I'm in full support of TEM's point .. that the "lion/hominoid"
halving should still be_obviously_apparent .. if .. IF .. we were
being given the_true_image.
And I think it is one, or a combination,
of 2 probabilities .. as to why I don't think we're seeing
the true image as of May, 2001.
1) Manipulation of the image by someone.
2) An explosion over the monument .. possibly directed
more onto its east half .. probably a nuclear device;
which could have been the Mars Observer "probe".
3) Some combination of the above.
"Archaeo-sky Matrix" Evidence
Supporting the "Lion/Hominoid" Halves
This evidence is based on_very_careful empirical observation,
which includes, although is by no means limited-to .. historical
and 'modern' cultural evidence.
A Summary of Recent Equations Discovered
I discovered a key equation (Morton, 2000, Internet) involving the
so-called "Riddle-of-the-Sphinx" .. concerning 4 zodiac positions
in our sky (as observed from Earth, of course).
These positions are Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius ..
bull, lion, eagle, and "mankind, or humankind".
Or .. maybe the Aquarius position should be "hominoid".
The 3 "animals" are the stars ALDEBARAN, REGULUS,
and ANTARES, and the Aquarius position, in my interpretation
of "the number of a man" .. is .. 6*6*6 .. or the Cube of 6 .. 216.
Here's the equation ..
8.888888889 X 19.7392088 X 4.297183463 X 216 ..
= 162860.1632 ..
= 248.0502134 X 656.56127
The "tip-off" to me, after studying the ASM ("Archaeo-sky matrix") for
over 10 years now .. was the last 2 terms shown above.
"248.0502134" is the Grid POINT Value of The Great Pyramid of Giza,
and "656.56127" is the Grid POINT Value of none other than ..
'The Face' of Cydonia on Mars (both of these values found by C.P.Munck,
and self-published by him in 1992; "The Code").
All of my sky-locations calculations have used, as a source,
the following database .. which gives January 1, 2000 sky-locations,
to the nearest arc-second. This database uses ecliptic latitudes,
and ecliptic longitudes, updated and astronomically-correct for
Earth precession .. as of Jan.1, 2000.
I then convert the ecliptic longitudes to reflect a measurement
from the Orion belt-star ALNITAK, as ecliptic longitude prime meridian
"marker" .. analagous to converting Greenwich meridian to the ASM
meridian through the center of The Great Pyramid on Earth ..
and, analagous to converting NASA prime meridian to the ASM
meridian through the center of 'The D&M Pyramid' at Cydonia on Mars.
I use an ecliptic longitude position, for ALNITAK, of ..
29 deg TAURUS 56' 56".
Its ecliptic latitude, to the nearest arc-sec, is ..
25 deg South 17' 37".
In ALNITAK's_special_role as ecliptic longitude prime meridian "marker",
its Grid LONG is designated as .. "360" .. just as are the ASM prime
meridian "markers" on Earth and on Mars.
In previous emails .. very recent ones .. I have shown the detailed
calculations (basic arithmetic, however) for finding the ASM figures
for various sky-locations .. including Galactic Center and Solar Apex,
of Jan.1, 2000. I've also shown details for finding other ASM figures
for the locations (latitude/longitude) of certain structures/sites on
Earth and Mars. Here, I will only focus on certain values involved in
the "lion/humanoid" situation, if you will .. as relates directly to only
certain key sky-locations, to 'The Face' at Cydonia on Mars,
to The Great Sphinx on Earth, and to The Great Pyramid on Earth.
Munck (1992, "The Code", self-published) has found the Grid POINT
Value (in the ASM) for The Great Sphinx of Giza as .. 5400.
This is equal to exactly 1/4th of the polar circumference of Earth in
nautical miles_and_in latitude arc-minutes.
And .. here are the complete ASM figures for The Great Sphinx ..
Grid LAT The Great Sphinx ..
29 (deg) X 58 (min) X 37.79504852 (sec) North ..
= 63571.2716 North.
Grid LONG The Great Sphinx ..
11.77245771 (sec) E.Giza.
[ E.Greenwich 31 deg 08 min 12.57245771 sec ].
Grid POINT Value The Great Sphinx ..
63571.2716 / 11.77245771 = 5400
I will now use the Jan.1, 2000 Grid POINT Values (ASM)
that I found for REGULUS ("Heart of the Lion") .. and the (6 Cubed)
number for the Aquarius position .. "humankind" .. 6*6*6 or 216.
19.7392088 X 216 = (5400 X Pi Squared) / 12.5
Note: "12.5" is the_ratio_of Galactic Center and Solar Apex ..
their Jan.1, 2000 ASM Grid POINT Values (Morton, 2000, Internet)
taken as a ratio .. 35.53057584 / 2.842446068 = 12.5
The "Half-Pi" Rotation
I've found the "half-Pi" rotation .. in terms of the Radian Arc ..
to be displaying itself prominently, at certain key "junctures"
involving the ASM.
