Thanks, again, to Paul Vigay's database .. which has a
page devoted to the precise latitude/longitude (centered)
locations of at least some of the UK crop formations.
While I now wait in hopes that lat/long data will be posted
for the recent UK "Hackpen, near Barbury Castle" formation
that was reported on 29 May, 2001 .. I've been doing some
"figuring" .. in follow-up to recent emails I've posted on The
Internet regarding the first UK crop formation of this 2001
season .. the "Bull's Eye" created on 11 May, 2001 .. and its
apparently-precise AMS ("Archaeo-sky Matrix") correlations to
the AMS location of 'The Face' at Cydonia on Mars.
First .. A Review of the AMS Location and Significance
Of the 17 July, 1991, "Barbury Castle" Crop Formation
Here are the ASM figures I found .. using Paul Vigay's database,
for that 17 July, 1991, "Barbury Castle" formation (its center) ...
but first .. here's the way to get to Paul's database .. to see a
summary, a diagram, and the lat/long data for this formation ..
When you get to that page .. scroll down to the
"search" area .. and simply type-in the year "1991",
and "July" for the month, and click on "search" .. which will
take you to the page showing a diagram, a summary,
and the "grid reference number" for that formation.
Click on the "grid reference number" .. and that will
take you to the lat/long datapage. There, you'll
notice some long, decimal-fractional figures ...
those are Paul's figures, not mine. I have absolutely
no input into the field-collection or determination of
these lat/long figures.
I use those figures to find the "ASM" lat and long
for the center of the crop formation.
Here are my "ASM" figures for that famous formation ..
(Morton, 2000, Internet) ..
Grid LAT ..
51 (deg) X 29 (min) X 20.40642527 (sec) North ..
= 30181.10298 North.
(Note: this is a decimal harmonic of the original base-perimeter
of The Great Pyramid of Giza, in regular ("British") feet ..
as_derived_by researcher Carl P.Munck, Sr. (1992, "The Code",
self-published). [ 3018.110298 regular feet ].
Grid LONG ..
32 (deg) X 54 (min) X 52.77144982 (sec) W.Giza ..
= 91189.06529 W.Giza.
[ W.Greenwich 01 deg 46 min 51.97144982 sec ].
(Note: "91189.06529" .. is a decimal harmonic of the Grid POINT
Value of The Quetzalcoatl Pyramid at Teotihuacan, Mexico).
(Munck, 1992, "The Code", self-published). [ 9.118906529 ].
Grid POINT Value .. 17 July, 1991 "Barbury Castle Crop Formation" ..
91189.06529 / 30181.10298 = 3.021396048
Relating Directly to the "Bull's Eye" Crop Formation
Created on 11 May, 2001
Very recently, I posted my "ASM" figures for the centered
location (lat/long) of the first UK crop formation of the 2001 season ..
which has the appearance of a "bull's eye".
I have discovered its precise correlation to both ALDEBARAN,
the "eye" (prominent star in our sky) of The Bull in the Taurus
zodiac constellation, and_also_simultaneously .. its correlation to the
ASM location of 'The Face' at Cydonia on Mars.
Not only that .. I noticed the "33" days between the taking of
the NASA photo of 'The Face' at Cydonia on 8th April, 2001,
and the creation of this "Bull's Eye" crop formation.
In addition .. I noticed that not only is this a time period of
33 Earth days .. our current_calendar_actually "marks" a
division of those 33 days into sets of 22 and 11 days ..
via the April/May "border". The numbers 22 and 11 are
known as "master numbers" in esoterica.
Yes .. you can go to Paul Vigay's website to see a diagram,
a good photo, and a summary of this "Bull's Eye" formation.
Go to the URL (above), and simply enter "2001" for the year,
and "May" for the month .. and hit "search".
Then .. click on the "grid reference number" .. and you'll
be at the lat/long datapage .. and you'll see, there, the figures
I used to calculate the centered "ASM" figures for this formation.
(Morton, 2001, Internet).
