Messages from Michael L. Morton

Stellar Proof .. corrected ..

Carl P. Munck, Sr. (1992, "The Code", self-published) ..

derived the_exact_base slope angle .. from records in

The British Museum of an actual casing stone from The

Great Pyramid of Giza, that was found partially-buried

near its base.


I have also, now, in my own research, found a very direct reference

to that exact base slope angle ... the Grid LAT of the January 1, 2000

sky-location (relative to the ecliptic) of SOLAR APEX itself !!


Munck's exact base slope angle for the casing stone in the

British Museum, from The Great Pyramid ...


51 (deg) X 51 (min) X 14.30508728 (sec) ...

= 37207.53202


Yes ... the ASM ("Archaeo-sky Matrix") is_encoded_this way ..

as you may recall, if you read any of my material on The Internet

over the last few years. They actually used a system of multiplying

the NUMBERS of degrees X minutes X seconds.


Notice ... 37207.53202 = 1200 X (Pi Cubed ..

= 1200 X 31.00627668


That's how precise this ASM is.

It uses very high-precision encoding, involving the Pi constant !!

(A high-precision rendering of the Pi constant).

Also .. it uses .. 360 arc-degrees on one circumference. Yes !!


The TANGENT of this base slope angle ...

TAN 51.853974 (deg) = (4 / Pi) = 1.273239545



SOLAR APEX of January 1, 2000 ..

(Morton, 2000, Internet) ..

from the following online_database_as primary source ...


Go to the end of that list .. you will see "CENTRE" and "APEX".

That data is for the January 1, 2000 locations of Galactic Center

and Solar Apex .. as observed from Earth, relative to the ecliptic,

and relative to an ecliptic longitude prime meridian passing "through"

the Orion belt-star ALNITAK, as observed from Earth.

{ I strongly suggest reading at least the first (Part One) article


at the top of the following webpage .. "Sky Matrix" .. }



53 (deg) X 26 (min) X 27.00111177 (sec) North of ecliptic ..

= 37207.53202 North of ecliptic.


173 (deg) X 13 (min) X 47.02552383 (sec) W.ALNITAK ..

= 105760.4031 W.ALNITAK.



105760.4031 / 37207.53202 = 2.842446068



What is at the top of the slope of The Great Pyramid ..

but its "APEX", of course !! (Original capstone included).


Now ... observe carefully .. please ..


Munck (1992, "The Code") derived the exact original apex-height

of The Great Pyramid of Giza .. 480.3471728 regular ("British") feet.

(Including capstone).


Using the "2.842446068" Grid POINT Value (Morton, 2000, Internet)

for the_January1, 2000_SOLAR APEX sky-location ...

(2.842446068 X 480.3471728 X 2Pi) = 8578.815751


Now .. using one power-of-ten ..


10 X 8578.815751 = 85788.15751


85788.15751 North ..

= 29 (deg) X 58 (min) X 51.00366082 (sec) North.


"2Pi" .. 6.283185307 .. is the numerical value of the

number of Radians (arc) on one circumference.


The slope angle of The Great Pyramid of Giza ..

and also the slope angle of The Mycerinus Pyramid of Giza,

is such .. that their apex-heights and their base-perimeters are

in-ratio by_exactly_2Pi.


The north latitude of .. 29 deg 58 min 51.00366082 sec ..

is the_precise_original apex-latitude, at the very top-center

of the apex of The Great Pyramid of Giza !!!

Today .. "circa 2000" .. is exactly WHERE the projected

top-center of its apex is .. according to the original height of

480.3471728 regular ("British") feet !!!


Of course .. SOLAR APEX is defined (astronomy) as ..

the sky-position of_half-Pi Radians (arc)_of arc-distance

from our Sun .. on our Sun's orbital path around Galactic Center,

in the direction-in-which our Sun is moving around Galactic Center.


And .. half-Pi .. (1.570796327) .. times 4 = 2Pi.

Notice the "time-node" involved in this "ASM".

