Michael Lawrence Morton's

Matrix Message 184

"Solar (Pyramid) Apex" Crop Formation

This is intended as a kind of "summary" .. of a very recent
 UK crop formation's correlations to the solstice/solar eclipse
 of 21st June, 2001.

 This particular solstice and solar eclipse were_also_in ecliptic
 longitudinal opposition with SOLAR APEX.

 You may recall that I've been writing about the "ASM"
 (Archaeo-sky Matrix) figures for January 1, 2000 SOLAR APEX
 and GALACTIC CENTER .. for a few months, now.

                          TO ITS "ASM" CENTERED LOCATION

 Photo of the formation by Lucy Pringle ..

 Latitude/longitude datapage for this formation ..

 Date of Formation .. discovered on 21st June, 2001 .. apparently
 created that same morning.  Wiltshire, UK.

 Please go to the photo, referenced above.  
 I see a "sun" depiction .. with the "sun" positioned
 behind the_'apex'_of a "pyramid". The "pyramid" appears
 as a "perspective-sketch" .. with a vertical "axis" down
 its middle .. which also would be one of (apparently) 
 four 'edges' to the "pyramid" .. indicating a 4-sided pyramid.

 I also sense that the "sun" disk could be a depiction
 of the_solar-eclipse_that did occur on this recent June solstice
 on the 21st .. very close to when this crop formation was evidently
 created, in Wiltshire, UK. 

 As I mentioned (above) .. this solar-eclipse/solstice   was also
 in ecliptic longitudinal opposition with SOLAR APEX.

 Of course, it occurred to me to check out this crop formation's
 centered latitude/longitude location .. for possible obviously-intended
 correlations with my "ASM" Jan. 1, 2000 figures for SOLAR APEX,
 and possible additional significant correlations.

 I was not disappointed .. and that is a HUGE understatement !!

                               in ASTRONOMY    

 In astronomy, SOLAR APEX is that *point* in the sky, observed
 from Earth, that is the projected (observed currently, from Earth)
 *location* of our Sun at half-Pi Radians (Arc) arc-distance from
 "now" .. on our Sun's orbital path around GALACTIC CENTER.
 This is_1/4th_of our Sun's projected orbit-path around GALACTIC CENTER. 

 The "half-Pi" Radians (Arc) is a major figure in the "ASM".
 It is a 90 arc-degrees_rotation_of the Sun, relative-to the
 center of The Milky Way .. that is; 90 degrees .. the "right angle",
 according to our conventional 360 arc-degrees on one circumference. 
           TO the JANUARY 1, 2000 'SOLAR APEX' LOCATION .. 

 Before I examine this remarkable correlation, I need to give you
 the "ASM" numbers for Jan.1, 2000 SOLAR APEX, and, my 
 "ASM" numbers for this crop formation.

 Grid LAT Jan.1, 2000 SOLAR APEX ..
 53 (deg)  X  26 (min)  X   27.00111177 (sec)  North of ecliptic ..
 =  37207.53202  North of ecliptic.
 Grid LONG Jan.1, 2000 SOLAR APEX ..
 173 (deg)  X  13 (min)  X  47.02552383 (sec)  W.ALNITAK ..
 =  105760.4031  W.ALNITAK.
 Grid POINT Value Jan.1, 2000 SOLAR APEX ..
 105760.4031 / 37207.53202  =  2.842446068
 (Morton, 2000, Internet). 

 "Solar (Pyramid) Apex" Crop Formation Grid LAT ..
 51 (deg)  X  21 (min)  X  44.09454715 (sec)  North ..
 =  47225.26  North.
 "Solar (Pyramid) Apex" Crop Formation Grid LONG ..
 32 (deg)  X  57 (min)  X  30.06092958 (sec)  W.Giza ..
 =  54831.13556  W.Giza.
 [ W.Greenwich  01 deg  49 min  29.26092958 sec ].
 Grid POINT Value "Solar (Pyramid) Apex" Crop Formation ..
 54831.13556 / 47225.26  =  1.16105524
 (Morton, 2001, Internet).

 I also need to give you the "ASM" numbers for the centered locations
 of two major pyramids on Earth .. which I think are being intentionally
 "referenced" by the intelligent entity(ies) who apparently created, and
 who *timed-and-placed*, this crop formation.

 Grid LAT "Pyramid of the Sun" ..
 19 (deg)  X  41 )min)  X  30.01050302 (sec)  North ..
 =  23378.18185  North.
 Grid LONG "Pyramid of the Sun" ..
 129 (deg)  X  58 (min)  X  37.49507915 (sec)  W.Giza ..
 =  280538.1822  W.Giza.
 [ W.Greenwich  98 deg  50 min  36.69507915 sec ].
 Grid POINT Value "Pyramid of the Sun" ..
 280538.1822 / 23378.18185  =  12
 (Munck, 1992, "The Code").

 Grid LAT "Great Pyramid of Giza" ..
 29 (deg)  X  58 (min)  X  53.09041429 (sec)  North ..
 =  89298.07684  North.
 Grid LONG "Great Pyramid of Giza" ..
 360 .. designated number for prime meridians in the "ASM".
 Grid POINT Value "Great Pyramid of Giza" ..
 89298.07684 / 360  =  248.0502134
 (Munck, 1992, "The Code").

