Michael Lawrence Morton's

Matrix Message 214

Still more precise, apparently-significant correlations

 Face One * Earthface * City Square Center * Pi  =  144,000.

 Face One is "THE FACE" @ Cydonia on Mars.
 Earthface is its "mirror-image" analogue .. in Middletown, NY, USA, Earth.
 City Square Center .. is @ Cydonia on Mars .. the_center_of "City Square".
 Pi .. is the_ratio_of circumference to diameter .. of any circle.
 { C  =  Pi*D }.

 144,000 .. is a Bruce Cathie light-speed number .. closely correlated with
 the figure 162,000 .. as in nautical miles per second .. the 'free-space'
 speed-of-light .. un-bundled from any gravity/atmosphere fields of 
 relatively large rotating celestial bodies.

 144,000 .. is also the Cubic Regular-Inches Volume of the 'outside' 
 of "The Sarcophagus" within "The King's Chamber" inside The Great Pyramid
 of Giza.  (Morton, 1998, Internet).
 (90 * 38.78509449 * 41.25296125)  =  144,000.
 Those are the 'outside dimensions' in REGULAR INCHES ..
 **NOT** in so-called "Pyramid Inches".
 This also gives a *clue* as to why the most remarkable **crop formations**
 have been in ENGLAND. It is closely associated with "Kingship".
 (See works of Laurence Gardner).
 A Regular Inch is a "British" Inch.
 "Metrology" .. our principal *measuring system* .. and main units thereof.
 Handed-down to "us" by .. The Anunnaki (see works of Zecharia Sitchin).
 What is the length of the floor in "The King's Chamber" ?
 Answer:  412.5296125 regular inches .. which is ALSO .. 
 34.37746771 regular feet .. which is ALSO .. 20 Royal ("Egyptian") Cubits.
 (Morton, 1998, Internet).
 ALSO .. 34.37746771 is a decimal harmonic .. of .. 3437.746771 ..
 the Polar Radius of Planet Earth .. in .. nautical miles. 
 In "other language" ..

 656.56127 * 1.234567901 * (18*Pi) * Pi  =  144,000.

                                  GENERIC VOLUME OF A CUBE

 Standard math formula for this is .. L * W *  H.
 In fact .. because the 6 sides of a Cube are of equal length ..
 this formula can be .. L^3.

 Generic length of Cube  =  2 Radian (deg)  =  (2 * 57.29577951) ..
 where 57.29577951  =  (360 / 2*Pi). This is assuming the 360 arc-degrees
 system .. that The Anunnaki handed-down to us.

 So;  (2 * 57.29577951)^3  =  1504727.59  Cubic arc-degrees. 

 (1504727.59 / 144,000)  =  (Pi * 3.326178251).

 3.326178251  =  GPV of The ELTANIN ANTENNA.
 (Morton, 2001, Internet).

 Is this getting specifically-dramatic "enough" ..  for ANY of you ??!!!

 Recall, please .. Polar Radius of Planet Earth  =  3437.746771 naut. mi.

 [3437.746771 / (Pi * 3.326178251)]  =  ('Face Two' Grid LONG) * 10 ..
 =  (32.89868136 W.CYDONIA * 10).
 (Morton, 2001, Internet).

 'Face Two' .. is @ Cydonia on Mars.   
 32.89868136 .. is in minutes of longitude West of Cydonia "ASM" prime 
 32.89868136  =  (Pi / 3) * Pi * 10.

 Notice .. 32.89868136 * 656.56127  =  21,600.

 Recall, please ... 656.56127 is GPV of 'Face One' @ Cydonia on Mars.
 (Munck, 1992, "The Code", self-published).

 21,600 .. is Polar Circumference of Planet Earth, in nautical miles,
 and_also_in latitude arc-minutes. 

 21,600 is ALSO .. Grid LAT of Stonehenge .. near to where_most_of the
 most-remarkable crop formations have appeared.
 (Munck, 1992, "The Code").

 Well ... that's all I'm up-for, right now. 
 I hope at least one Earth human got at least a little more inspired, or 
 a little more interested, in "this stuff" .. as a result of this post.
    -- Michael L.M.
(c) 2001 by mailto:Milamo@aol.com Michael Lawrence Morton ~ Archeocryptographer.