[ Remember .. you must convert the longitude to "W.Giza" ..
by adding-on the longitude variance (prime meridian variance)
between Greenwich and the center of The Great Pyramid of Giza ].
That variance is .. 31 deg 08 min 0.8 sec.
Now .. before I give you the "proof" equations ..
keep in mind that 'The Face' at Cydonia on Mars has an ASM
Grid POINT Value (Munck, 1992, "The Code", self-published)
of .. 656.56127 .. equivalent to .. [36 Radians (deg) / Pi].
I'm going to use the "Tetrahedral Grid LAT" (Morton, 1999, Internet),
the figure .. 8760.48194 .. related_precisely_to the "Tetrahedral Latitude"
(R.C.Hoagland, "The Monuments of Mars") of 19.47122061 (arc-deg)
geometric_ideal_north and south, Hoagland's model of "hyperdimensional
physics" involving energy-upwellings at approximately 19.5 (deg) north and
south latitude on rotating planetary bodies.
Here's how that_geometric ideal_of 19.47122061 (arc-deg) ..
relates precisely to 8760.48194 ...
19 (deg) X 28 (min) X 16.46707132 (sec) north/south ..
= 8760.48194 north/south.
I simply converted the 19.47122061 arc-degrees .. into ..
its_equivalent_numbers of degrees, minutes, and seconds.
Then .. I multiplied those numbers.
That is an example of_how_this ASM ("Archaeo-sky Matrix") is encoded.
( You do_NOT_"worry" about "mixing" those individual units .. because it
has been found that this ASM_is_encoded in this manner !! ).
Via the ASM
[ Recall the Grid POINT Value of the 11 May, 2001 "Bull's Eye"
crop formation .. (Morton, 2001, Internet) .. 4.559453264 ..
which, in turn, is exactly HALF of the 9.118906529 Grid POINT
Value of The Quetzalcoatl Pyramid at Teotihuacan, Mexico.
(Munck, 1992, "The Code", self-published) ].
(8760.48194 X 3.021396048) / 4.559453264 / 33 ...
= 656.56127 / 3.141592654 / 1.188
The figure "1.188" .. is a decimal harmonic of .. 1188 .. a very
crucial year in the history of The Knights Templar.
That year saw "The Cutting of the Elm" .. apparently an
actual historical event, in which a_gigantic_elm tree was
eventually chopped-down in the heat of a military skirmish
between French and English royal armies on a field in
Gisors, France .. known as "The Sacred Field" ..
where meetings had occurred between the kings of England
and France for generations.
Also in that year, The Ordre de Sion split-off from
(dis-owned) The Knights Templar.
This elm tree was very ancient .. over 800 years old,
reportedly, and its trunk was so large that it supposedly
took 9 men, linking hands, to encompass it.
("Holy Blood, Holy Grail"; Baigent, Leigh, Lincoln ..
see page 120, paperback edition).
It "so happens" .. that 1188 is exactly HALF of .. 2376.
Please hold that thought, if you will.
My interpretation of "the number of a man" .. involving the
so-called "Riddle-of-the-Sphinx" (composite equation) ..
(Morton, 2000, Internet) ..
is .. 6*6*6 .. the Cube of 6 .. or, 216.
I used the number "216" as one of the 4 terms
in the equation I found. I could not find any
mathematically-appropriate star-location in the
January1, 2000 ASM .. regarding the "humankind"
entity in the riddle, so I interpret the Aquarius position
as simply .. 6*6*6 .. 216.
1188 - 216 = 972 .. decimal harmonic of the self-evidently
intended_circumference_of "The Circle of Churches" in the
South of France. I have proposed on The Internet that ..
97200 regular ("British") feet .. is the self-evidently intended
figure for that circumference.
This is precisely resonant with a diameter of ..
18000 Royal Cubits, of exactly 20.62648063 regular
("British") inches for each Royal Cubit.
18000 X 20.62648063 = 371276.6513 regular inches.
371276.6513 / 12 = 30939.72094 regular feet, diameter.
