Michael Lawrence Morton's

Matrix Message 196

An Assessment of "Acidalia Planitia"

 { quoting Steve Wingate } ...
 "In what may be one of the most striking examples of possible ancient 
advanced life on the surface on Mars yet discovered, the recently released 
MGS high resolution image M1500835 reveals a striking series of parallel 
features which suggests the possibility of walls, or even the ruins of a 
massive structure consisting of large rooms and hallways."  


 The following is my assessment of the probable "ASM" significance
 of this site .. based directly on Wingate's latitude and longitude for
 the approximate center of the site .. which he gave in an email to
 more than one list, around the 21st of July, 2001.
   -- M.L.Morton

 Steve Wingate's given coordinates for the center of this site on Mars ..
 latitude 54.47 deg North, and longitude 15.56 deg W.NASA.

 I strongly suggest going to the above website address, to see a
 very interesting photo of this site.

 Converting the given lat/long to deg, min, and sec ...
 LAT .. 0.47 X 60  =  28.2 min .. 0.2 X 60  =  12 sec.
 So;  North .. 54 (deg)  X  28 (min)  X  12 (sec)  =  18144, approx.

 LONG .. 0.56 X 60  =  33.6 min .. 0.6 X 60  =  36 sec.
 So .. W.NASA .. 15 deg  33 min  36 sec, approx.
 [ Mars prime meridian variance  =  09 deg  32 min  0.8 sec.
   Morton, 2000, Internet ].
 So; W.CYDONIA  =  06 (deg)  X  01 (min)  X  35.2 (sec) ..
 =  211.2, approx.  

 Looking at the "approx." indicated Grid POINT Value ..
 (18144 / 211.2)  =  85.90909091

 From my cumulative work with the Archaeo-sky Matrix ("ASM") ..
 I do recognize that 85.90909091 is very close to .. "85.94366928" ..
 a major "ASM" figure.

 Testing the 211.2 figure with my "suspected" 85.94366928 ...
 (211.2 X 85.94366928)  =  18151.30295

 Testing_that_against the 57.29577951 (deg) Radian-arc of the 360 system ..
 (18151.30295 / 57.29577951)  =  316.8

 I recognize 316.8 as a decimal harmonic of the gematrian number 3168,
 which has a classic gematrian 'meaning' of .. "Lord Jesus Christ".

 Using subtraction of indicated decimal harmonics ..
 (3168 - 2112)  =  1056  =  DOUBLE 528.

 Using addition of indicated decimal harmonics ..
 (3168 + 2112)  =  5280 .. # of regular ("British") feet in the statute mile.

 I have found that 5280 is_directly_related to an aspect of DNA/RNA
 *geometric structure* involving the double-helix. This aspect is called, 
 the (Buckminster Fuller) "DNA/RNA Un-Zip Angle" ...
 of .. 7.333333333 arc-degrees. 
 Using the total number of 'corner-angle' arc-degrees on the surfaces
 of 2 tetrahedrons ... 1440 arc-degrees ...
 (5280 / 1440)  =  3.666666667  =  (HALF of 7.333333333) ..
 =  (7920 / 2160).

 In terms of statute miles .. (7920 / 2160) is the ratio of the mean
 diameters of Earth and The Moon. 

 I think this is one indication of a likely "planned" .. and executed ..
 sizing and positioning of Earth and The Moon, relative to one another.
 I also remind you, here, of the_exact_*match* of Sun-disk and The Moon,
 during a total solar eclipse .. their "apparent", observed diameters.
 The intentional, conscious, deliberate PLANNING of such a scenario ..
 strongly implies a *conscious knowledge* of a beneficial scalar geometric
 resonance involving "life development, on Earth, as we (now) know it".

 If this situation_was_indeed "planned and executed" .. then it can be
 more readily seen that such a massive, comprehensive, and yet 
 PRECISE "ASM" .. could have been conceived and "installed" at some 
 time in the past.

             My "ASM" Figures for "Acidalia Planitia" on Mars ..
 Grid LAT .. 
 54 (deg)  X  28 (min)  X  12.00482999 (sec)  North ..
 =  18151.30295  North.
 Grid LONG ..
 06 (deg)  X  01 (min)  X  35.2 (sec)  W.CYDONIA ..
 =  211.2  W.CYDONIA.
 [ W.NASA  15 deg  33 min  36 sec ].
 Grid POINT Value .. 
 (18151.30295 / 211.2)  =  85.94366928

                     Some_Other_Direct "ASM" Correlations Involved ..

 Recently, I found the "ASM" figures for the "Yonaguni Pyramid" ..
 thanks to Raphiem .. {Raphiem@o...} .. emailing me 
 coordinates he received from a Japanese diver who has explored the site.
 I also_emphasize_here, that this same Japanese source .. according
 to Raphiem .. provided Raphiem with numerous_detailed_photos ..
 of_excellent_quality .. showing *obviously-artificial* structures at the
 Yonaguni site. And when I say "obviously-artificial" .. 
 I really_do_MEAN .. *obviously-artificial*. Some of you should have
 seen many of these photos by now, yourselves .. because Raphiem
 and I have sent them to_many_of you.
 I used the coordinates Raphiem emailed to me .. which (Raphiem said)
 are of the_center_of the "Yonaguni Pyramid". Most of you_have_that
 "ASM" assessment, and figures .. because I emailed them to you.
 Recall, please, that my Grid POINT Value for the center of "Yonaguni
 Pyramid" is .. 111.1111111 .. a decimal harmonic of the Grid POINT
 Value of the remains of "Tholus II" (Morton, 1998, Internet) just south  
 of the runways at Stewart Air Force Base in the lower Hudson River Valley
 of New York State, USA. {1.111111111}

 Also .. please recall that I recently figured-out the "ASM" figures for
 the precise location of the "ELTANIN ANTENNA" on the ocean floor
 off the coast of the tip of South America. See Bruce Cathie's description
 of this actual artifact (most-probably an antenna) in his book, 
 "The Harmonic Conquest of Space" .. on page 12.

