In a message dated 10/24/99 9:05:01 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:
<< my thought was that we are using the same system that was used by the inhabitants of Nibiru. just as we are using the same compass points that they brought with them. this makes it much easier to understand. >>
Michael Answers:
Yes .... it's undoubtedly the base-60 system of The Anunnaki. It's very "geo-metric" .... because 60 can be divided by many whole numbers into many OTHER whole numbers ... which is why they used "60" as the number of arc-minutes in an arc-degree, and as the number of arc-seconds in an arc-minute.
And .... 60 X 6 = 360.
The number "12" is .... 60 / 5 .... a pentagonal division of 60.
And "24" is ... 120 / 5 ... a pentagonal division of the "tetrahedral" number 120.
An equilateral triangle, which is a 2-D depiction of a tetrahedron, has a vertice at azimuth 120 degrees ... assuming a vertice is at true north. And "120" is a 'decimal harmonic' of the number "12" ... float the decimal point one place to the right. So ... base 60 and base 10 work really well *together*. Natural harmony.
In a message dated 10/24/99 9:05:01 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:
<< explain the division of the clock >>
Michael Answers:
In other words ... "TIME" is geometric ... like distance. So it made sense to use "circles of time" as a clockface ... a circle, so the units of measure for time would be very similar mathematically ... or ... NUMERICALLY ... to units of distance on a sphere. Then .... transposed to other geometric shapes.
- Michael L. Morton