30939.72094 X 3.141592654 = 97200 regular feet, circumference.
And where did I get "20.62648063" regular inches for a Royal Cubit ?
I got it directly from the 360 arc-degrees system.
Yes .. this number was apparently used in very, very
deep antiquity .. as_the_numerical value of choice for one
complete circumference.
The numerical value of The Radian Arc, assuming the
conventional 360 arc-degrees system .. is ..
(360 / 6.283185307) = 57.29577951 arc-deg.
Simply substituting "57.29577951" for the "given radius",
in the standard math formula for "Area on a Hemisphere" ..
2Pi X (57.29577951 X 57.29577951) = 20626.48063 Square arc-deg.
There's the decimal harmonic geometric basis for .. 20.62648063 ..
regular inches, for the true and precisely-intended length ..
of The Royal Cubit. (Morton, 1998, Internet).
Getting back, now .. to the "1188" and the "216" ..
I showed that .. 1188 - 216 = 972 .. which, as you can see,
"encodes" the "97200" figure pertaining to the circumference
of "The Circle of Churches" (see the book, "Genisis", by David Wood),
in terms of_regular_feet.
Now .. I'll continue-on .. by using the figure "666" ..
which I have interpreted for purposes involving the
"Riddle-of-the-Sphinx" .. as 6*6*6 .. or 216.
972 - 666 = 306.
That number .. 306 .. is the azimuth-of-orientation,
in arc-degrees, from the_center_of "The Circle of Churches" ..
to .. the location of the_church_at Rennes-le-Chateau.
(Morton, Internet, 1999) .. see my work on the following
website ..
Once at that website .. go to the section on "The Circle of Churches",
the "Miami Square", etc.
Also .. 306 = 144 + 162.
Those numbers .. are referencing the_speed_of light,
in terms of nautical miles per "Earth grid second" .. 144000 ..
and, in terms of nautical miles per second .. 162000 ..
(Bruce Cathie, "The Harmonic Conquest of Space").
Amazingly .. the_radius_of "The Circle-of-Churches" is
equal to its circumference divided-by .. the Grid POINT
Value of the_church_at Rennes-le-Chateau !!!
I have found the Grid POINT Value of the_church_
at Rennes-le-Chateau to be encoding a self-evidently
intended value of .. 6.283185307 .. 2Pi.
(Morton, 1998, Internet).
Notice the inverse ratio of 144 and 162 ...
144 / 162 = 0.888888889 .. decimal harmonic of ..
January1, 2000 ASM Grid POINT Value of .. ALDEBARAN.
(Morton, 2000, Internet). [ 8.888888889 ].
Correlation to "Volume of a Torus"
Thanks to Tom Mellett .. I now can recognize the encoded
reference to "Volume of a Torus" .. in the diameter of "The Circle
of Churches", in terms of regular inches. A special thanks to you, Tom.
Tom sent me the standard_formula_for "Volume of a Torus" ..
(2Pi X Pi) X (radius Cubed).
Notice .. (2Pi X Pi) = 19.7392088 .. the January1, 2000 Grid
POINT Value, in the ASM, for REGULUS !!!
(Morton, 1999, Internet).
The diameter in regular feet of "The Circle of Churches" ..
is .. (97200 / Pi) = 30939.72094 .. so .. just multiply
by 12 .. to find its diameter in terms of regular inches ..
30939.72094 X 12 = 371276.6513 regular inches.
Now .. to find the_generic_numerical value for any
circle/sphere based geometric form .. assuming the
360 arc-degrees "convention" .. you substitute
"57.29577951" arc-deg for the "given radius" in
the standard formulas for surface-area and volume.
So .. 19.7392088 X (57.29577951 X 57.29577951 X 57.29577951) ..
= 3712766.512
That's exactly_10_times the diameter, in regular inches,
of "The Circle of Churches".
Another decimal harmonic correlation.
