Matrix Message 183
Wakerley Woods & Winter's Down Crop Circles
Hi, All ... I'm getting this out to you now .. because I'm so excited. This is regarding some recent UK crop formations. Some of you know I've been finding correlations to "Galactic Center", and to "Solar Apex", etc., lately .. as of their precise sky-locations @ Jan.1, 2000. This is corroborating the work I've done involving the Jan.1, 2000 sky-locations (in this "ASM") .. of various prominent "fixed stars" in our sky .. and all of this has used a particular database, as a source, of actual sky observations made of these various sky-locations .. in the (mid-to-late ?) 1990s .. and then 'projected' to their Jan.1, 2000 positions, by the people who did compile this database. I must say .. which is good for "impartiality's sake", I'd say .. that at this moment, I still don't know 'who' compiled this database. I think it is probably someone (or some people) who are interested in the "sidereal zodiac" work of Fagan and Allen. --------------------------------------- I already reported my "ASM" (Archaeo-sky Matrix) findings for the first UK crop formation of this 2001 season .. on The Internet. Some of you may have read my posting(s) regarding what I call the "bull's-eye" formation .. which I found to correlate with ALDEBARAN .. the "eye" of Taurus the Bull (zodiac constellation). --------------------------------------- I figure my crop-formation "ASM" numbers from Paul Vigay's "International Crop Circle Database" on his website .. When you get to the page showing the particular formation you're interested in .. you 'click' on the Grid Reference Number .. which takes you to the latitude/longitude datapage for that particular formation. I use the long, decimal-fractional figures, to calculate an approximation of the formation's self-evident location. Then, I try to recognize appropriate "ASM" Grid LATs, Grid LONGs, and Grid POINT Values .. for the given formation. Sometimes Paul Vigay's website doesn't have photographs or very detailed reports for 'some' formations .. in which cases I've found "The Crop Circle Connector" website to be helpful. ---------------------------------- WAKERLEY WOODS, nr BARROWDEN, Northampton This was found on 3rd of June, 2001. The lat/long grid ref. # is .. SP938995, on the P.Vigay website .. For a photo and a report .. go to "The Crop Circle Connector" website .. In the photo .. notice the 18 "glyphs" around the inner edge of the circumference ? Now .. notice the 9 "glyphs", further-in .. around in a circle, again ? Keep those numbers in mind .. 18, and 9. Here are my "ASM" figures .. based directly on the lat/long datapage on the P.Vigay website .. Grid LAT Wakerley .. 52 (deg) X 35 (min) X 4.395604396 (sec) North .. = 8000 North. Grid LONG Wakerley .. 31 (deg) X 44 (min) X 57.13143168 (sec) W.Giza .. = 77927.27281 W.Giza. [ W.Greenwich 36 min 56.33143168 sec ]. Grid POINT Value Wakerley .. 77927.27281 / 8000 = 9.740909103 Note .. (9.740909103 X 10) = (Pi to the 4th power). Another researcher has identified "Mayan" aspects correlating with this formation. (A certain "Sun-Stone"). Indeed .. the number "18" is very important in the Mayan Calendar cycles. Some of the "glyphs" themselves look 'sort-of' Mayan-like to me. Using the 8000 N. Grid LAT .. if you multiply by 18 .. (18 X 8000) = 144,000 .. the Bruce Cathie 'speed-of-light' figure, in terms of his "nautical miles per Earth-grid second" ... which is_equivalent_to simply 162,000 nautical miles per second .. B.Cathie's "max" light-speed .. i.e., before light has a chance to be 'slowed-down' by anything .. such as a large planetary body's gravity, magnetic field, atmosphere, etc. We're looking at a "circular form" here, in this crop formation .. which suggests, of course, the number "360" .. our conventional number of arc-degrees on one circumference. 360 - 144 = 162 = (9 X 18). There's the "9" and the "18" shown in the design of this formation .. referenced earlier. You see a 'Circle' .. suggesting "360" right away. Then, you notice a "circle of 18", and then a "circle of 9". 360 / 18 / 9 = 2.222222222 .. repeating 2s. Try multiplying "any repeating decimal" .. by .. 162. (That's a kind of "rule-of-thumb" in this work I'm doing). OK .. 