (0.62 mi)
wide. Sunlight illuminates the images from the left/lower left.
Images Credit: NASA/JPL/Malin Space Science Systems >>
The date of the NASA press release ... 24/5 ... "245".
(I'll refer to this later, below).
On 8 April, 2001 ... newest picture was taken.
<< On that date at 20:54 UTC (8:54 p.m., Greenwich time zone) >>
Notice the_double_ references to "54" .. a decimal harmonic of the Grid
POINT Value of The Great Sphinx of Giza .. "5400" ..
(Munck, 1992, "The Code").
Also .. 54 + 54 = 108 ... the Washington, D.C. W.Giza longitude,
to the nearest arc-degree .. this is the "77" arc-deg longitude, W.Greenwich.
<< ... the MGS was rolled 24.8 deg to the left so that it was looking
at the "face" .. >>
Notice the likely reference to the "248.0502134" Grid POINT Value
of The Great Pyramid of Giza (Munck, 1992, "The Code").
"2.48" .. (decimal harmonic of "24.8") .. is the_magnitude_of the
Orion belt-star MINTAKA .. which corresponds positionally in the ASM
("Archaeo-sky matrix") to The Mycerinus Pyramid of Giza.
Further .. "24805.02134" .. is the January 1, 2000 Grid LONG
in the ASM (Morton, 1999, Internet) of SIRIUS ..
24805.02134 E.ALNITAK ..
= 19 (deg) X 23 (min) X 56.76206256 (sec) E.ALNITAK.
<< The resulting image has a resolution of about 2 meters (6.6 feet)
per pixel. >>
The "6.6 feet" is a likely reference, first of all, to the "66 feet" height
(decimal harmonic) of The Great Sphinx of Giza from its base to its crown.
Also, it's likely the "6.6" is a reference to a decimal harmonic of
"double 33" .. 66 .. double the "33 degrees" involved in Freemasonry
Further .. I think the "6.6" is a reference to a decimal harmonic of
"6.5656127" .. because .. the Grid POINT Value of 'The Face' at
Cydonia on Mars in the ASM is .. "656.56127" (Munck, 1992, "The Code").
Notice .. I will multiply (note the references, above) ..
6.5656127 X 24.80502134 = 162.8601632
Now .. I ask you to refer to a previous email I sent you ..
an email I sent to you_very_recently .. within the past
couple of days, as I write this.
That email gave some ASM equations.
One of those ASM equations expressed the figure "162.8601632" ..
a decimal harmonic of the "Riddle-of-the-Sphinx" ASM value that
I discovered .. "162860.1632" .. which is the multiplied-product
of the Grid POINT Values of The Great Pyramid of Giza and
'The Face' at Cydonia on Mars .. 248.0502134 X 656.56127 ..
= 162860.1632 ..
= 8.888888889 X 19.7392088 X 4.297183634 X 216
Notice, again .. 6.5656127 X 24.80502134 = 162.8601632
In that previous email that I just mentioned ..
I expressed this equation that I found ..
3.141592654 X 152.8992539 X 162.8601632 ..
= 9929.184894 X 7.87873524
= 35.53057584 X 2.842446068 X 97.33868822 X 7.957747155
"3.141592654" is the Pi constant.
"152.8992539" is the_precise_length, in regular feet, of The Grand Gallery
inside The Great Pyramid of Giza. (Morton, 1998).
Also .. 152.8992539 X Pi = the original (derived) full height of
the Great Pyramid, in regular feet, including capstone ..
480.3471728 (Munck, 1992).
"162.8601632" .. already explained, above.
(Morton, 2001, Internet).
"9929.184894" is the 'D&M Pyramid' Grid LAT ..
= 40 (deg) X 52 (min) X 4.773646584 (sec) North.
(Munck, 1992, "The Code").
"7.87873524" .. Grid POINT Value of the center of The White House
in Washington, D.C. (Morton, 1998, Internet).
7.87873524 = 103680 / 13159.47253
Grid LAT 103680 ..
= 38 (deg) X 53 (min) X 51.4796425 (sec) North.
Grid LONG 13159.47253 ..
= 108 (deg) X 10 (min) X 12.18469679 (sec) W.Giza.
[ W.Greenwich 77 deg 02 min 11.38469679 sec ].
Grid POINT Value of The White House ..
103680 / 13159.47253 = 7.87873524
"35.53057584" .. Grid POINT Value of Jan.1, 2000
Galactic Center (Morton, 2000, Internet).
35.53057584 = 127910.073 / 3600
Grid LAT .. 05 (deg) X 40 (min) X 18 (sec) South (of ecliptic) ..