In basic geometry .. the Radian Arc is a constant, as is the Pi constant.
The Radian Arc is the_curved_distance, along the circumference of a circle
or sphere .. that is the "same" distance as the_straight-line radius_of the
same circle or sphere.
There are 2Pi Radians of arc on one circumference.
2Pi .. to 9 decimal places, is .. (2 X 3.141592654) = 6.283185307
In "our" conventional system, there are 360 arc-degrees, equal segments ..
on one circumference.
Therefore; a numerical value for the Radian Arc can be derived ..
(360 / 6.283185307) = 57.29577951 arc-deg.
This numerical value can be "tested" empirically .. as to its apparent
correlations (or not) .. within the ASM .. according to carefully observed
locations of various structures, sites, and sky-positions.
The earlier-referenced database for Jan.1, 2000 sky-locations ..
allows for the testing of relatively very_precise_sky-positions ..
just as the official USGS topo maps (7.5-min Series, scale 1 : 24000)
allow for accurate testing of "ground-locations".
As I mentioned, I have found the "half-Pi" rotation .. that is;
half-Pi Radians (arc) .. or "the right angle" of (conventionally)
90 arc-degrees .. to be displaying itself prominently in key
aspects_of_the ASM.
The numerical value of the half-Pi rotation, assuming "our"
conventional "360" system .. is ..
(57.29577951 X 1.570796327) = 90 deg.
Half-Pi is .. (3.141592654 / 2) = 1.570796327
In astronomy, the Solar Apex is half-Pi Radians (arc) in
arc-distance from our Sun. That is 1/4th of our Sun's orbital
distance around Galactic Center, just as "5400" nautical miles
is 1/4th of the polar circumference of Earth.
Also, Solar Apex denotes the_direction_in which our Sun is moving.
Of course .. 360 / 4 = 90.
This next equation will show the precise correlations .. in terms
of this ASM .. involving the place/time synchronization relating
directly to the so-called "Riddle-of-the-Sphinx" .. and will_also_
display the "lion/hominoid" dynamic of 'The Face' at Cydonia
on Mars .. resonating_with_this set of specific correlations.
(5400 / 90) X (216 / 19.7392088) ..
= (162860.1632 / 248.0502134) ..
= 656.56127 .. Grid POINT Value of 'The Face' @ Cydonia.
Comparing Solar Apex of Jan.1, 2000
With Half-Pi
The sky-location Grid POINT Value for Solar Apex of Jan.1, 2000
(Morton, 2000, Internet) is .. 2.842446068
Notice this comparison with the value of Half-Pi ...
2.842446068 / 1.570796327 = 4.464903843
Now .. I will multiply that result by .. "90" ..
which is "our" conventional numerical value for
half-Pi Radians (arc) .. because of our 360 arc-degrees
convention (on one circumference).
4.464903843 X 90 = 162.8601632 .. decimal harmonic
of the "Riddle-of-the-Sphinx" multiplied-product figure of
162860.1632. Notice .. the sky-location of Solar Apex ..
on Jan.1, 2000 .. had to be_exactly_where it in-fact-WAS ..
in order for this equation to reflect reality !!! When I say
"exactly" .. I mean right down to the fraction-of-an-arc-second,
in terms of both sky-latitude and sky-longitude, relative to the
ecliptic and relative to the ecliptic prime meridian that passes
"through" the Orion belt-star ALNITAK, as observed from Earth !!
Here, for the sake of those who haven't been following my previous
emails, or who are not familiar with my work .. are the ASM figures
for Jan.1, 2000 Solar Apex and for Jan.1, 2000 ALNITAK ...
Grid LAT Solar Apex, Jan.1, 2000 ..
53 (deg) X 26 (min) X 27.00111177 (sec) North of ecliptic ..
= 37207.53202 North of ecliptic.
Grid LONG Solar Apex, Jan.1, 2000 ..
173 (deg) X 13 (min) X 47.02552383 (sec) W.ALNITAK ..
= 105760.4031 W.ALNITAK.
Grid POINT Value Solar Apex, Jan.1, 2000 ..
105760.4031 / 37207.53202 = 2.842446068
Grid LAT ALNITAK, Jan.1, 2000 ..
25 (deg) X 17 (min) X 36.95991358 (sec) South of ecliptic ..
= 15707.96327 South of ecliptic.
Grid LONG ALNITAK, Jan.1, 2000 .. designated as "360",
as are any prime meridian "markers" in the ASM.
Grid POINT Value ALNITAK, Jan.1, 2000 ..
15707.96327 / 360 = 43.63323131
Note: "15707.96327" .. decimal harmonic of_ "half-Pi"_itself !!