So .. you see that the "Volume of a Torus" .. based on the 360
arc-degrees system of the ancients .. is encoded in the diameter
of "The Circle of Churches" .. in terms of_regular_inches !!
Plus .. the link to The Royal Cubit is_also_evident, there ..
in terms of 18000 Royal Cubits of_20.62648063_regular inches
in each Royal Cubit.
As I noted, earlier in this article ..
1188 is HALF 2376.
Researcher/author Laurence Gardner (see his books,
"Bloodline of the Holy Grail", and "Genesis of the Grail Kings") ..
has apparently found the correct year-of-birth of Jesus Christ as ..
07 B.C.
From 07 B.C. to "Year One" .. is 8 years. ( 01 A.D.)
This, I think, is referencing the figure "8" as associated with
'kingship" and with "enlightenment" (L.Gardner).
Recall .. that I found the Grid POINT Value of what I termed ..
"a stylized ouroboros" .. the_first_UK crop formation of the
year-2000 season .. to be .. 8.
The actual "design" of that first UK crop formation of 2000 ..
was truly in the form of a "stylized ouroboros" ..
which, according to L.Gardner ("Genesis of the Grail Kings"),
is an_extremely_ancient symbol/emblem denoting both "kingship"
and "enlightenment".
So .. 2376 years from the birth-year of Jesus Christ ..
07 B.C. .. would be .. "2368 A.D." .. if you count from
the "Year One" or, from 01 A.D.
I think_that_year .. 2368 .. marks the actual zodiacal
end of Pisces, in terms of March equinox, according to
Earth precession .. and also the actual_zodiacal_beginning
of Aquarius. But .. I also think that "2160" A.D. will
be the standard "30 arc-degrees" beginning of the
"Age of Aquarius". That is .. the "ideal" number of years
for each of the 12 zodiac ages is 2160 .. 30 arc-degrees
times 2160 years = 25920 "ideal" number of years for one
Earth precession cycle.
The number "2368" does_have_the classical gematrian 'meaning'
of .. "Jesus Christ".
It "so happens" that the Grid POINT Value of January1, 2000
SIRIUS .. in the ASM .. is .. 2.368705056 .. (Morton, 1999, Internet),
which is a decimal harmonic of the Grid LONG of ..
The U.S.Naval Observatory !!!
(Morton, 1998, Internet).
2368.705056 W.Giza ..
= 108 (deg) X 12 (min) X 1.827704519 (sec) W.Giza.
[ W.Greenwich 77 deg 04 min 1.027704519 sec ].
There, you have the first 4 digits .. the digits, in order,
to the left of the decimal point, in the Grid LONG of
The U.S.Naval Observatory .. as .. "2368".
And .. you have the brightest star in our sky .. SIRIUS ..
as of_midnight_on New Year's Eve of 1999/2000 ..
at a Grid POINT Value of "2.368705056" .. decimal
harmonic of the Grid LONG of this prominent observatory
in Washington, D.C.
What about 2012 December solstice ?
End of the Mayan Calendar ?
December solstice is only 10 days .. there's the number "10" again ..
from .. 01 January.
Ten days after December solstice of 2012, is Jan.1, 2013.
"2013" .. do you see the numbers "20" and "13" there ?
Both "20" and "13" are very sacred to the Mayans.
In fact .. 20 X 13 = 260 .. the number of days in the Mayan
Tzolkin calendar cycle.
20 + 13 = 33.
20 - 13 = 7 .. a very sacred number to many traditions.
2013 - 1188 = 825
825 X 4 = 3300 .. decimal harmonic of 33.
Why "4" ? The 4 cardinal directions .. symbolized by the "cross".
The "cross sign" is a symbol of the_intersection_of lat/long ..
the essence of this ancient "ASM", itself. I think of it as a symbol
of "self-referential awareness". This "ASM" is truly, I think, a legacy
for us Earth humans, bequeathed to us by our star-traveling ancestors.
Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene were direct descendants from long
lineages of "keepers and carriers of advanced ancient knowledge".