 What I'll do now is arrange these 4 (just-referenced)
 Grid POINT Values into a_series_of equations ..

 1.16105524  X  248.0502134  =  288.

 "288" is major gematrian number, with a classical 
 (Greek) gematrian meaning of "double light". 

 288 / 12  =  24.   

 "24" is a very "geometric" number, in our conventional
 system of 360 arc-degrees on one circumference.

 (24 / 2.842446068)  =  (3.141592654 / 0.3720753202).

 There, in that equation, you have a relatively-precise
 Pi constant in direct relationship with not only the
 Jan.1, 2000 "ASM" Grid POINT Value of SOLAR APEX ..
 but_also_with a decimal harmonic of the_Grid LAT_of
 Jan.1, 2000 SOLAR APEX .. (37207.53202  North of ecliptic).

               Of JAN.1, 2000 .. to the SLOPE ANGLE of 
                 THE GREAT PYRAMID of GIZA 

 A very significant finding (Morton, 2000, Internet)
 is that "37207.53202" .. the Jan.1, 2000 Grid LAT of SOLAR APEX,
 is a perfect numerical_match_of the "ASM" form of the base slope
 angle of The Great Pyramid itself, as found by Munck (1992, "The Code").
 37207.53202  =  51 (deg)  X  51 (min)  X  14.30508728 (sec).
 According to Munck, an actual original casing stone was found
 (mostly buried) near the base of The Great Pyramid, and was then
 sent to The British Museum in London, where its angle was very
 precisely measured. The measurement revealed an angle of ..
 51 deg  51'  14.305".

 Notice .. 37207.53202  =  (Pi Cubed)  X  1200.
 Of course, "1200" is a decimal harmonic of "12" ..
 the Grid POINT Value of the "Pyramid of the Sun".

 Of course, the *apex* of a pyramid is its very tip-top ..
 at the summit of its slope angle .. from any point on
 any of its sides. Please notice, again, the design of this
 crop formation. There is a prominent "sun" or possibly
 a "solar-eclipse" depiction .. complete with solar "rays"
 emanating-out_from_the "disk" .. and the "disk" is positioned
 directly behind the "apex" of a "pyramid" !!!
 And the fact that this crop formation appeared
 on the very morning of this solstice/solar-eclipse ..
 says a lot, in terms of timing.
 Are there any "signs", mathematically, of a possible
 "Lunar" component to the "disk" depicted in the
 design of this crop formation ?  Yes.

 Notice the following equation .. involving a simple
 comparison of this crop formation's Grid LONG
 with the Jan.1, 2000 SOLAR APEX Grid LAT ...

 (37207.53202 / 54831.13556)  =  0.678584013 ..
 a decimal harmonic of the "6785.84013" mean 
 circumference of The Moon in statute miles.

 What about some reference, mathematically, to
 either the size of The Sun, or to the distance (from Earth)
 of The Sun ?  Yes.

 Notice the gematrian number "93312".
 It seems to refer to an "ideal" AU .. "Astronomical Unit".
 That would be .. 93,312,000 statute miles (ideally-speaking). 

 (9331.2 / 1.16105524)  =  8036.826916
 That figure is the Grid LONG (Morton, 1998, 2000, Internet)
 of both The Washington Monument_and_The Supreme Council
 33rd Degree Temple .. in Washington, D.C.

 8036.826916  W.Giza ..
 =  108 (deg)  X  10 (min)  X  7.441506403 (sec)  W.Giza.
 [ W.Greenwich  77 deg  02 min  6.641506403 sec ].
 Notice .. 108 (deg)  X  10 (min)  =  1080 .. the feminine, "Lunar" 
 number of the "alchemical fusion" .. (1080 + 666)  =  1746.
 (John Michell). 

 Notice that if you divide 1080 by 666 ...
 1080 / 666  =  1.62162162162 ...  repeating "162" triplets.
 That number .. 162 .. is the Bruce Cathie decimal harmonic
 for light-speed .. 162,000 nautical miles per second.

 Getting-back to the 'Grid LONG' of both The Washington Monument
 and The Supreme Council 33rd Degree Temple .. 
 I always mention the fact that the exact decimal-fractional
 number of arc-seconds .. W.Giza .. 7.441506403 ..
 is a numerical match of the Jan.1, 2000 "ASM" Grid POINT
 Value of BETELGEUSE in the Orion constellation.
 (Morton, 1999, Internet). 

 Then, having mentioned that .. I need to remind you that
 BETELGEUSE is just a "Pi" factor away from SIRIUS ..

 7.441506403 / 3.141592654  =  2.368705056 ..
 the SIRIUS Jan.1, 2000 "ASM" Grid POINT Value.
 (Morton, 1999, Internet).

 Now .. the Grid LATs and Grid POINT Values
 for The Washington Monument and The Supreme Council
 33rd Degree Temple ..

