Matrix Message 207
Equations that Say A Lot ..
Please .. carefully read the following "ASM" equations .. they say a whole lot. Most of all, it seems to me that they speak of unity .. a consciousness of unity that we need. Everyone on this planet. Now. This unity-consciousness_is_aware that war_itself_is something we need to reject, now, on this planet Earth. ---------------------------------------- Please look at what I found .. [2.25 * (2*Pi)] / 1.794344715 = 7.87873524 In other language ... (Milk Hill * Double-Pi) / WTC = The White House. Yes .. there it is. It's that simple. 2.25 is the Grid POINT Value of the "Milk Hill" crop formation of August 2001, in the UK .. the very spectacular one with 409 circles. (Morton, 2001, Internet). Double-Pi is the number of Radians (arc) on any circumference. [ 6.283185307 ]. 1.794344715 .. is the Grid POINT Value .. (Morton, 2001, Internet) .. of where the ribbon-cutting took place, at the dedication ceremony for The World Trade Center .. at 8:30 A.M. EST on 4th of April, 1973. I was sent the coordinates of that location .. by Jack Sirildo Contreras, on 12th of September, 2001. [ ] 7.87873524 .. is the_centered_Grid POINT Value of .. The White House, in Washington, D.C. (Morton, 1998, Internet). --------------------------------------- 1.794344715 * 1.253939659 = 2.25 In other language .. WTC * Arecibo-Reply = Milk Hill. "Arecibo-Reply" .. is the crop formation that appeared in The UK .. in August of 2001 .. in a similar format to the Sagan/Drake format of a message sent into space in 1974 .. from the Arecibo radio dish. Yes .. as you can see .. from at least one email I sent out a few weeks ago .. I figured-out its "ASM" numbers. (Morton, 2001, Internet). Within the bottom portion of the "Arecibo-Reply" crop formation .. there was/is an actual depiction of the "Chilbolton August 2000" crop formation .. which appeared in the same_field_as this "Arecibo-Reply" formation .. one year prior. Yes .. I also figured-out_that_crop formation's "ASM" numbers .. last year. (Morton, 2000, Internet). I sent an article on that .. to Paul Vigay, last year. Its Grid POINT Value was .. 1.745329252 Please notice .. (1.794344715 * 1.253939659 * 1.745329252) = 3.926990817 In other language .. (WTC * Arecibo-Reply Formation * Chilbolton 2000 August Formation) .. = decimal harmonic of WTC Grid LONG W.of Giza prime meridian. Note .. from my earlier email(s) .. that I found the WTC Grid LONG as .. 105 (deg) * 08 (min) * 46.74989068 (sec) W.Giza .. = 39269.90817 W.Giza .. = 12.5 * (10^3) * Pi. [ W.Greenwich 74 deg 00 min 45.94989068 sec ]. (Morton, 2001, Internet). Keep in mind that this longitude is for the ribbon-cutting location at the dedication ceremony for The WTC in 1973 .. 4th April @ 8:30 A.M. EST. -------------------------------------------------- Recall, if you will (at least some of you) .. that Richard C.Hoagland mentioned my work .. regarding the fact that I "have proven a direct mathematical connection between THE FACE @ Cydonia (its location) on Mars, and this_set_of (above-referenced) 'Chilbolton' (2000 and 2001) crop formations". Hoagland made this statement on the night of 23rd August, 2001, on the Art Bell "Coast-to-Coast AM" radio talk show. I did not know that RCH was going to mention my work or my name on that program. If you count the number of DAYS .. from the dedication ceremony for The WTC, to 23rd August of 2001, including leap days, you should get .. 10368. 10368 .. is a decimal harmonic of 103680 .. the Grid LAT, in the "ASM", of not only the_Church_location at Rennes-le-Chateau in the South of France .. but_also_the Grid LAT of the_center_of The White House in D.C. (Morton, 1998, Internet). Look it up .. I've posted many emails over the last few years, regarding this Grid LAT *match* between The White House and the Church @ Rennes-le- Chateau. 