 The Grid LAT of the "ELTANIN ANTENNA" ..
 59 (deg)  X  09 (min)  X  17.98360939  (sec)  South ..
 =  9549.296586  South.
 ( Morton, 2001, Internet).

 Most of you also have_that_assessment, as well .. 
 which I emailed to you.

 Notice ...

 (111.1111111  X  85.94366928)  =  9549.296586

 Now .. I dare anyone to tell me this is "random coincidence" ..
 or; that this is "merely an example of the 'harmonics-of-Nature itself".

 Using the Grid POINT Value of THE FACE @ Cydonia .. (Munck, 1992) ..
 (656.56127 / 85.94366928)  =  (24 / 3.141592654).
 Yes .. 3.141592654 is a precise 9-decimal-place rendering of Pi.

 Using the Grid POINT Value of THE FORTRESS @ Cydonia ..
 (Morton, 2000, Internet) ..
 (540 / 85.94366928)  =  6.283185307
 Yes .. 6.283185307 is a precise 9-decimal-place rendering of 2Pi.

 Using the Grid LAT of the center of the site at "Acidalia Planitia" ..
 (18151.30295 / 35.2)  =  515.6620156

 515.6620156 is the exact intended_length_of The Ark of ZI.U.SUD.RA.
 of 300 Royal (Egyptian) Cubits of exactly 20.62648063 regular ("British")
 inches_per_Royal Cubit. 
 (Morton, 1998, Internet).

 35.2 .. is the exact number of *fractional-decimal arc-seconds* of 
 W.CYDONIA longitude .. at the center of the site @ "Acidalia Planitia".

 35.2 is_also_a decimal harmonic of the Grid LONG of the "intrusive
 limestone boulder" still lodged in the western side of the remains of
 The Ark of ZI.U.SUD.RA. in Eastern Turkey near the Iran border.
 (Morton, 2000, Internet).
 Here is that E.GIZA Grid LONG at the_center_of that huge limestone
 boulder, that I have written-about several times_already_on The Internet ...

 352  E.Giza ..
 =  13 (deg)  X  06 (min)  X  4.512820513 (sec)  E.Giza.
 [ E.Greenwich  44 deg  14 min  5.312820513 sec ].
 Using the Grid POINT Value of  .. 72 .. that I found for
 The Ark of ZI.U.SUD.RA. .. (Morton, 2000, Internet) ..
 located amidships-centerline, between bulkheads 5 and 6,
 (as described by David Fasold, the surveyor) ..

 (72  X  515.6620156)  =  (432  X  85.94366928) ..
 =  37127.66512

 Note .. 37127.66512 is a decimal harmonic of .. 3712766.512

 3712766.512  is the generic *Volume of a TORUS* .. using the
 numerical value 57.29577951 as the "given radius" in the standard
 formula for Volume of a Torus. Please recall .. that 57.29577951 (deg)
 is the_value_of the *Radian-arc* in the 360 system.

 Formula for *Volume of a Torus* ...

 (2Pi X Pi)  X  (radius Cubed).

 Note .. (2Pi X Pi)  =  19.7392088 .. Grid POINT Value of Jan.1, 2000
 sky-location of REGULUS .. Heart of the Lion .. Leo constellation.
 (Morton, 1999, Internet).
 19.7392088  X  (57.29577951 X 57.29577951 X 57.29577951) ..
 =  3712766.512  Cubic arc-degrees.   

 Note .. the width of "Noah's Ark" .. as stated in "The Bible" in
 the "Book of Genesis" .. is .. "50 Cubits". 
 50 Royal (Egyptian) Cubits .. times 20.62648063 regular ("British")
 inches_per_Royal Cubit .. is .. 1031.324032 regular inches.

 (1031.324032  /  12)  =  85.94366928 .. regular ("British") feet.

 Where have you seen the figure "85.94366928" .. recently ?


 Please refer to Steve Wingate's webpage, showing the photo of
 this site at "Acidalia Planitia" on Mars.
 Notice the "rectilinear" shapes .. which are apparently aligned in
 a linear pattern. Can you see a kind of "ladder" pattern .. like
 the rungs and side-rails of a ladder ?

 This pattern, to me, resembles a "diagram" .. as viewed from "overhead" ..
 of DNA's double-helix *structure* .. when the "double-helix" is *un-zipped* 
 and layed-out flat. Please .. think about this, within the context of what I 
 presented in this article. 
 --  Michael Lawrence Morton

(c) 2001 by mailto:Milamo@aol.com Michael Lawrence Morton ~ Archeocryptographer.