Note: "37207.53202" .. a_match_of the ASM base slope angle form ..
of both The Great Pyramid and The Mycerinus Pyramid of Giza !!
[ 51 (deg) X 51 (min) X 14.30508728 (sec) ..
= 37207.53202 ]. (Munck, 1992, "The Code").
The TANGENT of that precise base slope angle ..
TAN 51.853974 deg = (4 / Pi) = 1.273239545
What would the TANGENT of the_Apex-slope-angle_be ..
the apex-slope-angle at the very tip-top of the original
capstones of those 2 Giza pyramids ?
Answer ... (Pi / 4) .. the reciprocal of .. (4 / Pi).
SIRIUS Sky-location of Jan.1, 2000
What do I get when I now simply take the_ratio_of those
Jan.1, 2000 Grid LATs of ALNITAK and Solar Apex ?
37207.53202 / 15707.96327 = 2.368705056
"2.368705056" .. is the Jan.1, 2000 ASM Grid POINT Value ..
of_SIRIUS_at midnight on New Year's Eve, 1999/2000 at Giza !!!
(Morton, 1999, Internet).
See the series of articles by Mike Bara at TEM's website ..
http://www.enterprisemission.com ... entitled ..
"Have The End of Days Begun ...?" .. Parts 1, 2, 3 in Nov. 2000,
and Part 4 on Dec. 21, 2000.
The "crossing of the sky-meridian" by SIRIUS at midnight on
New Year's Eve of 1999/2000 was, in fact, unique .. as Bara
explains in that series of articles.
Here are the ASM figures (Morton, 1999, Internet) for SIRIUS
of Jan.1, 2000 ..
Grid LAT SIRIUS, Jan.1, 2000 ..
39 (deg) X 36 (min) X 41.84884577 (sec) South of ecliptic ..
= 58755.77946 South of ecliptic.
Grid LONG SIRIUS, Jan.1, 2000 ..
19 (deg) X 23 (min) X 56.76206256 (sec) E.ALNITAK ..
= 24805.02134 E.ALNITAK.
Grid POINT Value SIRIUS, Jan.1, 2000 ..
58755.77946 / 24805.02134 = 2.368705056
Note: "24805.02134" .. is a decimal harmonic of the Grid POINT
Value of The Great Pyramid of Giza .. (248.0502134) .. (Munck, 1992) !!
Now .. notice this_interaction_of SIRIUS with the "Riddle-of-the-Sphinx"
multiplied-product ... (actually, a decimal harmonic of the
figure) ...
16286.01632 / 2.368705056 = 6875.493544 ...
which is the polar diameter of Earth in nautical miles !!
( 21600 / Pi = 6875.493544 ).
Other Ways The White House is Involved
Yes .. involved via its_precise_location, in terms of latitude and longitude.
First .. its ASM numbers .. (Morton, 1998, Internet) ..
Grid LAT The White House ..
38 (deg) X 53 (min) X 51.4796425 (sec) North ..
= 103680 North .. 4 Earth precession cycles in years ..
(25920 X 4) = 103680.
Grid LONG The White House ..
108 (deg) X 10 (min) X 12.18469679 (sec) W.Giza ..
= 13159.47253 W.Giza.
[ W.Greenwich 77 deg 02 min 11.38469679 sec ].
Grid POINT Value The White House ..
103680 / 13159.47253 = 7.87873524
I will now show a precise correlation between Earth's polar radius,
in nautical miles, and the Grid POINT Value of The White House.
I'll use, here, a_decimal harmonic_of Earth's polar radius in nautical miles.
(21600 / 2Pi = 3437.746771) ... I'll use "34.37746771" ...
which is, by the way, my proposed precise number of _regular_feet
for the_length_of "The King's Chamber" within The Great Pyramid.
I will use the standard math formula for "Volume of a Sphere" ..
(4Pi / 3) X (Radius Cubed) ...
(4Pi / 3) X (34.37746771 X 34.37746771 X 34.37746771) ..
= 170180.6812
I will now divide that figure by the Grid POINT Value of the_center_of
The White House ...
170180.6812 / 7.87873524 = 21600 ... polar circumference of Earth
in nautical miles !!
D&M Pyramid Grid LAT
With The White House and The Grand Gallery
By "The Grand Gallery", I mean the_length_of the ascending passage
in The Great Pyramid of Giza. I propose its precise (and intended) length
as .. 152.8992539_regular_feet.
Notice .. 152.8992539 / 3.141592654 = 48.66934411 ...
exact "ASM" radius of the Sarsen Circle of Stonehenge,
in regular feet. (Munck, 1992, "The Code").
Also .. 152.8992539 X 3.141592654 = 480.3471728 ...
original, derived "ASM" apex-height (including capstone),
of The Great Pyramid of Giza, in regular feet.