2.222222222 X 162 = 360. Nicely self-referential !! -------------------------------- Notice .. (144 / 162) = 0.888888889 .. That's a decimal harmonic of the Jan.1, 2000 "ASM" Grid POINT Value of .. ALDEBARAN. (Morton, 2000, Internet) ... (8.888888889). This formation was created probably within a day or so of ALDEBARAN's annual ecliptic longitudinal conjunction (with our Sun). Probably not a "random coincidence", in my opinion at least. Recall .. the_first_UK crop formation of this 2001 season_is_the "bull's-eye" formation. ------------------------------------------- The Grid LONG of .. 77927.27281 .. encodes the Grid POINT Value (Munck, 1992, "The Code") of The Great Pyramid of Giza .. by way of the Pi constant and a power-of-ten .. (248.0502134 X 100 X 3.141592654) = 77927.27281 -------------------------------------------- Taking the "8" of the 8000 Grid LAT ... 8 + 18 = 26 = 13 X 2 .... very Mayan-related, in terms of the Mayan Tzolkin Calendar cycle. --------------------------------------------- WINTER'S DOWN, near CORHAMPTON, Hampshire This one was found on 18th June, 2001. On the P.Vigay website, for lat/long datapage .. the grid ref. # is .. SU592206. For a good photo by Lucy Pringle .. go to .. Here are my "ASM" figures for this formation .. Grid LAT .. 50 (deg) X 58 (min) X 50.81117383 (sec) North .. = 147352.4041 North. Grid LONG .. 32 (deg) X 17 (min) X 25.41176471 (sec) W.Giza .. = 13824 W.Giza. [ W.Greenwich 01 deg 09 min 24.61176471 sec ]. Grid POINT Value .. 147352.4041 / 13824 = 10.65917275 --------------------------- Note .. "10.65917275" .. is exactly equal to .. the multiplied-product of .. the Jan.1, 2000 "ASM" Grid POINT Value of GALACTIC CENTER times (0.3) ... (35.53057584 X 0.3) = 10.65917275 (Morton, 2000, Internet). Note .. "13824" .. is a numerical_match_of the Jan.1, 2000 "ASM" Grid LAT of .. POLARIS .. our current north-pole star. (Morton, 1999, Internet). [ 13824 North of ecliptic .. = 66 (deg) X 05 (min) X 41.89090909 (sec) North of ecliptic ]. Now, things get even_more_interesting. Evidently, this formation was created within a day, or so, of .. the annual ecliptic longitudinal conjunction of POLARIS (with our Sun). POLARIS is at an ecliptic longitude .. relative to the ALNITAK "ASM" prime meridian marker-star .. of 03 deg 53 min 04 sec E.ALNITAK (to the nearest arc-sec), which puts its longitudinal conjunction sometime late on the 18th, or early on the 19th, of June 2001. That's why I'm saying "within a day or so", of the creation of this crop formation. So .. you have not only a numerical match involving the very center of this crop formation's W.Giza longitude_location_and the Jan.1, 2000 Grid LAT of POLARIS .. you_also_have an apparent reference and actual_synchronization_of the time-of-creation of this formation, to the annual ecliptic longitudinal conjunction of POLARIS !! In the "ASM" .. you determine a location's Grid POINT Value by_first_finding its Grid LAT and its Grid LONG. You then take the ratio (always larger-over-smaller) .. which is the Grid POINT Value. Here is the actual "ASM" Grid LONG of POLARIS as of Jan.1, 2000 ... 03 (deg) X 53 (min) X 4.025157233 (sec) E.ALNITAK .. = 640 E.ALNITAK. (Morton, 1999, Internet). So .. POLARIS Grid POINT Value, as of Jan.1, 2000 .. 13824 / 640 = 21.6 .. decimal harmonic of Earth's POLAR circumference in both nautical miles_and_in latitude arc-minutes !! I do suggest that you look again at Lucy Pringle's photo of this formation. Can you "see" anything there, that suggests Earth's north polar precession-circle ? ---------------------------------------------- Look at the Grid LAT of this formation .. 147352.4041 North. I can factor that into .. [180 X (Pi Squared) X 82.944]. The "82.944" is a decimal harmonic of .. 