That is ... the "time-node" of synchronization and precise

correlation .. of the_sky-locations_is Jan.1, 2000 ...

referencing the turn of the millennium on our "modern" calendar !!



How the Grid LONGs of the Bull, the Lion, and the Eagle ..

Correlate Perfectly @ January1, 2000 .. with ..

Solar Apex and The Great Pyramid


In previous emails, I've given the ASM figures (Morton, 2000, Internet)

for ALDEBARAN, REGULUS, and ANTARES .. the 3 non-hominoid

(or "non-humanoid") points in the zodiac involving the so-called

"Riddle-of-the-Sphinx". Here, I will focus on the Grid LONGs of those

sky-locations, as of January 1, 2000 .. and how_precisely_they

correlate with Solar Apex and with The Great Pyramid of Giza.

Again; I encourage anyone, please, to check my work ..

by using the database ...

I use an ecliptic longitude position for ALNITAK of ..

29 deg TAURUS 56' 50".

I simply transpose the given ecliptic longitudes, in the database,

to reflect their locations_from_ALNITAK's longitude position.

(ALNITAK serving as ecliptic prime meridian "marker").

The latitudes in the database are ecliptic latitudes.



Grid LONG ALDEBARAN Jan.1, 2000 ..

14 (deg) X 53 (min) X 42.0093115 (sec) W.ALNITAK ..

= 31170.90913 W.ALNITAK.


I'll now use a_decimal harmonic_of that figure ..

in an equation ..


(3.117090913 X 3.141592654 X 8760.48194) / 10000 ..

= 85788.15751


"8760.48194" .. is the "Tetrahedral Grid LAT" (Morton, 1999, Internet),

which is the "ASM"_form_of the (R.C.Hoagland) "Tetrahedral Latitude"

of .. 19.47122061 (deg) north/south on rotating planetary bodies.

I found this ASM form in 1999 ...

19 (deg) X 28 (min) X 16.46707132 (sec) north/south ..

= 8760.48194 North/South.

It is a_major_figure in the ancient ASM .. which confirms

Hoagland's 19.47122061 as a very crucial 'parameter', indeed.

Somehow .. the designers/creators of this ASM ..

actually knew .. or, their computer-system knew .. !! ..

that ALDEBARAN .. the Bull (Taurus), on_exactly_Jan.1, 2000 ..

would be_precisely_"that far away", in ecliptic longitude arc-distance,

from ALNITAK's ecliptic longitude, as observed from Earth .. AND ..

that_mathematically_it would perfectly_tie-in_simultaneously with ..

1) a relatively-precise rendering of the Pi constant.

2) base ten .. or .. a certain power-of-ten.

3) the "Tetrahedral Grid LAT" figure.

4) the_exact_Grid LATITUDE at the_precise_top-center of

the projected apex-capstone on The Great Pyramid of Giza !!!


Now .. I show you .. the Grid LONG of .. ANTARES, the Eagle,

in the Scorpio constellation .. as of Jan.1, 2000 ..



165 (deg) X 04 (min) X 43.06736467 (sec) E.ALNITAK ..

= 28424.46068 E.ALNITAK.


First of all .. notice .. it's a_decimal harmonic_of the Jan.1, 2000

Grid POINT Value of .. SOLAR APEX. Incredible .. but empirically

self-evident !!


[ I can't resist the urge, here, to show you the precise

correlation to the Grid LONG of the "hover-spot" of the

PHOENIX UFO of the evening of March 13, 1997.

And .. I will use the figure "21.6" .. Jan.1, 2000 Grid POINT

Value of .. POLARIS (Morton, 1999, Internet).

(28424.46068 / 21.6) = 1315.947253 W.Giza ..

= 143 (deg) X 13 (min) X 0.707879103 (sec) W.Giza.

{ W.Greenwich 112 deg 04 min 59.907879103 sec } ].



Getting back on track ..