 Grid LAT Washington Monument ..
 38 (deg)  X  53 (min)  X  21.59494662 (sec)  North ..
 =  43492.22249  North.
 Grid POINT Value Washington Monument ..
 43492.22249 / 8036.826916  =  5.411616169
 (Morton, 1998, Internet).

 Grid LAT 33rd Degree Temple ..
 38 (deg)  X  54 (min)  X  58.74873477 (sec)  North ..
 =  120552.4037  North.

 Grid POINT Value 33rd Degree Temple ..
 120552.4037 / 8036.826916  =  15.

 And "15" is the number of "OSIRIS Re-membered".
 (D.Wood, "Genisis"). 

 Now ... using the Washington Monument Grid POINT Value ..
 5.411616169  X  1.16105524  =  6.28318531 .. a relatively-precise
 rendering of "2Pi" .. the number of Radians (Arc) on one circumference !!

 The POLAR circumference of Earth is 21,600 nautical miles_and_
 latitude arc-minutes .. the identical number to the arc-minutes on one
 circumference in the_360_system. 

 21600 / 1.16105524  =  18603.766 .. a numerical match of the
 Grid LONG of Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland ..
 =  34 (deg)  X  17 (min)  X  32.18644638 (sec)  W.Giza.
 [ W.Greenwich  03 deg  09 min  31.38644638 sec ].
 (Morton, 2000, Internet).

 Notice .. Rosslyn Chapel's Grid LAT .. is a decimal harmonic
 of the Washington Monument Grid POINT Value !!!
 54116.16169  North ..
 =  55 (deg)  X  51 (min)  X  19.29274927  (sec)  North.  

 And "2Pi" is the Grid POINT Value of The Church @
 Rennes-le-Chateau in South of France !! 

 And; 103680  North .. is the Grid LAT of The Church @
 Rennes-le-Chateau_AND_the Grid LAT of The White House
 in Washington, D.C.
 (Morton, 1998, Internet). 
 103680 / 1.16105524  =  89298.07684 ..
 Grid LAT of The Great Pyramid of Giza.

 37207.53202 / 47225.26  =  0.787873524 ...
 decimal harmonic of the 7.87873524 Grid POINT Value
 of The White House.
 (Morton, 1998, Internet).
 Recall .. "47225.26" is the Grid LAT of this crop formation !!

               MORE CORRELATIONS ..
                   CORRELATIONS GALORE ... 

 72 / 1.16105524  =  3.141592654  X  19.7392088
 [ 19.7392088 is REGULUS Jan.1, 2000 Grid POINT Value).

 (360 X 3.141592654)  X  1.16105524  =  1313.12254 ...
 the height in regular feet of the "projected" pyramid
 over "Miami Square" !!  (Morton, 1999, Internet).
 1313.12254  =  656.56127 X 2.

 And .. "360Pi" .. is the Grid LAT of Jan.1, 2000 REGULUS.
 (Morton, 1999, Internet).
 (360 X 3.141592654)  =  1130.973355 ..
 =  27 (min)  X  41.88790204 (sec)  North of ecliptic.

 (656.56127 / 3.141592654)  =  (180 X 1.16105524).

 Note: "656.56127" is Grid POINT Value of THE FACE
 @ Cydonia on Mars. (Munck, 1992, "The Code").

 And .. "180" (arc-degrees) is the alignment, as of the 21st of June ..
 just a few days ago, as of this writing, involving the longitudinal
 opposition of the solstice/solar-eclipse with SOLAR APEX !!


 This next segment will show the involvement of all 3 "ASM" prime 
 meridian "markers".
 That is ... The Great Pyramid, The D&M Pyramid, and the Orion belt-star

 I'll use the "7.441506403" Jan.1, 2000 Grid POINT Value of ..

 7.441506403  X  1.16105524  =  (85788.15751 / 9929.184894)  =  8.64

 "85788.15751" .. is the *Apex* Grid LAT (alternate) for
 The Great Pyramid of Giza. (Morton, 2001, Internet).
 85788.15751  North ..
 =  29 (deg)  X  58 (min)  X  51.00366083 (sec)  North.

 "9929.184894" .. is the Grid LAT of The D&M Pyramid
 @ Cydonia on Mars. (Munck, 1992, "The Code").
 9929.184894  North ..
 =  40 (deg)  X  52 (min)  X  4.773646584 (sec)  North.

 Then .. 

 (85788.15751 / 9929.184894)  X  15707.96327 ..
 =  1.16105524  X  3.141592654  X  37207.53202

 "15707.96327" .. is the Grid LAT of Jan.1, 2000 ALNITAK.
 (Morton, 1999, Internet).
 15707.96327  South of ecliptic ..
 =  25 (deg)  X  17 (min)  X  36.95991358 (sec)  South of ecliptic. 

 AND .. "15707.96327" .. is a decimal harmonic of ..
 "HALF-Pi" .. 1.570796327 ... referencing the "right-angle"
 of half-Pi Radians (Arc) .. which, again, is the arc-distance
 of SOLAR APEX_from_our Sun !!   

  -- Michael Lawrence Morton

(c) 2001 by mailto:Milamo@aol.com Michael Lawrence Morton ~ Archeocryptographer.