= 3600 South (of ecliptic).
Grid LONG .. 179 (deg) X 17 (min) X 42.03420079 (sec) W.ALNITAK ..
= 127910.073 W.ALNITAK.
Grid POINT Value of Galactic Center @ Jan.1, 2000 ..
127910.073 / 3600 = 35.53057584
"2.842446068" .. is the Jan.1, 2000 Solar Apex
Grid POINT Value (Morton, 2000, Internet).
2.842446068 = 105760.4031 / 37207.53202
Grid LAT .. 53 (deg) X 26 (min) X 27.00111177 (sec) North (of ecliptic)
= 37207.53202 North (of ecliptic).
Grid LONG .. 173 (deg) X 13 (min) X 47.02552383 (sec) W.ALNITAK ..
= 105760.4031 W.ALNITAK.
"97.33868822" .. is the "Giza Pyramids Composite Ratio" ..
= (Mycerinus X Great) / Chephren ..
= (2261.946711 X 248.0502134) / 5764.166073
[ Grid POINT Values are from "The Code", Munck, 1992 ].
ALSO .. "97.33868822" is the diameter of the Sarsen Circle
of Stonehenge, in regular feet (Munck, 1992, "The Code").
"7.957747155" .. is the "Orion Belt Stars Composite Ratio"
(Morton, 2000, Internet).
= (31.00627668 X 43.63323131) / 170.010936
[ Jan.1, 2000 ASM Grid POINT Values .. Morton, 1999, Internet ].
All sky-locations have been calculated by M.L.Morton,
using the following database of Jan.1, 2000 sky-locations ..
The above sky-locations database is astronomically-correct
in terms of true (sidereal) zodiac up-dated for Earth precession.
Sky latitudes are given in the database as measured from the ecliptic,
and sky-longitudes are ecliptic longitudes.
Sky-longitudes have then been converted to ASM format
by M.L.Morton .. as measured from the Orion belt-star ALNITAK
as ecliptic prime meridian "marker" .. positionally analagous
to The Great Pyramid of Giza.
The ecliptic longitude position of ALNITAK, when conversion is made,
is assumed as 29 deg TAURUS 56' 50" .. to the nearest arc-sec.
ALNITAK's ecliptic latitude is assumed as 25 deg 17' 37" South ..
to the nearest arc-sec.
"6*6*6" .. this is my interpretation of "the number of a Human" ..
or of "Mankind" .. as referenced in "The Book of Revelation"
in "The Bible". I then further-interpret this, as the expression
(6 Cubed) or .. 216 .. for the Aquarius position in the zodiac,
involved in the so-called "Riddle-of-the-Sphinx".
For details of calculations for the sky-locations involved
in the 'Riddle-of-the-Sphinx" multiplied-product ..
namely the Jan.1, 2000 ASM Grid POINT Values of
the Bull, the Lion, and the Eagle .. go to ..
and 'click' on the 'message' entitled "The Riddle of the Sphinx".
Further note .. "152.8992539" .. is ALSO .. the Ratio_resulting-from_
the interaction of the following 3 Ratios :
1) "Orion Belt Stars Composite" .. 7.957747155
2) "Giza Pyramids Composite" .. 97.33868822
3) "Galactic Center / Solar Apex" .. 12.5
Thusly .. (12.5 X 97.33868822) / 7.957747155 = 152.8992539
Regarding the date of the NASA press release ;
"24 / 5" .. can be notated as "245".
Using the double-reference to "54" in the above quote
(go back to early in this email) ..
245 - 108 = 137 .. a number prominently associated with
the "Fine Structure Constant" in modern physics theory.
(See the work of Jerry Iuliano, for example).
ALSO .. using alphanumerical analysis ..
137 = sum of "GREAT PYRAMID".
(See the work of Gary Val Tenuta).
An Appeal for Statistical-Probability Analysis
I would like one or more persons .. "out there" .. to please take
this evidence I have compiled, and do a statistical-probability analysis
on the "random chance likelihood", etc., of all of this correlation.
Please feel free to contact me, of course .. and ask questions, etc.
I really do think that the tremendous weight of this "ASM" evidence,
alone .. is more than enough to_prove_the artificiality of 'The Face'
at Cydonia on Mars. All we need is a good statistical-probability
analysis. And I'll make ALL of my data .. ALL of my figures ..
available. I included a lot of those figures here in this email.
But I can also explain the "basics" of the ASM.
Plus .. you can go to the following websites for details,
explanations, examples, etc.
-- Michael Lawrence Morton (c) 2001