Again .. I recommend, here, the works of Laurence Gardner ..
and also the books of Zecharia Sitchin.
Additionally .. the books of Neil Freer provide much insight into
the "modern ramifications and implications" of Sitchin's detailed
and comprehensive scholarship.
3300 X 8 = 26400 .. Grid LAT .. at the center of the large
limestone boulder still wedged/lodged in the western side of the
remains of the Ark of Ziusudra .. (based directly on the GPS
readings taken atop that boulder by Michael Bonilla of Long Island,
New York, USA on 11 October, 2000).
(I have written about this subject in more detail in a recent
email posting).
26400 North ..
= 39 (deg) X 26 (min) X 26.03550296 (sec) North.
The D&M Pyramid, The Face,
(Precession/Obliquity), and The White House
Notice ..
(3.021396048 X 27.58106915) = (656.56127 / 7.87873524).
Then ...
(656.56127 / 7.87873524) = 83.33333333 = (50 / 0.6)
The annual angular rate-of-movement of Earth's precession cycle ..
which is .. ideally .. 25920 years long .. is .. 50 arc-seconds.
The annual angular rate-of-movement of Earth's_main_obliquity
cycle .. which is, ideally, 40000 years long ..
is .. 0.6 arc-seconds.
Obliquity refers to the angle of Earth's rotational-axis equator ..
to the plane of the ecliptic. The ecliptic is Earth's orbital path
(its plane) around the Sun.
Notice the ratio of those 2 parameters .. 50 / 0.6 = 83.33333333
Incredibly, and yet_empirically_true ..
the precise_RATIO_of the ASM Grid POINT Values of ..
The White House and 'The Face' at Cydonia on Mars ..
is also .. "83.33333333" ... again ..
(656.56127 / 7.87873524) = 83.33333333
Notice that the_multiplied-product_of the 17 July, 1991,
"Barbury Castle" Crop Formation's Grid POINT Value ..
times the ASM Grid POINT Value of ..
'The D&M Pyramid' of Cydonia on Mars ..
is precisely equivalent-to .. again .. "83.33333333" ..
(3.021396048 X 27.58106915) = 83.33333333
Munck (1992, "The Code", self-published) found the ASM
values of 'The Face' and of 'The D&M Pyramid'.
Some Comments on the "Kingship" Issue
It happens (L.Gardner's research is very thorough and compelling
in this area, in my opinion) ... that ...
Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene established genealogical roots and
descendants in the area of the South of France.
This is, apparently, historical fact.
And it does now seem to be factual that a "suppressed
kingship/queenship" legacy and culture developed out of that
geographical area. Naturally .. the bloodlines coming out of that
development were involved in the "keeping and carrying-forward"
of advanced ancient knowledge. And_that_is the real issue, here ..
keeping_alive_the advanced knowledge .. yes .. preventing it from
being totally "wiped-out" by forces such as "organized religion" ..
the corrupt "church" Establishment. But now there's also the corrupt
"scientific" Establishment .. as well as the corrupt "financial"
Establishment .. as well as the corrupt "media" Establishment ..
as well as the corrupt "corporate-big-business" Establishment.
These, of course .. are all allied.
Anyway .. the legacy and the culture of this "suppressed kingship/queenship"
came out of that geographical area .. South of France .. and from there
into England, Scotland, Germany, etc., etc.
So .. it's NOT a situation, as some people will 'decry' ..
of .. "ignoring the rest of the world" .. or of "being Eurocentric" ..
or of "ignoring" Islamics, or "ignoring" Asians, or "ignoring" black
It's simply where the_latest_or .. "most-recent" .. nest of advanced
"civilization" came from .. as purely historical fact.
So .. I guess what I'm trying to say, here, regarding this "Jesus Christ"
(and Mary Magdalene) issue .. is .. that I certainly am_not_intending ..
not in the least .. to advance_any_sort of "religious agenda" in this work
I'm doing. I am only trying to explain, as_part_of the work I'm doing ..
why the date of January1, 2000 is_precisely_indicated .. as the
time-node for the_sky-locations_invlved in this "Archaeo-sky Matrix".
