Matrix Message 210
"Face Two" @ Cydonia ..
"Face Two" @ Cydonia Mon Sep 24 14:36:15 2001 My "ASM" figures ... for "Face Two" @ Cydonia, on Mars. Special thanks for assistance .. involving laying-out a way to precisely measure a certain NASA photo of Cydonia .. to Damon Elkins .. [ dle33@s... ]. By the way .. Damon also showed me(in-person)a good-enough shot of "Face Two", so that I CAN see two eyes and a mouth on it. I would think its nose is/was there, originally, at least. Grid LAT "Face Two" .. 41(deg)* 03(min)* 43.90243902(sec) North .. = 5400 North. Grid LONG "Face Two" .. 32.89868134 (min) W.Cydonia. Grid POINT Value "Face Two" .. (5400 / 32.89868134) = 164.1403175 [Morton,2001,Internet]. Notice .. 5400 is (also) the GPV of The Great Sphinx of Giza, on Earth .. (Munck,1992,"The Code"). Also notice .. (656.56127 / 164.1403175) = 4. (where 656.56127 is GPV of "Face One" .. or .. "THE FACE" @ Cydonia on Mars. Now; we have 2 "faces" .. @ Cydonia .. decoded .. as to their "ASM" figures). "Face Two" GPV is exactly 1/4th of "Face One" GPV. [2(eyes)] + [1(mouth)] + [1(nose)] = 4. -- Michael L.M. P.S. Special regards, here, to "The Webmaster" .. "Webby" .. wherever he may be. ===========================(c) 2001 by Michael Lawrence Morton ~ Archeocryptographer.