Notice how the Jan.1, 2000 Grid LONG of ANTARES, the Eagle,

also is referencing the "2.842446068" figure .. from earlier in this

article .. the multiplied-product of ..

1) SOLAR APEX Grid POINT Value (decimal harmonic) of Jan.1, 2000

2) Original apex-height, in regular feet, of The Great Pyramid of Giza

3) a relatively-precise rendering of .. "2Pi" ...


(28.42446068 X 480.3471728 X 6.283185307) ..

= 85788.15751



Now .. Grid LONG of REGULUS (Heart of the Lion) ..

as of Jan.1, 2000 ..



65 (deg) X 08 (min) X 42.93176771 (sec) E.ALNITAK ..

= 22324.51921 E.ALNITAK.


Watch, carefully .. this next equation ..


(28424.46068 / 22324.51921) = 1.273239545 = (4 / Pi).


That quotient is .. the TANGENT of the base slope angle of ..

The Great Pyramid of Giza !!!

TAN 51.853974 (deg) = 1.273239545 = (4 / Pi).



"The Number of a Man" ... I have interpreted, in the context of the

so-called "Riddle-of-the-Sphinx" .. as .. (Cube of 6) .. 6*6*6 .. 216.

I have not found any star-positions in Aquarius .. that would give

results anywhere-near as significant, or as dramatic, as the 6*6*6

(Cube of 6) interpretation. I think the phrase, "the number of a man",

is referencing the "humanoid" or "hominoid", or "mankind" ..

within this context.

I will now give my equation for the "Riddle-of-theSphinx" ..



= 8.888888889 X 19.7392088 X 4.297183463 X 216 ..

= 162860.1632 ..

= 656.56127 X 248.0502134



Notice how that multiplied-product is_precisely_equivalent to the

Grid POINT Value of 'The Face' at Cydonia on Mars_'times'_the

Grid POINT Value of The Great Pyramid of Giza on Earth !!


This involves_all_3 of the prime meridians in the "ASM" known

so far .. bearing-in-mind that a Lunar (ASM) prime meridian hasn't been

discovered yet (to my knowledge). It would not surprise me, of course,

if a "prime meridian marker" was found on the back-side of The Moon.


I will give, here, especially for the benefit of those who have not

received this info as yet ... the Grid LATs of the Bull, the Lion,

and the Eagle .. that is .. the specific star-latitudes (Grid LATs)


Again .. I do encourage you to look in the above database ..

and to check my work .. to help you see how these figures

were derived and calculated.

These are ecliptic latitudes ...



05 (deg) X 28 (min) X 25.04805198 (sec) South of ecliptic ..

= 3506.727277 South of ecliptic.



27 (min) X 41.88790205 (sec) North of ecliptic ..

= 1130.973355 North of ecliptic.



04 (deg) X 33 (min) X 50.11115425 (sec) South of ecliptic ..

= 6614.67236 South of ecliptic.



Grid POINT Value Jan.1, 2000 ALDEBARAN ..

31170.90913 / 3506.727277 = 8.888888889


Grid POINT Value Jan.1, 2000 REGULUS ..

22324.51921 / 1130.973355 = 19.7392088


Grid POINT Value Jan.1, 2000 ANTARES ..

28424.46068 / 6614.67236 = 4.297183463


'The Face' at Cydonia and The Great Sphinx of Giza ..

The Hominoid/Feline and 'The Right Angle'



Here it is .. in one direct equation ...


(5400 / 90) X (216 / 19.7392088) = 656.56127


"5400" .. Grid POINT Value of The Great Sphinx of Giza.

(Munck, 1992, "The Code").

Note ... 1/4th of polar circumference of Earth in nautical miles

and in latitude arc-minutes .. (21600 / 4) = 5400.


"90" .. 1/4th of 360 arc-degrees on one circumference ..

the "right angle". This "convention" of 360 arc-degrees on one

circumference, was handed-down from very_deep_antiquity !!

-- Michael Lawrence Morton (c) 2001