19 days after the 23rd August, 2001, the WTC/Pentagon tragedy struck. My daughter turned 18 on the 11th September, 2001. My mother worked, in the 1940s, in the wing of The Pentagon that was hit by the plane. I noticed that Valentine's Day of 2001 .. was/is 18603 DAYS after I was born (in Washington, D.C.) .. 11th of March, 1950. A "heart-consciousness" .. or, "heart-chakra" consciousness .. as research associate Joe Mason says .. is something we need, now, to go along with a new consciousness-of-unity .. on this planet Earth, at this time. Now. This consciousness_knows_that we need to stop waging war upon ourselves. We need to STOP repeating the old pattern of self-destruction. We need, now, to BREAK THE CHAIN of "retaliation" and "revenge". When we kill others and when we destroy .. we are killing and destroying ourselves. Valentine's Day .. is at the "36/54" node .. between December solstice and March equinox. That is .. in terms of number-of-DAYS .. 22nd Dec. to 14th Feb. is 54 days .. and 14th Feb. to 21st March .. in leap-years .. is 36 days. Yes .. OK .. 35 days in non leap-years .. so I can then say Dec.21 to Feb.14 is 55 days .. 55 + 35 = 90. Yes; OK .. fine .. I'm just saying; to me .. it symbolizes the sacred Egyptian right-triangle of 36-54-90. It is associated with Phi .. The Golden Section .. because .. Sine of 54 = Cosine of 36 = HALF of Phi = 0.809016994 = (1.618033989 / 2). This is a_universal_life-affirming symbol. Getting back to .. 18603 number-of-days, referenced above. 18603.76601 = Grid LONG W.Giza of Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland. (Morton, 2000, Internet). Also ... 18603.76601 .. is precisely HALF .. of .. 37207.53202 .. the Grid LAT of SOLAR APEX @ Jan.1, 2000 .. assuming the ecliptic as latitude reference, and assuming an ecliptic prime meridian which 'appears', from Earth, to pass through the Orion belt-star ALNITAK. (Morton, 2000, Internet). [ ]. Also .. 37207.53202 .. is the "ASM" format of the base slope angle of The Great Pyramid of Giza .. 51 (deg) * 51 (min) * 14.30508728 (sec) .. = 37207.53202 .. (Munck, 1992, "The Code", self-published). You have the Grid LONG reference to Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland .. (18603.76601) and you_also_have (referenced earlier in this email) the (2*Pi) Grid POINT Value of the Church @ Rennes-le-Chateau in the South of France .. (Morton, 1998, Internet). You have a decimal harmonic (10368) of the Grid LAT (103680) of *BOTH* the Church at Rennes-le-Chateau_and_The White House in D.C. And, as you will recall from earlier in this article .. you have the Grid POINT Value of The White House (7.87873524). (18603.76601 / 10368) = 1.794344715 ... WTC. ---------------------------------------- Please .. also recall .. at least some of you .. the precise connection between The Washington Monument and Rosslyn Chapel. Grid LAT Rosslyn Chapel = 54116.16169 N. .. which is an exact decimal harmonic of the Grid POINT Value of The Washington Monument .. 5.411616169 .. (Morton, 1998, Internet). Number of days .. from Valentine's Day of 2001 .. to September 11, 2001 .. was/is .. 209. If I subtract that figure from the alphanumeric sum of my own full name, I get .. 227 - 209 = 18 .. my daughter's age on her birthday anniversary of Sept.11, 2001. ---------------------------------- It is time for unity ... across the entire planet Earth .. not an obsolete, narrow-minded, stupid, selfish "nationalistic war dance" .. manipulated and orchestrated by the same people who orchestrated this heinous series of attacks on the 11th of September, 2001. -- Michael Lawrence Morton P.S. Please forward this email far and wide. Thank-you.(c) 2001 by Michael Lawrence Morton ~ Archeocryptographer.