Matrix Message 208
More Correlations ..
("Ideal" Fine Structure Constant) * WTC * The Pentagon .. = 0.015 .. = 0.495 / 33 ---------------------------- "Ideal" Fine Structure Constant = 72 / (Pi^2) / (10^3). (Morton, 2001, Internet). Maybe this is a universal ideal .. a theoretical ideal .. based on "pure light-speed" .. in *free-space* .. free of the gravity and mass when doing measurements on "fine structure" within the gravity field of Earth, for example. Please .. refer to my earlier emails on the "ASM" figures for the ribbon-cutting (dedication) location for The World Trade Center, and also for The Pentagon (center). (Morton, 1998, 2001). WTC Grid POINT Value = 1.794344715 The Pentagon Grid POINT Value = 1.14591559 ------------------------------------- [72 / (Pi^2) / (10^3)] * 1.794344715 * 1.14591559 = 0.015 = (0.495 / 33). Now .. please recall my "ASM" figures for the_spectacular_"Milk Hill" crop formation of August, 2001, in Wiltshire, UK .. the one with 409 circles. The Grid LONG W.Giza for that crop formation .. 111033.0495 W.Giza .. = 32 (deg) * 58 (min) * 59.82384133 (sec) W.Giza .. = 39269.90817 * 9 * (10^-1) * Pi .. = 12.5 * (10^2) * 9 * (Pi^2) .. = (Galactic Center / Solar Apex) * (10^2) * 9 * (Pi^2) .. = World Trade Center Grid LONG * 9 * (10^-1) * Pi. [ W.Greenwich "Milk Hill" crop formation longitude .. = 01 deg 50 min 59.02384133 sec ]. WTC ribbon-cutting (1973) Grid LONG .. 105 (deg) * 08 (min) * 46.74989068 (sec) W.Giza .. = 39269.90817 W.Giza .. = 12.5 * (10^3) * Pi. Keep in mind, and/or refer-back to earlier posts of mine ... that Galactic Center Jan.1, 2000 Grid POINT Value = 35.53057584, and that Solar Apex Jan.1, 2000 Grid POINT Value = 2.842446068 Their ratio is .. (35.53057584 / 2.842446068) = 12.5. ALSO .. keep in mind, and/or refer-back to earlier emails ... that .. (12.5 / Orion belt-star Composite) = HALF-Pi. The Orion belt-star Composite is .. 7.957747155 = (25 / Pi). (Morton, 2000, Internet). Half-Pi Radians (arc) is the arc-distance of Solar Apex from our Sol .. when looked-at in context of one complete Galactic rotation .. which, of course, is 2Pi Radians (arc). This perspective, of course, is relative to Galactic Center, and to Earth observation. Please refer back to earlier emails of mine .. where I show the complete calculations for the Orion belt-star Composite. Please .. save this stuff .. because I've had 2 websites wiped-out now, already .. within the last 5 months. (The folks that have been perpetrating the major cover-ups don't want people seeing my stuff, see .. because they know it has the potential to wake you up, collectively, with real proofs. And that could then lead to things like a major 'new paradigm' .. which the people "in power" can't seem to handle, because it would vastly increase the quality-of-life of the average Earth human, with little or no **capital** required). ----------------------------------------- BACK to .. 111033.0495 .. That is the "Milk Hill" crop formation Grid LONG W.Giza. Notice ... the .0495 to the right of the decimal point. (Refer to earlier in this article). Notice .. the 33 .. just to the left of the decimal point. (Refer to earlier in this article). Notice .. the 111 .. to the left of the 33. You know September 11th .. what happened on that date. How many days_from_Sept.11 to the end of the year ? 111. 111 + 33 = 144 .. referencing light-speed (Bruce Cathie's work). Also referencing the word "light" .. the 'meaning' of the number 144 in the classical gematria. 111 = alphanumeric sum of .. NINHURSAG .. the "Great Mother Goddess". She is associated with "life-giving" .. with "nourishment" .. associated with 'The Cow' (see Sitchin, also). Of course .. what is The Cow associated with .. but .. MILK .. as in ... "Milk Hill". In previous emails, I also showed how the number "495" correlates with several meaningful/related "ASM" numbers and alphanumerics. For example .. (495 - 409) = 86 = alphanumeric sum of "MILK HILL" .. = alphanumeric sum of "PYRAMID". This all fits with some recent emails/articles written by my friend and research associate, Gary Val Tenuta. ------------------------------------ Mycerinus / MINTAKA Correlation Many of you know, now, that the 3 Orion belt-stars are in *positional* correspondence with the 3 main Giza pyramids (R.Bauval, et al). Notice this direct numerical "ASM" correlation ... Mycerinus Pyramid ... Grid POINT Value = (720 * Pi). (Munck, 1992, "The Code", self-published). MINTAKA .. Jan.1, 2000 Grid POINT Value = (Pi^3). (Morton, 1999, Internet). [(720 * Pi) / (Pi^3)] = 720 / (Pi^2). AND .. that result, there, is a *decimal harmonic* of .. what I have proposed as the "Ideal" Fine Structure Constant .. 72 / (Pi^2) / (10^3). (Morton, 2001, Internet). Now .. notice, please .. reciprocal of "Ideal" FSC = 137.0778389 .. (137.0778389 / Pi) = Grid POINT Value of ALNITAK of Jan.1, 2000 .. 43.63323131 ... (Morton, 1999, Internet). And .. ALNITAK is the ecliptic prime meridian "marker" in this "ASM". --------------------------------------------- SUMERIAN "Kingship" NUMBER This is the Sumerian number of "The Enlilship" (see Sitchin) .. 50. This is the "King of Earth" .. the title number of "Lord of the Command". This is the "Commander-in-Chief" .. head of the Military/Administration. My (Morton, 1998, Internet) "ASM" Grid POINT Value for the center of ***The Pentagon*** .. is .. [Radian (deg) / 50] = 1.14591559 The only way for this equation to work, is for The Radian (arc) to have a numerical_value_according to 360 arc-degrees on one circumference .. (360 / 2Pi) = 57.29577951 (deg). The Great Pyramid contains a "King's Chamber". Grid POINT Value of The Great Pyramid .. 248.0502134 .. (Munck, 1992). Using the "50" of "Kingship on Earth" .. {248.0502134 / [720 / (Pi^2)]} * 50 = ALNILAM. Yes .. the_middle_Orion belt-star .. ALNILAM .. has a Jan.1, 2000 Grid POINT Value of .. 170.010936 .. (Morton, 1999, Internet). ----------------------------------- "Ideal" FSC = MINTAKA / [2 * ALNILAM * (Galactic Ctr. / Solar Apex)]. And .. Reciprocal of "Ideal" FSC = ALNITAK * Pi. --------------------------------------------------- -- Michael Lawrence Morton(c) 2001 by Michael Lawrence Morton ~ Archeocryptographer.