(Munck, 1992, "The Code").
I'll use that figure from earlier in this email ..
the "162.8601632" .. which I got from multiplying "90"
times the_ratio_of the Jan.1, 2000 Solar Apex Grid POINT
Value and half-Pi ..
(2.842446069 / 1.570796327) X 90 = 162.8601632
152.8992539 X 162.8601632 X 3.141592654 ..
= 9929.184894 X 7.87873524
"9929.184894" .. is the Grid LAT of 'The D&M Pyramid'
at Cydonia on Mars. (Munck, 1992, "The Code").
9929.184894 North ..
= 40 (deg) X 52 (min) X 4.773646584 (sec) North.
I encourage anyone to order the official USGS Topographical
Map .. 7.5-minute Series Quad, scale of 1 : 24000 ..
for Washington, D.C.
You can then use a magnifying glass .. not necessary, but it
would help .. and check my work, regarding the_centered_latitude
and longitude of The White House.
You can also do this for The Washington Monument,
The U.S. Capitol Rotunda, The U.S. Naval Observatory,
The Lincoln Memorial, The Jefferson Memorial,
and The Supreme Council 33rd Degree Temple.
The Pentagon is on a different map .. it's on the "Arlington, VA"
version of the same 7.5-minute Quad Series.
Be sure, first, to measure the_scale_of the map ..
that is .. measure, with a good ruler, the length in inches ..
of exactly 2.5 arc-minutes, on the map, for both latitude
and longitude. You will find, on the USGS 7.5-minute Series
Quad topo maps .. hash-marks, showing (and labeled in the margins)
the 2.5 arc-min length for both latitude and longitude.
You must be very careful in executing this measurement.
Then .. divide that length, in inches, by 150 .. which is the
number of arc-seconds in 2.5 arc-minutes.
That will give you the "scales" for both latitude and longitude,
for converting_inches_to seconds-of-arc.
Then; you can measure the locations of 'objects' (buildings, mounds,
whatever) .. from the_borders_using the dashed-lines at the corners
if the map is using_prior-to_1983 NAD data.
If it_is_of 1983 NAD .. then simply measure from the actual "border-lines",
and_not_from the dashed-lines.
Always use the_center_of the 'objects' you are measuring ..
and a magnifying glass will help.
Complete ASM Figures for "Riddle-of-the-Sphinx" Stars
I've consistently used the following database for all "sky-locations"
as of January 1, 2000 ..
Grid LAT ALDEBARAN, Jan.1, 2000 ..
05 (deg) X 28 (min) X 25.04805197 (sec) South of ecliptic ..
= 3506.727275 South of ecliptic.
Grid LONG ALDEBARAN, Jan.1, 2000 ..
14 (deg) X 53 (min) X 42.00931148 (sec) W.ALNITAK ..
= 31170.90912 W.ALNITAK.
Grid POINT Value ALDEBARAN, Jan.1, 2000 ..
31170.90911 / 3506.727275 = 8.888888889
(Morton, 2000, Internet).
Grid LAT REGULUS, Jan.1, 2000 ..
27 (min) X 41.88790205 (sec) North of ecliptic ..
= 1130.973355 North of ecliptic.
Grid LONG REGULUS, Jan.1, 2000 ..
65 (deg) X 08 (min) X 42.9317677 (sec) E.ALNITAK ..
= 22324.5192 E.ALNITAK.
Grid POINT Value REGULUS, Jan.1, 2000 ..
22324.5192 / 1130.973355 = 19.7392088
(Morton, 2000, Internet).
Grid LAT ANTARES, Jan.1, 2000 ..
04 (deg) X 33 (min) X 50.11115425 (sec) South of ecliptic ..
= 6614.67236 South of ecliptic.
Grid LONG ANTARES, Jan.1, 2000 ..
165 (deg) X 04 (min) X 43.06736466 (sec) E.ALNITAK ..
= 28424.46068 E.ALNITAK.
Grid POINT Value ANTARES, Jan.1, 2000 ..
28424.46068 / 6614.67236 = 4.297183463
(Morton, 2000, Internet).
I also should give the ASM figures for Jan.1, 2000 Galactic Center.
(Morton, 2000, Internet).
Grid LAT Galactic Center, Jan.1, 2000 ..
05 (deg) X 40 (min) X 18 (sec) South of ecliptic ..
= 3600 South of ecliptic.
Grid LONG Galactic Center, Jan.1, 2000 ..
179 (deg) X 17 (min) X 42.03420079 (sec) W.ALNITAK ..
= 127910.073 W.ALNITAK.
Grid POINT Value Galactic Center, Jan.1, 2000 ..
127910.073 / 3600 = 35.53057584
-- Michael Lawrence Morton (c) 2001