The ground-locations, if you will, are indicated as correlated with ..
"circa 2000". But the_sky-locations_including GALACTIC CENTER
and SOLAR APEX .. are clearly correlating precisely to January1, 2000,
which is the exact change-of-the-millennium .. and SIRIUS actually
"signals" the transition by appearing (from Earth) to "cross the sky-
meridian" at_midnight_on New Year's Eve !!
(See the series of articles by Mike Bara on TEM website ..
entitled, "Has the End of Days Begun") ..
Of course, the modern "Western" calendar is "dated"
from the birth-year of Jesus Christ.
And .. the number "2000" is a decimal harmonic of "2" ..
the number of duality and polarity.
(Notice the "duality" involving 'The Face' at Cydonia on Mars !!)
Opposites in the zodiac .. Leo and Aquarius .. "feline and humanoid" ..
180 degrees apart. Could it be that the figure .. 12960 .. is being
alluded-to ? Half an Earth precession cycle in years .. 12960 ..
and it might be referencing the "when" of the last "polar shift"
of Earth itself.
Here, again, I thank Tom Mellett .. for emailing me the standard
math formula for .. "Surface-area on a Torus" ..
4Pi X (radius Squared) X Pi.
Substituting the 57.29577951 arc-degrees_numerical_value for
The Radian Arc, assuming the 360 arc-degrees system,
in place of the_"given radius"_ in the standard formula ..
(4 X 3.141592654) X (57.29577951 X 57.29577951) X 3.141592654 ..
= 129600 = (360 X 360).
Exactly a decimal harmonic of the "ideal" number of years in HALF
an Earth precession cycle !!
So .. you can see that the_generic_surface-area on a Torus ..
is a decimal harmonic of_HALF_an Earth precession cycle in years !!??
What is the_generic_Volume of a Sphere ?
It is .. (4Pi / 3) X (radius Cubed) ..
(4Pi / 3) X (57.29577951 X 57.29577951 X 57.29577951) ..
= 787873.524 Cubic arc-degrees .. decimal harmonic of ..
the Grid POINT Value of .. The White House in Washington, D.C.
(Morton, 1998, Internet). { 7.87873524 }.
And the Surface-area_generic_on a Sphere?
2Pi X (radius Squared) ..
2Pi X (57.29577951 X 57.29577951) ..
= 41252.96125 .. Square arc-degrees.
That figure .. is a decimal harmonic of .. the precise and intended
length of .. "The King's Chamber" inside The Great Pyramid of Giza ..
in terms of .. regular ("British") inches !! [ 412.5296125 ].
(Morton, 1998, Internet; proposal and prediction).
Somehow .. somehow .. this "ASM" is synchronized_perfectly_
on an apparent GALACTIC SCALE .. to January 1, 2000.
This is proven by the empirical evidence observed.
I think we are now into a very_GRAND_"Jubilee" period, if you will ..
a 13-year period, including the_10_days from December solstice of
2012 to New Year's Eve of 2013.
The number "13" is known as the "tones of creation" by the Mayans.
That is referencing the chromatic scale in music.
There are 8 tones in the diatonic musical scale ..
including the_first_note of the_succeeding_octave.
So .. there are 7 notes in the diatonic musical scale ..
not including the first note of the next octave.
And .. there are 12 notes in the_chromatic_musical scale ..
not including the first note of the succeeding scale.
This 13-year period should be a time of great awakening ..
and of celebration.
But_we_need to create a critical-mass awareness .. to have the joy ..
to have the elation .. the elation of a NEW consensus consciousness
on this planet Earth .. a NEW consensus paradigm .. based on this
enlightenment .. based on this_enlightenment_that ..
WE ARE NOT ALONE !!! In fact .. We are apparently VERY SPECIAL !!
-- Michael Lawrence Morton (c) 2001