Matrix Message 200
Recent huge "Milk Hill" crop formation ..
[ ]. I count roughly 360 "total" circles in the formation. Could 360 be the "intended" number of circles in this formation ? 360 is the "conventional" number of arc-degrees *on* a circle .. comprising one circumference. I'm seeing reports of "nearly 1000 feet" in diameter, posted recently. Could the "intended" diameter of this formation be .. 986.96044401 feet .. or .. (Pi^2) X (10^2) ? What "would be" the "circumference" of this formation .. if the diameter is intended as (Pi^2) X (10^2) ? Of course .. C = D X Pi. So .. C = [(3.141592654)^2 X (10^2)] X 3.141592654 .. = (9.869604401 X 100) X 3.141592654 .. = 3100.627668 .. = (Pi Cubed) X (10^2). (Pi Cubed) is the Jan.1, 2000 Grid POINT Value of MINTAKA .. the Orion belt-star corresponding_positionally_to The Mycerinus Pyramid of Giza .. the smallest of the 3 main Giza pyramids (see work of R.Bauval). (Morton, 2000, Internet .. "Sky Matrix"). I've recently noticed an interesting "connection" between MINTAKA and REGULUS (the Heart of Leo) .. in terms of their Jan.1, 2000 Grid POINT Values .. (Morton, 1999, Internet). The REGULUS Jan.1, 2000 Grid POINT Value is .. (Pi X 2Pi) = 19.7392088 .. so; when put into ratio with MINTAKA's Jan.1, 2000 Grid POINT Value .. (31.00627668 / 19.7392088) = 1.570796327 = Half-Pi. Half-Pi is the_number_of Radians (arc) in the *right-angle*. In a *system* using 360 arc-degrees on one circumference .. the Radian-arc is 57.29577951 arc-degrees .. because .. (360 / 2Pi) = 57.29577951 .. to 8 decimal places. So .. (1.570796327 X 57.29577951) = 90 arc-deg. ----------------------------------------- What is the ratio of my hypothetical "intended" circumference of the recent spectacular "Milk Hill" crop formation .. and .. the number 360 ? (3100.627668 / 360) = 8.612854633 Notice what happens, when I now multiply that figure by the Jan.1, 2000 Grid POINT Value of REGULUS .. (8.612854633 X 19.7392088) = 170.010936 That figure is the Jan.1, 2000 Grid POINT Value of ALNILAM .. (Morton, 1999, Internet) the Orion belt-star corresponding_positionally_to The Chephren Pyramid of Giza (R.Bauval). Now .. I will show how this sequence of relationships .. displayed mathematically .. based on my hypothetical "intended" parameters involving the recent awesome "Milk Hill" crop formation .. is_itself_directly related to both the Pi constant_and_to the Grid POINT Value of The Washington Monument (in D.C.) .. as well as to decimal (base-10) harmonics. (Morton, 1998, Internet). I'll simply pick-up where I left-off .. with the Jan.1, 2000 Grid POINT Value of ALNILAM .. the middle Orion belt-star .. (170.010936 / 3.141592654 / 10) = 5.411616169 .. Grid POINT Value of the_centered_location of The Washington Monument !! ------------------------------------------- Yes .. I know .. this is "hypothetical". But has the "diameter" of that crop formation been accurately measured ? Can we get an accurate reading of that ? Could someone in The UK measure it and email the results to me ? How about several measurements .. by a few people ? And can someone .. or a few people .. actually count the "total" number of circles in the formation ? Can I get some GPS-unit readings of the "center" .. of the formation .. from anyone who might take readings at the 'center' as best they can ? Then I could calculate probable "ASM" figures for it !! How about putting the word out that I'd like to have these measurements ? Thanks .. in advance .. (-; -- Michael L.M.(c) 2001 by Michael Lawrence Morton ~ Archeocryptographer.