Messages from Michael L. Morton

Megalithic Yard, "e", cubit and the Moon writes:
what is intersting is if we take an egyptian cubit ..according to many reference = 1.72 feet.......the megyard is 1 egyptian cubit + 1-foot.....

also something interesting...take the diameter of the earth and divide by diameter of the moon will give you decimal harmonic of 0.272 i.e. approx 3960miles / 1080miles = 0.2727272

if you inverse this "1 / 0.272" you get 3.66 or decimal harmonic 366 (where have we seen this number?)

There's a big difference between 0.272 and 0.272727272 ... yes ... 7920 / 2160 = 3.666666667 = 5280 / 1440. Michael responds:
There's a big difference between 0.272 and 0.272727272 ...yes ... 7920 / 2160 = 3.666666667 = 5280 / 1440. And no ... the reciprocal of "3.66" is ... 0.273224044 .. not "0.272".

Try to be precise ... because the archaeomatrix is precise. I think the 'Egyptian Cubit' ... otherwise known as 'The Royal Cubit' ... is ... 1.718873386 Feet in length. This ties it DIRECTLY to The Radian (deg) ... 33.33333333 X 1.718873386 = 57.29577951 And "33.33333333" is a decimal harmonic of my Grid POINT Value for "Seahenge" in England. 20.62648063 / 12 = 1.718873386 Feet in 'Royal Cubit'.

-- Michael