82944 .. known as "Abraham's Number" in certain esoteric circles (pun not intended). It's a number that is very Earth-precession related, and gematria-related. In fact, it_is_a gematrian number. It is also the Square of 288. Two researchers who have written about this number are .. David Leahy and Jerry Iuliano. There is a_link_to some work by David Leahy regarding 82944 .. at .. (Jerry Iuliano's email address is .. JerryIuliano@a...). Now .. I'll show you how this correlates directly with my discovery of the_difference_in the prime meridian "variances" between Earth and Mars. The old-paradigm (well; still the "current" paradigm, although it's becoming "shakier-by-the-day") .. the old-paradigm thinking is that prime meridian placements are "arbitrary". Apparently .. this is really_not_true, at least on Earth, on Mars, and "in the sky" as observed from Earth, relative to the ecliptic. In early 2000, I found a_difference_in the prime meridian longitude "variances" between Earth and Mars .. of .. 21.6 arc-degrees. That's a numerical_match_of the "ASM" Grid POINT Value of the Jan.1, 2000 sky-location of POLARIS. Munck (1992, "The Code") had found the Earth prime meridian longitude variance .. between Greenwich and Giza .. of .. 31 deg 08 min 0.8 sec. The Earth "ASM" prime meridian, Munck found, is through the center of The Great Pyramid. He also found the Mars "ASM" prime meridian to be through the center of The D&M Pyramid at Cydonia. However .. he had not found the precise prime meridian "variance" on Mars. Erol O.Torun had indicated to me, via email, that he thought the variance was 09 deg 33 min .. to the nearest arc-minute. I then discovered that the Mars "variance" is closer to 09 deg 32 minutes. Here is how I found this out .. 09 (deg) X 32 (min) X 0.8 (sec) = 230.4 .. Then ... (82944 / 230.4) = 360. But there was even_more_of a confirmation. I looked at the DIFFERENCE in my "hypothesized" Mars 'variance' .. compared-to .. the Earth 'variance' ... 31 deg 08 min 0.8 sec - 09 deg 32 min 0.8 sec ------------------------------------- 21 deg 36 min 0.0 sec This showed a precise DIFFERENCE of .. 21.6 arc-degrees !! A flat-out numerical_match_of the Jan.1, 2000 "ASM" Grid POINT Value of POLARIS. This, I think, is an obvious confirmation of a_non-arbitrary_set of prime meridian locations, on not only_both_Earth and Mars ... but_also_"in the sky" as observed from Earth, relative to the ecliptic .. as of Jan.1, 2000. Recall .. earlier in this article .. I found that the Grid POINT Value of this crop formation .. 10.65917275 ... is closely-correlated with the Jan.1, 2000 Grid POINT Value of GALACTIC CENTER .. (0.3 X 35.53057584) = 10.65917275 Notice that you have, in this case, very specific references to Earth's precession and also to Earth's exact angle-of-obliquity to the ecliptic .. as of Jan.1, 2000. Consider the implications, please. This is also why I'm so excited about the correlation between the actual_centered_location of THE WHITE HOUSE, in Washington, D.C. .. with the Grid POINT Value (Munck, 1992) of THE FACE @ Cydonia on Mars !! (656.56127 / 7.87873524) = 83.33333333 .. 83.33333333 = (50 / 0.6). The "50", in that equation, is the "ideal" number of arc-seconds of annual 'observed movement' in Earth's precession cycle of 25,920 years. The "0.6" is the "ideal" number of arc-seconds of annual movement in Earth's main obliquity cycle of 40,000 years. The "7.87873524" is not only the centered Grid POINT Value of THE WHITE HOUSE (Morton, 1998, Internet) .. but also is a decimal harmonic of the generic Volume of a Sphere .. assuming a radius of 57.29577951 .. which, in turn, is the numerical_value_in arc-degrees, of The Radian Arc .. assuming a_circumference_of 360 arc-degrees !! The standard formula for Volume of a Sphere .. (4Pi / 3) X (radius Cubed). (4Pi / 3) X (57.29577951 X 57.29577951 X 57.29577951) .. = 787873.524 Cubic arc-degrees. --------------------------------- You even have a specific reference encoded, in this case, to the generic Surface Area on a Torus. The formula for Surface Area on a Torus ... (2Pi) Squared X (radius Squared). 39.4784176 X (57.29577951 X 57.29577951) .. = 129600 = (360 X 360). Recall .. the "640" alluded-to as the Grid LONG of POLARIS .. in the_timing_of this crop formation (date discovered/created). Notice .. (640 / 82.944) = (1 / 0.1296). See the decimal harmonic of 129600 ... "0.1296" ... also a decimal harmonic of the 1296 North Grid LAT .. of both "The Tholus" and "City Square Center" at Cydonia on Mars .. = 41 (deg) X 03 (min) X 10.53658537 (sec) North. (Morton, 2000, Internet). -----------------------------------------(c) 2001 by Michael Lawrence Morton ~ Archeocryptographer.